Exercise- PPV's One Year Later- Compare the matches

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
This is a hypothetical thread based around one PPV and the same PPV the next year. Basically it's 2009, or whatever year, the next PPV is the Royal Rumble for example. The matches announced are the Rumble match, Jack Swagger vs. Matt Hardy, John Cena vs. John ''Bradshaw'' Layfield, Edge vs. Jeff Hardy & Melina vs. Beth Phoenix. You inexplicably see into the future and you catch a glimps of this years Royal Rumble card. Christian (Champion) vs. Ezekiel Jackson, Sheamus (Champion) vs. Randy Orton, Undertaker (Champion) vs. Rey Mysterio & the Royal Rumble match. You have no knowledge of what's happened in the past year, you're not aware how Sheamus made his debut, you don't know who's heel and who's face etc. All you see is the card on paper, what are your thoughts?

Sheamus vs. Randy Orton​

Oh shit, it's Sheamus O'Shaunessy. Sheamus must be WWE's new babyface sensation as I can't see Randy Orton being a face. He must've been the annual post WrestleMania debut on Raw and WWE must've really pushed him hard over the past year.

Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson​

I wonder if The Brian Kendrick will help get Ezekiel Jackson the victory. What is Christian doing on ECW, his feuds with Jeff Hardy & Edge must've been disappointing.

Royal Rumble Match​

This must be a stacked Rumble match, Cena, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Batista, Edge, Jeff Hardy, JBL, Chris Jericho, Umaga, CM Punk, Big Show, Vladimir Kozlov and so on don't have undercard matches. Kennedy must surely be one of this year's favorites.

Just a couple of examples.
I don't know how to go with this but...

New Years Revolution 2007

Steel Cage Match - Jeff Hardy (IC Champ) vs Johnny Nitro

WOW!!! Jeff Hardy's back? and Johnny Nitro must have been getting some push, this feud must have been going on for a while, wondering if Joey Mercury would get involved in this, maybe Nitro turned on him.

Cryme Tyme vs The Highlanders vs The World's Greatest Tag Team vs Jim Duggan and Super Crazy vs Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Who the hell are Cryme Tyme? Who are The Highlanders? The Worlds Greatest Tag Team are back wonder if they are a face group this time, and Jim Duggan and Super Crazy together? Sounds interesting.

Rated RKO vs DX

Edge and Randy Orton together? Well Edge and Cena must of had a short feud and that title change at the end of last year's New Years Revolution must of been for shock value. And DX are Back? WOW!!! Wondering how that occurred.

John Cena (WWE Champ) vs Umaga

Cena must of beaten and kept the title for all this time, and this Umaga looks a lot like Jamal in 3 minute warning. He must of gotten this new gimmick and must be getting pushed as an unstoppable monster.
I'll try.

WWE TLC (Replaced Armageddon)

Christian (c) vs Shelton Benjamin
Cool! Christian's back. Wait... he's on ECW? But he's the champ so I guess that's okay. They probably book him as equal to the other world champions. Plus he's facing Shelton Benjamin. I bet these two have had a long and lengthy feud showing how great they can both be. I bet this was a rivalry for the ages.

Sheamus vs John Cena (c)
Who the hell's Sheamus? You know, I bet he debuted at the Royal Rumble and grew for a whole year, building up his character and fanbase until he faced the champ. Maybe he's like the new Goldberg! Does this mean John Cena finally turned heel?! Oh my god, this must have been amazing.

The Undertaker (c) vs Batista
Still don't care.

Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston
I knew Kofi would be main eventing. I'm surprised he hasn't yet changed his name to The Kofe.

But I do wonder why only one of the original TLC people are on the card. You'd think Jeff, Matt, or Edge would be available.
I'll try and do survivor series:

Cena v. Shawn Michaels v. Triple h
Cool! triple h must have turned heel again. Thank god, because the last thing we need is another stupid DX reunion. the only way this match would happen is if triple h was heel, because they wouldn't make this match without a heel, right?
That's great, because his jokes when he's a face suck.

Undertaker v. Jericho v. Big Show
Im surprised big show is still with the WWE. He's the second fourth biggest jobber in the E, aside from Henry, Kane and Khali

team miz v. team morrison.
Miz must have went face with people like benjamin, morrison, and finlay on his team, which must mean hardy and bourne are heels. Miz has a lot of fresh faces in McCintyre, Sheamus, and Ziggler. I hope they do well, but don't get pushed too soon.

team kofi v. team orton
Nice, kofi's main eventing; always knew he had potential. Nice Christians back! but why on ecw. must have had a really bad run on smackdown. mvp's here, im assuming that he lost the wwe title due to someone on the other team, maybe cm punk?
Okay, I'm going to do something a little different. TNA Genesis 2010. Here goes:

Amazing red v. ? (x division title)
hmm they must have pushed red as a spot monkey face. cause there is no way he could pull off a heel character. i hope whoever the mystery guy is beats him.

Sean Morley v. Daniels
WTF?!?!?! i see that daniels is not getting any kind of push what so ever. i don't even want to watch this match.

