Which Cities Would You Like To See Host Wrestlemania?

29 better be in Toronto. Miami fucked us over for 28. Canada deserves another! Though Vancouver could be interesting for Mania. Hell, they held the Olympics.
Gary, Indiana- At the Genesis Convention Center, home of the IBA's Gary Splash. The city is full of history and was at one time home to The Jackson Family, Tom Harmon, Glenn Robinson, LaTroy Hawkins, Alex Karras, Tank Johnson, and Freddie Gibbs. With 6,500 strong in attendance, the Genesis Convention Center would be going wild.
Cleveland...I wish. Cleveland will never happen, of course. Considering the fact that we live in one of the snowiest/rainiest/shittyweatheriest cities in the northeast, they decided to build a football stadium without a dome. Fucking morons. Also there's not a lot of hotel space which is why you'll never see anything important ever happen in Cleveland, even if it happens indoors. For example, Cleveland is a huge Democratic stronghold but they'll never bring the convention here because we have such poor hotel space. But I digress.

So, realistically, I'd like to see it somewhere in the northeast/midwest that I could drive to. The price of Mania alone with hotel and all that would be enough without a plane ticket on top of it. Chicago or Detroit would be the best for me. Detroit is only a three hour drive. It'd work out great. Plus, it'd happen in such a historic location, you can't deny that would be great. Actually I just checked Google maps and I could get to Toronto quicker than Chicago, so I would take Toronto as well.

I'd make the trip to MSG if they brought it back there as well, because, I mean, seeing the WWE in MSG is a bucket list type of thing for me.

In general I want it out of the Sunbelt and into the Northeast or Midwest, so that I might actually go to it.
One question about Vancouver: Will the fans riot if their favorite superstars do not win? We all saw the maturity level of Vancouver after their precious Canucks blew the Stanley Cup in last years NHL playoffs.
I would really love for a Wrestlemania to come to the Maritimes..

Halifax, Fredricton, Moncton, I dunno. I've never had the money to go since I moved out of my parents house when I graduated high school.

I'm not sure how big the turnout is in Atlantic Canada but I'd love to go to a 'Mania without having to fly or drive for two days.

im right there with ya on the idea of vancouver hosting it(seeing as im from vancouver)

BC Place is perfect

2 questions:

1- how man can BC Place Hold? if cant exceed 60,000, then it wont work
2- does it have a roof? if not then its out of the hunt
Gary, Indiana- At the Genesis Convention Center, home of the IBA's Gary Splash. The city is full of history and was at one time home to The Jackson Family, Tom Harmon, Glenn Robinson, LaTroy Hawkins, Alex Karras, Tank Johnson, and Freddie Gibbs. With 6,500 strong in attendance, the Genesis Convention Center would be going wild.

I know you are half joking ... but I took a bus back from Chicago and Indianapolis and often pass by there. I dont know I feel sad just looking at the city.
One question about Vancouver: Will the fans riot if their favorite superstars do not win? We all saw the maturity level of Vancouver after their precious Canucks blew the Stanley Cup in last years NHL playoffs.

Okay you are a complete fucking moron. If you paid any attention to the news you would know that 94% of the people who were responsible for the riot that took place in Vancouver traveled there from other cities as well as two other provinces. This has been CONFIRMED by the Vancouver Police and released by the media. So to answer your question, as long as John Cena doesn't win we will be fine!

2 questions:

1- how man can BC Place Hold? if cant exceed 60,000, then it wont work
2- does it have a roof? if not then its out of the hunt

We just had renovations done to BC Place at a cost of $600,000,000 so its looks brand new. It could fit 65,000+ easy with all levels and ground seating deployed. Also, we have a brand new retractable roof that takes 18 minutes to open or close so it could be used in any way the WWE wants.
Okay you are a complete fucking moron. If you paid any attention to the news you would know that 94% of the people who were responsible for the riot that took place in Vancouver traveled there from other cities as well as two other provinces. This has been CONFIRMED by the Vancouver Police and released by the media. So to answer your question, as long as John Cena doesn't win we will be fine!

Also what the media (even the Canadian Media) keeps on forgetting is that many people volunteered to clean up the city the next day. So the media pinning Vancouver as classless is very overstated. Vancouver is a great city and absolutley beautiful the WWE would be dumb to pass up having Vancouver host WM.
I would LOVE for the new Cowboys Stadium to host WrestleMania. Imagine WrestleMania in that HUGE Stadium and the GIGANTIC HD TV hanging from the roof. Oh my goodness, it's almost guaranteed that they'd set an attendance record that will never be reached.

Just think what the WWE Production Team could do with that kind of place.
I think Dallas, Indianapolis (I've been to Lucas Oil -- gorgeous facility) and Chicago are definites for me. St. Louis would be pretty cool as well -- have some angle with Orton working into that. Canadian-wise, you can't go wrong with Toronto.

