A London Wrestlemania

I don't want us to get a Mania. I appreciate that the company has its base in the US and would prefer to operate on home turf for its biggest show. Also, time differences as others have mentioned, and the possibility of spoilers. So I don't mind really. It's unrealistic to expect such a thing anyway.

However it would be nice for us to have another PPV event here that isn't Mania. They have happened before, it's just very rare.
Serious question on the subject that I can’t recall being mentioned in previous discussions about a foreign based WM. Could there be concern over the number of US fans that would travel outside the States to attend the event? With that could there be concern with the coverage they would lose in their home base of operation? While this is just an assumption I have a strong feeling very few US fans would care to make the trip.

I can see what you're saying, but there is a lot of foreign fans that make the trip to the US every year for Mania. So why shouldn't a US fan make the trip somewhere else to see it. If they don't want to spend the money then that's fine, but to deprive other countries of seeing the event up close is that really a good excuse. I'll bet a lot of those seats in Levi Stadium were fans to came a long way and put a lot of money into the US economy. Why shouldn't the US fans do the same every few years. Would it kill them?

It's been pointed out that the first letter in WWE means "World" and they do play to a global audience. Other countries also support the WWE by buying PPV's, network and merchandise. If they stopped supporting it tomorrow then the WWE might have an issue financially, and fans in these countries usually pay more than the US does for the same thing or less.

Just look at the roster, if you took the foreign born wrestlers out you'd have some holes there as well. Most of the male NXT top spots right now are held by foreign born wrestlers Balor, Itami, Owens, Zayn and Breeze. That's almost the whole main event picture in NXT gone in one swoop. I'm sure that in a few years some of them would love to main event a Wrestlemania in their home country in front of a home crowd.
@SoulBlazer - a modicum of respect by calling America, America and not Murica isn't blind patriotism, it's simple respect. Grow up and get some son.

@OhhYouDidntKnow - worldwide fans are welcomed to enjoy the WWE product, hell if the UK would get off its collective lazy ass and create its own promotion I'd want to watch that. WWE goes on tours to these countries and continents. That's fine, a Wrestlemania however is out of the question. You need to understand that, it's not about hatred for the UK. It's about keeping Wrestlemania on american soil, where it belongs.

@fouldsy91 - semantics. yawn. the N in NFL stands for National as in the USA yet and still they play regular season games in the UK. We gave you people NFL Europe and you didn't support it..probably wouldn't support Wrestlemania either if we're honest.

if the UK is as big a market for the WWE as America is then why didn't it double the Networks numbers? America is the primary market, and it won't be long before India surpasses the UK as a secondary market. Outside of the US India has the most english speaking people in the world. Facts, you entitled tea drinking brits.

And yeah Peter Sellers is a british actor, the British have amazing actors, better than ours ( but I'm a blind patriot ). The USA creates celebrities, the UK creates actors, they're far better at it than us. If that same attention were paid to its wrestling scene, they could create a rival promotion to the WWE in time.

A UK wrestling promotion could be awesome. Why am I the only one that wants British Wrestling?? Funny, the blind flag waving american patriot wants to see British wrestling grow into something that can compete on the global scale. Yeah, I totally hate the UK.

Bottom line, for a number of reasons Wrestlemania doesn't need to be in the UK, another PPV? Sure. Not Wrestlemania. Get over it. And this isn't a rant, it's a man trying to educate you simpletons.
I can see what you're saying, but there is a lot of foreign fans that make the trip to the US every year for Mania. So why shouldn't a US fan make the trip somewhere else to see it. If they don't want to spend the money then that's fine, but to deprive other countries of seeing the event up close is that really a good excuse. I'll bet a lot of those seats in Levi Stadium were fans to came a long way and put a lot of money into the US economy. Why shouldn't the US fans do the same every few years. Would it kill them?

It's been pointed out that the first letter in WWE means "World" and they do play to a global audience. Other countries also support the WWE by buying PPV's, network and merchandise. If they stopped supporting it tomorrow then the WWE might have an issue financially, and fans in these countries usually pay more than the US does for the same thing or less.

Just look at the roster, if you took the foreign born wrestlers out you'd have some holes there as well. Most of the male NXT top spots right now are held by foreign born wrestlers Balor, Itami, Owens, Zayn and Breeze. That's almost the whole main event picture in NXT gone in one swoop. I'm sure that in a few years some of them would love to main event a Wrestlemania in their home country in front of a home crowd.

