Daniel Bryan Announces Retirement - Keep It All Here!

WHat should WWE do with Daniel Bryan?

  • WWE should Clear Daniel Bryan to wrestle

  • WWE should grant Bryan his release

  • WWE should stay the course for theirs, and his, own good.

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He just announced his retirement on Twitter! Holy crap!


Holy Crap!

I am going with a crazy conspiracy angle here. This is a Mark Henry like work. Bryan is in the middle of his announcement when The Authority interrupts. They try to belittle his achievements. Bryan is able to turn it around into a title opportunity at Fast Lane. At the event, thanks to help from The Rock, Bryan takes the WWE WHC and heads towards WM.
Holy Crap!

I am going with a crazy conspiracy angle here. This is a Mark Henry like work. Bryan is in the middle of his announcement when The Authority interrupts. They try to belittle his achievements. Bryan is able to turn it around into a title opportunity at Fast Lane. At the event, thanks to help from The Rock, Bryan takes the WWE WHC and heads towards WM.

Nah, I think he's done. With him chopping off the hair and beard, attempting to give his notice, and announcing his retirement, it's too much. It all fits. Should be one hell of a promo he cuts tonight though. I don't know if WWE has the balls to say, "go out there and say what you want" after CM Punk's shoot, but they really can't do shit to him at this point. To be honest, I'm shocked they're letting him go out there. If he WERE to go off like Punk did, how the hell are they going to keep him out of the ring? How are they going to stop the fan backlash?

And denying the man the opportunity to go work elsewhere? That's the scummy side of WWE that I hate so damn much. They really are giant pieces of shit about half the time.
Holy Crap!

I am going with a crazy conspiracy angle here. This is a Mark Henry like work. Bryan is in the middle of his announcement when The Authority interrupts. They try to belittle his achievements. Bryan is able to turn it around into a title opportunity at Fast Lane. At the event, thanks to help from The Rock, Bryan takes the WWE WHC and heads towards WM.

The sad fact is that if this was to happen, WrestleMania would still end the same with Roman Reigns winning the title off of him (since Bryan can make him look strong lol) so I don't think it will go that way
Needless to say ... this little tidbit of leaked information has all of us Internet Marks all a flutter!

Obviously, it will be a massive let down if he comes out and announces his retirement tonight as he just did on Twitter.

I think the conspiracy angle is probably a good one here. He comes out and says he is being pressured, blah blah blah. And somehow it turns into a match. Just a thought.

Must watch TV no matter what though. That is a nice change.
I hope it is just a storyline and Bryan isn't really retiring. If he is, then what a shame... Bryan gave us some of the most memorable moments of the last 5 years. The news is huge and equally sad at the same time. Can't miss RAW tomorrow. Look at the number of retweets in less than half an hour!
Nah, I think he's done. With him chopping off the hair and beard, attempting to give his notice, and announcing his retirement, it's too much. It all fits.

I do agree this is all legit. I had to toss out the hopes for a swerve as I will actually miss seeing Bryan on the WWE stage. I just hope he is truly well enough to resurface elsewhere and will continue to share talents with the wrestling world.

The sad fact is that if this was to happen, WrestleMania would still end the same with Roman Reigns winning the title off of him (since Bryan can make him look strong lol) so I don't think it will go that way

Nope. In my conspiracy world Roman continues his feud with H. At Fast Lane H has some goons cost Roman the triple threat match. This prompts Rock to screw H out of the title. From there we end up with an over booked Vince/Bucky wet dream. H w/HBK & Stephanie vs. Roman w/Rock & Ronda. For good measure toss in Austin the ref. Complete cluster.
I don't understand didn't wwe and Bryan make a deal that they would do what the 3rd doctor said to do? And the 3rd Doctor said that Bryan is perfectly fine. The very least they should have had Bryan tested again... Doesn't make sense why they won't clear him.
It's a tough one to call at this point. Yes, he has announced it on Twitter but we all know that the WWE has pulled stunts like this before in order to really let an angle hit home. My brain is telling me that they'll let him open the show and say his goodbyes to the in ring aspect of the game before heading to a non wrestling capacity. But my heart is hoping that there is more to this than meets the eye.