What about Philadelphia? I would think the crowds would be hot for that.
Toronto my hometown, and for when it comes to Toronto, Edge and Trish absolutely need to headline this Hall of Fame class, and we hosted probably the greatest Mania of all time Mania X-8 so many classic matches, Rock/Hogan, HHH/Jericho, Austin/Hall, Edge/Booker T, Undertaker/Flair, so many matches
I would love Wrestlemania to be held at Wembley Stadium but too many factors as to why it wont. Internet, no roof, out of the USA.

Ive seen that Dallas Cowboys Stadium and that looks impressive.
I have been a huge fan of WWE since 1994 and have always wanted to go and see Wrestlemania, but with living in England its not possible so I'll be bias and say I'd love for it to be held at Wembley Stadium at some point, or even The Millenium Stadium in Cardiff.

When bands play at these venues, they generally do not finish until 11.30PM/Midnight UK time, so WM could start at 8PM UK time which is 4 hours earlier than it would normally start in the USA.......but why couldn't it be shown live there? We stay up until 4am to watch it every year (every PPV for that matter) and have to work a few hours later, why cant the fans in the USA accept that for one time only that Wrestlemania will be shown at 3/4PM instead?

If it bothers people that much why not just do the sane thing, record it and avoid any spoilers?

But what do us brits know? we are all as loyal to the WWE as the fans in the USA, we fill out arena's every time they are over here and show our loyalty but Wrestlemania won't come over for one time only just because its "inconvenient" to the fans in the states?

What about when the NFL have their game in London like they have been doing? It has proved to be a success!
If not mania, then why not bring the Rumble, Summerslam (again) or Survivor Series over here? One of the big 4 so we can show you we are just as loyal as everyone else.

I apologise if my post sounds bitchy towards the people in the USA, i don't mean it to come across that way i just don't see the problem in a one time only where the fans of the UK get to experience a live Wrestlemania PPV, it would be a once in a lifetime thing for all the fans over here and im positive the tickets would sell as quick as they always do for Mania every year.

Yes there are points which would need to be addressed but Vince is a smart businessman, surely he would find some arrangement to suit everybody just once........surely?!?!
Sheffield, UK! Don Valley Stadium would be the obvious choice. But I guess Hillsborough has a larger capacity with 40,000 (seating) as opposed to Don Valley's 25,000...

I'm joking of course. While we'd all love to see WrestleMania in our hometowns or even countries, it's just not possible for anyone outside North America. The time differences would be too much, as would the threat of bad weather. I have no doubt WrestleMania would sell-out faster than Nick Clegg if it was at Wembley Stadium, but stupid British weather is stupid. And we're 5 hours ahead of normal WWE time (I don't know the actual timezone). It'd have to start at midnight and end at four in the morning to be live. Simply put, it's just not possible.

A foreign WrestleMania would do wonders for WWE's "global brand" thing they've got going on, but the only options are having it at ridiculous o' clock or recording it. Two things WWE won't (and shouldn't) do.

Personally, I'd like to see WrestleMania in Milwaukee. Only because I like saying Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Go on, say it. Milwaukee.
Yeah know I'd be totally for Dallas, TX and the Cowboys Stadium if it wasnt for the fact Houston hosted WM25 already. I can see Dallas host WM probaby sometime after 30 but for now I'd rather see it elsewhere.

Me thinks Vancouver is still the most logical choice (probably St Louis as the 2nd most logical choice) since its one of the few major cities that seems to get overlooked plus it's got a strong economy to hold the evet.
A great option in my opinion would be Dallas TX at the Cowboys Stadium. Yes, they had Wrestlemania 25 in Houston but by Wrestlemania 29 or 30 it would have been long enough time in between. The Cowboys Stadium can hold over 100,000 people. WWE should not pass up such an opportunity. If they provide a strong Wrestlemania card and a decent list of activities for the Axxess convention, then Dallas will easily get each seat filled. It is one of the biggest cities in the world so it could always benefit from the money they get through more tourism. If WWE were ever to break their record from Wrestlemania 3, I think it would be at the Cowboys Stadium. If this ever happened, I'll definitely be attending because I live about an hour away from it.
I guess you have a point there ... my bet is if WWE can book Austin's last match at that a WM they should definatley have it at Cowboy's Stadium.

Not because it will guarnatee a sell out (im sure it will regardless) but it would make an epic moment for a man who started his career in Dallas, TX.
As I live in England I'd love it to be in Wembley Stadium but as people have said the weather here is too temperamental and it'll probably rain.

What time does Wrestlemania usually start in America? I'm not sure how much of an issue the time difference would be, I'm guessing that people are unlikely to sit down mid afternoon to watch a PPV.
there are rumors that Dallas, TX (Cowboys Stadium) is the front-runner to be host of WrestleMania XXIX...that would be fuckin' epic...100,000+ fans is just amazing...

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