Summerslam 2011 General Discussion/AFTERMATH - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

The ending to the main event was completely unneeded, there was already a great story, and fued going on with Cena and CM Punk, sure now people are interested and there are questions, but people were already interested in this match and aftermath, this match was should have been about answers (who is undisputed champ) now all we have are questions. My question is why risk this already great angle?
I know in the "Triple H Era', Creative wants to keep the fans and the Internet fans guessing, but the end of Summerslam was completely confusing. I would've been screaming with joy if we had Kevin Nash accompanying ADR to the ring and taking out Punk, but with John Cena holding on to the ropes and HHH not seeing it, the WWE tried to create too many rivalries in one match.
Although I didn't actually watch it (being in India, Summerslam will be shown Next Sunday), but I'm pretty sure Cody Rhodes wasn't a part of the event. How is that possible? He took the title off Jackson and is given the PPV off? Rather than having Cee Lo performing 2 songs, you could've Rhodes cut a promo backstage atleast.
The ending to the main event was completely unneeded, there was already a great story, and fued going on with Cena and CM Punk, sure now people are interested and there are questions, but people were already interested in this match and aftermath, this match was should have been about answers (who is undisputed champ) now all we have are questions. My question is why risk this already great angle?
Do you not understand storytelling? If it's a clean finish at all, then the angle is OVER. You don't kill your most over angle. Cena had his foot on the ropes, he has a legit beef. So if you just leave it at that, then it's ring around the fucking "I deserve to be champ" rosie again. Instead you add more intrigue, another layer. Everyone knows Nash and HHH are buddies. Punk's character WILL question him about it. HHH acted like he didn't know it was going to happen. So YES, all we have now is more questions, but that's what you want.

Other than that, I loved the show.
The guitarist from Tool doing the National Anthem was awesome. Then you had 2 fun promos leading into a fun, fast paced 6 man tag match. This is exactly how you start a show. Fun and fast paced.

Beth Phoenix worked a miracle with Kelly Kelly. People here who think it was boring don't appreciate effort or are just so blinded by the motto "hate anything the WWE does, and hate it even more if it's women". Kelly obviously tried super hard and was pretty gased near the end. Beth was at times, obviously leading Kelly but it's okay, most people didn't notice.

Henry vs Sheamus was awesome. Lots of just bruising each other. Perfect ending too because Henry didn't really beat Sheamus, and Sheamus was still coming near the end. Neither guy lost steam and both looked like badasses. The dude in the front row shitting himself was pretty funny too.

Daniel vs Wade was a great match. Daniel Bryan matches are a lot like Bret Hart, Benoit, and Regal matches in that the crowd isn't usually very loud until the end, but they're always watching and paying attention. I don't think the wrong man won here, that's kinda silly. Wade winning cleanly in a hard fought battle just gives him more ammo to say that he deserves the MITB. The feud continues. One thing I will add, and this shows how smart Daniel is because I've seen him do it before, we only saw a few sig and finish counters, at least compared to other DB matches. This means they'll likely have more matches and DB was saving some shit for later.

Cee Lo Green was alright I guess, not my style. The crowd wasn't very loud but they never are for music performances. It's because people don't generally all have the same tastes. So no matter who you have playing, chances are only a small portion of those 17,000 people like the music. Let's say your album sells a million copies, that means there are still 299 million people in the US who didn't buy one.

Orton vs Christian was awesome. Perfectly booked. Anyone who says this feud has been "horribly booked" needs their brain checked or needs to stop being such a huge Christian fan. His character arc this year has been so much fun and will likely change even more as the year goes on. He got despirate, looked for help from everywhere and got none, not even from his bestie, now he's going to go to really drastic measures. The match itself was pretty brutal. Orton destroying Christian at the end was perfect because it's realistic. Christian's character shouldn't have had the upper hand near the end because it's not how the feud has been. No fan is going to see Christian as any less of a wrestler because of it, so if you're a Christian fan with your panties in a bunch, chill the fuck out. The RKO on the stairs was sick. No idea how Orton got a bloody thumb.

Cena vs Punk was again, amazing. Love that Punk had a strategy early on of going after Cena's ribs and solar plexus in particular to take away the wind of Cena because he's bigger and carries more weight. Also doing stuff like making Cena pick himself up and doing a lot of mid-section squeezing moves. I also like the "learned" spot of Punk countering the suplex to the floor since last time it kicked Punk's ass. Of course Cena did his part and sold everything well. He sold fatigue, didn't hit his warrior shoulders as fast. Another bit of in ring storytelling I loved was that Cena countered a lot of Punk's stuff that was a Punk counter originally. Logically, Punk scouts Cena's big stuff, so in MITB, Punk kicks Cena in the head on the 5 knuckle shuffle, this time, Cena catches the leg. Lots of chain counters that actually make sense in the context of the in ring story as opposed to counters to just be counters.

The finish makes sense because HHH, not being a pro referee, wouldn't be "as trained" to see the foot on the ropes. Also, because he's not in the back in charge of things, makes sense for Nash to get through. I already stated above why it makes perfect story sense.

Overall Summerslam gets an A. Everything did it's job.
Wow. Just wow. What a show!! Before I begin, I must just say that going into the show, I was expecting to be heavily disappointed because of the lack of buildup for the undercard. Money In The Bank made me say : Woah! I need to get this! because of the main event AND the undercard. Summerslam made me say :Oh, I should get this. Nonetheless.

In the opening, when I saw Miz's AWESOME letters set up for his entrance, I marked out so much! I didn't expect Miz to be on the card at all! I liked his promo, and kind of R Truth's, but TBH it just wasted time. I liked the fact that this match gave all six guys a spot on the card but it should not have been the opening match at all. All six guys are Raw's upper mid carders. Not openers. The match was very good in my opinion for a six man tag match. Had a nice back and forth feel. I loved the end where all three of the faces hit something big. Jomo's plancha, Kofi's HUGE crossbody-ish thing, and Rey's 619. Rey needed the win to go into Raw looking strong. Good match, I'll say 6/10 because the spot on the card and the waste of time in the beginning.

Cee Lo Green= don't care. (Man he's a big guy, though.) Divas match=don't care even though it was semi-decent. Sheamus/Henry was perfect. Made both look very strong. Glad neither lost by pin fall. That way both came out strong, because for Sheamus to get up at all, as Cole said, makes him look strong. That was a huge spot, going through the barricade. Caught me off guard. The people sitting there were freaking out, I could tell. 8/10. Barrett/Bryan was magnificent. I was expecting a five minute squash match with Bryan coming out on top. Instead, the two put on a GREAT match. I really enjoyed it because I, as I said, was expecting a short squash. There were so many highlights and see-saw type action where on minute Bryan was about to win, then BOOM Barrett nearly wins. I liked seeing Barrett fly high here and there. TBH, 10/10. Barett needed the win much more because he should have won MITB to me.

Main events time! Edge coming back surprised me. I thought it'd be Brock Lesnar or Chris Jericho because Christian said "he had the best thing going". Edge cut a great promo, but again, I think it wasted valuable time. That match was brutal, in a good way. So many hardcore moments, and dramatic moments etc. Orton was bleeding pretty badly in the end, from the lip but from the thumb very badly. I think he cut his thumb on the trash can after Christian got spike DDT'ed on it. I thought Christian would win, and he should've. Because now, twice, both his title reigns mean nothing. This title reign made him look bad, because he won it by DQ, and lost it the next PPV. The end was fake, to me/ Christian's torso hit the steel, not his head. Ironic because that move is how this thing started. Back springboard crossbody/plancha or something into an RKO. 9/10. Cena/Punk. I was expecting it to be much better than MITB. It was better, but not by far, to me.