Tara v. ODB best out of 3 falls for the knockout championship
WOW!!! TNA is really pushing the knockouts. these two must have had a long feud with not a lot of clean wins. this is either a rubber match or there first PPV match.

Morgan and Hernandez v. the British Invasion for the tag titles
Morgan and Hernandez?! I'm guessing that Homicide got hurt and Morgan filled in for him. so if Homicide was attacked the brits would be heels but he might have gotten hurt and had a heel like morgan fill in for him. the british invasion that has a ring to it i bet there very impressive.

Desmond Wolfe v. D'Angelo Dinero
hmm.. new guys i bet they started in TNA at the same time and they did an angle on them not wanting to be outdone by each other or something like that.

(I have to go so I will finish with the main event)

AJ Styles(c) v. Kurt Angle last chance match for the WHC
this should be a great match! its probably been hyped for months now! but then again... its a last chance for angle so i'm guessing they have had a couple matches before this so this won't be anything special. i bet TNA finds a way to get Kurt another shot at the gold (or AJ if he loses.. more likely) so i know AJ must be a face and angle is most likely a heel i wonder if the MEM is still together..
Chris Jericho and ?????? (c) vs The Legacy (Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase) Tag team match for the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship
Huh i thought that Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly were a team oh well maybe Chris Jericho will have a partner like Mr. Kennedy or a shocker like Mick Foley those would be good foils for Jericho's character. And awesome I bet unifying the tag team championships has strengthened the tag team division.

Tommy Dreamer (c) vs Christian Singles match for the ECW Championship
Awesome Dreamer is champ and Christian is back! Christian is probably working his way back into the wwe as an arrogant heel he will be in Smackdown teaming and feuding with Edge in a month or so.

Kofi Kingston (c) vs Montel Vontavious Porter vs The Miz vs Carlito vs Jack Swagger vs Primo Six-Pack Challenge for the WWE United States Championship
Odd Kofi was just challenging for the Intercontinental Championship and who are Primo and Jack Swagger? Awesome Miz must be a face now and in a feud with Carlito!

Michelle McCool (c) vs Melina Singles match for the WWE Women's Championship
Divas match not involving Mickie James or Beth Phoenix don't care.

Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs John Cena Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship
Huh this is still going on no one new is in the WWE Championship contention?

Maryse (c) vs Mickie James Singles match for the WWE Divas Championship
What in gods name is a Divas Championship is it like a Diva championship fought in hairspray battles? Surely the divas division isn't strong enough for two championships?

Rey Mysterio (c) vs Dolph Ziggler Singles match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
Cool Rey is now Intercontinental Champ he really deserves it and I bet this Dolph Ziggler is a up and coming skilled mat wrestler to counter Rey's high flying

CM Punk (c) vs Jeff Hardy Singles match for the World Heavyweight Championship
Awesome Punk cashed in his Money in The Bank Case from Wrestlemania 24 and has had a long lengthly reign as a face World Heavyweight champion which means he and Hardy must be friends and this is a match between faces!
I'll do the Royal Rumble too.

Michelle McCool vs Mickie James.

Well it appears the Women's title scene has changed quite a lot in a year. But it looks like I still won't care about it. Beth should still be in the women's title picture as top heel. How the hell did McCool manage to get the women's title? I guess those rumours about her and Undertaker must be true...

Sheamus vs Randy Orton

I'm so proud of Sheamus. First Irish world champion! And if he managed to get there in a year, he must be as entertaining and talented as Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle! I can't wait to see him. Orton is challenging for the WWE title even though it looks like he's going to win this years rumble. I wonder if he managed to win the title at Wrestlemania and kept it till the very end of 2009! I really hope so, he's certainly the most entertaining thing in the WWE right now. Especially if he keeps up his bad ass, old man punting ways.

Undertaker vs Rey Mysterio:

Weird, I didn't think Taker would be holding the title again. I thought he'd be looking at retiring after Wrestlemania 26. And I doubt his Mania 26 match will be a world title match. Oh well. Mysterio must have had one hell of a match to get into the world title picture, he's not doing much at the moment.

Christian vs Ezekiel Jackson

He's back, that's good. But he's on ECW... Hmm. I figured he'd be in this years Rumble or interfering in the WWE title match. But he's back in WWE, so I'm happy! Christian must be the heel here. Especially if he's going to cost Jeff the title. I guess that means Ezekiel turned on Kendrick. Meh, good for him I guess.

Royal Rumble.

Wow, this is a star studded Rumble match! Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Batista and Cena! The 4 biggest faces in the WWE apart from maybe Hardy. I'm guessing CM Punk, Jack Swagger and MVP are all in the main event or very near it by now. Why the hell are Zack Ryder and The Miz not released? I hope Jericho's direction is more focused by 2010. Great to see Hurricane's back! Who exactly is Yoshi Tatsu...? And lastly, where the hell are Edge and Hardy!? Did they finally fuck each other up so much that they both got injured? I hope they get back for Wrestlemania 26.

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