Daniel Bryan Announces Retirement - Keep It All Here!

WHat should WWE do with Daniel Bryan?

  • WWE should Clear Daniel Bryan to wrestle

  • WWE should grant Bryan his release

  • WWE should stay the course for theirs, and his, own good.

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It is bad PR to fire someone for an injury that they got while working for you. Plus Daniel Bryan is on Total Divas (I assume both he and Brie would have to be off it if they fired him). There is a chance that whatever reason the doctor won't clear for goes away. WWE makes enough money for his guarantee to not matter. Keep course and wait until his contract runs out. He might heal on the last day. No real reason to get rid of him.

Daniel Bryan has been cleared by multiple doctors and every doctor except WWE's.

There is NO reason for WWE to have not already cleared Daniel Bryan.

Hmm, trust doctors that aren't involved in WWE or trust one who probably knows more about what their schedule puts you through. There is a reason and we do not know what the reason is. The doctor does. Perhaps he thinks it would be too easy for another one to occur (they get easier to get after each one). We don't know. It is always better to air on the side of caution for concussions.
The more I think about it, the more I feel I should explain why I believe they are releasing him at some point as opposed to letting him return...

If he was going to return, I think it would have happened already. We're in WrestleMania season, there are some major stars out with injury right now, so clearly bringing back one of your most popular stars for your biggest event would seem logical. If they won't clear him to return for this, it's hard to see them ever doing so.

Bryan's return would have definitely helped the product which had become so stale as ratings dipped. But instead, Vince has decided to pump more money into other stars: signing AJ Styles, increasing Jericho's workload, paying Lesnar for more dates, etc. and we know Vince hates spending money.
A decision doesn't have to be made. In reality, they can ride out Bryan's contract and keep him out of the ring whether he likes it or not. It's only by their "generosity" that they would release Daniel Bryan to go wrestle for another company and generosity is not something WWE has been known for. Plus, Daniel has a family to think about now. He can't go flying to Japan for 3 years... well, he could but I doubt he'd leave his wife for that long. In WWE, injured or not, he's guaranteed a fat paycheck.

I think there are ulterior motives behind this. There has to be a legitimate reason for why WWE is so adamant on keeping Bryan out of the ring. Can you see them putting the kibosh on a Cena return? Not friggin likely. I'm not going to start throwing out conspiracies, but I just don't buy the fact that WWE is keeping Bryan out of the ring for his own safety.
I think there are ulterior motives behind this. There has to be a legitimate reason for why WWE is so adamant on keeping Bryan out of the ring. Can you see them putting the kibosh on a Cena return? Not friggin likely. I'm not going to start throwing out conspiracies, but I just don't buy the fact that WWE is keeping Bryan out of the ring for his own safety.

WWE actually has two reasons to keep him out. Lawsuits and his safety. Imagine if Bryan comes back and does get whatever problem the doctor was warning them about. Think of the PR, hey come see WWE where even when a highly qualified doctor is waving giant red flags, we don't care! Someone might not be able to walk after their match tonight, but we here at WWE don't give a shit. That would go over really well.

Cena would be kept out. You think they don't care that they lost a guy they devoted an entire Mania to? Of course they do, but if the doctor says no, WWE says no.

Corey Graves had to retire due to concussions and they told him you aren't done here. They gave him an announcing job and will probably employ him for a long time. If they truly didn't care, they would have just fired him.

I'm going to guess you have never seen someone with a concussion before. I have. I had a friend get one while we were playing basketball with a bunch of other friends. He fell and hit his head hard on the concrete. He gets up and asks where he is. I tell him and he responded with "I think I know who you are but I'm not sure why. Also who am I and can I take a bath?" Luckily he recovered but that is what concussions do to you. They screw with your brain. Brains are very fickle. Any minor variation can lead to huge problems.
WWE actually has two reasons to keep him out. Lawsuits and his safety.

He's been cleared to compete since last summer and he's been actively campaigning to return. I don't think WWE has to worry about Daniel Bryan being used in any concussion lawsuits. This just seems like a cheap cop-out excuse to me. Like I said, there are plenty of wrestlers currently competing who have suffered concussions. If they were really worried about allowing somebody with a past history of concussions to compete , half the roster would be inactive right now.