MITB had several noticeable botches and I didn't see any last night.Triple H rolling both guys back into the ring was cool, because when he got to nine and neither man was moving, I was yelling "ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO!?" That spot was awesome, to me. Punk goin' old school. The match was great, I'm not saying it was bad. But I thought it'd be incredible. It was awesome, instead. Obviously, it's all storyline. But the whole point of that match, of having HHH referee the thing, was that the winner would be undisputed champion. Cena's foot was on the rope. I'm just happy Punk won again. Can't say it was clean 100% though. I was expecting Stephanie to do SOMETHING after her being shown three times backstage.

Nope. Punk was celebrating, and now that I think of it and I'm not caught in the moment, he was celebrating for several minutes. I should have seen something coming. When he was on the top rope, I saw Kevin Nash in the front row. I said "Woah! It's Kevin Nash. Then he looked angry and hopped the barrier, and I said what?" Then boom! Crushes Punk. I hope he doesn't return to full time competition. That shocked me completely. If only I saw what was coming next. del Rio cashing in!!! I thought he'd do it at MITB. Nope (tried.) On Raw the next night. (tried) Nope. I didn't think he'd do it but he did! I was marking out like Lil' Jimmy on a Sunday!!!I did not expect that at all. What a show, for the lack of buildup and announced matches. Booker on commentary was hilarious as always. Cole kept screwing up and mixing up the names. "

Wade Barett wants to make Daniel Bryan tap here tonight."Then awkward silence. I know it must be hard to be a commentator with Vince screaming in your ear (read Foley's book(s)) but still. It's PPV! So, great show, came into it expecting to be really disappointed for the first time since WrestleMania 24, but not at all! It was a dream show to me, seeing who won! Except Miz losing.
WWE SummerSlam - August 14, 2011

Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston & John Morrison vs. The Miz, R-Truth & Alberto Del Rio - Good solid 10 minute six man tag match to open the show with. Lots of action with some great energy throughout. I thought it made good use of the men involved and it was really all you could ask for considering it was a match simply added to the card without any hype. They kept Rey out of the match until about the last 90 seconds when he came in for a hot tag. JoMo & Kofi hit big moves on Miz & Del Rio to keep them out of the picture while Rey dealt with Truth. Mysterio gets the win, which makes sense as he's scheduled for a WWE Championship match tonight on Raw. **1/2

CM Punk Backstage - Good use of Punk backstage talking with JL. Punk's overexaggeraged "apology" seems somewhat childish but that's the point I suppose. He's a punk after all. Stephanie McMahon showing up was a surprise. Girl looks damn good, especially for a mother of 3. Punk's refusal to shake her hand, saying he didn't know where it'd been, was a nice touch. The segment was a good way to keep Punk's tensions with the powers that be at the forefront. Thumbs Up

Sheamus vs. Mark Henry - A very solid, physical big man match between these two. It went longer than I expected and it was better than I expected. I like that hard hitting, physical style of Sheamus and Mark Henry really has been working hard with his character in these matches for the past few months.They traded some good power moves and both guys ultimately came out looking tough. The ending might've disappointed some but I'm glad it came about this way. Henry rams Sheamus through the security railing and is able to get back in the ring, leaving Sheamus to be counted out at the 9.5 minute mark. It gives Henry a "cheap victory" without making him look weak and Sheamus didn't look weak in losing. Good match and I'm actually glad that they'll be extending this feud for a little bit. **3/4

Cee Lo Green - I didn't really watch this, didn't have any interest in it. I'm not into the guy's music so this was a good chance to go to the bathroom, get a drink or a snack or something. I was pleasantly surprised to see that this didn't last long. I was worried that we'd get an impromptu half hour concert like WWE did with Kid Rock back at WrestleMania XXV. However, it was over with quickly and painlessly and the live crowd seemed to really be into it. Can't really rate it as I didn't see much of it, but, as I said, it didn't last long and they got it out of the way. N/A

Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix for the WWE Divas Championship - Definitely an above average effort in a Diva match. In all honesty, this was a decent women's match that told a decent story and had some decent action. Kelly Kelly had more offense than I expected and that's not a bad thing. While it's always tempting to see the gorgeous Barbie doll tossed around like a ragdoll, she is the Divas Champion after all. The ending was kinda predictable but it works in this case as it sort of makes the win look like a fluke. Beth goes for the Glam Slam but Kelly Kelly is able to turn it into a modified victory roll for the win at the 6.5 minute mark. I'd like to see this angle continue with Beth Phoenix & Natalya. It's actually given a somewhat relevant storyline to the Diva scene and can result in some decent matches. **

R-Truth & Jimmy Hart - This was a good little nostalgic moment coupled with some comedy. It was nice to see Jimmy Hart and cameos like his do make the event seem a little more special. Truth did his "Little Jimmy" bit on Hart and it got a few chuckles out of me. Quick and harmless. Thumbs Up

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett - Very good match from Bryan & Barrett. The live crowd didn't seem to be into the match all that much, but that's the WWE's fault rather than theirs. They didn't have enough build up in the minds of lots of people. At the same time, however, both guys worked really hard and delivered exactly the sort of competitive, high impact and well paced match I was hoping for. Both wrestlers looked strong and determined throughout but it didn't surprise me to see Barrett get the win here. Truth is, Barrett needed the win and it probably means more matches for them in the future. Barrett is able to hit Wasteland at the 12 minute mark for the clean win. ***1/4

Edge - Prior to the WHC match, Christian announced the return of Edge. Edge got a huge pop and came out. He looks like he's slimmed down quite a bit, but he looks healthy. It was good to see him and I thought his message to Christian worked well. Edge's comments to Christian were well placed and gave the crowd something to really cheer for. I'm also glad that they didn't have Edge in Christian's corner as that would have actually made Christian sort of the face in his match with Orton. Thumbs Up

Christian vs. Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship - Yet again, Christian & Orton deliver a legit match of the year candidate. It was an excellent physical, hardcore style brawl between two guys that just have impecable chemistry together. We actually got a little bit of blood when Orton's lip was cut. Late in the match, I thought it was kinda cool how Orton used his thumb to wipe some of the blood form his lip onto his face, kinda like war paint or something. They made excellent use of the weapons available. Christian took a lot of great looking table bumps during the match and looked resilient throughout with both guys getting some great, believable near falls. The ending comes at the 24 minute mark when Orton catches Christian flying off the second rope in an RKO on ring steps that'd be set in the ring. Orton wins the match and is the new WHC. I'm not wild about Orton regaining the title, he doesn't need it after all, but it was a fantastic match. Again, Christian shows why he's been a main event level guy for years. ****1/4

John Cena vs. CM Punk for the Undisputed WWE Championship - While this match wasn't quite on the same level as their MITB match, it was still an awesome effort by two guys that just have unbelievable chemistry together. The crowd was charged for this match and both guys were able to deliver massive responses from the fans in attendance. Again, both of them went at it with everything they had and just flat out delivered with big moves, great near falls and incredible storytelling. The ending of the match was great as Triple H did "accidentally" screw Cena out of the match. Punk hits Cena with the GTS and goes for the pin, Cena's foot is on the bottom rope but Triple H didn't see it. Punk gets the pinfall win at the 24 minute mark. ****1/2

Alberto Del Rio & Kevin Nash - All of a sudden, Kevin Nash pops up out of the crowd and blasts Punk with a clothesline after he rolled back into the ring to celebrate winning the title. He then nails Punk with a Jackknife Powerbomb while Triple H sells shock. Alberto Del Rio runs out with a referee and cashes in his MITB briefcase. He nails Punk with an enziguiri, gets the win and becomes WWE Champion.

