London Brawling...


JC CooL 420
What the hell happened to them before No Surrender? All they said was personal problems, but that doesn't explain why theymve been written out...

It's rumored that the Guns will face the newly heel GenMe at BFG in an Ultimate X match, so where does that leave London Brawling? They seemed like they were about to receive a nice push and now it doesn't look like they have any plans for them at all...

Yeah this sucks it really does. I was beginning to get interested in the pair but after checking out some things it really does seem as if Tna doesn't have any plans for the duo. So who knows maybe well see more of London Brawling after BFG since Tna just turned Gen.Me heel. It sucks for Wolfe if he went to WWE he probably would of been part of The Nexus.
I was really excited about their match also. But I think TNA took a negitive and made a positive out of the whole thing. GenMe and MCMG could have just had another one off match but now we are getting some kind of story out of the whole thing. I'm sure the two teams will fued for the next few months will MCMG keeping the titles then they can move on to fued with LB or someone from Fortune. But I think what ever match MCMG are in at BFG it will be good.
As much as I'm stoked about an Ultimate X match between the Guns and Generation Me/The Young Bucks, it does tick me off about London Brawling mostly because I was hoping this could be the start of something for Desmond Wolfe/Nigel McGuinness because I feel he is in need of a push and that he deserves more than what TNA has been given him. He proved he could keep up with Kurt Angle who is one of the best if not the best in the world. I loved his work in ROH and he was the only guy that held the belt as long as Samoa Joe or at least close to it. I feel that he can really deliver and TNA is not doing a thing with him.
Talk about a momentum killer, if that is what London Brawling had.
First, they had a few matches on Xplosion. Then they are the number one contenders. Aside from a good back and forth promo between the two teams before the PPV, there was minimal build up to what could have been a great match. And then London Brawling no-show the PPV for personal reasons.
The "personal reasons" are serious enough for them to not only no longer be #1 contenders, but to lose any momentum they had by falling into the shadows as Gen Me are made into genuine heels.
My thoughts are that when London Brawling return, if they do return as a team, they a) need to justify the "personal reasons" in a way that will instantly give them momentum again, e.g. explain the absence as justifiable and not just storyline and b) take out both Gen Me and MCMG if they are to return to the top contenders spot.
I think this programme with MCMG and Gen Me may continue for a few months - Gen Me have new momentum as a heel team, and a fresh storyline can go on for a while. Where London Brawling fit into that is anyone's guess.
There is an early rumor that Desmond Wolfe and Magnus being pulled from No Surrender had something to do with the Drug/Medical Testing. The thought is that either or both had a problem that TNA felt they needed to keep them from the ring for. There was also a rumor that Magnus was being punished for a DUI but there is nothing to back that up.

As you can see, the roles of Magnus/Wolfe went to Generation Me. I understand they are going by the same plan just with different wrestlers.
an interesting angle would be for LB to attack both teams after BFG, and totally beat both teams down, makes them look stronger, and like they dont give a shit about anyone, except themselves. I personally would prefer seeing london brawling as the alpha heel team compared to GenMe.

I'm kinda curious as to how this will turn out
It definitely is too bad because I was digging the london brawling team but sometimes the business side has to trump talent. If the plan is ultimate x then I have to wonder how good of an idea that is. Gen me and MCMG just had an ultimate x match at destination x in late march.
I really liked London Brawling and it sucks that they had to be replaced by Gen Me. As for why they have been replaced I read a report and it said that were taking off from the match at No Surrender was Wolfe was not medically cleared to wrestle. This is what is being reported but that doesn't mean that its right. As for Gen Me replacing I think they are good and hopefully this hell turn works. If they do face MCMG in an Ultimate X match I would still be interested in that match even though it happened at Destination X back in March.
Honestly, I think it made a lot of sense to go with GenMe rather than London Brawling. Even though GenMe haven't exactly been what you might call regular fixtures on iMPACT!, they've still had a lot more exposure as a team than LB. I've never seen LB have a match, they've only wrestled as a team on Xplosion and it doesn't air in the states on the tube so I can't exactly say that I was all that excited about LB.

I like Desmond Wolfe, I'm glad to see that he at least appears to becoming at least somewhat relevant in TNA once again. I'm not sold on Brutus Magnus yet but the promo with the Guns and LB last Thursday didn't really impress me all that much. It came across like a bunch of high school freshmen talking smack with lame and cliche` gay and pecker jokes. However, I'm interested in seeing what LB can ultimately do as a team in the ring and I'm not going to base my overall like or dislike based on a single promo.
Ugh, if Wolfe wasn't medically cleared then that sucks.

Desmond Wolfe is not in the WWE because he didn't pass there physical. When I first heard this I was like "what is he going to be able to do in TNA then?" But TNA acquired him and he's been fine for a year, till now. I mean if WWE couldn't sign him b/c of medical issues, that raises a big red flag for me, and now this?

When I first started reading this thread, I got the idea may be with something big happening at BFG, TNA reconsidered and decided to end London Brawling and may be have Wolfe join that stable or get him involved some how. This is a guy who was #1 contender not to long ago(remember all the voting.)

Eh, all in all this is a big let down b/c Wolfe seems to have good potential.
I recently said that LB were the best thing about TNA at the moment and I haven't changed my mind so I'm really annoyed about them not getting the title shot. But the match was one hell of a match between Gen Me and MCMG and the ending really surprised me. I'm looking forward to see what happens when LB return because Gen Me are now heels.
I'm a huge fan of London Brawling and they are quickly becoming my favorite team. I am digging Magnus' new attitude and loving the promos they are pulling off. I can
t help but chuckle everytime Magnus spouts out "The Mag Daddy & The Des." Gets me everytime. They are also very fluid for a team that was randomly thrown together. I'm hoping they do something with them and not waste this. I liked what Maestro said about LB attacking Gen Me & The Guns at Bound for Glory and if they do the Ultimate X it would be awesome to see the teams go at it and pull of a hell of a match only to have London Brawling hit the ring, hit finishers on everyone them grab a ladder and get the belts thus screwing the teams and pissing off the fans that "they didn't scale the wires" to get hte belts but did it the easy and heelish way.

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