Night of Champions 2012: General Discussion (keep unannounced cards/matches in here)

I'm not buying NOC this year, I can't afford £15 on 2 predictable main events and a boring undercard, cos we all know CM Punk will drop the WWE Championship to Cena,and Sheamus will retain (AGAIN) against Alberto Del Rio cos HHH's boy never loses.
As for non-title matches, I'd put Ziggler & Orton together since they were set to feud 2 months ago and they would put on a hell of a match.

Well it seems like my prediction for this may come true. With the two each getting a win over on each other in two awesome matches on last weeks SD! and today on RAW, we should definitely get a rubber match between them at NoC. Maybe they could add a little stip to it, like 2 Out Of 3 Falls or something.
Bryan vs Kane match announced for NOC? I think i saw somewhere but couldn't find it now. Confused. If it is then I'm somewhat disappointed as i was expecting them to make debut as tag team at NOC
My card:

John Cena vs CM Punk

as announced, heyman will probably cost cena the match

sheamus vs alberto del rio: last chance

same as always, del rio comes close but can't finish it off. attacks him after the match but ziggler doesnt cash in

layla vs kaitlyn

bathroom break

ziggler vs orton

these 2 will put on a great match, ziggler should win but may go over to let orton get in the whc piciture, which can set up another few matches between them in te future

cesaro vs ???

could be santino, could be sin cara, could be rhodes, could be christian, heck, maybe even give barrett a run with it

miz vs mysterio

ss rematch, have miz go over to bring back some prestige.

boom truth vs usos vs colons vs international airstrike vs curtis + mcgillicutty vs ptp

tornado tag team elimination match

this culd be a grat match if booked right.. have ptp or usos the belts and have kingston & truth argue afterwards

cara vs rhodes

if neither of them faces cesaro, have them end their feud in a mask vs hair match if you wanted, but hopefully keep that stipulation out of it.

any other matches anyone can think of?
Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (c) vs. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Zack Ryder - At first, I initially called Miz to defend his Intercontinental Championship against only Kane and Bryan (since Kane defeated Miz on Raw and Bryan defeated Kane at Summerslam, therefore merging the two feuds into one), but with the nonsensical addition of Ryder, I see this match-up taking place instead, with Miz still keeping the IC Title around his waist, looking stronger and having a solid title reign.

Prediction: Miz retains and is still the Intercontinental Champion.

I initially predicted a Miz-Mysterio Rematch as my first real possible scenario, but I opted to go with the scenario that I've stated above due to the events that have transpired on the day Raw aired on my birthday, August 20. And after watching this week's Smackdown, it looks like my original prediction is now also open as a possibility, with Cole mentioning that "Mysterio pinned the Intercontinental Champion". Therefore, I'm considering the match below as another possibility:

Intercontinental Championship: The Miz (c) vs.Rey Mysterio

Prediction: Miz STILL retains and is still the Intercontinental Champion.

Divas Championship: Layla (c) vs. Kaitlyn [or Eve] - Again, two options. Layla could defend her Divas Championship against Kaitlyn or she could defend it against Eve, who uses her power to insert herself into the Divas Title Picture, after Layla successfully defends it against Kaitlyn on Raw. Either way, Layla retains.

Prediction: Layla wins and is still the Divas Champion.

After watching Raw last Monday, and after reading reports that Eve was supposed to win the Divas Championship Battle Royal Number One Contender's Spot and was being considered to either be added to the Divas Championship or replace Kaitlyn, not only do my possibilities stand, but they also have been reinforced with yet another one. Maybe this could be a sign that Eve's being re-pushed, despite the emphasis on less divas. :shrug: Therefore, my original prediction has been upgraded into:

Divas Championship: Layla (c) vs. Kaitlyn [and/or Eve]

Prediction: Layla wins and is still the Divas Champion OR Eve wins and become the new Divas Champion.

