I actually had this conversation with my bro-in-law inmmediately following Raw and we came up with a couple conclusions (that most of you would agree with)

The Rock - There isn't another wrestler on the planet that would illicit an almost Road Warrior-ish pop like The Rock. People have been practically begging for hime to return. Vince has stated he wants WM27 to have the biggest buy rates ever, and I don't believe there is a better way to do it than bringing back Rocky.

Sting - Now, I know that IF Sting has signed with WWE, he won't want to work a full schedule. He'll probably be looking for something along the lines of a Taker like schedule. If Sting hosting is done properly, it will give him the proper introduction to the WWE Universe and give Sting a taste of what life is like for WWE.

HBK - He is Mr. Wrestlemania. A lot of people will say he is getting inducted to the HOF, so he won't be working WM, but never say never. He still has a HUGE fan base and the pop would be great. As well, although Shawn has stated he won't wrestle again, this will give him the chance to give his fans one more time of seeing him at WM, while still keeping his word to the Undertaker.
if one more person says justin beiber im gonna blow something up. in no way could he host WM. how could anyone even think the fans wouldnt riot if this happened. pg or not, guest star at most.

its 95% on the rock. checklist: already said he is working with vince & will be back sooner than we think. vince saying only one man capable of hosting a crowd the size of WM. wwe needs a huge impact for WM not to turn out terrible & have been trying their ass off to mix the matches up to what people want to see. (taker, cena\miz, edge\ADR, etc...)

what could solidify WM buyrates more than the rock being the host? just think how fans will mark out the first time he is on screen. what about him laying the smack down on miz? imagine the earth shaking roar from the crowd when cena & the rock run into eachother. that would be huge & vince knows it.

only other person that might be big enough to host is Savage, but that is a very small chance. possible j.r., but they wouldnt hype it up weeks before & he would more than likely be an announcer- not host. people are going a bit 'sting' happy at the moment, but in the minute chance he signs, vince will have him wrestle- not host. he wouldnt waste that.
There's way too many options...I'm on board with wishful thinking its the Rock, however I don't see it happening. I'm also hoping Sting is the 2/21/11 but again wishful thinking...I'm prepared to Mark Out like a 8 year old if both these wishes come true, however I've watched WWE for 20 years and have learned that you get let down an awful lot when you're assuming something with the WWE. I Expected the Rock to return multiple times. I was wishing for a Hogan v Austin match, hell i'm still wishing for Cena to not main event a pay per view. Vince has a tendency to hype it up and let ya down.

With that being said...lets look at some unmentioned names...

Chris Jericho - Hes still doing the band thing, has a history of hosting television shows...he was suppose to save us last time around maybe he could save this Wrestlemania I personally don't see Del Rio v. Edge and Miz v. Cena Mania worthy matches...

Lex Luger - Reports were out that he was in talks with WWE recently...if you're looking for a WCW theme in Atlanta than he fits the bill...

Mean Gene - WWE tends to bring him back this time of year...

Roddy Piper - He stole the show on the old school raw with his pipers pit...has a tendency to show up this time of year and he has the hosting ability for vince to assume we want to see him return for a 28th time...

Goldberg - remember how jacked up the georgia dome got when he beat Hogan for the WCW title on Nitro? Atlanta resident...

Shaquille O'Neal - done some stuff with WWE a lotta good reviews for hosting Raw and rumors always swirled about him getting involved...

I'm not saying these are my preference's however, I'm just saying there are soo many possibilities ....keep your minds open...
The Rock would no doubt be one excellent choice and at this time I think it's a great job for him to do without actually having him wrestle. He's got some of the best mic skills in wrestling history and is one of the biggest names in history. On the other hand though, I can't help shake the thought that it could be Steve Austin. Austin is hosting Tough Enough, starting the night after Mania and Austin still shows up every so often in WWE, unlike the Rock who hasn't been involved with the WWE since SmackDown's 10th anniversary. It'd be a decent opportunity for Vince to get Tough Enough some advertising and please the fans at the same time. I wouldn't mind either but hopefully it's the Rock.
Im sure i read something about Bob Barker doing something at wrestlemania last month, and he is a host, im certainly not holding my breath for it being the great one although i hope im wrong. My money would be on Bob Barker though.
Any of you guys possibly think it could be Aaron Rodgers. He just won the superbowl, and you know it would draw a lot of media attention if the MVP of the Superbowl, which houses the american sport, hosted Wrestlemania 27.

