This is a typical reason why WWE is #1. Because idiot sheep fans do not want to call them out on their BS. This PPV was a joke and a disgrace to every other fantastic SummerSlam event in past history.
1. Why would you open up the PPV with a promo and a lackluster match that should belong on Raw?
2. Where the hell is this "Youth" WWE talks about? Cody Rhodes is the Intercontinental Champion but he isn't on the card? When he should be in a rematch against Zeke. Ziggler and Alex Riley started a feud 2 weeks ago but he isn't booked for a match. Makes no sense.
Oh by the way, The Tag Titles still exist? Because they could always use them sometime.
3. Edge comes out as Christian's big surprise. Great. Fantastic.....Only to bury him. Then he gets buried by Orton.
We all know, Christian was never liked by Vince McMahon but do we have to make it obvious? Wouldn't it be nice to see someone else that isn't a boring, predictable character like Orton win the WHC and do something with it? But Nooooooo
4. Divas Match. WWE logic: Hey, lets start an angle where Beth and Natalya start squashing the pretty divas but randomly make Kelly Kelly win and make it seem less intimidating!
Only thing they accomplished with this match was the storyline isn't a complete ripoff of what TNA just ran with the Knockouts 1 months ago.
5. Cena vs. Punk....Well, I liked the crowd....That's about it. The match wasn't even that fun to watch because it was booked way to similar to the last one, seriously It was just 5 weeks ago..I remember it. Why book it the same way again? That's cheap. But again, sheep don't see anything.
So, Cena gets pinned and Triple H doesn't see his foot on the ropes...Wow..WOW..How shocking!...Because I could have sworn they had a poll on asking if that would happen..and it did....What's the word for that...Ummm....Predictable? Yeah that's exactly what it was.
Kevin Nash? WTF? I thought he was somewhere laughing at Paul Heyman and getting drunk with Waltman. Anyways....He buries CM Punk. I hate using that term but what else can you call it when half of the arena was celebrating you winning the WWE title/retaining it and you get beaten by Kevin Nash.
Oh look, Del Rio comes out to cash it in. Because I never thought it would happen despite the fact Josh Matthews practically told the entire world on SmackDown two days ago!!!
I can't believe it!!!!!...I can't believe it's not butter!.....But In all seriousness, if TNA pulled this swerve and overbooking people would say "omgz vince russo is swerving crap this sux this ppv is a waste" but again, WWE books it and people think it's great and unpredictable.
Now, WWE just put the belt on a guy who can't draw heat and is like 35 years old. YOUTH MOVEMENT FTW!
Now, Triple H screwing someone over was up for prediction by WWE. Del Rio cashing it in was hinted by WWE...And what point do fans stop believing this BS and actually stand up to this lack of intelligent booking?
But again. WWE > Anything.
Terrible PPV. Disgraceful ending to a good feud. The sad part is, I'll be called a mark by everyone despite my praise for what WWE has done the last 3-5 weeks weeks.
Nobody seems to admit when they do something crappy but manages to attack other promotions that book the same way.
This is a typical reason why the IWC is it's own worst enemy.
Number 1, lackluster match? It was "bang bang" the crowd loved it, it was the exact kind of opener you need.
Number 2, none of those feuds are very over, they'll get more time with NOC coming up, settle the fuck down. You don't just book people, they have to be over.
BURIED BY ORTON? BURIED BY EDGE?? Okay, so Edge, babyface, HUUUUGE fucking babyface because he's got the injury sympathy. So....he does what? Supports his friend the chickenshit heel? Yea, that makes sense. Also, if you went 15 minutes with the number 2 face in the company, number 1 face on your brand, and you took that ass kicking and kept coming, it's not getting buried. If Christian jobbed to Tyson Kidd in 2 minutes on the first match of the card, that's buried. Let's see, Christian lost because he's not as over as Orton and your top guy is always in the main feud. Christian has been feuding with Orton for what? 3 months? Not only that but Christian's character works if he's bitching in an annoying manor (not unlike you), so if you give him the belt, what does he have to talk about?
Divas match, she won on a fluke, this will piss Beth off, feud continues. Stop looking at "win, loss" and look at HOW you fucking simpleton.
The crowd was the only thing you liked? What about the learned psychology spots? What about CM Punk's strategy of working the lungs and letting Cena pull himself into the ring more to exhaust himself? What about Cena countering Punk's counters? O but no, logical booking at the end (how the fuck is it the same?) throws you off. You're what I call a bitcher. You just love to bitch. Nothing will ever be good enough for you. You enjoy bitching. Go drink some fuckin cranberry juice, it helps my girlfriend when she's ragging.
