Wrestlemania running order.


Dark Match Winner
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is listing the following as the match order for WrestleMania 27:

* United States Champion Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan

* Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with special referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

* Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

* Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett

* John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool

* Randy Orton vs. CM Punk

* World Heavyweight Champion Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio

* The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)

* WWE Champion The Miz vs. John Cena


I think the opener is the right choice and Cena finishing Mania was a dead cert since The Rock turned up. I think Punk and Orton have a tough task ahead of them. Depending on how much Snooki is involved the 6 person match could kill the crowd.
Wow the 8 man tag and the Snooki match are back-to-back? I better drink a lot because that'll be the longest piss break I've ever taken. That's saying something considering Morrison and Kane are my 2 favorite superstars.... wow.

Should be a good opener at least. My guess is Sheamus retains but that's for a different thread I suppose.
Very nice set up. As Kaneanite said, gives us a huge piss break before the 4 main matches. Little weird that Cole vs Lawler is so early but oh well, and I guess this means Cena will be winning since his match is on last.
only 9 matches for a 4 hour show?

WM looks naked w/o MITB this year, honestly it's not a good card and only has about 3 or 4 matches that are worth caring about
There was absolutely no doubt it in my mind that the Cena match would be last. Fastest rising star (Miz), face of the company (Cena), and legend (Rock) are all involved and on top of that it's over the company's most prized title. That should surprise no one.
The card has been ideally set up except for the Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole match, in my opinion. I'd swap that match with either the Snooki match or The Corre match. There are two reasons for doing so. Both the 8 man tag as well as the 6 man tag matches have been the worst built up matches. Snooki's job has only been to get The Jesey Shore fans onto the show. Nobody, not even fans of The Shore, are going to tune into the match to see how it unfolds. Same with the 8 man tag. It's a good way to push Corre and get a lot of popular guys on the card but again no one is really interested to see this match unfold. This will create a kinda lull period for a long time.

Also I think that the announcer vs announcer match has been built up well enough to deserve a higher place on the card. Putting such a high profile match on the card so early is always risky as it might blow out the crowd too early and they might not be as responsive as they should be for some of the latter matches.
If this card is correct, there's going to be a nice long spot to relieve yourself... several times over.

The show is going to have a seriously slow spot with these two matches back-to-back...

-- The Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett

-- John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool

Thinking they should have put Mysterio / Rhodes or Orton / Punk in the middle.
I won't claim to know as much about setting up a show as anyone working within WWE, but after watching each WrestleMania prior to this one, some of this doesn't work. Also, keep in mind this is nothing more than a dirt sheet report.

If I were booking the show (and you people should thank Christ they professionals for this), it would go like this:

1. Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes - A match that will move, move, move. The pace will be quick, and violent. This sets the right tempo.

2. *United States Champion* Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan - I'm still not sold on Sheamus as an in-ring competitor, but he and Bryan seem to have damn fine chemistry. Bryan works a quick pace, and Sheamus seems to keep up with him. This should ignite the crowd, and it's not a really important match.

3. Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett - Eight man tag matches usually stink, bottom line. This one does nothing for me, and is a glorified bathroom break. This will give the crowd a chance to relax a bit, and not burn out early.

4. *World Heavyweight Champion* Edge vs. Alberto Del Rio - This is the less important of the title matches, and spacing it out from the other is a good idea. It's like the first half main event.

5. Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole with special referee "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - No matter what happens, the crowd is going to be hot for this one. You can put it anywhere on this card, really. Cole will draw an insane amount of heat, and Steve Austin is the ref. It's a big deal.

6. Randy Orton vs. CM Punk - Total grudge match, should be quite brutal. Both guys being way over means this should end of toward the end of the card.

7. John Morrison, Trish Stratus and Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler and Lay-Cool - Another bathroom break, giving the crowd a chance to cool off.

8. The Undertaker vs. Triple H (No Holds Barred Match)

9. *WWE Champion* The Miz vs. John Cena - Two reasons this goes on last. A. The Rock. B. Triple H doesn't have his career on the line. Actually, if this match weren't guaranteed some sort of involvement from The Rock, I would say let Taker/HHH close the show even without HHH's career on the line. While I think HHH/Taker will be worlds better than Miz/Cena, The Rock being involved, and this being all about Rock/Cena, makes this a bigger deal.
I think the lack of MITB is a blessing. It has been just a spot fest and a way to get more superstars on the card. Not saying that the MITB's and the like are not exciting but it has given the chance to give more matches a decent build up. Like WM 17 had.

I would have had Lawler v Cole a later placing. Seems a waste to have the momentum and crowd reaction from Stone Cold wasted. Could have built nicely into the main events
I'm not sure about this. This is looking like Mania 19 which had the worst pacing I've ever seen and it really hurt the show at the end. You need a match to give the fans a chance to breathe before the main events. I'd have the 8 man tag going on 7th before HHH/Taker and Miz/Cena but that's just me. This card looks possible but I have a problem believing this is what they'll be going with at the end of the day.
The two things that I think really need to happen are one of either the 6-person match or the 8-man tag need to go to about 2 or 3. That's alot of bodies to have in the ring in back to back matches. It's not that I think either will be terrible, it just seems like strange placing.

The other is that King vs Cole needs to be moved back. I'd say probably behind Punk Orton, but just before the title matches. It'll be kind of a feel good way to close the pre-main event portion of the show and has been one of the most hyped matches. It also has had one of the best programs. I don't expect it to be a technical masterpiece, but with King finally getting his WM moment, the payoff of Cole's heel turn for us as fans, and the involvement of Stone Cole, this match needs to be much later that 2nd on the card.

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