The guy was holding a World Heavyweight Title after he won the Superbowl. I wouldn't be surprised if it was him at all because we heard that WWE contacted him to see if he wanted to be involved in some way.
On RAW from Milwaukee, WI, Mr. McMahon opened the show and announced that on next week's RAW (2/14/11), he will make an announcement in regards to WrestleMania XXVII's Guest Host. Mr. McMahon promises this will be a huge announcement. Now, there have been plenty of rumored celebrities that the WWE has been trying to reach out to for their involvement in WrestleMania.

The Rock: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has come out recently and stated that he and the WWE were working on a role for him. He has stated he would never wrestle again, but could this role be as the guest host for WrestleMania? The Great One, the Brahma Bull, People's Champ hosting the biggest wrestling event of the year doesn't sound so far fetched.

Justin Bieber: Love him or hate him, Justin Bieber has a huge fan base (although mostly preteens and young teen girls). However, Justin Bieber's involvement would get huge press for the WWE, and maybe even some money from said preteens' parents, begging to see their idol. While I feel this would be a risky move for the WWE (since their fan base is mostly the opposite gender of Bieber's), I feel the press exposure alone would be worth it. Plus, what teenage boy in America wouldn't pay good money for Bieber to potentially take an RKO or GTS?

Randy "Macho Man" Savage: Macho Man at WrestleMania? DIG IT! Recent additions of Randy Savage in WWE All Stars, as well as WWE Legends action figures all tell that the relationship between Vince McMahon and Randy Savage is on the mend. We never thought we'd see Bret Hart back in a WWE ring, but we were all proven wrong last year. Could Randy Savage be next to mend the fence with Mr. McMahon, and host WrestleMania? OOOOOH YEEEEAH!

Shawn Michaels: We all know The Heart Break Kid will never step foot in a ring as a wrestler, but how can you have WrestleMania without Mr. WrestleMania? We know HBK is headlining the Hall of Fame Class of 2011, but why stop there? HBK hosting the biggest pay per view of the year doesn't sound terrible, and could be a great way for his fans to have one more final goodbye to HBK.

Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman: This one is very far off, since last I remember both sides were nowhere near agreeing on the price tag for the world's most famous bounty hunter (and probably his wife Beth). Dog has a very loyal fan base, and this fan base may very well mesh well with WWE's fan base. (Personally I love Dog the Bounty Hunter and WWE, so there's at least one). I feel this is a long shot, but never say never in the WWE.

Aaron Rodgers: Now I'm definitely speculating on this one. Aaron Rodgers is the Super Bowl MVP, was seen being presented with a WWE World Heavyweight Championship belt by teammate Clay Matthews after the Super Bowl, as well as a replica WWE Championship last night on The Late Show with David Letterman. He and his teammates have all been given formal invitations to attend the SmackDown! tapings tonight in Green Bay. Could the Super Bowl MVP be guest hosting WrestleMania as well?

Those are my speculations. Who do you feel has the best shot of being the guest host of WrestleMania? Are there any celebrities you would prefer seeing? Or do you feel that the Guest Host concept should be kept as far away from WrestleMania as possible?

(Special note to the MODs: Sorry about the post, I didn't see the specific WrestleMania 27 section nor the OP. Very sorry about that)
Well, Vinnie Mac said there was only one person who could host Wrestlemania. That he is everything that wrestlemania is about. What is mania all about? It's a bigger than life spectacle. One man that is a bigger than life spectacle is.. The Great One.

With the Rock coming out last week and saying that he was planning on working with the "E" again, and it would be in a hosting capacity this makes the most sense. So I'm calling the Rock to be the Host of Mania.
My prediction is The Rock. Recently on his facebook he said him and Vince stay close and that they are planning something never seen before that will entertain us. Quote.... its coming maybe sooner than we think alas Wrestlemania 27.
I have a feeling that it'll be The Rock. The way Vince hyped the guest host for Mania, it just put me immediately in mind of The Rock. I started thinking back over the course of all the various guest hosts that've been on Raw and I think that there are very few that would generate the kind of response that Vince is hoping for:

Donald Trump - Trump is a huge name and a huge figure in the mainstream media. However, he's already participated in WM and he's appeared on Raw a couple of times. It'd definitely draw a lot of mainstream media attention, but it wouldn't be something that'd necessarily hook viewers into buying the ppv.

Shawn Michaels - Shawn Michaels is being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this year, he's still hugely over with the fans and we have only seen him one time since the day after WM in 2010. However, we've see a lot of HBK over the past several years and while it'd still be great to see him, it just doesn't have the oomph.