Overall Show - SummerSlam just flat out delivered. From top to bottom, just a vastly better show than last year. I had some trepidation about the show when looking at how there were only 5 matches announced on the card plus Cee Lo Green possibly being there to take up some valuable time. However, SummerSlam turned out to be a great show with great action from top to bottom. The opening six man tag match was a good, solid match to open things up. It didn't really feel much like a match that was just tacked on because there were just so many talented guys involved. Sheamus vs. Mark Henry was a great big man match, much better and longer than I expected it to be. I like how they used CM Punk on the show to maintain the sense of tension between himself and the suits. They didn't go try to do too much or go over the top with it and it just made how the evening would ultimately unfold all the better. The Divas actually delivered a really good match by Diva standards with Kelly Kelly retaining. Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett was exactly what I was hoping and expecting for. I expect their feud to continue with Bryan gaining some retribution. The double main event delivered big time. Orton & Christian delivered another fantastic match that made great use of the hardcore style brawl. The WWE doesn't do this often, so the usage of the weapons and all this felt very very fresh. It's an element in these matches that hasn't been done to death in WWE, we rarely see them in fact, and that's the way it should be. I'm not crazy about Orton winning the WHC again but I'm intrigued where this is going and the match was still amazing. Cena vs. Punk II also just lived up to expectations. I don't think anything they could've done would have quite equaled MITB but I thought they came very close. Both of them left it all out there in the ring and just gave the fans another match that'll be talked about for a very long time. I liked how the match ended as it was due to Triple H's fault as the ref rather than anything underhanded on Punk's part. It just kept him looking extremely credible and gave Cena a viable excuse for not winning the match itself. Kevin Nash showing up and laying Punk out was quite a surprise. Del Rio cashing in his MITB contract was kind of expected, but the part Nash played was certainly out of left field. The ppv ends with a huge cliffhanger and lots of unanswered questions that will definitely have people tuned in to see what happens next.

Grade: A
You know, the crowd seemed quiet during DB vs Wade, but they still seemed like they were paying attention. I donno if I said it here or elsewhere, but it's kind of the same thing when you watch a Regal, Benoit, or Bret Hart match. The crowd doesn't boo or cheer or chant as much during the match, but when you look at the crowd, their eyes are always on the ring, and they "oooo" and "aahh" at the moves. DB's shoulder torture submission/pin got a nice "oooo".

I think maybe it's just how american audiences react to a guy like that. I don't think it was WWE's fault the crowd wasn't as into it as I was. They've been given several segments. Bryan just isn't good enough on the mic and they're both still kinda new. WWE gave them time and even Cole put the match over. To me the WWE is doing everything they can and so are both guys so it'll just take time.
I thought Summerslam was a great show, the opening national anthem on guitar was a good performance and a nice touch. The opening 6 man tag team match was good, it was a fast paced fun match and i was happy that Rey Mysterio picked up the win for his team, it gives him momentum leading into his Wwe championship match tonight on Raw

Mark Henry vs Sheamus was also a good match, and it was better than I expected it to be. The ending spot with the barricade was awesome. I wanted Sheamus to win but the count-out finish was alright too.

Cee-Lo Green's performance was ok. I liked summerslam's theme song that was sung by him but I don't really think he sounds that good live. He tried to put a lot of energy into it but it didn't sound like the crowd was very into it.

The diva's title match was actually pretty good with both K2 and Beth Phoenix putting up a good effort. I didn't really care who won but it was nice to see Kelly Kelly get the win , I would say this feud is far from over.

Daniel Bryan vs Wade Barrett was also a great match, nice back and forth match with Barrett picking up the victory, next time these two face im guessing it will be for the MITB briefcase.

Christian vs Randy Orton for the World Heavyweight Championship was a fantastic match, there best match yet. It was nice to see Edge again and the promo he cut before the match was great. In the match there were a lot of counters, finishers and they really put the "no holds barred" stipulation to good use. The match ending RKO on the steel steps was excellent. Randy Orton picks up the victory and becomes the new world Heavyweight champion in what I would consider a 5 star match and easily match of the night.

Cm Punk vs. John Cena for the Undisputed Wwe Championship with Triple H as the special guest referee was an awesome match, although it wasn't as good as their Money in the Bank encounter it still made for a very good main event. Surprisingly, HHH called the match down the middle. I was happy that Cm Punk picked up the victory, but I can't say I'm a fan of ADR becoming wwe champ. Even though Diesel returning was a huge shock, I cant help but say that im confused over what is going on.

Overall, I think Summerslam was an excellent event, every match was good, the backstage segments were pretty funny and even the musical performances were half decent. I would give this PPV a 8/10.
This is a typical reason why WWE is #1. Because idiot sheep fans do not want to call them out on their BS. This PPV was a joke and a disgrace to every other fantastic SummerSlam event in past history.

1. Why would you open up the PPV with a promo and a lackluster match that should belong on Raw?

2. Where the hell is this "Youth" WWE talks about? Cody Rhodes is the Intercontinental Champion but he isn't on the card? When he should be in a rematch against Zeke. Ziggler and Alex Riley started a feud 2 weeks ago but he isn't booked for a match. Makes no sense.

Oh by the way, The Tag Titles still exist? Because they could always use them sometime.

3. Edge comes out as Christian's big surprise. Great. Fantastic.....Only to bury him. Then he gets buried by Orton.

We all know, Christian was never liked by Vince McMahon but do we have to make it obvious? Wouldn't it be nice to see someone else that isn't a boring, predictable character like Orton win the WHC and do something with it? But Nooooooo

4. Divas Match. WWE logic: Hey, lets start an angle where Beth and Natalya start squashing the pretty divas but randomly make Kelly Kelly win and make it seem less intimidating!
Only thing they accomplished with this match was the storyline isn't a complete ripoff of what TNA just ran with the Knockouts 1 months ago.

5. Cena vs. Punk....Well, I liked the crowd....That's about it. The match wasn't even that fun to watch because it was booked way to similar to the last one, seriously It was just 5 weeks ago..I remember it. Why book it the same way again? That's cheap. But again, sheep don't see anything.

So, Cena gets pinned and Triple H doesn't see his foot on the ropes...Wow..WOW..How shocking!...Because I could have sworn they had a poll on asking if that would happen..and it did....What's the word for that...Ummm....Predictable? Yeah that's exactly what it was.

Kevin Nash? WTF? I thought he was somewhere laughing at Paul Heyman and getting drunk with Waltman. Anyways....He buries CM Punk. I hate using that term but what else can you call it when half of the arena was celebrating you winning the WWE title/retaining it and you get beaten by Kevin Nash.

Oh look, Del Rio comes out to cash it in. Because I never thought it would happen despite the fact Josh Matthews practically told the entire world on SmackDown two days ago!!!

I can't believe it!!!!!...I can't believe it's not butter!.....But In all seriousness, if TNA pulled this swerve and overbooking people would say "omgz vince russo is swerving crap this sux this ppv is a waste" but again, WWE books it and people think it's great and unpredictable.

Now, WWE just put the belt on a guy who can't draw heat and is like 35 years old. YOUTH MOVEMENT FTW!

Now, Triple H screwing someone over was up for prediction by WWE. Del Rio cashing it in was hinted by WWE...And what point do fans stop believing this BS and actually stand up to this lack of intelligent booking?

But again. WWE > Anything.

Terrible PPV. Disgraceful ending to a good feud. The sad part is, I'll be called a mark by everyone despite my praise for what WWE has done the last 3-5 weeks weeks.

Nobody seems to admit when they do something crappy but manages to attack other promotions that book the same way.
This is a typical reason why WWE is #1. Because idiot sheep fans do not want to call them out on their BS. This PPV was a joke and a disgrace to every other fantastic SummerSlam event in past history.

