**MERGED** All Daniel Bryan/Sheamus Situation- Keep It All In Here!

I'm a big fan of Bryan and he was clearly very over with the 78,000 at WrestleMania before the 18 second loss, and I've never seen a crowd chant all night long for one guy like they did tonight, very surprising in truth.

However lets see how it goes, if it keeps up Vince may continue to push Bryan, but I'm not getting to excited just yet.
The guy got a great reaction. I think it's awesome the fans showed him the appreciation and that the WWE guys in the back allowed him to come out and enjoy/entertain the crowd.

I just hope they don't quit on his heel turn. This isn't a knock on the guy I'm sure he's alright but he plays an asshole so naturally and so well.
Stealing from a poster on the YouTube clip posted by Dereksd... The "YES" chants are a giant FU to Vince McMahon and WWE creative for their decision to bury Daniel Bryan last night. Whether you like Daniel Bryan or not, the decision to end that match in 18 seconds made a mockery of the World Title ... and it was a slap in the face to the people that paid $100 for a ticket or $60 to watch on ppv only to get completely screwed out of a WHC match at WrestleMania.

I'd be shocked if the chants don't continue. My guess is that most fans that watched tonight and have tickets to next week's Raw are already jacked up about chanting YES all night. It doesn't take much for a chant to catch on in pro wrestling, and when it does, it's damn near impossible for the crowd to forget it.
I really hope the yes chants arent just a product of people being hyped up the night after WM. D Bry is a great worker and I would love for this to keep up.
I am probably late to the party as a part of this discussion, but I have to believe that the WWE powers (Vince and Trips) understand now how over Daniel Bryan really is. The new BABYFACE World Champion Sheamus was booed quite audibly by the crowd tonight. The respect for Daniel Bryan did not catch me by surprise. It was the booing by the crowd of Sheamus that caught me off gaurd. Usually after Wrestlemania or any PPV when you have a new BABYFACE champion debuting on Raw they get a gigantic pop not a loud smattering of boos. I think Vince missed the buck on this one, and that was noticeable at the start of Wrestlemania last night. When Bryan entered the ring upwards of what seemed like twenty-five ringside signs read YES! in big bold black print. That should have indicated to somebody that Bryan is completely over, but at that point it was to late the dumb decision to have an eight-teen second match was already decided. Seems like such an egregious error on the WWE's part in booking the WHC match. Daniel Bryan should have won the match and continued to build this wonderful championship heel character that we have all came to know and now love.
Didn't Big Show have a 2 minute title reign? I don't see how the 18 second match should be any more embarrassing.

Bryan's probably going to come out and say he was distracted or something. Make a legitimate case about why he lost the title that quickly. Start wrestling like he has something to prove,that the title match was a fluke. It should help him in the long run,because had Sheamus and Bryan fought 15-20 minutes only to have Bryan come up short,then that would be it. That match would only prove that Bryan can't cut it,because he was the massive underdog in that match and that he'll lose when up against a "real" contender. Now they get to stretch that feud out for another 2 months at least and actually get some attention on Bryan and Sheamus,which they have done to great effect. The Miami fans were trolling like crazy when they started chanting "YES! YES! YES! YES!" and "SI! SI! SI! SI! SI!" So they may have lost the match,but it looks like they're about to win the war.
Yea not sure if the 18 second match was a product of a bigger scheme or if it was VKM trying to set dumb records at the cost of workers livelihoods but no matter the case this has come out in Daniel Bryan's favor. I'm really stoked on the product right now with how the fans reacted tonight with D Bry and with Brock coming back but I always worry in the back of my mind that WWE will fuck it up.
Last year was a bigger disappointment because they didn't get to wrestle on the PPV.

I have no problems with the 18 second match as long as it goes somewhere. If it goes nowhere than it really didn't make much sense. But I have a feeling this is far from over.

I don't agree with those that say Sheamus got booed because he got a nice reaction. Not a huge one but he didn't get booed. But damn that crowd was hot tonight.
Last year.