There might be a few others, but those are the two that stand out. Since the guest host concept began, people have been clamoring for The Rock to host an episode of Raw. It's been a very long time since we saw The Rock at a live WWE event and it just has that "special moment" feeling written all over it. I'm not a huge fan of most of his movies, but he is well known in Hollywood, a lot of his movies have made some big money at the box office and now he's going to be in the next The Fast & The Furious movie. The franchise has a big following, it'll possibly put Rock on another level in his movie career, the WWE can hype the shit out of the movie and The Rock can participate in Mania. It'll garner mainstream media attention and it'll draw fans to order WM just to see The Rock if nothing else.

I admit that thoughts of Justin Bieber did pop up when Vince made this announcement but I don't think that's going to happen. If it does, however, then Vince deserves any and all criticism thrown at him. This is WrestleMania, don't fuck around with it.
If it's Justin Bieber then I might seriously stop watching WWE. I'm okay with him singing the National Anthem or something, but as a host? You wish.

It has to be The Rock. He said that him and VKM had something big planned and maybe this is it. If anyone can get WM buys it's the most charasmatic guy in sports entertainment.
With WM being held in the home of WCW, I am going out on a limb...We have seen Vince bring in Flair and Bischoff. Now I think he is bringing in Ted Turner
I read the Rock thing on facebook and everybody seems to have forgotten. The Rock said it would be Raw that he was hosting. He made that clear. It is going to be called Rock Raw so I doubt it's him as the Mania host. I'm thinking it's a WCW guy since Mania is in Atlanta so I'm thinking Sting as the host of Mania maybe. It would be great to have The Rock back but he said he was coming back to do a Raw.
So last night on Raw Vince McMahon announced that next week a Guest Host for Wrestlemania will be revealed to us and it got me thinking will this guest host end up revealing itself as the anonymous GM finally?
I doubt it. The guest host will probably be either Justin Beiber (please god no) or The Rock (PLEASE!?!!) if you ask me. The way Vince built him up it could be either one, with the build up being legit for the Rock or legit if you're a 10 year old girl for Beiber. I honestly don't think the WWE even knows who the GM is, still. Probably end up being something stupid like HHH or something like that.
I think the odds point to Stone Cold at the Wrestlemania host. He will not be revealed as the GM. Having him as a host as star power to Wrestlemania and helps promote the new Tough Enough. I really can't imagine it being anyone else.
You're living under one if you don't think it's The Rock. Look back at his recent comments about WWE and it all makes sense. There's no reason for Vince to come back on TV to announce anyone but the Rock. Period
i think it'll be the Rock. There were rumors about him being a guest host back when it was a weekly thing (thank God that stopped), and Vince talked about having a host that can handle a huge football stadium full of people. there aren't a lot of people that can do that, but the Rock is easily one of them.
on one corner we get the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, the great one, the one and only, THE ROCK.. in the other corner, we have a 10 year old kid, weighing in at 95 pounds.. justin beiber.. great so what are the chances we can get treated with rocky? please god dont let it be a kid who hasnt even hit puberty..... the wwe will make the right choice trust me...... (we're doomed)
A couple people touched on it and it really is a point that needs to be driven home - this is a HOST for Wrestlemania. Sting? Nash? Hell no. not even an option to be the HOST.

There trully is only ONE man who can hold 75,000 people in the palm of his hand for 4 hours.

The livin' full Brahma Bull. The jabroni beatin', pie eatin', trailblazin' eyebrow raisin', heart stoppin', elbow droppin', walkin fast, whooping ALLLLLLLLLLL that candy ass, PEOPLE'S CHAME - THE RRRRRRROCK.

Lillian loves the streudle
I like everyone else hope it's The Rock, but if it isn't Macho Man would be pretty cool too. However as soon as I head guest host before Vince could even finish his sentance the fist name that popped in my head was Ted Turner lol I guess I'm stuck on this whole WCW was in Atlanta so WCW should be involved somehow thinking. Wouldn't it be kind of cool because think about it we've seen Vince and Bischoff together, Vince & Paul Heyman together, & Paul Heyman & Bischoff together so thats the only face off we haven't seen since WCW and ECW closed down.
It's probably the Rock. He's been gone long enough to warrant a decent reaction, and he has cross promotional main stream appeal. He might pull in some extra buy rates.

This whole guest host thing has me extremely worried about Wrestlemania. If the WWE is resorting to bringing a guy that has been gone from the business for 7 years now into do a glorified Monday Night Raw spot, what does that say about the card we are going to get. If the WWE is stooping so low as to have a guest host for their big main event, it tells me that the card is going to be shit and lack that special mega match.

This reeks of desperation, and I am seriously worried about the quality of this Wrestlemania.
HAS HAS HAS to be The Rock.. no other man comes close.. everyone else would be predictable.. stone cold has been used in a few wrestlemanias of recent times and considering the rock has said he would never return.. this would be the obvious pick
itll be the peoples champ! CANT WAIT!

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