On a side note, now that Santino got his rematch on Raw and lost again, where does that leave the United States Championship Match now, huh, WWE?! These "geniuses" better have a very good explanation for this.
Well there is no obvious match/fued for the Miz at Night of Champions. So who should he face?

Any ideas?

I honestly can't think of a worthy challenger, half the roster is being booked like jobbers recently and I don't think Miz will lose the title anyway.
The only one I could see The Miz defend against is Rey Mysterio. Although he is in a feud with Sin Cara and Cody Rhodes, the WWE could always make it as they have an unfinished business after The Miz gave Mysterio a concussion at the last PPV.
A fatal four-way match between the Miz (champ) vs Rey Mysterio vs former IC champ Cody Rhodes vs Sin Cara. Would be lovely to see Mysterio & S.C. mix it up just for a little bit. Even if it is a fatal four-way match.

The IC title just change hands that night in Boston.
I doubt this is gonna happen, not with one week left till NoC anyway, but with Cody Rhodes accidentally kicking The Miz in the face in their tag match on Smackdown, I think the WWE could work off of this and turn The Miz babyface & feud with Cody over the IC Title. We've seen small glimpses of a babyface Miz on commentary on this past Monday's RAW, so I think he is ready for a turn if the WWE were to make the switch, and what they could do on this upcoming RAW is have Miz & Cody team up again, against some other random pairing or Mysterio/Cara again, and have Cody accidentally cost himself & The Miz the match again, then post-match we see Miz & Cody have an argument with each other which results in Cody piefacing The Miz but then The Miz responds back with a beatdown on Cody, officially turning him face. Then on SD! we see Cody cutting a promo on him, calling him a bad champion & how the IC Title meant something when he held the belt, and he challenges Miz for the IC Title at NoC, which he accepts. Miz turning face would also be good for the WWE Championship cause there is no one else other than Cena for Punk to defend the title against right now, and if Punk holds onto the belt for the next few months, somewhere down the line, we could see Miz face Punk for the belt. They could also use Miz saying that Punk turned his back on the WWE Universe on RAW this past Monday as part of the build up. But like I said, I doubt it will happen.
JBL is a commentating GOD. Great move by WWE getting him in for tonight and Raw tomorrow. Not sure what JR's role will be. Maybe a 3 man team?

following Jerry Lawler's medical emergency on Monday's WWE RAW, he'll obviously be off WWE television for the foreseeable future. There has been a lot of speculation this week as to who will replace Lawler on commentary.

Jim Ross is in Boston for tonight's WWE Night of Champions pay-per-view, a sign he could be returning to the announcer's booth.

As of Sunday morning, is reporting that former WWE Champion John Bradshaw Layfield had been contacted by WWE and they reached an agreement for him to work commentary for Night of Champions and tomorrow's RAW.

Dave Meltzer says this could be more than a 2-shot deal for JBL, who is off to Africa later this month to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro as part of his Seven Summits mountain climbing adventure.
Maybe they get JBL to do PPVs and then JR to do RAW? It would make sense, especially if we get an NOC 2011 redux where Cole loses his voice and can't call the main event.
WWE Night of Champions - September 16, 2012

1. Pre-Show Battle Royal - This match took place as part of the free pre-show before the actual NOC ppv. Not really too much to say about this as there were a lot of guys in this match that are usually relegated to Superstars. At the same time, it’s nice to see some of them get some time. The match was ok for what it was, which was to pick a challenger for Antonio Cesaro later in the evening. At this time, the only logical choices were Brodus Clay, Tyson Kidd, Santino and Zack Ryder. There were some decent moments, such as seeing Santino get eliminated. I know the guy’s over and he works hard, I give him credit for that, but I’m just long since over his schtick. The end ultimately comes with Zack Ryder eliminating Tensai at the 6 minute mark to become #1 contender for the United States Championship. *1/2