So because a country (or city) has a wrestler on the roster that is from said city it makes sense for the WWE to host a PPV there?

This thread is rife with hypocrisy, I tell ya.

Wow you get the PPV's but don't want them. I have an idea, don't support them then maybe Toronto, who will support them might get a few.

And you get them because Randy Orton is from St. Louis? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds. I'm waiting to see what PPV they give to Boot Hill, and the 5th Dimension now, seeing that the Undertaker and Stardust are from there.
I can see what you're saying, but there is a lot of foreign fans that make the trip to the US every year for Mania. So why shouldn't a US fan make the trip somewhere else to see it.

I would like to clarify I am in complete favor of a foreign WM. It is a global brand that heavily relies on the support of fans outside of the United States. The Canadian and UK fans especially should be recognized with some sort of major event. It is largely for the sake of this conversation that I play devil’s advocate in an attempted to understand the reasoning behind the E’s decision to run the major shows in the States.

The argument for Americans to return the favor and travel seems logical but isn’t necessarily a reality. There is a major issue involving entitlement in this country and when something we believe to be ours evolves a bit beyond what we are used to the masses tend to turn away or completely neglect the concept. I find it hard to believe a significant amount of US fans would be willing to take the time for travel or show much interest in experiencing WM with another culture. Before jumping in with WM they should explore a B level special event and build towards a possible Rumble, Survivor Series or Summer Slam to make sure the chosen market can support a possible lack of US participation.

We also need to take into account the massive expense for hosting a WM. It is far beyond any other event of the year. The expense of essentially moving the complete operation for a weeks time is insane. Just think the travel. You have the need for bigger crews (I realize a lot is out sourced locally), management, the ENTIRE roster, legends and guests of the company.

The Canada issue baffles me more than an overseas event. On the surface it just seems logical to hold events north of the boarder. There is a rich history with past promotions, talents and fans. There must be some sort of financial or legal issues preventing such a move.
So because a country (or city) has a wrestler on the roster that is from said city it makes sense for the WWE to host a PPV there?

This thread is rife with hypocrisy, I tell ya.

No actually it isn't, I'm just echoing what you said on another thread. Didn't you say St. Louis gets PPV's because Randy Orton is from there. You gave me the idea and now I'm a hypocrite.
There are numerous places in England and the rest of the UK that could host WrestleMania, like the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, the Millennium Stadium in Wales or Hampden Park in Scotland.

Fuck London.
Gonna ask it one last time, what's stopping the UK from creating a promotion like the WWE or NJPW and hosting its own huge event?

Why hasn't it happened? Someone answer me that! Look in the got damn mirror and ask why hasn't someone stepped up and created a UK promotion on the scale of NJPW??

@SimonCowell What's this I hear about you wanting to start a UK wrestling promotion? Are these rumours true? Don't turn it into a game show.

Go get behind Simon Cowell if this is even remotely rumored to be true. An odd choice, but Simon Cowell has a mind for entertainment.

I wouldn't demand that a UKWrestlePalooza host a show in the US even if I would happily watch it. I don't covet my neighbors shit.

"Thank You Simon" *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* Finally A brit with vision!! Rally behind this you bloody Brits!!!

This weekend, Simon Cowell revealed that he’d like nothing more than to bring wrestling back to British television. You can’t blame him: professional wrestling was once a huge part of British culture, and the fact that it has fallen by the wayside is a cause for despair.

For some people, Britishness is a gentle stroll through a springtime meadow. For others it’s the endless nocturnal swirl of city life. Not for me, though. For me – and, we can assume, for Simon Cowell – to be British is to spend your Saturday afternoons sitting on a tatty sofa in a house that smells of chip fat, watching two fat blokes repeatedly bump tummies in their pants for money.

It's Simon Cowell, you people need to get behind this.

Edit -- nevermind it seems to be some sort of half-assed farce of an idea where celebrities wrestle eachother. smh. Great job UK. Not surprised, anytime the Brits come over here all they seem to like to do is mock the WWE.
Gonna ask it one last time, what's stopping the UK from creating a promotion like the WWE or NJPW and hosting its own huge event?