This year, they were put into a very important match up and it's likely the crowd wouldn't have been as invested into Wrestlemania had it not been for the opener. Alot of people are forgetting that the opener of a wrestling card is just as, if not more important than any other match on the card. Why; because it sets the stage for the rest of the show. Bryan's reign ended perfectly for his character and because of that, his character will grow dramatically within the coming months. Look at Daniel Bryan's character and why he’s so damn over right now. He continuously wins his matches by utilizing cowardly under handed tactics. What does Sheamus do to make sure Daniel Bryan doesn't use those same tactics on him; Brogue kick him from the very start; smart booking from my perspective. Last year's Wrestlemania match for these two was way worse than this year's. Especially given they actually had a memorable Wrestlemania moment this year. A moment that we are all talking about.

Let me get this out of the way... It's not a memorable WM moment it's more of a "Here DB he's a rag..wipe the "milk mustache" off of your face kind of moment. Punk/Jericho.. THAT is a WM Moment.. HHH/HBK/Taker hugging on the ramp... THAT is a WM moment. The DB/Sheamus match...great big dump..now then..

Ham...I respect your opinion but I must disagree. If, as you stated the first match is meant to hook the audience in then why disgrace the WHC by having 1 kick and boom the match is over? I would wager a bet that had this not been a PPV and this was the opening match of say a "night of champions" type televised event the numbers would show people turned away after that. For crying out loud HAM...the DIVAS lasted longer. Are you trying to tell me it CREDITED Sheamus AND DB to not even last as long as a Divas match that featured an anorexic barbie doll and a...what the hell does she even do? Host some sort of television show? or an interviewer or something? That match was terrible...yet some how we're supposed to believe DB and Sheamus did better in those 18 seconds than the Divas did? If anything it DETERIORATED any credibility DB was bringing to the title. He was winning underhandedly and everything but isn't that what heels do? Last I checked DB was a heel. Might be wrong but isn't he supposed to be this gloating, ego fueled heel? Heels use underhanded tactics. From this point forward if Sheamus hits the kick and someone kicks out it immediately takes away DB as a credible contender. How can someone who ONLY took a kick and got pinned be viewed as a reasonable title contender if someone who wrestles a long match can kick out? If anything Vince has just taken a Genetic Jackhammer dump all over DBs face. Didn't do much for Sheamus either.

This yeah IMO was worst of all. At least with the dark match we didn't have to see the abomination. This year people paid for a good match, and got that thrown at them...

NEVER in the past 11 years has an opening WrestleMania match gone Under 3 minutes...

WM 17- Jericho vs. William Regal (Time 08:08)
WM 18- RVD vs. William Regal (Time 06:19)
WM 19- Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy (Time 05:39)
WM 20- John Cena vs. Big Show (Time 09:14)
WM 21- Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero (Time 12:39)
WM 22- Big Show & Kane vs. Carlito and Chris Masters (Time 06:41)
WM 23- Mr. Kennedy defeated Edge, CM Punk, King Booker, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Finlay and Randy Orton (Time 19:11)
WM 24- JBL vs Finlay (Time 08:35)
WM 25- CM Punk defeated Kane, Mark Henry, Montel Vontavious Porter, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, Christian and Finlay (Time 14:26)
WM 26- ShoMiz (The Miz and The Big Show) defeated John Morrison and R-Truth (Time 03:24)
WM 27- Edge defeated Alberto Del Rio (Time 11:10)

Matter of fact I can't think of ANY WrestleMania opening match that has ever gone under 3 minutes..until now... It's a disgrace anyway you look at it that some white trash gangster rapper wanna be got more air time than Daniel Bryan and Sheamus! Brodus Clay got more time. Brodus Clay's "MAMA" got more time. SLIM JIM got more time... JR walking to the ring got more time...HEATH FREAKIN SLATER got more air time...
i remember a thread on here when daniel bryan was on nxt and it said something along the lines of "what if daniel bryan debuting is just a slap in the face to indy wrestling fans... well, how did that feel...

its a bigger shame that the 2 had an 18 second match or however long it was... not only does it discredit the 2 wrestlers (oops not supposed to use that word) but it also discredits the royal rumble and the WHC... the rumble winner is supposed to be the main event... title matches are supposed to be main events...