I guess we'll find out on Raw.
Fantasy booking for me if Bryan is able to still compete and this is all a work. It would be Daniel Bryan announcing his retirement on Raw only to be interrupted by Kevin Owens. Owens completely heels it up and tells Bryan he's lucky he's getting out of the WWE right now and that it isn't a coincidence that Bryan legged it from RoH right when Owens was making his mark there. Bryan goes to leave, Owens beats him down and that's it for this week.

At Fastlane, Owens beats Ziggler and just starts kicking him when he's down. Cue Bryan coming through the crowd in street clothes and attacking Owens (thinking Owen Hart jumping HBK on Raw after Montreal), Owens slips out and gets away. Next night on Raw they rinse and repeat that scenario with Bryan demanding a match at Wrestlemania. Stephanie won't sanction it so WWE won't be liable but instead they say the two can have a non-sanctioned fight (like Triple H v HBK at Summerslam 02). That's your dream match, keeps Bryan's fans happy and it protects Bryan incase of ring rust.
I think it's legit and they've had him come out and say it now before the show so it gives more time for the live audience who don't do twitter to find out he's retiring and, instead of being pissed off, just being able to celebrate with him and have that one last arena shaking "yes" chant.

If it is true then hope he gets the twig preggers soon

If it's false then fuck knows where they go with it.
If people are curious why the WWE might be a bit gunshy about clearing competitors to work, Chris Benoit. That isn't to say people who aren't taken care of properly are going to go on to murder their families, but it did change the way that the WWE looks after their performers. The WWE already has one guy being fed from a spoon since he can't move his arms; if they think it's a Hooper situation (if you don't get the reference, watch the movie), it's on their conscience if they let him go back in their ring.

At the same time, it'd be silly business to cancel his contract, rather than pay out his downside; you could only describe it as a game-changer for whatever company picked him up. Instead, if he wants it, find some other work for him. Nigel McGuiness had the same situation (and for those of you fans with a long memory, is why the WWE passed on him after he took a physical and he became Desmond Wolfe for a few months), and now has a regular role as the ROH Commissioner. There are other things to do in a professional wrestling company besides professionally wrestle.

But this is the WWE, who knows? The card for Wrestlemania looks like shit right now; maybe this is their 'one last match' excuse to put him out there with AJ Styles (who needs something to do besides being bundled in some Intercontinental Title Ladder Match) and get that legacy match they always like to put on the WM card. Or maybe it's a way to try and get people to finally stop asking when Daniel Bryan is coming back.

Tune into RAW tonight and find out. Or better yet, you suffered through that Super Bowl last night, spare yourself the three hours of agony and read about it on the main page.
If this whole thing is just a huge work for the past year, Props to WWE, you cost yourself months and months of ratings to put a joke over on the internet, Congratulations.

More realistically, he's being pushed to make a retirement speech (Ric Flair Retirement), so ROMAN REIGNS ROMAN REIGNS ROMAN REIGNS ROMAN REIGNS ROMAN REIGNS Can finally get all the love and people can stop talking about Daniel Bryan.

Honestly, Every face that can contend with Roman is being kept off air or taken off air, so we need to find better reasons than a concussion that he was cleared from 6 months ago.

That being said, I can't trust Twitter or anything wrestlers under contract to WWE say anymore, because Vince is so dead set on putting jokes over on all them internet fans, that he'll let his business burn to make a mockery of people like Brian Danielson.
This might have some legs to it. Main page is also reporting that Bryan has asked for his release and was blocked. The WWE has frozen his contract due to injury time, which basically means if they don't clear him, they can keep him indefinitely.