1. Why would you open up the PPV with a promo and a lackluster match that should belong on Raw?

2. Where the hell is this "Youth" WWE talks about? Cody Rhodes is the Intercontinental Champion but he isn't on the card? When he should be in a rematch against Zeke. Ziggler and Alex Riley started a feud 2 weeks ago but he isn't booked for a match. Makes no sense.

Oh by the way, The Tag Titles still exist? Because they could always use them sometime.

3. Edge comes out as Christian's big surprise. Great. Fantastic.....Only to bury him. Then he gets buried by Orton.

We all know, Christian was never liked by Vince McMahon but do we have to make it obvious? Wouldn't it be nice to see someone else that isn't a boring, predictable character like Orton win the WHC and do something with it? But Nooooooo

4. Divas Match. WWE logic: Hey, lets start an angle where Beth and Natalya start squashing the pretty divas but randomly make Kelly Kelly win and make it seem less intimidating!
Only thing they accomplished with this match was the storyline isn't a complete ripoff of what TNA just ran with the Knockouts 1 months ago.

5. Cena vs. Punk....Well, I liked the crowd....That's about it. The match wasn't even that fun to watch because it was booked way to similar to the last one, seriously It was just 5 weeks ago..I remember it. Why book it the same way again? That's cheap. But again, sheep don't see anything.

So, Cena gets pinned and Triple H doesn't see his foot on the ropes...Wow..WOW..How shocking!...Because I could have sworn they had a poll on asking if that would happen..and it did....What's the word for that...Ummm....Predictable? Yeah that's exactly what it was.

Kevin Nash? WTF? I thought he was somewhere laughing at Paul Heyman and getting drunk with Waltman. Anyways....He buries CM Punk. I hate using that term but what else can you call it when half of the arena was celebrating you winning the WWE title/retaining it and you get beaten by Kevin Nash.

Oh look, Del Rio comes out to cash it in. Because I never thought it would happen despite the fact Josh Matthews practically told the entire world on SmackDown two days ago!!!

I can't believe it!!!!!...I can't believe it's not butter!.....But In all seriousness, if TNA pulled this swerve and overbooking people would say "omgz vince russo is swerving crap this sux this ppv is a waste" but again, WWE books it and people think it's great and unpredictable.

Now, WWE just put the belt on a guy who can't draw heat and is like 35 years old. YOUTH MOVEMENT FTW!

Now, Triple H screwing someone over was up for prediction by WWE. Del Rio cashing it in was hinted by WWE...And what point do fans stop believing this BS and actually stand up to this lack of intelligent booking?

But again. WWE > Anything.

Terrible PPV. Disgraceful ending to a good feud. The sad part is, I'll be called a mark by everyone despite my praise for what WWE has done the last 3-5 weeks weeks.

Nobody seems to admit when they do something crappy but manages to attack other promotions that book the same way.
This is a typical reason why the IWC is it's own worst enemy.

Number 1, lackluster match? It was "bang bang" the crowd loved it, it was the exact kind of opener you need.

Number 2, none of those feuds are very over, they'll get more time with NOC coming up, settle the fuck down. You don't just book people, they have to be over.

BURIED BY ORTON? BURIED BY EDGE?? Okay, so Edge, babyface, HUUUUGE fucking babyface because he's got the injury sympathy. So....he does what? Supports his friend the chickenshit heel? Yea, that makes sense. Also, if you went 15 minutes with the number 2 face in the company, number 1 face on your brand, and you took that ass kicking and kept coming, it's not getting buried. If Christian jobbed to Tyson Kidd in 2 minutes on the first match of the card, that's buried. Let's see, Christian lost because he's not as over as Orton and your top guy is always in the main feud. Christian has been feuding with Orton for what? 3 months? Not only that but Christian's character works if he's bitching in an annoying manor (not unlike you), so if you give him the belt, what does he have to talk about?

Divas match, she won on a fluke, this will piss Beth off, feud continues. Stop looking at "win, loss" and look at HOW you fucking simpleton.

The crowd was the only thing you liked? What about the learned psychology spots? What about CM Punk's strategy of working the lungs and letting Cena pull himself into the ring more to exhaust himself? What about Cena countering Punk's counters? O but no, logical booking at the end (how the fuck is it the same?) throws you off. You're what I call a bitcher. You just love to bitch. Nothing will ever be good enough for you. You enjoy bitching. Go drink some fuckin cranberry juice, it helps my girlfriend when she's ragging.

There's that word "BURIES" do you even fucking know what it means you moronic mongoloid? To bury someone means that if they are over, after you are done with them, they are NOT over. However, because Punk was screwed by a member of the kliq, he will be MORE OVER. O no, you might be right, people will go "FUCKIN CM PUNK DOESN'T HAVE THE TITLE, HE'S NOT GOOD" please tell me you were trolling. Nobody can be that stupid. He didn't get beaten by Kevin Nash. Del Rio may have been predictable, but now people have to ask "why" and they will watch Raw.

No, TNA doesn't book this. TNA books 5 minute ladder, ultimate X, and cage matches, in feuds that aren't heated, on their regular TV show, without advertisement, all within 2 weeks. TNA has Kennedy flip heel/face 3 times in a month. TNA has Kennedy blade for no fucking reason in the opening segment of a not very heated feud, but then Sting gets beatdown later in the main feud and no blood. This is not overbooking, everything served a purpose. What purpose did those UX, Cage, and Ladder matches serve?

You don't get it. You ARE a fuckin mark because you can't look past wins and loses and likely MOVEZ. You didn't even notice the beautiful story told in the ring by Cena and Punk. You are a butthurt TNA fan. I review TNA's stuff. I give pros and cons to everything. Just because I like WWE doesn't mean I won't watch TNA, because I do.

Think about this. Punk keeps his momentum, so does Cena, there is intrigue as to whos side Nash is on. Plus how is Cena going get his fair shot?

You see, it's not overbooking when everything has a purpose. Instead of just bitching about "WTF NO YUNG GUYZ" think "well maybe they aren't fuckin over and you don't put guys who aren't fuckin over on your second biggest PPV". It's not a charity case. They will be on other shows, but not this one. Then again, if you're a blind TNA mark, you probably don't mind seeing generic 1 and generic 2 come out with their generic tribal tatoos doing generic moves with no ring psychology, show no emotion other than intensity, and having no mic skills.

Instead of bitching about "GODDAMN GUD REAL RESTLER CHRISTIAN DIDN'T WIN CLEAN" think, "hmmm, Orton is the better draw and Christian's character only works if he's complaining, doesn't make sense for Christian to win".

Also, learn what the fuck it means to be buried. When you have won the title, and nash comes out, and the building shits its pants, and powerbombs you and you lose your title, and you've been a character that's fighting "the man" that's not getting buried.

If you're going to criticize a WWE show, at least do it in a constructive manner. When I criticize each impact, I give a list of pros and cons and why stuff does or does not make sense in the context of the story and/or match.
Think about this too, CM Punk's character is about "fighting the man". If he has the title, how much can his character say about "the man" holding him down when he has the fucking title? Not much of anything huh?

My advice, go to college, take some theater and lit classes, or just watch some more tv, or when you watch wrestling ask yourself "why does this make sense for the character" "why is he so over?" "why does this make sense for the story"?

Everything the WWE did last night made sense in the context of the story. Not only that but you're forgetting the most important rule of pro wrestling. It's not about YOU, it's about the majority in your audience. If WWE did everything to please YOU they'd be out of business. I'd personally love to see Daniel Bryan headline mania for the strap against CM Punk. It won't and shouldn't happen because Bryan isn't over enough. See, I can seperate myself and my own fanhood away from what should happen.

