Paul London...Close to being Fired?


SmackDown! is MY Show
Source - PWInsider

Paul London has been telling his close friends that he was almost fired by WWE management last week after allowing the Ashley Massaro information to get out.

Apparently Ashley vouched for Paul to management and claimed he would have never intentionally leaked the confidential information about her being on survivior.

Following that, Paul London had a huge smile on his face when all the WWE talent was present during Vince's final walk to his limousine. All of the WWE talent was told to treat the situation as serious and real, while London was doing anything but.

Vince was furious at London afterwards, just adding depth to the hole of heat London finds himself in.

Now after reading this all I have to say is that Paul London better keep his mouth quite and play the role that is asked of him or he will be out the door. They guy is gifted in the ring, but he got to be able to be more kayfabe then this as he is ruining storylines and not being very professional at all. I think its fair to let him go but looks like London is on the 3 strike plan as he ahs two striks and i'm guessing one more he's gone.

But heres my question to everyone is it fair to fire London over things like this or no?
When you work for the WWE and sign that contract you become Vince's little bitch. So is all that means is he can fire you for anything. Hell, if Vince doesn't like the way someone walks he can fire you plan and simple. Plus London and Kendrick were put on notice awhile ago about certain moves they can't do and if they do them they will be shit-canned. Anyway if London ever does get canned he can go to TNA and get in the X-division where he would be flat out NASTY!
I'm starting the fire London campaign. When I watch him wrestle in WWE I die a little inside. He's capable of so much more. Fire him and get him back in ROH, and out of those shorts.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's fired. He's not part of the elite in WWE. The tag titles are worthless. I personally see him gone by the end of the year. I dont think it would change anything for Kendrick. it's not like he stands a chance of getting a decent push as it is.
I'm with Jake, personally I would love to see the guy outside of a WWE ring. The WWE banned moves list is just shit to keep the big guys from looking like the slow lumbering jackasses that they are. Paul London is capable of so much more, and being held back because a sloth doesn't want to look slow is just bullshit.
Well, London definitely has to stop pulling off this type of stuff and start respecting Vince and his wishes if he wants to stay in the WWE. Personally, I hope he stays in the WWE, because I really enjoy him and Kendrick as a tag team. They are realy exciting and fun to watch, and I wish that they had stayed on Smackdown, because on Raw they will have not time to pull off the types of matches that they participated in on Smackdown. I don't want him to leave especially because WWE is the only wrestling promotion that I actively watch or follow. So, hopefully London will stop doing this stuff, and will stay in the WWE to entertain us fans.
I didn't know that that was the reason Paul was smiling in the back. That alone would be pretty damn serious when everyone is supposed to be solemn and he was anything but.

Added that to the Ashley incident, and he really fucked up. I don't see why Vince didn't fire his ass on the spot, London is a big boy, he should be mature enough to do his damn job.

I do agree however with everyone that he has got some insane talent that he needs to use outside of WWE, and who knows, maybe he's trying to get fired so he can go do it. But still, after strike one and strike two, I can't see him being around a whole lot more.

Fire his ass.
im torn on this one to me i think that london is come in to his own in WWE i think given a year or so he could easily move to u.s/i.c division and actually be a threat i personally would like to see this, but on the otehr hand for his shear ability i would like to see him in TNA or whatever promotion that wuold let him do his 450, shooting star, etc. to anwser the questioni think he is one wrong look at vince away from being fired im just torn whether or not id like to see that
Okay. The news about Ashley's suspension was probably going to be put on here anyway so that doesn't bother me. However, the smile during the "death walk" of vince mcmahon segment, that's another story. How the hell can he be so careless as to do that? That aside, I think he's an incredible talent and I happen to like him and Kendrick as a team. It pisses me off that they're going to pretty much be the jobber team on Raw and will probably never hold tag team gold again in the WWE. Personally, I'd love it if they were thrown out and put in TNA as part of the X-Division but that's another issue. But if London wants to stay in the WWE then yeah, he better start like a fricking boy scout or they'll cut him. And if that happens, Kendrick will probably be out the door two cause what else will they do with him if London's gone?

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