Might be his only option is to retire. If that's the case I'm disgusted with the WWE, they don't own people, even though they act like they do. I hope he has retired, gets out of his contract and goes off and has a happy life with his wife. He's put enough time and effort into being able to do that, not be tied to a company that wants him but doesn't.
The hearts of many are hoping that this is either a work. Or just Bryan's way of getting out of WWE return speculation until his none compete clause runs out and he can return to the ring in some form.
I would not like to see Daniel Bryan go anywhere else, and why would someone who's gone through everything to hit the big time want to drop down a peg? But then again, the thought of never seeing DB in a wrestling ring again pains the crap out of me. So I really do hope it is one of the two former options.

However. It is evident that the man absolutely loves being in the ring, and would wrestle anywhere if the opportunity only knocked. My gut feeling is that he genuinely has decided to retire. But I also have a candle lit for a return elsewhere in the future. Who knows? The only truth we know...is that DB not wrestling for WWE again is probably one of the most disappointing prospects a wrestling fan will ever have to face. As an in ring technician he is certainly one of the very best the wrestling world has ever seen, his look alone gave him the smallest possible window for success and he took that opportunity and he ran right into the stratosphere with it.

I am deeply saddened, just as the wrest of the wrestling world will be. Every wrestler in the world wants to face DB as their #1 Dream match or close. And every wrestler that has already faced him is chomping at the bit to do it again. A match with Daniel Bryan is like main eventing Wrestlemania... imagine the privilege of main eventing wrestlemania against your main event of wrestlemania.

It has been an honor to see you work your magic Bryan Danielson. An absolute honor.
It's saying now that it's official that Bryan has announced his retirement via Twitter from in-ring competition and will elaborate more on the details on tonight's Raw.

If Bryan challenged this in court, he could possibly be released but it's something that may drag on for months or even years and, by then, he could well be at an age in which he's ready to hang it up anyway. From a legal perspective, WWE is within their rights to freeze his contract but, from an ethical standpoint, maybe they should just let him do what he wants to do with his life.

The Grand Poobah of WWE's medical staff is Joseph Maroon, who is also medical chief for the Pittsburgh Steelers, I think at least, and even though Bryan has been cleared by doctors at UCLA and the same doctor who's head of the Arizona Cardinals medical staff, Maroon hasn't cleared him. Vince won't medically clear anyone unless Maroon signs off on it. The concussion that Bryan was cleared of is either his 2nd or his 3rd documented, I know that it's at least his 2nd because he suffered a concussion on Raw during the tag team cage match in which he teamed with Bray Wyatt against the Usos.
This retirement thing better be a work! Ughh, I never really got enough of Bryan in the main event. Not as much as I wanted. It's a shame that after this guy defeated all odds and reached the main event of Wrestlemania, this shit happened. A really inspirational figure.

Can we please have one last match? Taker vs Bryan maybe? :sad:
Daniel Bryan has been cleared by multiple doctors and every doctor except WWE's.

There is NO reason for WWE to have not already cleared Daniel Bryan.

Then again, why would WWE clear the most popular wrestler of the last 10 years that is actually over and can actually wrestle?

Yeah. Because WWE made millions not using popular wrestlers who are over.

Maybe just maybe, Daniel Bryan is over-rated. Maybe he isn't as good as you think he is.

Hell, if the fools on this site had their way, you would have a DB v Dolph Ziggler v Zack Ryder v Cesaro main event at Wrestlemania every damn year. Good luck trying to get a million buys with that.

You people are delusional, and unfit to discuss how you could make more money for WWE than Vince can.
Yeah. Because WWE made millions not using popular wrestlers who are over.

Maybe just maybe, Daniel Bryan is over-rated. Maybe he isn't as good as you think he is.

Hell, if the fools on this site had their way, you would have a DB v Dolph Ziggler v Zack Ryder v Cesaro main event at Wrestlemania every damn year. Good luck trying to get a million buys with that.

You people are delusional, and unfit to discuss how you could make more money for WWE than Vince can.

