X-Division at BFG

Cereal Killer

Boy Better Know
The X-division is something unique TNA has come up with since their formation but what the hell are they doing with it now?:confused: The biggest PPV of the year (in TNA) is coming up and there has been nothing on the X-division.:wtf:

What do you think they are going to do with them at BFG?
Instead of making them talk for the build-up, do you think that maybe they just want to have a huge ultimate X or something between them at BFG?--So no talk just walk?

If you look through some of the threads you'll see that I have said something simliar in respsonse to BFG. man they need to revamp that X division. I'd love to see Petey William or Elix Skipper back. theres plenty of forgotten high flyers to choose from.
Last year or the year before, if I remember correctly, the X-division guys were not even featured in Destination-x, something that is supposed to be about the X division.. So I'm not too shocked about it; its sad, yeah, but they seem to think (still) that the Heavyweight division is the only draw. It is the case in WWE, but in TNA things are different; people actually want the light weight guys to go out there and do their stuff. Some people (TNA management) never learn.
I basically look for TNA to go the same route for the X Division's role at BFG as they did for the last ppv, which is to just tack on an X Division match at the last minute as little more than time filler. I expect the match will be a threeway or fourway match that'll be on the card just for the purpose of filling some air time. I expect that the match will get little to no hype and will probably only be announced on the last episode of IW before the BFG ppv.

Without Austin Aries, the X Division has gone back to the irrelevance that's defined its existence for several years just as many feared it would. As of right now, there's nobody in the X Division that's particularly interesting and TNA doesn't seem to be doing anything to build anyone. Zema Ion is pretty much just doing what other X Division champs have done, with the exception of Aries, for years now: carry the title without much of anything be done with him, the title or the X Division as a whole.
Best they can do for the X Division at this years Bound For Glory is Kenny King vs. Zema Ion. It wouldn't be the best ever, but its better then nothing. I don't think we have seen enough of Kenny King in TNA for this to even matter anyways.

Sorrenson would be my choice, given the history of the two. But, I believe he wont be near clear enough to compete.
I think TNA was planning a match between Jesse Sorenson and Zema Ion for the X-Division title at Bound For Glory. But it's not happening anymore since Sorenson is not coming back.

The best match at the moment for X-Division Title at Bound for Glory would be between Kid Kash, Doug Williams and Sonjay Dutt preferably in a ladder match. Doug Williams is the most talented and experienced X-Division wrestler at the moment.

More then that, in the future TNA should try to get in some ROH talent to boost their X-Division. Even Styles, Daniels, Joe, Aries, Amazing Red, Homicide, Magnus and Williams were taken from ROH and they made good success in TNA.

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