2. The Miz vs. Rey Mysteiro vs. Sin Cara vs. Cody Rhodes for the WWE Intercontinental Championship - Good solid match to start the actual ppv with. There were a few clunky moments but there was a lot of energy and all four wrestlers worked hard. Rey & Sin Cara brought in a lot of high octane stuff into the match. The ending was pretty creative as Sin Cara manages to pull a mask down over Miz’s face, temporarily blinding him. Miz kind of lashes out on “instinct” and puts Cody in the Skull Crushing Finale for the clean win a little past the 12 minute mark. A good win for Miz and a win that he needed. I’m hoping we’ll see more of a feud between Miz & Rhodes somehow. I know they’re both heels but they’ve got good chemistry together. **3/4

Backstage Segment - Their was a brief backstage segment starting off with the PTPs complaining to Eve about not being the #1 contenders for the tag titles tonight. Eve is then summoned by a trainer and takes her to Kaitlyn, who was said to be attacked by someone wearing a mask and Kaitlyn is injured. Eve does a good job of showing concern and with Kaitlyn injured, we’re probably looking at Eve replacing her in the Divas title match, upon which we’ll probably have a threeway feud over the Divas title. Wow…the Divas have an actual storyline going on. That in and of itself is something worth noting. Thumbs Up

3. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Kane & Daniel Bryan for the WWE Tag Team Championship - As was expected, this was a pretty fun match that continues to showcase the unique chemistry of Kane & Daniel Bryan as a reluctant tag team. I’m sure that it along with all the hugging stuff will get old later on down the line, but we’re not anywhere near it yet. Bryan & Kane worked as a cohesive unit throughout much of the match and I continue to find the hugging stuff funny. The live crowds are eating it up, so it helps keep the story going. The end comes with Kofi having Kane set up on the top rope going for a hurricanrana. Bryan grabs hold of Kane’s feet to help hold him on top. Things fell apart, however, as Bryan winds up knocking Kane off the top, causing him to land on Kofi. The ref makes the count in a similar situation as to what happened in their match against the PTPs last Monday on Raw and Kane gets the win at the 8.5 minute mark. Kane & Bryan are the new WWE Tag Team Champions. Bryan & Kane are two of the most over wrestlers on the WWE roster right now so they can possibly add a real spark of star power to the tag team division. **3/4

4. Antonio Cesaro vs. Zack Ryder for the WWE United States Championship - Decent match that actually went longer than I expected, about 7 minutes. Cesaro and Aksana have good chemistry and I’m liking their little act right now. While the match wasn’t particularly memorable, there was some decent action that ultimately had the right result. Cesaro took control early with Ryder eventually making a comback. It was a pretty decent mix of styles with Cesaro being more of a heavy hitter and Ryder using his speed and agility to carry him through. Ryder sets Cesaro up for a move before Aksana pulls Cesaro out of the ring. Ryder comes out and gets caught with a big European uppercut. Ryder is rolled back inside the ring where Cesaro hits him with his Neutralizer finisher for the clean win. Cesaro gets a win and continues to slowly build his reign. **1/4

5. Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler - Great match that featured intense action from bell to bell. Both Ziggler & Orton looked strong throughout the match and delivered a contest that was easy to get caught up in. The match also worked at a fast pace and they were given plenty of time for everything to play out. Both guys hit most of their signature offense and Ziggler scores a damn good near fall after hitting the Fameasser about the 15 minute mark. Ziggler continues to get a strong response from the fans and looks as though he might have some issues with his neck, as he seemed to be favoring it at various times. The end comes with Ziggler going for the sleeper only for Orton to toss him off. Orton then launches Ziggler up into the air, similar to what we usually see Cesaro do, and comes out of nowhere with an RKO. Orton makes the cover and gets the win at the 18.5 minute mark. I’m wondering if Ziggler will try to cash in his MITB contract later on. Since Orton is due to take time off to go film a movie, I look for WWE to set up another match with him against Ziggler on Raw before he takes time off, thereby giving Ziggler a win in a similar fashion as we saw with Chris Jericho. ***1/2