Why hasn't it happened? Someone answer me that! Look in the got damn mirror and ask why hasn't someone stepped up and created a UK promotion on the scale of NJPW??

For one thing; money. You think anybody can produce a show like Wrestle Kingdom or Wrestlemania? Those shows cost in excess of hundreds of thousands of dollars just to promote, never mind to actually put on. NJPW's first ever Tokyo Dome show was in 1992 and it was put on in collaboration with WCW; one of the biggest wrestling promotions in the world at the time. Without them, the Tokyo Dome show, NJPW's main source of revenue, probably would never have gotten off the ground. WWE has obviously always had a revenue stream, so putting on Wrestlemania is second nature to them.

These smaller corporations can't put on these giant shows because they don't have a fanbase. Where's there fanbase? Watching WWE, which has been catering to them for years now. The UK can create all the promotions they want, it means nothing without a financial income. The WWE has basically saturated the English-speaking market.
^You gotta start somewhere. You have to build it, that's what we did in the United States, we built the fanbase to the point where we can have Wrestlemanias.

The english speaking market is not saturated by the WWE to the point where a second primarily UK based promotion can't arise.

TNA is hanging on, GFW is doing it. The WWE tours europe once or twice a year, you're telling me someone else can't step up and fill that void the other 48 weeks?

WCW existed alongside the WWE in the United States and did it successfully. WWE has never been more popular than when it had competition.

Nobody in the UK wants do the hard work to get a promotion off the ground, that's the bottom line. You got these 200 year old soccer clubs that are worth 2 billion dollars but nobody in the UK has the money to create a wrestling promotion?

No - nobody in the UK has the want, drive and will to create it. There's 7 billion people in the world, yet the WWE Network only has 1.3 million subscribers and you're telling me the market is saturated. 450 Million people in the world speak english but the WWE has saturated the english-speaking world? Bullshit.
I would like to clarify I am in complete favor of a foreign WM. It is a global brand that heavily relies on the support of fans outside of the United States. The Canadian and UK fans especially should be recognized with some sort of major event. It is largely for the sake of this conversation that I play devil’s advocate in an attempted to understand the reasoning behind the E’s decision to run the major shows in the States.

The argument for Americans to return the favor and travel seems logical but isn’t necessarily a reality. There is a major issue involving entitlement in this country and when something we believe to be ours evolves a bit beyond what we are used to the masses tend to turn away or completely neglect the concept. I find it hard to believe a significant amount of US fans would be willing to take the time for travel or show much interest in experiencing WM with another culture. Before jumping in with WM they should explore a B level special event and build towards a possible Rumble, Survivor Series or Summer Slam to make sure the chosen market can support a possible lack of US participation.

We also need to take into account the massive expense for hosting a WM. It is far beyond any other event of the year. The expense of essentially moving the complete operation for a weeks time is insane. Just think the travel. You have the need for bigger crews (I realize a lot is out sourced locally), management, the ENTIRE roster, legends and guests of the company.

The Canada issue baffles me more than an overseas event. On the surface it just seems logical to hold events north of the boarder. There is a rich history with past promotions, talents and fans. There must be some sort of financial or legal issues preventing such a move.

You got a really good point about how expensive it'd be for the WWE to even travel to London, not to mention some place even farther (such as Melbourne, for example) in terms of transporting their equipment and everything else which would be used for a Wrestlemania event plus the Raw the night after said Wrestlemania. But whenever the WWE decides that going to another country to host Wrestlemania or even say, the Survivor Series is worth it, we'll see how that goes. I personally think it'd do really good as long as promotion, plus everything else is taken into account. Also, you've got a point about how most Americans wouldn't wanna travel to another country offhand to see the Survivor Series or Wrestlemania. It'd be something that the WWE would have to promote and coerce most fans into, maybe with discount tickets for a limited time, for instance? That could be a way to entice some fans to travel overseas to attend a the Survivor Series/Wrestlemania in London.

Oh, and Peter, just give up on trying and failing to force me to call Murica "America". I like the citizens of America for the most part, I just see through all the political bullshit that this country was built upon, which still blatantly goes on to this day and that's what I never respected..Live with it and move on.
semantics. yawn. the N in NFL stands for National as in the USA yet and still they play regular season games in the UK. We gave you people NFL Europe and you didn't support it..probably wouldn't support Wrestlemania either if we're honest.