the ECW ;) world heavyweight championship has no prestige, it is just a toy for the bookers to play with...
last night proved that what the WWE did with Sheamus-Bryan made no sense. It did not help Sheamus at all. He is a guy who got good reaction everything he went until he got booed to a point he could not talk last night. Daniel is over with the crowd and had a good title run, that was not a way to end it. At least the big positive out of this is that Bryan is even more over now. WWE did not predict that, the whole thing just boomerang right at them.
dis is more of a miscalculation on WWE's part IMO......giving the divas match more time than WHC !!! FML !!

but as most of u have mentioned already....dis is really working out in d favor of DB however not to forget wwe was still in miami and to gauge the true reaction u ll have to wait till next week atleast.....

if d YES chants grow den vkm and hhh wont have an option but to give bryan a strong run.....unless dey are morons dat is
Sheamus didn't got booed??
Even his picture with the title got booed are you kidding me?
You was watching the same show right?

Yep, I was watching the same show. I was at Raw and heard first hand. He didn't get his usual pop but he didn't get straight up booed either. Just went back and re-watched(on DVR) and I don't call that booing. It was mixed at best.

People(not you) need to realize that you can't go by reactions last night because it was just a hot crowd. Things will change in the coming weeks when they are in different cities. That crowd last night reminded me of the crowd up in Canada when Bret was doing the Canada vs United States story line.
Vince is probably already printing up Yes tshirts. :lmao:

If fans continue to cheer for him. They will turn him face again. Which is too bad because he is a better heel. He's boring as a babyface.

They could turn Sheamus back heel if the booing continues. Have him lash out at fans for supporting DB and not him. I cant see them taking the title off Sheamus for a while.
That "match" was a disgrace to, two talented men who worked very hard and deserved more. whoever had that idea needs to go write childrens movies, absolutely one of the stupidest things I have ever seen

Looks like WWE tried to squash Bryan and it has backfired on them.
This year was a disgrace in all honesty, at five past 12 GMT I was fucking furious.

However, if the crowd is like it was at Raw on Smackdown, or next week at Raw again, going bananas for Bryan. (Brynanas?) I don't think it can be ignored. Bryan got the biggest and best reaction at raw aside from Lesnar, and Sheamus is taking the shit for it. I feel sorry for Sheamus, and I think a double turn would be awesome, Bryan just needs to keep this momentum going.
Granted, Daniel Bryan has yet to have his Austin 316 moment and I'm basing this purely on 1 RAW taping, but this has the potential to be HUGE! Sheamus pretty much got crowd heat in his WHC acceptance speech it was almost Toronto like in the fact that Bryan, Miz, and Rhodes got face pops. Back to Bryan if they ride this momentum of fan sympathy with the E using every excuse to not grant Bryan a WHC rematch while giving Sheamus people like Del Rio and Kane to work against and have every excuse under the sun not to defend the championship against 'someone he beat in 18 seconds' and then maybe have it reveled AJ was working with Sheamus to distract Bryan setting up a double turn thus setting up Bryan's "YES!" campaign to regain the WHC.
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say but if you're trying to suggest a face turn for D-Bryan, I don't think that's a great idea. He's just starting to get over with the fans and i think turning him would be stupid. However maybe Vince will notice how these crowds are reacting to him, notice that they are annoyed and have him take the belt back off sheamus. Maybe it is a good idea to have Sheamus defeat some other guys first, just to make Sheamus look quite strong, then later in the year have Bryan get revenge and win it back. However I gotta say with all these big draws now on Raw I see some potential main event guys heading over to Smackdown and so some guys may get lost in the shuffle.
Bryan is not a tweener just because he continues to get over, i understand your logic but i don't agree. Bryan is billed as a heel and therefore is primarily a heel, he is over because fans know of his wrestling ability. Let's just wait to see if this continues to be the theme for next weeks Raw, after all it will be in another city, in another state. This crowd was wild and i loved it, but it kind of has to be expected from a post WM show.
Post WM is when we see the new superstars breakout and the big returns finally make their presence known, now is the beginning of a new and fresh wrestling year for WWE. And not to mention we have the WWE draft to look forward too, which will mix the rosters up a little bit, even though all superstars appear on Raw anyway which i suppose deem's the drafts from Raw to Smackdown almost null and void.