6. Layla vs. Eve Torres for the WWE Divas Championship - Pretty damn good match for Diva standards really. They were given about 7 minutes and were able to put on an actual match. They told a pretty good story with Eve still portraying herself as being on the up & up while using some heel tactics at the same time, such as faking an injury. The end comes with Eve avoiding a splash attempt from Layla before hitting her with her neck breaker finish for the clean win. Eve is the new WWE Divas Championship. It’s refreshing to see the Divas have an actual storyline and getting some decent time for matches. **

7. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship - Good strong match from Sheamus and Del Rio, especially during the second half. Not as good as Orton vs. Ziggler, but a still a good match from these two that started out slowly but built up well throughout and delivered some dramatic moments. Prior to the match, Booker T announced that he’d finished his “investigation” and reinstated the Brogue Kick. Sheamus still went for the Cloverleaf a few times as well as several attempts at the Brogue Kick, all of which failed. Del Rio successfully put Sheamus in the Cross Arm Breaker twice. The first time, Sheamus was able to power out of it by slamming Del Rio to the mat. The second time had a lot of drama and it looked like Sheamus was considering tapping out. He manages to get to the ropes to break the hold. Del Rio, frustrated by this time, goes for a running kick in the corner that misses. Sheamus then catches Del Rio with the Brogue Kick for the clean win at the 14.5 minute mark. Sheamus retains the World Heavyweight Championship. I’m glad that they didn’t have Ziggler cash in MITB because I think it’ll work better at a later date, such as if they set up another match with Orton in which Ziggler gets the win. Having him cash it in tonight wouldn’t have had as much flare to it, what with Ziggler having lost. ***

8. CM Punk vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship - Both guys came out to a mixed reaction with Punk really just kind of taking in and enjoying it. Paul Heyman was at ringside and spoke to the crowd briefly before both guys came out. Cena comes out wearing a pink shirt saying “Rise Above Cancer”. I wonder how much criticism WWE will get over using such a shirt to make money even though damn near everybody else is doing the exact same thing. As for the match itself, another gem from Punk & Cena with fantastic back and forth action, great near falls and plenty of dramatic moments. I was so very very glad that there was no interference from Heyman or Big Show or anything along those lines. The match was damn near as good as their match at MITB last year. The overall finish of the match might bum some people out but I thought it was a nice change. Cena lands a German suplex off the top and both guys are down with their arms over the other. The ref makes the count and both shoulders are down. The match ends in a draw at the 27 minute mark. Cena celebrates initially before the ref takes the title from him and gives it back to Punk. This sets up a match between them at HIAC and keeps both of them looking strong. Ultimately, Cena failed to beat Punk in his own hometown, so this ultimately could be seen as something of a win for Punk. ****1/2

Final Thoughts - This was a strong offering from WWE. The undercard was solid and featured good matches for the most part. There were no filler matches of Brodus Clay beating some jobber or Ryback killing Jinder Mahal for the 100th time. The weakest match on the card overall was the battle royal on the pre show. Six minutes just isn't enough time for a battle royal. The IC title match was a good strong opener, the tag title match was a lot of fun, Cesaro had a pretty good match against Ryder & continues to build his reign, even the Divas match was pretty decent all things considered. Ziggler & Orton delivered a great outing and I'm hoping that we see Ziggler get to settle the score perhaps tomorrow night. Sheamus & Del Rio put on a strong match and I'm hoping that this is the end for them. It's gone on long enough in my eyes. The main event was fantastic with Punk & Cena delivering another definitive match of the year candidate in my eyes. The draw finish was unexpected but logical in that WWE wants to keep both guys strong to set up a rematch at the HIAC ppv. There wasn't any intereference, just great back and forth stuff with a lot of drama.

Grade: A-
I've seen a lot of positive reviews for this show but I really struggled with it and here are my opinions (remember these are my opinions only)
Well what a flat ending to an incredibly BLAH show.

