**MERGED** Kane's Future- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

The new masked Kane has sustained a ton of momentum since he has returned. Realistically with how he has been built, since his return, a top tier wrestler should be his WM opponent. Someone such as Triple H, Sheamus, Orton, etc...
Kane 500% deserves a WWE title reign before he retires. Many people forget that he was the WWE champion around 97, 98 but only for 24 hours. He deserves a creditable reign of a minimum of at least 5 months. He has been incredibly loyal to the WWE and is one of the few current wrestlers who was a WWE champion during the 'ATTITUDE ERA'...
Furthermore, were he to actually become champion, a potential up and coming challenger (someone like ziggler, barrett, rhodes, truth, etc) would gain a huge rub by being the man to defeat the new masked KANE for the WWE title...
They should give it to young guys after they've been built up sufficiently, i.e. not like they did with Jack Swagger or even Bryan. But yes, it's far better to give it to a younger superstar who's ready to main event as opposed to an older one who's ready to retire.

Kane is not anywhere near the best wrestler in WWE.

How about we keep it on CM Punk? He fits all these descriptions.

It's not going to be disclosed. The mask is a ploy so they can set a Guinness World Record at WrestleMania.

Because there are plenty of younger, more talented people who can "talk, wrestle, and keep up with the storyline."

Glad we agree on that one. There are still youngsters I'd rather give it to right now than Kane.

No one cared that Edge beat Kane for the title. Whatever "rub" it gave him was canceled out by the fact that he had already won the title nine times before. If anything, you just refuted your own argument, because we both know that WWE would have an already established top face beat him. What they're doing right now with Ryder is far better.

I'd really like to know where you got this idea that Kane is one of the best wrestlers on the roster. Last time he was wrestling regularly, he was having good matches much less often than several others who have only come even further since.

Sir, you have completely read my post wrong. That title should be given to the best wrestler didn't mean for Kane. Similarly, Kane beating Undertaker thrice did make everyone noticed and Edge defeating him still meant big. So please read it properly to know the real meaning.
The Undertaker will face Kane at WM, with Undertaker announcing it will be his last before descending in to the depths of Hell, but he is not going alone and will drag Kane down to hell with him to stay forever. You have a heel in Kane, and face in Taker, an end to a brilliant story with Taker sorry for what he did to his brother to put him in the mask originally. Be a lot of mic work involved in this, which will suite the older battered body of Taker until their final dance on the biggest stage of them all. End result- taker wins, pins Kane's arms across his chest and descends into the ring with a big fire ball to explode from the hole afterwards.
Another interesting plot twist would be if they descended into the ring, pyro explosions and all without taker pinning Kane, leading the result to a no contest, leaving huge Internet fans talking forever about is the Taker really undefeated at mania forever.
OR maybe they could end the feud with both brothers hugging and saying they forgive each other, Kane lays down in respect for his brothers streak, and they both skip out of the arena, hand in hand, whistling Merry Poppins songs together with little birds and furry creatures playing around them.
I go along with the majority that sees Kane vs. Undertaker; it's got built-in appeal, and when you think about it, who else would 'Taker logically fight? The fact he hasn't been around the entire past year pretty much rules him out of just about anything else. Even if last year's big hope materializes and Sting suddenly appears in WWE...... it's almost February already and there's no time to build anything toward a showdown at WM. If Undertaker is coming, he has few options.

With Kane, it's already set up. Kane is the unstoppable monster, and the only one who has a chance to face him down him is his brother. There's so much history to the two of them that the program writes itself. Last night, John Cena, the biggest hero WWE has, looked remarkably (and intentionally) weak against Kane. If Cena can't handle Kane, who can?

Undertaker can.

As to where Kane's resurrection goes after that, it's hard to say. Cena is going to be busy with Rock in the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, so his program with Kane has to end. Yet, since Undertaker will (presumably) be around only for WM, Kane won't have time to feud with anyone else before the event. After WM, I presume Kane will be going after WWE's next most formidable guy; C.M. Punk. At this juncture, I couldn't even hazard a guess as to what the motivation of either man would be; there's too much to be accomplished before they get to that.

No, for the immediate future, it's Kane and John Cena, either as enemies.......or as allies, with Cena turning bad and joining Kane in some form. I'm told the crowd was booing Cena like crazy last night....and this is when he's opposing the baddest of the bad men, Kane. If that's the case, a face turn is coming for Cena.....and it's coming fast.
Kane's next feud should definitely be with Zack Ryder, it just makes sense. Ryder has been involved with the Cena/Kane feud from the start, and he still needs a major boost to make himself look serious.