You definitely stole my thread idea. Yes! is the new What?. I didn't think they would turn Daniel Bryan face, but I think by screwing Bryan over at WM, Vince may have, at least for last night, made Bryan the most over person in the entire company. Granted Lesnar returned and was huge, but until then last night was the night of Daniel Bryan (even if he was only on for 3 seconds and didn't say a word).

Before I finished the episode (watched it on DVR, didn't know lesnar had come back yet), I thought Bryan was even more over than The Rock. When was the last time another superstars catchphrase was chanted during a promo by The Rock? You could argue Cena I guess, but not really, and before that I would think not since Austin. And Daniel Bryan, for all purposes, wasn't even there! It was crazy and I couldn't help but smile every time, even John Cena mentioned it, and you couldn't even hear Sheamus or Del Rio over the "YES!" chants. Hell I thought Bryan was crazy over at WM even before the match started/ended.
I'm not sure about the longevity of the chant, but I can say that last night's crowd was one of the best I ever remember for a Raw. The "SI! SI! SI!" chants for Del Rio alone were fantastic; when's the last time a WWE audience was that creative and vocal?

It was, as has been pointed out by a number of people, similar to an old ECW crowd. Very fun to watch.
Bryan is not a tweener just because he continues to get over....

True. He's the beneficiary of a great program written for him; it shows that Creative can take people with essentially bland personalities and turn them into success stories by writing winning storylines (another example: Cody Rhodes).

We've been trying to figure what the company would do with Daniel once he lost the title. After all, his entire "bad" persona developed after he won it; his repeated references to being the champion has been at the core of his new personality. Before that, he was a technical wrestling wizard with little else to offer and was stuck in a rut that saw him suffering a lengthy losing streak, remember?

So, okay, what do they do with him now that he's an ex-champ? I can see them continuing his heel persona as he attempts to win the title back, although it's ominous that Sheamus' attention is already focused elsewhere. Or, Creative could make Daniel a sympathetic figure.....in essence, turning him good again. It seems like a hard thing to accomplish, no? Perhaps they can use A.J. to bring this about, using her in an Elizabeth-Randy Savage type of program in which the "good" valet influences the bad guy to soften his image with the fans.

On the other hand, I'm half expecting to see the two of them on Friday in a deal where Daniel blames A.J. for his title loss ("How dare you kiss me after the bell has rung, woman?") which would really turn the fans against him.

Possibilities abound.
It's possible that the WWE could turn Bryan heel because of the positive attention the "Yes" chant has been garnering. I don't see it happening, however, as Bryan is simply doing too good of a job with his current character. Maybe if Bryan garners this sort of a response in the coming weeks, then there might be a more solid foundation for warranting some sort of face turn. After all, Miami was just white hot for WM and Raw last night. Not every crowd can be that hot.

As for what's going to happen with Bryan, I look for him to stay in the WHC picture for a while longer. During the Sheamus/Del Rio confrontation, the fact that they showed him backstage with a serious & grim expression is an indicator that they're not through with Bryan & Sheamus. I expect Bryan to inject himself in the Sheamus vs. Del Rio match on SD!, thereby possibly making this a three way feud. I just don't see Bryan being demoted back into the upper mid-card region just yet.
Not sure if it's been mentioned before but didn't Daniel Bryan win the belt off the Big Show in "record time"?

Anyway, both are disappointing for different reasons .. One ends in 18 seconds and the other becomes a dark match .. Wrestlemania 29 - 3rd Time Lucky?
The big question now is if the Yes chants will continue. Even though it was a hot crowd and other cities can be different, I expect the chants to stay because its easy and seens fun to do. Now the way I would play this out (especially if Sheamus keeps getting heat) is have Del Rio win the title at extreme rules. Then at the next ppv, or even a live smackdown event (if they have one in the next 2-3 months) have Bryan get the title off of Del Rio. This would lead to a summer long fued with Bryan and Sheamus which if done right with Bryan still over and Sheamus still getting heat, then it should be the bigger title match at the card over the historically more prominent WWE title.

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