The opening Battle Royal was decent for what it was, the preshows have constantly delivered solid matches and this was no different. Some very good use of Tensai leading to some creative dismissals & Heath Slater was gold for the brief moment he was in the match. *

Fatal Four Way:
The Miz Vs Sin Cara Vs Rey Mysterio Vs Cody Rhodes
The match was decent enough, the ending was very creative & the right man won. I personally thought that Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio looked very awkward in their face offs and it's turned me off the idea of them two working together as I just don't think they will gel. I was very happy with the ending of this match I thought it was done really well and made The Miz look like a convincing champ. **

Tag Team Match:
Team Friendship Vs R-Truth & Kofi Kingston
As entertaining as Kane and Daniel Bryan are together I do think they're over playing the tag team decention a little too much in ring. It leads too a match with poor flow & the comedic segments didn't really make up for the broken flow of the match. Not to mention it made R-Truth and Kofi Kingston seem well and truly hopeless as a tag team. *1/2

Randy Orton Vs Dolph Ziggler
Aside from the fact the wrong guy clearly won here, this match was okay, but not the show stealer it could've been nor the show stealer JBL seemed to suggest it was. It was almost as if everyone expected this to steal the show but what we got was a fairly by numbers match up between the two that will not live long in the memory of anyone. **1/2

Layla Vs Eve
A surprisingly solid match with decent in ring psychology and good work from both Layla and Eve. Not much to complain about but nothing to remember but it was the right idea to shift the title over to Eve because she's clearly leagues about Layla at this moment in time as far as popularity is concerned. *1/2

Zack Ryder Vs Antonio Caesaro
Antonio gave some really impressive offence in this match & I thought the two worked together pretty well. It was nice to seen Antonio in a match with a more competent opponent then say a Santino Marrelo who often hides others talents as opposed to highlighting them. It was good enough for the slot it held in the card and was entertaining hearing some legit crowd enthusiasm for a change. **

Alberto Del Rio Vs Sheamus
Probably the best match these 2 have ever had together, it built well and had some good back and forth stuff, the whole Brogue Kick stuff building to this match was well and truly pointless and Del Rio still cannot pick up the win despite having 2 men in his corner. If I hadn't seen this match so many times before & actually gave a shit I'd probably score it higher but it was a good match. ***

CM Punk Vs John Cena
It started off well but I thought the finisher exchange was over kill, and Cena reintroduced his no selling mechanic with style tonight, taking 3 finishing moves and shaking it off as if he got a chinese burn in the ring was really annoying. That was amplified further with the incredibly weak ending they presented this paying crowd and the action inbetween was frequently sloppy. One of their weaker matches that seemed to lack anything besides the resilliance factor of both men. Paul Heyman wasn't convincing either as he looked disinterested as opposed to actually studying the match. And I don't blame him, the was enough heat to make this match something special but at the end of the day it was a decent match with a decent story which got demolished with the terrible ending. **3/4

Night Of Champions was a PPV that offered nothing too bad & the Daniel Bryan & Kane segment in the back was fantastically entertaining & I thought The Miz was booked superbly in the fatal 4 way I cannot really say I was high about anything else on this very dull ppv. The matches were never bad and everyone worked to a good rate and it was quite a pure wrestling show but the problem is the actualy Wrestling simply wasn't anything spectacular and as it was the main focus that meant a show that wasn't anything spectacular. The have been far worse but this was still pretty poor. 4/10
CM Punk Vs John Cena
It started off well but I thought the finisher exchange was over kill, and Cena reintroduced his no selling mechanic with style tonight, taking 3 finishing moves and shaking it off as if he got a chinese burn in the ring was really annoying.

Refer to this

another gem from Punk & Cena with fantastic back and forth action, great near falls and plenty of dramatic moments.

Cena sold as well as he needed, same being said for Punk. This was a match between two competitors that weren't going to be beat by a single finisher. As JBL said tonight, they needed to unload their arsenal. High intensity and adrenaline takes over rather than laying on your back counting lights for the sake of selling.

yesiamaduck said:
That was amplified further with the incredibly weak ending they presented this paying crowd and the action inbetween was frequently sloppy. One of their weaker matches that seemed to lack anything besides the resilliance factor of both men.