And just because I do this with every "bitcher" (that's what you are), tell me how you would have booked it. Lemme guess, CM Punk and Christian go over clean, because they're the cool heels right? Beth Phoenix squashes Kelly Kelly because pretty people aren't good wrestlers or useful. Actually probably not even any women's match at all or rebook it as Phoneix vs Natalya. Rhodes vs Jackson happens even though they aren't over. Daniel Bryan wins. No Cee Lo Green to add star power and mainstream entertainment legitimacy to the show regardless of how stockholders will feel about not keeping up that image. Did I miss anything?

You know, if you would have had intelligent reasons and not been so aggressive, I wouldn't have ripped you apart so much. Instead you called everyone who enjoyed it (and had logical reasons for it) "sheep". You know what it means when 50 people say one thing, and you think you're the ONLY one right? It means you're crazy. Not in a funny way. Not in a cool Captain Jack Sparrow way, like a serious mental problem where you can't think outside your own box. You can't fathom anyone else having another point of view. Children also think this way.

If you didn't enjoy the show that's fine. However, you basically just said a bunch of shit that doesn't make any sense. Your reasoning is terrible. You just sound like a pissed off TNA fan, who thinks this means less people will watch TNA. Instead embrace BOTH. I do. Some stuff TNA does frustrates the shit out of me, but I still put up good and bad things, because I have an open mind. If you hate WWE so much, stop watching it.
First things first no musical performances on wrestling ppvs anymore except Wrestlemania. Whoever that was playing the anthem completely butchered it. Go listen to Hendrix play it he did it justice.
Overall I was entertained. I don't think the women's matches should be on a ppv. Although that was one of the better ones I've seen. Loved the Henry/Shemus match. Good ending to keep the angle going. Orton/Christian was top notch. CM Punk/Cena... didn't like cena's foot on the ropes pin. That's the second time in row at a ppv that Punk didn't get a clean win. Vince and Johnny Ace got involved last time and now this. I hope they have a plan with Nash, he's old and can't move like he used to. Obviously ADR shouldn't have the title. He's not developed mic skills and in ring he's average at best. But WWE needs a Mexican Champ when they travel to south of the border.
Darkshot77's Review of Sumemrslam 2011

This may get a little nitpicky at times, but that is how I watch wrestling.

With only 5 matched announced I hade a feeling Sumemrslam would be full of filler, looks like I was right.

So the Sumemrslam Pyro goes off after a long recap of the Punk/Cena Feud, and front and center on the stage are Miz's awesome balloons. If you are going to surprise people with an announced match, try to keep it secret. Miz wasn't announced in the card, yet the stage is ready for his entrance first thing, kinda gave it away. So Miz trots out with a mic, who is interrupted by Truth also with a mic, who is interrupted by Del Rio. Kofi, Morrison, and Rey all follow suit and we have our opening contest.

John Morison, Kofi Kingston, and Rey Mysterio v The Miz, R-Truth, and Alberto Del Rio-Good opener with a good showing from all parties. Rey pickes up the win with a 619 and splash on Truth. They were promoting the fact that Rey had a title shot in San Diego on Monday and to put him on a roll, Rey won. As far as the match goes, It was pure filler and I honestly didn't really care. Not one man going into that match had any sort of a compelling story, But the match was entertaining. After a commerical we get a recap of Henry/Sheamus and it is next.

Mark Henry vs Sheamus-Very good for a big man match. Henry dished out the pain and Sheamus stood toe to toe. After bashing him against the ring-post and driving him through the barricade, Henry wins as Sheamus cant get back into the ring before 10. I personally thought the ending was weak but it played to Henry's character, Not simply fit with pinning you for 3, he seeks to hurt you.

More commercials and we get the Cee Lo Green performance. Unfortunately the crowd just wasn't into it, and you really couldn't understand what he was singing. For me it was halfway worth it to hear "Forget you" and see Alicia Fox...mmmm...Alicia...But back to topic. The diva's obviously had not choreographed anything, and It looked like the boss just said, "Go out there and dance or something" It looked poor. I do not like how the Bella's and Rosa Mendes were out there as well, less on Alicia, cause she might be turning face. Being all happy and dancing hurts their credibility as heels. Where were Katlyn and AJ? It would have fit better with them. Never the less, THIS NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON A PPV. I have never been a fan of performances of PPV's I am OK with them on Raw and SD, But if I wanted to pay money to hear Cee Lo Green, I'd buy a CD.

More commercials and we get Beth vs Kelly.

Kelly Kelly(c) vs. Beth Phoenix: Divas Championship Match-Decent match except for the fact that Kelly needs a lot work on her in ring ability. I know she is trying her best and working hard but the fact remains that they needs to train her more, and should not be the face of the division until she at least gets to the level of Eve or Tamina. All that aside this was the Best I have seen her in quite some time. She really showed her potential, and with some tweaking she can be good. Beth put on a great performance and looked mighty fine in her roller girl outfit. Kelly won with a roll up.

More commercials and recaps (seeing a pattern) and we move on to the next match:

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett-Holy crap these 2 stole the show. My hats off to Bryan and Barrett, they out on a clinic and exceeded my expectations. Everything was very clean. Bryan used speed and skill, Barrett used his Power, and what we got was golden. Bryan's switch from the Guillotine choke to the LaBell Lock was very cool. Though in the end Barrett won with the Wasteland. These two guys are so talented, I haven't seen a mid-card match that specular in quite some time, keep it up.

So Christian comes out and introduces his "secret weapon" for his match, Edge. Who began to spout off the biggest crock of hypocrisy that I have heard in quite some time. I thought that Christian was taking tips from Edge on how to be a slimeball, And suddenly he is all self-righteous? I was really turned off from the promo, I like both guys, but that was another case of the WWE rewriting the history books. Orton comes out and the match begins.

Christan(c) vs Randy Orton:World Heavyweight Championship No Holds Barred Match-More weapons were used in this match than in the last 6 months of WWE programing. Very entertaining for a hardcore match, Neither man was a slouch in this match, kicking out of some serious spots. It ends after Orton his a poweslam through a table, a DDT on a trash can and an RKO on the steel steps. I wanted Christian to win mostly because I wanted this feud to end, and Christian could start feuding with Sheamus. But we know we will get another match with these 2 because Christian does have a rematch clause, though I doubt it will be one on one.

We Now get an extensive video about the WWE axxess, and Be A Star. Followed by the second long recap of the Punk/Cena feud. Which now leads me to my biggest gripe about the PPV. All of the useless Bullshit I had to sit through between matches. TNA doesn't do this. Sure they have backstage segments, short recaps and tales of the tapes, but they don't have random commercials for their sponsors. This is a PPV not free TV. I don't want to pay to be advertised to, I am paying enough already. If I dropped 40 buck for them to give me a 7/11 commercial that i can get for free, I'd feel jipped. Due to all this crap, I feel that the PPV didn't live up to its cost.

After all that we get the Main event:

CM Punk(c) vs John Cena(c): Undisputed WWE Champion. Special Guest Referee: Triple H-This was another great match between CM Punk and John Cena. Back and forth the whole way. And in the end CM Punk hits the GTS and pins Cena. But wait his foot was on the rope and HHH didn't see it. But as opposed to arguing Cena leaves the ring. Then out of no where Kevin Nash appears and hits Punk with a Jackknife Powerbomb. Punk, now prone, becomes an easy target for Del Rio who cashes his MITB case in and becomes the WWE champion.

To me the ending was a bit of a let down and dint leave me wondering "what just happened" but "why did that just happen" I thought it was too much for one main event. So the last three weeks of WWE programming were leading up to this main event. And it ends in a dusty finish, leaving us with still a disputed WWE champion. Giving you tons of buildup and a poor payoff, but still they could have stopped there. Have another match at Night of Champions then bring in Nash and Del Rio. It was just too much all at once.