There's that word "BURIES" do you even fucking know what it means you moronic mongoloid? To bury someone means that if they are over, after you are done with them, they are NOT over. However, because Punk was screwed by a member of the kliq, he will be MORE OVER. O no, you might be right, people will go "FUCKIN CM PUNK DOESN'T HAVE THE TITLE, HE'S NOT GOOD" please tell me you were trolling. Nobody can be that stupid. He didn't get beaten by Kevin Nash. Del Rio may have been predictable, but now people have to ask "why" and they will watch Raw.
No, TNA doesn't book this. TNA books 5 minute ladder, ultimate X, and cage matches, in feuds that aren't heated, on their regular TV show, without advertisement, all within 2 weeks. TNA has Kennedy flip heel/face 3 times in a month. TNA has Kennedy blade for no fucking reason in the opening segment of a not very heated feud, but then Sting gets beatdown later in the main feud and no blood. This is not overbooking, everything served a purpose. What purpose did those UX, Cage, and Ladder matches serve?
You don't get it. You ARE a fuckin mark because you can't look past wins and loses and likely MOVEZ. You didn't even notice the beautiful story told in the ring by Cena and Punk. You are a butthurt TNA fan. I review TNA's stuff. I give pros and cons to everything. Just because I like WWE doesn't mean I won't watch TNA, because I do.
Think about this. Punk keeps his momentum, so does Cena, there is intrigue as to whos side Nash is on. Plus how is Cena going get his fair shot?
You see, it's not overbooking when everything has a purpose. Instead of just bitching about "WTF NO YUNG GUYZ" think "well maybe they aren't fuckin over and you don't put guys who aren't fuckin over on your second biggest PPV". It's not a charity case. They will be on other shows, but not this one. Then again, if you're a blind TNA mark, you probably don't mind seeing generic 1 and generic 2 come out with their generic tribal tatoos doing generic moves with no ring psychology, show no emotion other than intensity, and having no mic skills.
Instead of bitching about "GODDAMN GUD REAL RESTLER CHRISTIAN DIDN'T WIN CLEAN" think, "hmmm, Orton is the better draw and Christian's character only works if he's complaining, doesn't make sense for Christian to win".
Also, learn what the fuck it means to be buried. When you have won the title, and nash comes out, and the building shits its pants, and powerbombs you and you lose your title, and you've been a character that's fighting "the man" that's not getting buried.
If you're going to criticize a WWE show, at least do it in a constructive manner. When I criticize each impact, I give a list of pros and cons and why stuff does or does not make sense in the context of the story and/or match.
Think about this too, CM Punk's character is about "fighting the man". If he has the title, how much can his character say about "the man" holding him down when he has the fucking title? Not much of anything huh?
My advice, go to college, take some theater and lit classes, or just watch some more tv, or when you watch wrestling ask yourself "why does this make sense for the character" "why is he so over?" "why does this make sense for the story"?
Everything the WWE did last night made sense in the context of the story. Not only that but you're forgetting the most important rule of pro wrestling. It's not about YOU, it's about the majority in your audience. If WWE did everything to please YOU they'd be out of business. I'd personally love to see Daniel Bryan headline mania for the strap against CM Punk. It won't and shouldn't happen because Bryan isn't over enough. See, I can seperate myself and my own fanhood away from what should happen.
And just because I do this with every "bitcher" (that's what you are), tell me how you would have booked it. Lemme guess, CM Punk and Christian go over clean, because they're the cool heels right? Beth Phoenix squashes Kelly Kelly because pretty people aren't good wrestlers or useful. Actually probably not even any women's match at all or rebook it as Phoneix vs Natalya. Rhodes vs Jackson happens even though they aren't over. Daniel Bryan wins. No Cee Lo Green to add star power and mainstream entertainment legitimacy to the show regardless of how stockholders will feel about not keeping up that image. Did I miss anything?
You know, if you would have had intelligent reasons and not been so aggressive, I wouldn't have ripped you apart so much. Instead you called everyone who enjoyed it (and had logical reasons for it) "sheep". You know what it means when 50 people say one thing, and you think you're the ONLY one right? It means you're crazy. Not in a funny way. Not in a cool Captain Jack Sparrow way, like a serious mental problem where you can't think outside your own box. You can't fathom anyone else having another point of view. Children also think this way.
If you didn't enjoy the show that's fine. However, you basically just said a bunch of shit that doesn't make any sense. Your reasoning is terrible. You just sound like a pissed off TNA fan, who thinks this means less people will watch TNA. Instead embrace BOTH. I do. Some stuff TNA does frustrates the shit out of me, but I still put up good and bad things, because I have an open mind. If you hate WWE so much, stop watching it.