I disagree. They had me on the edge of my seat entirely. There were many reversals that look brilliant. They executed beautiful moves. To name a few: Cena tossing Punk over his head, Punk's graceful top rope elbow, Punk reversing two of Cena's 5 Nux, Cena strengthening out of an Anaconda Device, Punk nearly tapping on the STF.

at the end of the day it was a decent match with a decent story which got demolished with the terrible ending. **3/4

I know the ending rubbed some the wrong way. But if you look at the long term value rather than the value of the money you spent tonight, it was great. It first evoked an emotional reaction for the sixty seconds that everyone had accepted that Cena had won his match. Emotion=entertainment. That's something worthy of note. You then experienced emotion when you realized that Punk had not in fact lost the belt by either booing him or cheering him. Now, as for the long run, this sets up another match between the two. This way there will be a decisive winner and the next months following can be devoted to building towards the Rumble where they'll defend vs. Rock. Let there be a clear cut winner in a Cell and let the Heyman story unfold. You got a great match and the end was a bridge to a great next four weeks of this story.
I thought it was a good show overall. The one issue I had with the show was the Del Rio v. Sheamus match. And not because we've seen it so many times, the issue I had was believability that ADR could actually win. His finisher is the cross armbreaker (which is a great move), but Sheamus is Cena-esque in the sense that at this point he will never tap out. I can't remember the last time we saw Sheamus tap. At this point it is unrealistic to have someone like ADR or Daniel Bryan go after his title because there is no way they will be able to win cleanly. The time he spends in the cross armbreaker may as well be a piss break because you know he's not tapping. After having HHH tap vs Taker at WM last year I was hoping the stigma that some people are too good to tap would be gone. I think if anyone actually gets Sheamus or Cena to tap, at this point, I would be more surprised than seeing the streak end.
To me this was a decent PPV some good matches but they were really sloppy.

Kofi Kingston & R-Truth vs. Kane & Daniel Bryan for the WWE Tag Team Championship - Meh this just felt like filler to me there was just to much crappy comedy going on. 1.5/5

Antonio Cesaro vs. Zack Ryder for the WWE United States Championship - I thought this match was fun both of these guys really brought it Cesaro looked great but they need to do something else to get Antonio over as a heel the European thing isn't working right now, maybe have him insult the USA but since Linda is running a campaign right now they most likely won't. 3/5

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler - This was a great match really enjoyed it these two guys work great in the ring together the only thing I don't like is having Dolph lose but we'll see where this goes on RAW. 4.5/5

Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship - Another boring Sheamus match that was just overbooked. 0/5

CM Punk vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship- It was okay but not good Cena no selling the crossface and the vice was just an asshat move by Cena and finish was dumb you're telling me that Punk can kick out of two FU's and not a crappy german suplex. If your going to have Punk face Rock at Rumble why not have him look strong and beat Cena clean. Why does the WWE have this mindset that if Cena loses a match CLEAN that all his fans will leave? 2/5

Overall PPV Score - The matches were decent but the finishes just ruined it for me WWE really needs to stop with this hotshot booking and Dolph was made over tonight was the night to cash in. 2/5
Refer to this

Cena sold as well as he needed, same being said for Punk.

I am whiling to take on board your other comments but this is just playing wrong. Do you not remember the final 5minutes of the match where Cena went from dying on his feet to sprinting around the ring and pulling off a series of power moves in a few seconds and endured a 30minute match where Punk gave everything but he sprinted outside of the ring and started giving high fives. In fact it appeared he wasn't in a match at all by the time he though he'd won the title, he ended up laid out, but that was because he got hit with a cheap shot. I cannot buy CM Punk as the 'best in the world' if he can't hurt the challenger after 3 finishing manoeuvres and 29minutes of match time and that happens to John Cena is that he looks a bit gassed, it's weak booking/selling, it doesn't help ANYONE. If John Cena sold it properly then it'd have left a greater impact and would've made the story all the more believable.