A good PPV is one where I leave feeling exhilarated or blown away (MITB of Destination X) To the point where I bought some things from cause I felt obligated to pay the WWE back because MITB was so good. After Sumemrslam I left Somewhat entertained, but mostly puzzled, the ending leaving a bad taste in my mouth. As I stated before, this PPV had good matches but with a letdown of an ending, and a lot of excess BS, that had nothing to do with wrestling, the PPV missed as a whole.

Final Rating: 5/10
This is a typical reason why WWE is #1. Because idiot sheep fans do not want to call them out on their BS.
What horseshit are you on?
This PPV was a joke and a disgrace to every other fantastic SummerSlam event in past history.
This year's Summerslam was the best Summerslam in quite a while.
1. Why would you open up the PPV with a promo and a lackluster match that should belong on Raw?
Debatable. The crowd loved it, you didn’t, not a big loss.
2. Where the hell is this "Youth" WWE talks about? Cody Rhodes is the Intercontinental Champion but he isn't on the card? When he should be in a rematch against Zeke. Ziggler and Alex Riley started a feud 2 weeks ago but he isn't booked for a match. Makes no sense.
Why would you put a match on the card when the feud doesn’t have any real steam behind it? That’s a bit foolish. This is WWE, not some Florida based wrestling promotion.
Oh by the way, The Tag Titles still exist? Because they could always use them sometime.
Not relevant at all. You’re unhappy about the Tag Titles not being defended on the Summerslam PPV? Had a match taken place, you'd be bitching about how shitty the tag match was.
3. Edge comes out as Christian's big surprise. Great. Fantastic.....Only to bury him. Then he gets buried by Orton.
Buried? Christian will remain a top player on Smackdown for the foreseeable future. Not exactly burying him. As for Edge, if he actually sided with Christian the crowd would more than likely boo him. Not exactly what you want for someone whose career ended so emotionally.
We all know, Christian was never liked by Vince McMahon but do we have to make it obvious? Wouldn't it be nice to see someone else that isn't a boring, predictable character like Orton win the WHC and do something with it? But Nooooooo
Orton is ten times as over as any Superstar on Smackdown. Not exactly boring to a normal fan.
4. Divas Match. WWE logic: Hey, lets start an angle where Beth and Natalya start squashing the pretty divas but randomly make Kelly Kelly win and make it seem less intimidating!
ROLL UP! How does that hurt anyone's credibility?
Only thing they accomplished with this match was the storyline isn't a complete ripoff of what TNA just ran with the Knockouts 1 months ago.
Get over yourself.
5. Cena vs. Punk....Well, I liked the crowd....That's about it. The match wasn't even that fun to watch because it was booked way to similar to the last one, seriously It was just 5 weeks ago..I remember it. Why book it the same way again? That's cheap. But again, sheep don't see anything.
You are seriously a blind mark if you cannot admit this match was good.
So, Cena gets pinned and Triple H doesn't see his foot on the ropes...Wow..WOW..How shocking!...Because I could have sworn they had a poll on asking if that would happen..and it did....What's the word for that...Ummm....Predictable? Yeah that's exactly what it was.
Posters here were wrong with their predictions. Most said the match would finish with Triple H either siding with Cena or CM Punk. Not exactly predictable. As I see it, Triple H is still pretty neutral.
Kevin Nash? WTF? I thought he was somewhere laughing at Paul Heyman and getting drunk with Waltman. Anyways....He buries CM Punk. I hate using that term but what else can you call it when half of the arena was celebrating you winning the WWE title/retaining it and you get beaten by Kevin Nash.
Maybe Nash is a heel? How the fuck is it burying when you haven’t even saw RAW yet? Burying cannot occur in one night.
Oh look, Del Rio comes out to cash it in. Because I never thought it would happen despite the fact Josh Matthews practically told the entire world on SmackDown two days ago!!
That's just stupid. Money in the Bank winners taunt cash in all the fucking time. Announcers acknowledge the fact that the Money in the Bank winner could always cash in. In fact, I don’t think a week has passed where they didn’t acknowledge that Del Rio could cash in. Besides, chances are, Matthews didn’t even know Del Rio would cash in until Sunday. The news sites have reported that the final script for Summerslam wasn’t completed until late Sunday afternoon.
I can't believe it!!!!!...I can't believe it's not butter!.....But In all seriousness, if TNA pulled this swerve and overbooking people would say "omgz vince russo is swerving crap this sux this ppv is a waste" but again, WWE books it and people think it's great and unpredictable.
No, TNA overbooks shit wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much. Like seriously. How many swerves have happened in the last year between the two companies? TNA pulls shit way too often. It isn’t bad when you don’t ass fuck swerves so much like they do.
Now, WWE just put the belt on a guy who can't draw heat and is like 35 years old. YOUTH MOVEMENT FTW!
Is 35 old to you? Anyways like I said, RAW has yet to happen. With Del Rio relevant again, I guarantee you he'll draw some heat.
Now, Triple H screwing someone over was up for prediction by WWE. Del Rio cashing it in was hinted by WWE...And what point do fans stop believing this BS and actually stand up to this lack of intelligent booking?
I did stand up. I stopped watching TNA months ago.
But again. WWE > Anything.
You got that part right.
Terrible PPV. Disgraceful ending to a good feud. The sad part is, I'll be called a mark by everyone despite my praise for what WWE has done the last 3-5 weeks weeks.
Your praise means shit to me. Its obvious you’re still a TNA mark. You find anyway to bitch about something the WWE does…even if it's good.
Nobody seems to admit when they do something crappy
You won’t admit when they do something good.
but manages to attack other promotions that book the same way.
TNA does not book like the WWE. When they do a swerve, it's one after another. One swerve is fine, hell, two is ok, but when every PPV involves either a heel/face turn or some type of Immortal swerve, that's where I call bullshit.
I think the finish was majorly overbooked. Too many things happening at once, meaning nothing has the desired effect.

One second the focus is on Punk and Cena, then it's on Triple H, then it's Nash, then it's Del Rio. None of them particularly linked. It was all just a big mess.

Personally I think they should've just left it at Punk winning the undisputed title. Alot less confusing and it would've given Punk some much needed credibility.
I think the finish was majorly overbooked. Too many things happening at once, meaning nothing has the desired effect.

One second the focus is on Punk and Cena, then it's on Triple H, then it's Nash, then it's Del Rio. None of them particularly linked. It was all just a big mess.

Personally I think they should've just left it at Punk winning the undisputed title. Alot less confusing and it would've given Punk some much needed credibility.
So Punk shows up on Raw, complaining about being held down by the man, but....he has the belt? that doesn't make any sense.

The focus changes a lot and it was a mess, but it was a good mess. It's not like they do this every segment. They needed to get the belt off both Cena and Punk without either looking bad and Punk needed new ammo. This achieved all of that.

It really wasn't that confusing. You went on an emotional ride "Punk won but Cena's leg was on the rope" Cena complains, then leaves because he's a good guy, Punk celebrates, then Nash comes out, you think "hmmm, did HHH order that?" then Del Rio cashes in, so you're like "o man he got screwed, I wonder if it was because of HHH"

The focus really wasn't changed that much. It was mostly on Punk, as in "Punk wins but Cena's foot was on the ropes" "Nash powerbombs Punk" "Del Rio cashes in on Punk" "did HHH screw Punk?"

see, it's all really on Punk. It's not that confusing.

