Possible Aftermath of WRESTLEMANIA 27: Let's keep it all here..

I'm not trying to be a cynical asshole, but I don't think we should get our hopes up for the Rock making any more appearances after Wrestlemania. Maybe the next night on Raw. Maybe. But I doubt even that.

Speaking of the next night on Raw, is that when Sin Cara shows up? Has there been a date set? Might be Awesome Kong's night, too. I don't expect her to show up at 'Mania.
Its always hard to say leading into one WM what the new fueds/storylines ect; will be for the new WWE year and the Road to the Next WM. Its an exciting time for WWE fans.

CENA VS MIZ - As i said before i beleieve Miz needs to get the win at WM in order to continue the mega-push that he is on, and Cena as the top star in the company is there to please fans, make money and sell merch but also to elevate the younger talent.
This is such a case, Cena has nothing to gain out of this WM by winning back the Championship and from recent weeks you can see creative are building the fued around Miz being underestimated.
And The Rock to factor in in some way shape or form but i couldnt even have a guess at how.

EDGE v Alberto Del Rio v Christian - Del Rio for the win. The Heavyweight title seems the most likely to change hands at WM but with the program continuing on till atleast the following PPV/Draft.

Taker v HHH - 19-0.

Mysterio v Rhodes - Codey Rhodes to go over and Mysterio to sell it well, this match has the potential to launch Rhodes and his new gimmick.

THE CORRE v Big Show & Kane - (Not been announced yet but after this past RAW it seems obvious.)
The CORRE seem the most likely to win this especially if NEXUS is done. As the only stable they will assert dominance, Decimation of Kane and Big Show last SD for eg.

Orton v CM Punk - Something tells me its Punks time to shine and that he will get the dirty will at WM to draw even more heat and layer to his Heel charecter. By far the best improver on to Roster.
This will continue on after WM however i dont see NEXUS being around anymore so maybe just a one on one fued. (Just as a side note to this though if anyone has seen Husly Harris' new gimmick that he debuted this week, With the full faced mask and new in ring demenour i can see it being played into the Head Punt angle when he returns. His new in ring style was animilistic and maybe they blame it on Orton and Punk instead of NEXUS has a beast on a leash. Just my idea there.)
The out come of the title matches are dependent on each other really...

I personally think they'll go with Del Rio beating Edge, with Christian interfering and turning heel, setting up an Edge/Christian fued. Or even a 3 way thing, but I think that's a bit messy (3 way's normally are, trust me). Then I think in the Miz Cena match, Cena will win clean, no Rock interference and they'll probably celebrate together at the end to close the show.

However if Del Rio wins clean without Christian interference, I still think Cena will win (as people have said, it's doubtful they'll let two heels win in the title matches) then I can see the Rock coming out, shaking Cena's hand etc then Cena giving the Attitude Adjustment to the Rock, instantly turning the new champ heel and really igniting a feud between these two for the next few months, leading to a match at the latest Summerslam. I'm not sure if this will happen of course but I think it would be a great way to set up the rest of the year, and Raw will be a must-see after something like that.

However if Miz wins after interference from the Rock (can't see Miz winning totally clean if he does) this will see the start of a Miz v Morrisson feud, maybe not immediately as I can't see their feud completely ending by Mania, but by about May/June time the former tag team partners will be going at it, and perhaps Miz will put Morrisson over by Summerslam. Infact even if Miz loses at Mania this feud will happen in the near future.

Other matches;

Undertaker - HHH. Taker wins in what will be a great and most violent match WWE has seen in years. I fully expect blood and various tables being broken and weapons used for this one match. WWE has kind of been letting a few Attitude Era type promos slip into Raw recently and even though I don't think this will see a return to that period, I think letting the odd match once or twice a year be that brutal is fine. I can see others coming out and getting involved too, Wade Barrett maybe coming out and attacking HHH or even both of them at some point. Perhaps even Sin Cara? Not sure if he'll get thrown into a fued against those two right away though so maybe not.

If Sin Cara doesn't show up in that match, probably more likely he'll appear in the Cody/Mysterio match. I really hope this is a great match and Cody wrestles out of his skin cos this could spell the start of a big push for him, a return to Raw in the draft, a feud with Daniel Bryan/John Morrison and perhaps even a US/Intercontinental title run in the near future. I think (and hope) Mysterio will lose but this is the result I am actually most unsure about.

Orton V Punk... Punk needs to get put over in this match, he's had a brilliant year and he deserves a WWE title run at some point, and is my outside bet to either win the rumble next year or be going into WM28 as WWE champion. Also expect at least one more PPV match between these two, this grudge won't end at WM, regardless of who wins.

Lawler/Cole... Lawler, clearly. Cole is going to get his ass handed to him. It's the real joke match of the night but this feud and build up has been played out beautifully and I am actually quite excited to see this feud reach it's logical conclusion, no more matches between the two and that would be it.

Big Show and Kane will beat The Corre... The Nexus and Corre stables are on their last legs and if Mania doesn't see the end of these fueds then Extreme Rules will.

