Paul London to TNA ?

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Paul London realy never stood much of a chance in WWE anyway. He'll be much better off if he goes to TNA and competes in the X - Division. Right after he moved to RAW it looked like the Londrick tag team was going to get a big push. But then London had to go and screw that up by grinning ear to ear during Vince McMahons "Death Walk" He should have a bright future in TNA unless he goes and does something incredibly stupid. I could see him bieng X-division champion within 6 months. His great athleticsim should make him a natural in TNA. He's also half Spanish. TNA needs a good young spanish star to draw in spanish fans.(One could argue those stars are LAX. But i dont think that spanish people like the stereo type they portray.) If TNA would use London right and London doesnt do anything stupid , It could be a great partnership.
London is talented in the ring. He is a great highflyer and would make a great edition to the X-Division. He also has some name value(longest tag team champion)and is a bigger name than Davari was so I could see him fit into the X-Division good. Only problem with Davari's introduction into the X-Division and than possibly London will people just play the WWE "reject" card? I don't think so because London is talented and the main reason he never got anywhere is because of his backstage heat. I would like London to go to TNA just so I can see him really compete and show off his talent. The X-Division is lacking(Petey, Bashir, Lethal, Dutt, ?)and London could help it out some.
To be honest Ive never seen the big deal with Kendrick and London, fair enough I havent seen many of thier matches but thats not the point! I think signing London coould be good, hes got experience, hes from WWE though, although hes not technically a reject because he was never pushed, so I mean good and bad arguments there I geuss, I wouldnt mind seeing an underdevloped talent come to TNA but in the current storyline theres no room for new talent unless its TNA original talent. But I wouldnt be surprised if after the storyline is finished he may get signed there although I really dont know what he would bring to the table!
He's a TNA guy from the early days, he was getting a big push before he went back to WWE, he could be used as a young guy in the young versus old thing they have going on hes a perfect fit and could revitalize the X division and ultimate X matches
London didn't really fit in with the modern WWE without the cruiserweight title, so I understand why they fired him, that and back stage heat and doing a few stupid things. But I think TNA and the X division could benefit a lot from him. He could help to further some of their talent and he could help make some of the X division matches more interesting. A partnership between TNA and London could be good, so TNA get him while you can if you know what's good for you.
I am still hoping that London makes his return to ROH, but TNA would be decent second choice. London is exactly what the X Division used to be about, and it looks as though TNA is toying with the idea of re-establishing the X Division. London is still youthful and is wicked talented in the ring. He has alot to offer this business. It's just a shame that the WWE couldn't find something to do with him as a single's wrestler.
Paul London did stand a chance in the WWE, it was just there was no crusierweight division around and he done a few stupid things like the "smilling incident" with Vince McMahon. Yes London will be much better off in TNA and if he competes regulary could become a main eventer in a matter of weeks. I'd like to see him partner with AJ Styles, i think they suit eachother really well. London did screw it up for himself but so do alot of other wrestlers, its a shame that the tag team he had with Kendrick was broken up because they were doing really well together.

As the OP mentioned Paul london is half Spanish and could be used to boost the Spanish fan rate in TNA, i can't see it happening some how but i don't know. London has never really been a big draw in any wrestling promotion he has been in. So yeah, i can see him and TNA working well together.
That would be awesome if London did go to TNA and get the big push that he deserves! I could not believe it when WWE decided to release him cuz he was recently in an interview stating that he was returning to WWE very soon. So hopefully, he comes to TNA cuz he is one talented superstar!
Please note that I am making this post because Sly feels that I have something against Paul London, therefore I am writing this in order to quell such a though process.

Paul London has the look to make it in TNA. He has toned up his body from his last stint here and has his own style to go along with that. Being in WWE, especially as one half of the longest reigning tag team champions ever on the Smackdown brand. This will add to his booking power as well as his ability to command a decent amount on the indy circuit, which will help him to reestablish his grass roots.

Paul London has the skill to make it in TNA. He's not afraid of the camera and, with a little tweaking, he could easily adjust to the TNA six sided ring. This could make him look faster in the ring as well, with the rings being smaller, lengthwise, than the WWE rings that he flew across. Paul London seems to fit the mold of the other cruiserweight/X-division stars on the roster. He's young, he;s fearless, and he's not hard to deal with.

And now the part that will keep him out of TNA.

Much like his good buddy Shannon Moore, Paul London was once in TNA. After seeing the promise in this young star and being ready to become serious as a promotion, TNA put a serious contract offer on the table. Knowing that WWE had some minor interest in signing him, London took the offer from TNA and went to WWE to show then that he was a wanted commodity. This moved WWE to counter with a bigger offer, thusly screwing TNA and spitting in their face. This would leave a bad taste in anybody's mouth, and it has. Therefore, and I'm not saying it would be a cold day in hell, London and Moore's chances of getting into TNA are about equal. And that equality is pretty low when it comes after a release, which means that TNA can leave you to rot in your own self made bed. And London made his own bed. Whether or not TNA leaves him to lie in it remains to be seen, but I don't think that they will come knocking at his door any time soon.

That pretty much sums up the career of Paul London. Whether it be his over rated tenure in ROH, or the meaningless year long tag title reign of Londrick, the guy is bland and boring to watch. Sure, he does nice shiny moves, but take away all the sizzle, he's an incredibly vanilla character, with incredibly dull mic abilities. He doesn't do anything to differentiate himself from the dozens of other light heavyweights out there. Sure, people will say, puts London in da X-Division bcus he iz awsme, um no. Bashir is more interesting, hell shark boy is more interesting.
London in da X-Division bcus he iz awsme, um no. Bashir is more interesting, .

Hahaha, I said London should go to TNA and not once did I use that kind of language. Anyways, yes London is boring and vanilla, but the thing is it's TNA and aslong as you can jump around and do flips you will be over. I think London could be decent in TNA, he could be a face and get cheered just because of his name alone. The X-Division really is going down the drain so I don't think it would hurt to try and make London an interesting character.
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