The whole Cena/Eve kiss can be just what Ryder needed to make himself look serious in the ring, and possibly even stop the whole WWWYKI stuff.

The end match between Ryder and Kane should be at Wrestlemania 28, with Ryder coming out victorious.
I can definitely at some point in 2012 seeing Kane feuding with Punk or if he goes back to smackdown during the draft Randy Orton or Sheamus. I hope these happen anyway WWE needs to stop changing Kane from Heel to Face all the time because when the guy is heel he is tremendous to watch.
I like to see Kane/Orton. Its a feud that hasn't been done. Both have sinister type of personalities. They had an entertaining no dq match on Smackdown over the summer. If they come up with a good storyline I think it can be a great feud.
Cena made Kane look like a bitch last night. I can't take Kane serious in any feud from here on out. After all the "embrace the hate" build-up with Cena, last night had a crappy payoff. The monster Kane as I see it is dead and he goes back to being the way he was before the mask...only he just wears a mask.

Kane needs a redeeming feud. I can see a future feud with Ryder, but for now he needs to go back into hiding.
Cena made Kane look like a bitch last night. I can't take Kane serious in any feud from here on out. After all the "embrace the hate" build-up with Cena, last night had a crappy payoff. The monster Kane as I see it is dead and he goes back to being the way he was before the mask...only he just wears a mask.
Kane needs a redeeming feud. I can see a future feud with Ryder, but for now he needs to go back into hiding.

I totally agree I think the whole monster Kane has sort been diminished specially since it was such a crap match as well, they need to do something to redeem Kane or the this whole embrace the hate deal was a waste.
I've been dodging asking this question for a while because of how long I've longed to see Kane return to his original look. Maybe it's as simple as him not quite having the same look as he did before but I'm not sure. For whatever reason, I was wrong in thinking the mask would allow me to relive the petty nostalgic fanboyism I had for him in my teenage years. Or it might be that I'm not as impressed with the way he's being used.

Maybe it's just me but I almost think I would prefer if he spoke minimally to make his point about embracing hatred. Old school Kane didn't speak as much and when he did, it was short, concise, and straight to the point. I realize that this is basically a more intense version of the "maskless Kane" in that he still speaks quite a bit to express himself but I think I wanted a clone of the old Kane.

Does anyone else feel a little upset, let down, or disappointed with this version of Kane? Or is this just a very typical internet unsatisfactory response? (Which I will not disagree with lol)
Not at all. A lot of people are shitting on the feud with Cena, which is cool, it's not for everyone. But after initially laughing when he returned with the mask, wig, and the fucking Welder's helmet, things have gotten a lot better.

I really don't get why everyone prefers him to remain silent. Kane's one of the few great talkers left these days, why silence that? He's still big and bad, but the promos show that there is a method to his madness, a trait that we don't see a whole lot of with monster heel type characters. He's a psychopath, one that has a brain.

As far as donning the mask, I could really less about the mask specifically, but his attire in general has made him look like more of a threat than he has in a while. I think it's the top he added. It covers up that belly he's been gaining over the years and sorry, but no one looks menacing with a muffin top.
I think people are going to be disappointed because it has to do with Cena in a way. I mean this is just a filler till Cena can focus on the Rock. So now what does Kane do?

I also think he just drags on too much while talking. He didn't look comfortable in some of those promos where he had to say a lot of stuff. And use phrases that just seemed to go over the heads of people.

I would have liked him just to show up and kick ass, but that's not what happened, so I can say I was disappointed, but curious to see the next direction.

You know what? Kane should have been resurrected as a dentist!
Just had to go there for a minute. Continue the conversation.
Due to the "PG Era" Kane was a little watered down from what he used to be. Kane used to be this monster from hell...now he is just a beast that got beat and treated like a little bitch last night.

I was all for Kane coming back with the mask and being the dominant force he used to be...but sadly that wasn't the case. I said it in another forum...I was hoping Kane would be a monster like before when he had the mask, but all he was, was the Kane without the mask...ONLY WITH THE MASK!

Kane, through the whole "embrace the hate" story with Cena, was treated like a bully/super villian that had finally gotten beat by the hero that saved the day (Cena).

I don't know where Kane goes from here. I was really hoping that Cena would do something to Kane that would get the fans to boo him. Instead, what Cena did was no worse than when he dropped a ton of chairs on Wade Barrett!

The story went nowhere and Cena is back to being the WWE superhero. Where does that leave Kane? Will we see him tonight or will he go into hiding?
I am disappointed. I don't know if it was because the golden era Kane was when I was younger & a higher TV parental guide, but it just doesn't seem the same.