They play one regular season game in the UK at Wembley. It does well for what it is. The Superbowl would sell out straight away if it came to the UK, but we don't expect it in the UK. The Superbowl (even they're called World Champions when the US are the only country that play in it), is a spectacle like Wrestlemania. Who would want to support NFL Europe when it's a lot lower product, and they can watch the main game on TV?

if the UK is as big a market for the WWE as America is then why didn't it double the Networks numbers? America is the primary market, and it won't be long before India surpasses the UK as a secondary market. Outside of the US India has the most english speaking people in the world. Facts, you entitled tea drinking brits.

You do realise the US is a much bigger country than the UK? There's 300 million and whatever in the US, there's 60 million over here. There's a reason why the US is dominant in that respect, the bigger question is how did we raise it so much, whilst it was still struggling in the US if it is loved so much? The area of the UK I'm from is far from being entitled mate, you do realise all 60 million aren't having tea with the Queen right? Fucking idiot.

And yeah Peter Sellers is a british actor, the British have amazing actors, better than ours ( but I'm a blind patriot ). The USA creates celebrities, the UK creates actors, they're far better at it than us. If that same attention were paid to its wrestling scene, they could create a rival promotion to the WWE in time.

TNA have done so well on that front in the larger market....

A UK wrestling promotion could be awesome. Why am I the only one that wants British Wrestling?? Funny, the blind flag waving american patriot wants to see British wrestling grow into something that can compete on the global scale. Yeah, I totally hate the UK.

You do realise there is a number of British Wrestling companies? Drew Mcintyre is champion of one. It is easy to say start a promotion and challenge WWE, but you need Turner's millions to do that. TNA have failed, ROH have failed, there are plenty of "indy" promotions that are on that level over here. The majority of fans anywhere in the world don't care about wrestlers unless they have been in WWE.

Bottom line, for a number of reasons Wrestlemania doesn't need to be in the UK, another PPV? Sure. Not Wrestlemania. Get over it. And this isn't a rant, it's a man trying to educate you simpletons.

So you hide behind an actors name and call me the simpleton even though I've had a decent rebuttal for each of your points, grow the fuck up mate and get a life.
They play one regular season game in the UK at Wembley. It does well for what it is. [/B]The Superbowl would sell out straight away if it came to the UK, but we don't expect it in the UK. The Superbowl (even they're called World Champions when the US are the only country that play in it), is a spectacle like Wrestlemania. Who would want to support NFL Europe when it's a lot lower product, and they can watch the main game on TV?

You do realise the US is a much bigger country than the UK? There's 300 million and whatever in the US, there's 60 million over here. There's a reason why the US is dominant in that respect, the bigger question is how did we raise it so much, whilst it was still struggling in the US if it is loved so much? The area of the UK I'm from is far from being entitled mate, you do realise all 60 million aren't having tea with the Queen right? Fucking idiot.

TNA have done so well on that front in the larger market....

You do realise there is a number of British Wrestling companies? Drew Mcintyre is champion of one. It is easy to say start a promotion and challenge WWE, but you need Turner's millions to do that. TNA have failed, ROH have failed, there are plenty of "indy" promotions that are on that level over here. The majority of fans anywhere in the world don't care about wrestlers unless they have been in WWE.

So you hide behind an actors name and call me the simpleton even though I've had a decent rebuttal for each of your points, grow the fuck up mate and get a life.

You missed the point of that argument, remember it was "english" premier league and I simply pointed out to you that an american league plays regular season games in London, where as Americans don't complain about having regular season EPL games in America. Oh, And when you only have 8 regular season home games it isn't "just one game". Also, don't expect Wrestlemania either.

2, Exactly, keeping Wrestlemania in the US is the greater good. Its a larger fanbase and it is the home to the corporate headquarters of WWE. Just makes good business sense to keep Wrestlemania in America.

3. There's plenty of money in europe to create a wrestling promotion, over time, on a respectable level. It's just unfortunate nobody has the vision to do so. Plenty of talent, plenty of independent promotions as you say. So why hasn't it been done. Its your problem not mine. I'm not standing in the UK's way of doing it. I seem to be the only person that wants to see it happen.

4. Also I'm not hiding behind an actors name, I'm having a debate, if you want to fight me..well..I'm sorry I can't accommodate that, logistically, traveling to wherever you are to beat you up just isn't worth my time and money. So I guess I'll continue to "hide" whatever that means. You're probably a 5'8 vanilla midget too anyway.