For a group of people (not necessarily the guy I quoted) who a lot of you say you miss the attitude era, well what do you think the tude era was? It was stuff like this 3 times a night.
-John Morison, Kofi Kingston, and Rey Mysterio v The Miz, R-Truth, and Alberto Del Rio - An unannounced match. Good opening match- ***

Mark Henry vs Sheamus- Good physical match. I like the ending with Sheamus going through the barricade. Its doesnt make Sheamus look weak and Mark Henry still looks like a great monster heel.- ***

Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix- Who Cares..

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett- Very good match. I am assuming their feud will continue and it does look like it will be for the MITB briefcase.-***1/2

Christan vs Randy Orton- Easily the match of the night. They stole the show from Punk vs Cena. Great psychology and the pacing of the match was great. They had some great spots. Some of the stuff looked painful like the superplex on the unset table, and Christian choking Orton with a kendo stick. This match had the feel of an attitude era hardcore match.- ****1/2

CM Punk vs John Cena- Not as good as MITB but is was still a very good match. Cena cant sell the GTS though. But I like the ending, IWC always complains about how the WWE is too predictable. No one was expecting Kevin Nash to get involved. Everyone was expecting some kind Triple H swerve. Del Rio being the champion should be interesting -****

It was nice to see Edge too. I really liked Summerslam. I thought it was one of the better SS in a while. WWE just put out 2 very good back to back ppv's. 4/5
I was disappointed with del rio cashing in at the end. I'm mean this was a match champion vs champion, it had the same order of magnitude as hogan/warrior at WM 6 (or 7? I forgot) and Jericho/Austin at Vengeance. I can't imagine someone cashing in on Jericho and taking both his belts at the end...
-John Morison, Kofi Kingston, and Rey Mysterio v The Miz, R-Truth, and Alberto Del Rio - An unannounced match. Good opening match- ***

Mark Henry vs Sheamus- Good physical match. I like the ending with Sheamus going through the barricade. Its doesnt make Sheamus look weak and Mark Henry still looks like a great monster heel.- ***

Kelly Kelly vs. Beth Phoenix- Who Cares..

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett- Very good match. I am assuming their feud will continue and it does look like it will be for the MITB briefcase.-***1/2

Christan vs Randy Orton- Easily the match of the night. They stole the show from Punk vs Cena. Great psychology and the pacing of the match was great. They had some great spots. Some of the stuff looked painful like the superplex on the unset table, and Christian choking Orton with a kendo stick. This match had the feel of an attitude era hardcore match.- ****1/2

CM Pun vs John Cena- Not as good as MITB but is was still a very good match. Cena cant sell the GTS though. But I like the ending, IWC always complains about how the WWE is too predictable. No one was expecting Kevin Nash to get involved. Everyone was expecting some kind Triple H swerve. Del Rio being the champion should be interesting -****

It was nice to see Edge too. I really liked Summerslam. I thought it was one of the better SS in a while. WWE just put out 2 very good back to back ppv's. 4/5
Cena can sell the gts, he just doesnt take it well. Taking a move =/= selling despite what RVD thinks. What did u think of the storytelling in the Punk/Cena match? I thought it was deeper than Orton vs Christian.
I was disappointed with del rio cashing in at the end. I'm mean this was a match champion vs champion, it had the same order of magnitude as hogan/warrior at WM 6 (or 7? I forgot) and Jericho/Austin at Vengeance. I can't imagine someone cashing in on Jericho and taking both his belts at the end...
Hogan/Warrior was a passing of the torch, so yea, that's going to be clean. Austin vs Jericho was the end of a 9 month long journey bringing the two titles together. CM Punk vs Cena is like the middle of a multilayered saga. So yea, they're going to tie up some loose ends and create new ones. The three aren't really comparable. The situation is similar but the story, and more importantly, the part of the story they're in, isn't the same. Kinda like saying you should reveal who the bad guy is in a mysterio halfway through a movie just because it's a similar scene to another reveal in another movie that was at the end.
Summerslam 2011

The Miz/R-Truth/Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston/John Morrison/Rey Mysterio
I feel like I saw this match, last week, on Raw. That, or at a house show. I understand the importance of getting everyone on the card, but this reeked of desperation to do so. It felt forced, and I was rather bored. Also, it took too long to start up. Fuck it. I just didn't care for it.

Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
This was exactly what I expected it to be, minus the finish. Awesome big man vs. big man action, something WWE is investing more time in as of late. Sheamus isn't the king of psychology, but this was different. You could feel his struggle. Big Mark was more man than Sheamus had anticipated, and he made us feel that.

The finish didn't bother me, but I was expecting a more... even finish, one that would make these guys look equally strong. Mark looked a bit stronger, which is somewhat odd given the recent face push Sheamus has received. Either way, I loved this match.

No one cares.

Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett
Average match, nothing special. I do like Barrett getting the win, though. Right now, in August of 2011, he needs it more than Bryan. DB has several months to build himself up. Barrett doesn't have that same advantage. He hasn't done jackshit in months, and needed this. I hope he becomes involved in the World Title picture soon, I really do. Decent match, not spectacular.

Christian vs. Randy Orton - World Heavyweight Championship
Call me crazy, but I think this is their best match. Why? It told the best story. These two (kayfabe) absolute despise one another, and this was a great blow-off. Easily the most violent of their meetings, and it needed to be. They've had better "wrestling" matches, but this was their best contest, in my opinion. Match of the night for me.

CM Punk vs. John Cena - Undisputed WWE Championship Match
Not as good as their MITB match, but I think this crowd being half as awesome had a lot to do with that. In all honesty, it was the same thing we saw in Chicago. Is that bad? Absolutely not, seeing the match in Chicago was phenomenal. However, this doesn't get ***** from me.

Punk not winning clean will piss off smarks, but what did you expect? Cena doesn't lose clean. In the history of professional wrestling, when does the face of a promotion lose clean? He doesn't, so get over it. Awesome match.

Punk vs. Del Rio
Prior to the start of Summerslam, I had convinced myself I would be furious with an Alberto Del Rio cash in. I hate him, a lot. I think he's the most boring heel on the planet. However, add in a HUGE powerbomb from Big Sexy, and I'm sold. This angle is going somewhere, hopefully somewhere big, so I loved the finish.


I really dug this show. Not too much undercard filler (minus Cee Lo's fat ass), and two GREAT main event matches.
Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, & Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, & The Miz

Unadvertised filler match that had a nice amount of back and forth action. The ending sequence was a lot of fun and it got the crowd hyped up. It did it's job. I like when they do things like this, reminds me of when WCW would throw on random Cruiserweight spotfests to open the show, only here the main events don't suck ass.

Sheamus vs Mark Henry

I dug this an awful lot. These 2 have had plenty of matches on Raw in the past and they were all usually pretty weak, but Sheamus has grown so much in his short time on Smackdown and Henry has really risen from the ashes lately. I thought the ending was a little odd but in a way it protects both guys. Henry gets another win and still looks unstoppable, while Sheamus had to be put through the fucking barricade just to get counted out. I suspect this feud isn't quite over yet.

Div-- fuck it. Not going to pretend I care.

Wade Barrett vs Daniel Bryan

Decent filler match. It gives DB some more exposure on his way to cashing in his brief case and Barrett is made relevant again by the win. Other than that, didn't care too much for this one.

Randy Orton vs Christian

This is how you book a blowoff for a feud. Christian has hid behind lawyers and shit all the while driving Orton crazy, so finally he gets to exact his revenge and boy did he. The beatdown to end the match was fucking awesome and the RKO on the stairs spot looked legit brutal. Definitely their best match.

CM Punk vs John Cena

Not quite the classic they put on last month but still better than just about anything else that any wrestling promotion has put on this year. The psychology in this match was simply brilliant and the ending keeps things going for a while. Also, I hate Alberto Del Rio, I really do. But as much as I was dreading this cash in, Nash's presence built up the intrigue that would otherwise be lost on this. Unanswered questions following an amazing bout? I'm in. I cannot wait for Raw tonight.