Kane rarely every lost to anyone other than the Undertaker in the 90s. He lost a few times to Austin, but usually Austin didn't get a clean victory.
Since 97 when Kane debuted he wore a mask till 2003 when HHH defeated Kane which led to the unmasking of Kane.

Now I know many people hated Kane's unmasking but WWE remasking Kane was one of the stupidest things to do.

Firstly when Kane wore a mask it was for a storyline reason but why is he wearing a mask now ?

WWE even had this Kane / Rey Mysterio rivalry in 2008 where Kane said - Only cowards wear masks. Rey Mysterio is cheered for being a coward who would not unmask, while Kane is judged despite removing his. Kane even stated that he removed it for the benefit of the people to see him for what he really is.


After doing all this....In 2011 WWE decided to remask Kane

I think Kane wearing a mask now is really pointless and ridiculous. What do you think ?
Honestly, knowing the real Kane won't and can't return, I'd still rather him have the mask. He looks so dumb ugly and stupid without one. It at least makes him seem somewhat intimidating.

You know what I don't get? What happened to the Kane that would raise people 10ft in the air when doing chokeslams? Do you guys think he was told to tone it down or he simply doesn't have the strength anymore?
i like that hes in a mask again but i think that the wwe missed out on a storyline opportunity. they could of had kane come back and get him into a rivalry with cena, have cena beat his face to a pg rated mess, and then had him come back. would of made it a little more exciting.
I am in no way disappointed. Kane is feuding with WWE's top guy in the highest profile storyline in the company. Boo whoo, he lost a ppv match. I guess he's being buried now if you listen to some of the idiots around these parts. Kane is more interesting now than he has been in over a decade. There's nothing disappointing about that.
Kane was far better without the mask. His ring work was at it's peak, he could actually give a good promo, and he had a good reign as ECW Champion and a GREAT reign as World Heavyweight Champion. Getting the mask back was a massive step backwards for Kane.
i really like this kane but i think the ending for the cena fued was lame and it wasted 3 months of time in which kane could have been gunning for a title. i hope this new cane will cross paths with undertaker on last time before taker hangs it up it seems like a proper passing of the torch
Even though I like the direction of the masked Kane as an embrace the hate, everyone has it type character, I had an idea a while ago about how I would like to see Kane come back with the mask and would have explained why. (when you hear the names you will know how long ago it was)

I had an idea about the time Jesse and Festus broke up to have Kane, who was a face at the time, start hearing and seeing voices. As he walked through the back to go out to the ring he passes a mirror and the masked Kane shows up in it, as he is about to finish a match the lights go to Kane red, fire shoots out and Kane's laugh plays over the speakers. As this happens over a few months even 2 may be long enough Kane slowly starts going ballistic in the ring every time it happens. After this all we finally see a second masked Kane (I know been done before) and kidnaps the real Kane. This could either a) Lead to a feud between Masked Kane (who would be Luke Gallows) and unmasked Kane or b) Team the two up as dominant heel tag team both with the mask (Gallows to drive him crazy, Jacobs because he was driven crazy) Either way would be a compelling mind game and interesting story line to me.
I actually like this resurrection of Kane. My only complaint so far is that they should have had a natural opponent for Kane to transition to from the Cena feud. I guess they could use Ryder but I dunno... Someone else should have been involved so that Kane would have a feud as Cena leaves the feud to fight The Rock. Now, he'll be gone for a couple weeks (to sell the ambluance story) then he'll be back fighting some random feud.

I'd really like to see a disciple situation where someone, maybe a younger guy, embraces the hate, and turns into a mega heel that does whatever Kane orders him to do, and more. Dibiase? Rhodes?
To be honest yes, why? It was acceptable for Taker to beat Kane when the whole character was made because Taker was supernatural as well but having a mere human beat him is just unreal. Especially the way they made him take the beating. It would have been better if Kane had put him and Cena both into the ambulance and it "somehow" getting shut and after a minute of nothing the guy driving decides to take off. Something like that would leave you with a wtf is going on factor.
Yes to me it was a HUGE disappointment. I mean the story line was lame as hell. It was more the WWE writers said hmmm Cena is hated by the fans let's make a lame attempt to have him face Kane so we have him a face again. Only problem was it made Cena even MORE hated and people cheer for Kane.

Such a HUGE waste and utter disappointment for a guy who was healing for a while. His talent could have been used so much more and he had to carry Cena their match last night.

Where does this leave him now a feud with Ryder?

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