I'm finished with you envious self-important, entitled, whiny, freeloading brits. Have a nice life.
more than happy to moderator, it's just some people mistake my patriotism for UK hatred, which couldn't be further from the truth. I just believe Wrestlemania needs to stay in the states.

I'm done with this topic anyway. lol they had one PPV in the UK and they seem to think they've put as much money into the WWE as Americans have its absurd. It's like they don't understand math. And Navi thinks Toronto is a 10 hour time difference. It's all very hilarious.
You missed the point of that argument, remember it was "english" premier league and I simply pointed out to you that an american league plays regular season games in London, where as Americans don't complain about having regular season EPL games in America. Oh, And when you only have 8 regular season home games it isn't "just one game". Also, don't expect Wrestlemania either.

I never missed your point, the demand business wise for an American Football game in the UK is there, but it is still primarily an American sport. I wouldn't mind an English game played abroad, but if the business isn't there, there's no point. People travel from all over the world to watch Wrestlemania, and it wouldn't change if it was in London.

2, Exactly, keeping Wrestlemania in the US is the greater good. Its a larger fanbase and it is the home to the corporate headquarters of WWE. Just makes good business sense to keep Wrestlemania in America.

As I have stated, this would matter if Wrestlemania wasn't a world wide event, but it is. People of all different countries attend it, I know a lot of people in Europe that would go if they could afford to go to America for it.

3. There's plenty of money in europe to create a wrestling promotion, over time, on a respectable level. It's just unfortunate nobody has the vision to do so. Plenty of talent, plenty of independent promotions as you say. So why hasn't it been done. Its your problem not mine. I'm not standing in the UK's way of doing it. I seem to be the only person that wants to see it happen.

I want to see it happen, but it's not going too. WWE is a monopoly in English speaking countries, nobody cares about wrestlers that aren't in the WWE/have been in the past.

4. Also I'm not hiding behind an actors name, I'm having a debate, if you want to fight me..well..I'm sorry I can't accommodate that, logistically, traveling to wherever you are to beat you up just isn't worth my time and money. So I guess I'll continue to "hide" whatever that means. You're probably a 5'8 vanilla midget too anyway.

No I don't want to fight you as I have a life, you started with the insults of anything British before I even started in this conversation, and I have not insulted Americans as you can get people with your shitty attitude from any country, instead of stereotyping people. You call me a 5 ft 8 vanilla midget lol, I use my real nickname on this forum, at least I have the balls to do that you fucking freak.

I'm finished with you envious self-important, entitled, whiny, freeloading brits. Have a nice life.

Aye fuck off
^real nickname? lol is that an oxymoron? lol Congratulations you're the only person on this forum to use their real nickname. Atta boy. lmao fouldsy91, I mean what the fuck use is that to anyone but you. My real nickname is "Bod", so...there, I grew a sack and put my real nickname on the forum.

And you know what, Wrestlemania would still be a success even without the international crowd. I'll go on record and say that now. It's great to see the flags of the world but it doesn't make or break the event. WWE has 12 events a year, the only reason they have a Wrestlemania is because american crowds go to the other 11 ppvs, because american crowds go to the 50 RAWs and Smackdowns a year. Because american crowds go to house shows every week. Because of american advertising dollars.

And for the last time WWE doesn't have a monopoly it doesn't even have a monopoly in America. If Ted Turner wanted to get back in the wrestling business and compete with the WWE he could do it in a heartbeat and the fans would welcome it. So I know, I know, that if a big monied man in the UK wanted to start a wrestling promotion he could do so. No one, to this point, has stepped up. It's as simple as that. Put some skin in the game, take a risk. That's what the territories here did, some lost, there was one winner but along the way we built a phenomenal industry. There's nothing to stop the UK from doing the same.

The WWE owes maybe 15% of its success to the non-american markets. Gosh, there you guys go again with the "we are awesome" chants. You're not awesome, you're obnoxious.
^real nickname? lol is that an oxymoron? lol Congratulations you're the only person on this forum to use their real nickname. Atta boy. lmao fouldsy91, I mean what the fuck use is that to anyone but you.

