WrestleMania 28 to be held in London, England?

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For some reason, I thought Wrestlemania 28 was going to be in Toronto... Oh well, guess not.

Anyway... a London based Wrestlemania... Hmmm... Not a terrible idea. It would be I believe the first Wrestlemania to cross the Atlantic, right? HUGE problem here. The CORE of WWE's viewers would bitch about the time difference. I for one, would stay up, but parent's kiddies won't be able to. I'm trying to think time difference here... I'm in NY, so Wrestlemania airs here at 7pm most times. So, if Wrestlemania was live (it's the only way WWE would let their PPV's get out there) it would BEGIN airing at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. Not a huge problem for the west coast, but for the East, where Stanford, CT is located mind you, a huge portion of your audience would not be able to stay up and watch the event. So, time difference change is too much of an obstacle here and too much of a gamble with PPV buys. Yes, spoilers would PPV buys. Some people can barely stay away from spoilers. Spoilers involving Wrestlemania are damn near impossible to stay away from.
Even though this would be a great thing, I couldn't see it happening. America has the biggest amount of fans and the time difference would fuck it up, America after being used to watching a ppv at a certain time wouldn't like having to watch it at some ungodly hour of the morning.

It would be good for both the WWE and London, the Tourism benefits that WrestleMania would bring in would be huge, and the buy rate for Wrestlemania would be huge, but I just couldn't see it happening. Not Wrestlemania, maybe a normal PPV but not the grand daddy of them all.

The part I bolded is invalidated by your first paragraph. The vast majority of the WWE's buy rate comes from the United States, and the buy rate there would be MUCH smaller than normal, due to the time zone differences you stated...except for the part about some ungodly hour of the morning. WTF was that all about? London is 5 hours ahead of the Eastern Time Zone in the US, so it would be much earlier in the day, not later. But yeah, like you said, maybe just maybe they'll someday get a normal PPV, but even that's unlikely. They should be happy with the couple times a year they get Raw.

It would easily sell out and be a huge success. Its alot closer to all those countries and they would totally jump on it. Hell, WWE brags all the time how over 60,000+ people from 30+ countrys are here tonight every wrestlemania. I dont see any reason why they shouldnt do it. And for the people bitching about the time difference, why not have the PPV saturday in the UK, and show it to us on sunday?

Now you say "Buh buh the internet will spoil it for us". I say: "Would it fucking kill you to not go on the internet for a whole fucking day to avoid spoilers?". God, how hard is it to simply not go on the internet and order the PPV?
Wrestlemania would still have crazy PPV buyrates in NA despite what you hardcore fans may think.

Also, if WWE was smart enough they could edit their website with the results sunday night as to avoid spoilers for potential PPV buyers. Honestly, you hardcore fanboys are not the brightest people.

What are you, the dumbest person alive? No shit people can avoid the spoilers if they want to. The problem isn't people unwittingly being spoiled by the internet, it's the people that are going to realize it's a lot cheaper to read the results for free than buy the PPV and do that instead. WILLINGLY. Are you serious?? That was one of the dumbest things I've ever read in my life. You don't get it AT ALL, do you??

And why would they have it on Saturday to air it on Sunday here when they could just have it on Sunday there and air it here 5 hours later?? Do you even realize UK time is AHEAD of the US??

And do you really think the WWE needs to worry about being "smart enough" to not put the results up before Sunday night?? WTF??? They do it every week with Smackdown, plus anytime Raw is taped! Hello???

Look, I'll explain this to you real simple since you're clearly not getting the point. YOU ARE WRONG. It makes NO sense to have Wrestlemania in London, because a LOT less people would buy it. That's proven by the fact that Raw ratings are always noticably lower when it's overseas and taped in advance(even if just by a few hours), and that's FREE. Now, that effect would be increased dramatically if you factored in people actually saving money by simply going online and reading the results. Wrestlemania is the one show a year where the WWE does everything they can to get as many people as humanly possible to buy it. Why the HELL would they do something that's GUARANTEED to reduce their buys??? That makes no sense!
Well if it is true that WWE want to come over to britain, if they dont want to risk the british weather by having it at wembley stadium, why not hold it at the millenium stadium in cardiff? 74,500 seats, yet if you include floor seating aswell, 90,000 easily would get into the stadium for it. The stadium could have its roof on which removes the wether concerns. There is finally a WM in europe where its not to far for anybody within the continent to fly to, so 90,000 seats would sell out easily. The simple fact that it is the biggest wrestling event of the year will get fans wanting to buy a ticket, whereas with the house shows in (as mentioned earlier) Sheffield arena, they dont sell out because there is no real chance of seeing "THE" match of the year, because it is not a televised event, WM would sell out for sure
With be being from New Zealand, the whole timedateline shit or whatever would benefit me, having to order the live pay-per-view at fucking 5am in the morning (not for the gay ppvs like Fatal 4-Way and shit like that). Atleast if Mania was hosted by pommyland I could see it at around 10pm rather than fuckin 5am. (New Zealand only gets the fucking House Shows...)
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