They play one regular season game in the UK at Wembley. It does well for what it is. [/B]The Superbowl would sell out straight away if it came to the UK, but we don't expect it in the UK. The Superbowl (even they're called World Champions when the US are the only country that play in it), is a spectacle like Wrestlemania. Who would want to support NFL Europe when it's a lot lower product, and they can watch the main game on TV?
You do realise the US is a much bigger country than the UK? There's 300 million and whatever in the US, there's 60 million over here. There's a reason why the US is dominant in that respect, the bigger question is how did we raise it so much, whilst it was still struggling in the US if it is loved so much? The area of the UK I'm from is far from being entitled mate, you do realise all 60 million aren't having tea with the Queen right? Fucking idiot.
TNA have done so well on that front in the larger market....
You do realise there is a number of British Wrestling companies? Drew Mcintyre is champion of one. It is easy to say start a promotion and challenge WWE, but you need Turner's millions to do that. TNA have failed, ROH have failed, there are plenty of "indy" promotions that are on that level over here. The majority of fans anywhere in the world don't care about wrestlers unless they have been in WWE.
So you hide behind an actors name and call me the simpleton even though I've had a decent rebuttal for each of your points, grow the fuck up mate and get a life.