It's my nickname in real life mate, since my last name is Foulds, so if people want to talk to me on facebook, follow me on twitter etc they can, I'd rather be myself than hide behind a dodgy actors name...

And you know what, Wrestlemania would still be a success even without the international crowd. I'll go on record and say that now. It's great to see the flags of the world but it doesn't make or break the event. WWE has 12 events a year, the only reason they have a Wrestlemania is because american crowds go to the other 11 ppvs, because american crowds go to the 50 RAWs and Smackdowns a year. Because american crowds go to house shows every week. Because of american advertising dollars.

And the countries who get them every so often don't? Not every city does well in America, and it always sells out over here. The UK and every other country that has a TV, network and PPV deal with WWE contribute alot too by the way.

And for the last time WWE doesn't have a monopoly it doesn't even have a monopoly in America. If Ted Turner wanted to get back in the wrestling business and compete with the WWE he could do it in a heartbeat and the fans would welcome it. So I know, I know, that if a big monied man in the UK wanted to start a wrestling promotion he could do so. No one, to this point, has stepped up. It's as simple as that. Put some skin in the game, take a risk. That's what the territories here did, some lost, there was one winner but along the way we built a phenomenal industry. There's nothing to stop the UK from doing the same.

There's also nothing to stop people from any country including America to do the same? WWE has the talent, people view wrestling as basically untouchable on a worldwide scale.

The WWE owes maybe 15% of its success to the non-american markets. Gosh, there you guys go again with the "we are awesome" chants. You're not awesome, you're obnoxious.

And there you again making another attack at foreigners, even though you've been warned. haha
How would anyone ever know your real nickname is foulds without you telling them. If someone wants my social media accounts they can just ask. I don't see how putting any of that on here is somehow, ballsy. And again, how would anyone ever know your "real nickname" is foulds.

I also didn't attack any foreigners, I just called the we are awesome chants obnoxious -- which they are, and coincidentally come around every time there's a Wrestlemania -- the success of which you credit much to the foreign crowd. So, you see I'm attacking the chant, not the chanters. Nice try.

And for the last time you can't compare the money the USA generates for WWE with non-american markets. Apples and Oranges foulds. WWE is a touring company and it tours 99% of the time in America. You don't take Wrestlemania away from a loyal customer base like that. And having to get up at 8, 10, and 12 to watch Wrestlemania is doing that. the hardcores will watch sure but the casual market, when there's no subscription required won't.

edit -- you haven't tweeted since 2010. You practically are hiding lol.
How would anyone ever know your real nickname is foulds without you telling them. If someone wants my social media accounts they can just ask. I don't see how putting any of that on here is somehow, ballsy. And again, how would anyone ever know your "real nickname" is foulds.

Because it's easy to insult people when you hide behind another identity you fucking moron, my last name is Foulds, my nickname is Fouldsy, moron.

I also didn't attack any foreigners, I just called the we are awesome chants obnoxious -- which they are, and coincidentally come around every time there's a Wrestlemania -- the success of which you credit much to the foreign crowd. So, you see I'm attacking the chant, not the chanters. Nice try.

Which is also attacking the chanters....

And for the last time you can't compare the money the USA generates for WWE with non-american markets. Apples and Oranges foulds. WWE is a touring company and it tours 99% of the time in America. You don't take Wrestlemania away from a loyal customer base like that. And having to get up at 8, 10, and 12 to watch Wrestlemania is doing that. the hardcores will watch sure but the casual market, when there's no subscription required won't.

UK have to stay up till one in the morning to watch WWE, so I don't see how that's a point. I would much rather watch during the afternoon, it would most likely be held at 19.00 which is 14.00 over America, not that much really.

edit -- you haven't tweeted since 2010. You practically are hiding lol.

My old twitter sighhh, can't believe you're stalking me though since you apparently don't care hahahaa, make sure you don't *********e over my teenage photos too much ;)
How about safety? We can can semi control this at home. Not so much elsewhere.

I'm sure that any big event held in London would be safe. They just had the Olympics there a couple of years ago, and came through with flying colours. There is no reason to think that anyone participating in or attending Wrestlemania would be unsafe on British soil. They have had terrorist attacks there but so have the US. No where is really safe, but sadly London has the experience to deal with it.

Is there a real debate here or is everyone just playing "feed the troll" at this point?

There is a debate, but sometimes it's better to just ignore some and let them ramble on.

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