Overall, I'd give it an A+. Not quite as good as MITB, but only by a little bit. This summer has fucking ruled.
Here are my LIVE Summerslam comments.

I was at SummerSlam and I don't know how it came off on TV, but the crowd was the loudest I have ever been apart of. Before We even got to our seats, people we standing at the concession stands and at the merch tables and even in the bathrooms chanting CM Punk as load as possible! You could not hear the person standing next to you. I seriously would have been scared to be a Cena fan near those mobs.

6 Man Tag Match-This was an awesome way to start the show. I was really surprised at how big of a pop Del Rio got. I can honestly say his pop tied with Punks. Seriously. Fans where into it and a lot were even standing up for the whole match.

Divas Match- Best Divas match in a while. A lot of the women there really wanted Beth to win and were screaming very loudly for her. The crowd as a whole never lost interest in this match. Ending really surprised us.

Sheamus vs Henry- Really surprised at how good this match was. Henry REALLY stepped his game up and Sheamus delivered as always. Crowd loved every minute of the match and gave them both lost of cheers and lost of heat respectively. When Henry put Sheamus through the barricade the crowd nearly LOST IT! Defiantly tied for spot of the night.

Cee Lo- Was good for what it was.A lot of the men used it as a bathroom break but the women and children really digged it.

Bryan vs Berret- Crowd was split right down the middle for these two. Lots of Daniel Bryan and Lets Go Berret chants through out. The match itself was fantastic. My sister who doesn't really follow wrestling LOVED Bryan. A lot of fans where standing for this one as well. Really thought Bryan should have won though.

Christan vs Orton- MATCH OF THE NIGHT! Everything about this match had the crowd screaming and jumping out of their seats. Lots of cool spots and I'm glad the announce table finally broke for Orton! Edge in my opinion got pop of the night. Really cool to see him one more time. And I want to add, that for a second, I thought Christian had DIED. After Orton gave him the RKO on the steps, Christin didn't move. For a while. The ref was moving him around and he was completely limp. Then he called out help from the back and they work on Christian and he Still wasn't moving, AT ALL. If you notice, that while he's on the floor the camera doesn't pan to him one time. But when he got up and I was relieved. Scary moment for real.

Cena vs Punk - What an awesome match! When Punks music hit the crowd EXPLODED. Half the arena was singing along to Cult of Personality too, really cool. The only reason why I would say Edge got a bigger pop than Punk is because everyone there cheered for Edge while Punk only had about 70% with the other 30% going to Cena. Speaking of Cena, he pulled out a lot of moves I've never seen from him before. I even popped when he hit that dropkick. Lots of You Can't Wrestle and Fruity Pebble chants. When the crowd would chant Lets go Cena, the other half was split in saying Cena Sucks and CM Punk. Not sure if you could tell on TV. When Nash came out everyone cheered. Even when he Jack Knifed Punk they popped. Even the kids who had no idea who he was popped, probably because the didn't like Punk. When Del Rio won the championship, again huge pop for him. The crowd loved Del Rio and cheered everything he did. Even though he screwed Punk, it sent the crowd home happy.

Very good SummerSlam. I've been to all 3 in L.A. and can say that this was the best. I can even say that it was better than this years 'Mania. A+ show.
Summerslam 2011

Alberto Del Rio, R-Truth, & The Miz VS Rey Mysterio, John Morrison, & Kofi Kingston

This match did feel pretty random, and there was no build to this at all. Still, this was a pretty entertaining match. This was fast paced, this match did feature a good amount of excitement, and there was a good amount of action here, and this was a nice way to kick off the show. Match Rating: 6/10

Sheamus VS Mark Henry

Henry and Sheaums delivered a fine match here. This was very physical, both guys punished each other with their hard hitting styles, and Henry’s slam on Sheamus through the barricade was a jaw dropping spot, because this moment did look devastating. I really enjoyed this battle of the big men, and I wouldn’t have a problem, if these two had another match. Mark Henry is on a roll, and he could become the next challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship. As far as Sheamus goes, I think he’ll be fine after this match. He wasn’t pinned cleanly in the middle of the ring, and the count out loss shouldn’t hurt him. This wasn’t a deceive victory for Henry, because Sheamus almost made it back to the ring, so The Celtic Warrior should be fine. Match Rating: 7/10

Cee Lo Green

Yeah, I really wasn’t feeling this. I just couldn’t get into the song, and I really don’t like this style of music. The divas looked good here, but everything else didn’t do it for me.

Kelly Kelly/With Eve Torres VS Beth Phoenix/With Natalya- Divas Championship

I thought this was a decent little Divas match. I enjoyed the strength vs. speed match up here. Kelly couldn’t over power The Glamazon, so she had to use her quickness and agility to defeat Beth. I’m enjoying Kelly’s reign as Divas Champion, but I think Beth will win the belt soon enough. This probably won’t be the last encounter between these two, and I would like to see another match. Match Rating: 6/10

Wade Barrett VS Daniel Bryan

Excellent match. There was some very good back and forth action throughout this match, and this one was pretty physical. This was a very competitive match, and this was a big win for Barrett. Although, Barrett’s win does kind of scare me here. There’s a chance he could capture the briefcase in the near future, because I’m not buying into this “I’m going to cash in at Wrestlemania 28 stuff.” Match Rating: 8/10

Randy Orton VS Christian- No Holds Barred Match- World Heavyweight Championship

Wow. Christian and Orton delivered another outstanding match here. The brutality in this match was unreal, because these two did beat the hell out of each other, this match did feature some very impressive counters, and there was a nice amount of suspense towards the very end. Orton is World Heavyweight Champion again, and I can’t say I have a problem with this move. Orton has been on fire in 2011, and his feud with Christian has been great. Also, I enjoyed Edge’s pre match appearance, because it was a nice little surprise. Edge is still sharp on the mic, because the promo he cut on Christian was hilarious. Match Rating: 9/10

John Cena VS CM Punk With Triple H As Special Guest Referee- WWE Championship

I thought the MITB match was better than this, but Punk and Cena still delivered another great match here. Punk and Cena threw everything they had at each other, and this was a very competitive and grueling match. The ending did feel kind of weird, because Cena’s leg was clearly on the ropes, so the pinfall should not have counted. This ending was controversial and questionable, but I don’t think it hurt the quality of the match. Cena VS Punk has been a great feud, and I would love to see another match between these two. Match Rating: 9/10

Alberto Del Rio VS CM Punk- WWE Championship

Well, I didn’t see this coming. Kevin Nash’s return was very surprising for me. He hasn’t been seen since the Royal Rumble and the 2011 Hall Of Fame ceremony, and his attack on Punk was completely unexpected. I thought Del Rio’s time would come later on, because I didn’t think anyone else would come between Punk and Cena. Still, I’m happy Del Rio won the WWE Championship. He can be a pretty good heel, he is very comfortable with his character, he can deliver in the ring, and he does have tons of charisma. I am looking forward to Del Rio’s title reign, and the ending to this pay per view did provide a good shock.

Overall Show Rating 8/10: My head was spinning after this show ended. Stephanie McMahon’s presence backstage raises a lot of questions. Who’s side is she on? Is a reformation of the McMahon-Helmsley on the horizon? How does Kevin Nash fit into all of this? Also, what’s next for CM Punk and John Cena? There are a lot of questions that need to be answered, and I can’t wait to see how everything unfolds. As far as the show goes, I thought this was a pretty good pay per view. Every match on this show delivered. Christian VS Orton is my pick for match of the night. This was a viscous showdown between two bitter rivals, and you could really feel the hatred here.

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