I can see the Sheamus v Bryan match ending in a countout or dq or something stupid like that, but hopefully it'll be a great match as I did quite enjoy their Raw encounter. Bryan will go feud Cody or Drew McIntyre, and he is probably quite likely to go to Smackdown in the draft and develop his character a little more and be a much bigger fish. If Sheamus loses the title though I can see him going over to Smackdown and getting into a feud with the Undertaker should he stick around after Mania this time, he normally takes a few months off after Mania but then he's just got back after a big layoff so who knows...

Finally the tag match with Snookie..The faces to go over, Morrisson to continue his fued with Ziggler through to Extreme Rules and after that both get big pushes and title runs this year, wherever they are drafted to (Ziggler is my choice to win his MITB match this year).

Anyway that's my two cents, sorry it was so long!
Cena vs. The Miz - I would love for this match to end with a double turn. Its definatly time for there to be some changes in the WWE. After Cena hits the 5 knucle shuffle The Rock comes down to the ring with a chair, him and Cena have a stare down then finally The Rock Kicks him in the gut, goes to raise the chair over his head to hit Cena and Miz grabs the chair out of his hand throws it down in the ring looks at The Rock and says, "No, not this way this is my Wrestlemania moment and your not gonna steal it from me, everyone's doubted me for to long." The Rock looks at him says "ok kid I can respect that" and as he turns to leave the ring Cena nails him with an attitude adjustment on the chair. Cena then goes back after The Miz gets him up over his shoulder but Miz counters into the SCF to defeat Cena. Miz celbrates his win as the crowd is mixed as to whether or not to boo him or cheer the man who saved their hero. Cena comes back up looks at The Miz extends his hand and shakes Miz's hand then raises it and the crowd goes nuts as Cena lets Miz have his moment...............

At the end of the show The Rock comes back out and calls out Cena telling him to explain his actions as he made his decision to get out of the ring but Cena decided to slam him onto a chair anyways. Cena says, " Well you know something Rock after the year i've had i said i wanted my Wrestlemania moment so i seized an oppurtunity that presented it to me. But heres why Rock, week after week, month after month, year after year i come out here for these people to entertain. I put my body through everything for them and you know what happens? You come back after 7 years, you come to my home, you talk down to me, and what do they do? They go crazy for you, they're on their feet yelling your name with the rest of the millions and "millions" at home. What happens when i come out here? I talk about The Rock tell them how you walked out on them and what do they do? this half cheers me, that half boos me. Dammit Rock I should be bigger than you your a piece of crap. You call yourself the "People's Champ" well you can take your people turn them sideways and shove them straight up your......" and with this The Rock nails Cena hits the elbow and Rock Bottom to end the show.

Miz now being face can go on to feud with C.M. Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Sheamus, or anyone else his heel character hasn't allowed him to feud with and meanwhile Cena in one night has become the biggest Heel ever in the history of the WWE.

C.M. Punk vs Randy Orton - In just 4 weeks Orton was able to take out the entire Nexus, something Cena tried to do for months. Punk will come out the victor here as Orton has already been rewarded for doing the job by putting each member on the shelf.
A rematch at Extreme Rules will see Orton win with the stipulation being with his win Nexus must disband. Orton will go on to have a feud with Dolph Ziggler and of all people Ted Dibiase before setting his sights on Cena and the reversal of roles will be played through that feud as Cena is Heel and Orton is Face. C.M. Punk will feud with and win the WWE Title from The Miz.

Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio - If this match stays one on one Del Rio wins, however if Christian is thrown into this match I believe he will get his first reign as World Heavyweight Champion. Either way this feud will continue past Wrestlemania with the 3 of them. Look for Morrison to get involved after he is drafted to Smackdown.

Undertaker vs Triple H - Taker's streak continues. If Hunter is the one that end's the Undertaker's streak i may never watch WWE again. Taker either stays undefeated for ever or loses to a young star that is to become the next face of the WWE and thats that. Hopefully a Sheamus/Trips feud afterwards and i'm sure The Undertaker will take a few months off til he returns for Summerslam to seek out revenge on Wade Barrett.

Bryan vs Sheamus - Bryan will go over Sheamus and then at Extreme Rules Sheamus will go over Bryan. They will have one final match on Raw and the loser will be forced to leave Raw. Should be a good series of matches. Would like to see Bryan head to Smackdown though they could use a younger main event heel as well over there so time will tell. depends if there is a draft or not

Lawler vs Cole - Lawler will go over Cole, the divas will somehow be involved with this because of Cole talking about how boring they are. Possible debut of Awesome Kong here, heard Stone Cold is a fan of hers.
Miz will win, Cena will first blame then attack Rock, Rock will get upper hand before Cena hits a low blow, instantly turing him heel. He hits the F-U, show closes. Why would the Rock be confirmed for RAW the next night if it wasn't to call someone out.. If Wrestlemania ends with The Rock and Cena celebrating like he did with Hogan few years back it makes no sense what so ever for him to be on the next RAW.

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