After all this time, you still don't know the difference between being overrated and just not being a fan of the guy. It's well known you're not a Bryan fan, I'm not going to bust anyone's chops over that, more power to you. However, just because you aren't a fan doesn't mean he's overrated. Overrated is someone or something that's been heavily exaggerated to be far, far better than it/he/she actually is. Daniel Bryan's popularity isn't debatable, nor is the fact that he's consistently viewed as among the top in-ring performers of the last 10 to 12 years. Bryan's popularity was so overwhelmingly underestimated that it actually forced God Almight himself, Vincent Kennedy McMahon, to alter plans for WrestleMania; it wasn't a few handfuls of internet fans or indie marks from a few smarky hot spots. An example of something overrated would be Goldberg's undefeated streak; it was a great marketing gimmick, don't get me wrong on that, and it went along perfectly with Goldberg's intimidating look. However, while some want to use his streak as an example to tout his greatness, the truth of the matter is that the VAST majority of those streak matches were 2 to 3 minute squash matches against generally nameless jobbers we forgot all about as soon as they were pinned; it's not like he was going out there to beat Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, DDP, Ric Flair, Paul Wight, Sting, Randy Savage or Lex Luger every single Monday night or WCW ppv.

As for the retirement, I see both sides of it. On one hand, Daniel Bryan is a grown man and if he wants to take the risk elsewhere, I don't necessarily see why WWE should stop him. If WWE decided to clear him by having him sign some sort of waver or release in contrast to the findings of WWE's medical staff and Bryan wound up being injured again, there'd almost certainly be some sort of backlash. I mean, it is WWE so somebody's going to be pissed off no matter what the decision is. If Bryan was allowed to return after signing a waver, WWE would be raked over the coals for even agreeing to it; you know various dirt sheet writers, especially Dave Meltzer, would want Vince strung up if Bryan suffered serious injury. As for the possibility of WWE doing this as a means of protecting Bryan from himself, who can say? I mean, if that's part of the reason, it does sound arrogant on WWE's part but what if it's also true? I'm not saying that it is, I have no way of knowing one way or the other, but isn't part of WWE's extensive medical testing part of how they protect talent? Sometimes in life, especially when it comes to something that extracts a high physical toll on you, especially if it's something you're passionate about, some people can't see themselves that enough is enough.
It is rather sad news, and though I feel sad that he isn't going to be in the ring anymore, I have no complaints. He had a great career, went over some of the companies greatest talent, had a very memorable WrestleMania moment, going over Evolution of all things.

No doubt in my mind, Daniel Bryan had a fantastic run, and just as good a career, it's unfortunate injury played a role in it.
Raw is in Seattle tonight. Basically, he is going home to "die". This is not a work. It is either his doctors were not sure, or WWE did not want to let him go. Either way, it is a sad day for pro wrestling.
Everything certainly points towards this being legit. I just still hope it is a work. With all his talk, especially recently, about letting him come back and being frustrated by being cleared by multiple respected doctors and just not by the WWE one it doesn't make a ton of sense that he would do this about-face so quickly.

Also, if this is his only way out of WWE because they are freezing his contract as others have said, it is going to create a shit-storm of backlash against WWE. That they would be so callous as to basically say, "we don't think you can wrestle safely anymore, and we are going to prevent you from doing it anywhere else as well" opens them up to fan anarchy.

Either way, should be interesting tonight.
am 50 50 in this one. there are several thing that point to this being legit, and that db its done.

but also there are several things that make it looks like a work. honestly dont know what to think.

i will wait and see how this unravel, and whatever happens from now on, i hope its for the greater good bryan.
They should just let him go. He's had multiple other doctor's clear him but WWE still says "No." They're not going to let him wrestle and he doesn't want to do anything else. To Daniel Bryan wrestling is his life, being in a ring wrestling is what is normal life to him and to a lot of his fellow wrestlers. This is his world. I can appreciate that they're doing this for his own good and all but some people just don't want to be helped, at least not on those terms.

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