I'm sorry it's all subjective and I thought the false finishes where too easy to telegraph, the crowd was dead a lot of the time and they just failed to capture the excitement of their previous encounters. In my opinion it was a very mediocre main event & whilst I love long term booking I thought they could've done this is so many different and interesting ways then what was displayed tonight.

I paid for this PPV and wasn't satisfied and that's why it got a below average score but as I say this is based on my enjoyment of the show :shrug: and no amount of counter points will likely change that as that's how I base my opinions on pretty much anything & thats how much I actually enjoyed what was shown to me.
This was probably the best ppv WWE has put on since Mania. Both World Title matches were strong. They each went on for a good amount of time and did not feel as though they were dragging on.

Outside of the title match all the other matches were good to various degrees without any match hurting the card. Ziggler and Orton put on a great match with an awesome finish. The IC title match had great action in it and even the divas put on a solid match.
Solid PPV.

Wanted Sin Cara to win but keeping the title on Miz makes sense to continue his reign.

Still love the Daniel Bryan and Kane storyline and glad they won the tag match.

Glad Antonio Cesaro is continuing his reign. I love Cesaro, but now he needs a good solid feud.

Orton vs. Ziggler was great. Orton continues to improve and impress since coming back.

Divas match was fine...

Sheamus vs. ADR was a good match, but I just hope this ends the feud. Maybe one more match on SD or something but with over a month build until the next PPV, now would be a great time for a new challenger.

Punk-Cena was incredible. Loved the match. Terrific storytelling, great psychology, and a controversial but great finish. One of my MOTY candidates.
Meh, HHH's friend Sheamus retains again? And Punk/Cena ends on a DRAW? I downloaded TNA's last PPV last week, for free, and it was way better than this crap. I might buy one of the Sky Box Office repeats of NOC though, purely for the Daniel Bryan and Kane tag match, that's if I can't find it on Youtube.

As for Antonio Cesaro, the whole "Anti-USA" thing has been done to death, they need to try something new to get him ove, and besides they couldn't do anything anti-American even if they wanted to, not with Linda McMahon's current Political aspirations.
I thought this was a good ppv. JBL and Cole have great chemistry together. Cena/Punk and Orton/Ziggler matches really stood out from the rest.

-Kane and Daniel Bryan are very entertaining together. The ic fatal fourway was a solid opener.

-The ending for Cena/Punk was fine. It setups a rematch between the two without Punk having to lose the title.

-Sheamus vs Del Rio was okay. I dont get the banning and the unbanning of the brouge kick angle. Did anyone think Sheamus needed the brouge kick to beat ADR? Banning the brouge kick really didn't affect Sheamus. He just started beating all his opponents by using the Texas Cloverleaf. I dont get what the purpose of it was. Hopefully, they are done with this awful feud.
I missed the start, because I'm an idiot and set my alarm for 12:50 instead of 00:50, so I missed the tag match, IC Title match. I turned on just as Cessaro hit the Neutralizer on Ryder.

The Orton/Ziggler match was incredible, but at the moment any match with Ziggler in is. Although he lost he still looked strong. at some point he's going to have to start winning matches at PPVs or he looks very weak, and won't be a believable champion

I can't stand Bertie, he bores me to tears. I think the whole Brogue kick is now legal was an awful decision. It made no sense, why build up the match without it just to overturn the decision moments before the match started, it means that we'll have another match between the two at HIAC, because Bertie will threaten Booker T with legal action again. It's utter horse shit in my book.

Diva match, meh, I switched over during this.

I liked Punk v Cena to an extent. I think it got a bit over the top towards the end. People hardly ever kick out of the GTS or AA, so why all of a sudden can people kick out of two. There was too much emphasis on Super-Cena. he really needs to learn how to sell. He's beaten down and magically jumps up and hits an AA. I just don't get the logic.

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