Imagine if Bryan comes back and does get whatever problem the doctor was warning them about. Think of the PR, hey come see WWE where even when a highly qualified doctor is waving giant red flags, we don't care! Someone might not be able to walk after their match tonight, but we here at WWE don't give a shit. That would go over really well.

You seem to think WWE doctors are the only qualified doctors in the world. Bryan has been cleared by his own doctors for months now, by the neurologist that was used at the SuperBowl last year, and by the UCLA medical staff. Apparently, the only reason Maroon won't clear Bryan is because of his past history with concussions, not because of any symptoms he is showing. There are no giant red flags with Bryan.

Cena would be kept out. You think they don't care that they lost a guy they devoted an entire Mania to? Of course they do, but if the doctor says no, WWE says no.

Considering Taker was almost killed by a Brock Lesnar concussion at 50 years old and WWE let him come back, I'm inclined to disagree with your stance on Cena. Also, considering they've allowed him to come back extremely early from more than one injury, and there is news he'll be back way ahead of time again, I'd say WWE doesn't give a second thought when Cena is cleared. They just put him back in ASAP.

Corey Graves had to retire due to concussions and they told him you aren't done here. They gave him an announcing job and will probably employ him for a long time. If they truly didn't care, they would have just fired him.

Corey Graves had a decades worth of successive concussions before coming to WWE. They also let him return after he suffered his first one in NXT, but when he was concussed almost immediately upon his return, they knew he couldn't wrestle without an extremely high risk of suffering another one. They had no choice.

I'm going to guess you have never seen someone with a concussion before.

Throughout my life, I've probably seen 20 people suffer concussions in front of me.

I have. I had a friend get one while we were playing basketball with a bunch of other friends. He fell and hit his head hard on the concrete. He gets up and asks where he is. I tell him and he responded with "I think I know who you are but I'm not sure why. Also who am I and can I take a bath?" Luckily he recovered but that is what concussions do to you. They screw with your brain. Brains are very fickle. Any minor variation can lead to huge problems.

Seems like a pretty severe concussion and yet he recovered. I'm not debating the fact that concussions are dangerous and must be treated with caution, I just want to know what makes Daniel Bryan so special.
I think that they should do exactly what they're doing. Pay him what's required, and keep him on contract.

The WWE has a history of "helping out" older wrestlers. Guys that go into rehab even when they're no longer with the company, usually get it paid for by the WWE. Vince views his company as a large family, and he will often go out of his way to help someone out that needs it, if they've been a part of the WWE before.

That's what the WWE is doing right now. They're paying a paltry $650k to save a man's life, a life that this man is willing to throw away because he wants to wrassle like he's 19 and in perfect shape. They're preventing him from becoming paralyzed or dying. He's also married to one of their top women performers, and a star on their reality show in E!.

In the end, the WWE needs to do whatever they can to prevent Daniel Bryan from ever entering a ring again until he's medically cleared, or until he can grasp the seriousness of the situation.
I think as far as wwe is concern, the decision is already made. Bryan won't be wrestling in wwe ever again and the main reason is because they don't want to have another scandal on their hand if bryan dies in the ring because of a bad hit to the head. Bryan has an history of concussion and the sad truth is that bryan is old school which mean that he will continue to wrestles injured and not talk about it afterworth.

You have to remember that during is whole push before wrestlemania 30, he was injured, had neck problem and didn't tell anybody during that period and the only way they found out was because bryan suffored a concussion after wrestlemania

bryan as always been is own worst enemy and I know it's hard for anybody to come to the realisation that your career is coming to a end but it is. If I was him, I would give a call to edge or christian and talk to them about how to deal with this situation because they know how it is to have their careers cut short because of injury.
I think as far as wwe is concern, the decision is already made. Bryan won't be wrestling in wwe ever again and the main reason is because they don't want to have another scandal on their hand if bryan dies in the ring because of a bad hit to the head.

If that's the case, it could be Daniel himself who's holding up the works, no? If the above poster is correct, we're waiting for WWE to make a decision that's already been made.

They're still paying Danny, right? Maybe he realizes he's got it good right now in terms of the amount of money he banks each week (which is surely more than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes) and all he has to do is show up on TV once in a while and do his 'Yes!' chant to thrill the audience.

Perhaps he's already been told his ring career in WWE is finished.......that there will be no 'clearance' and he's free to either leave things the way they are......or he can get out of his contract and go wherever he wants ......maybe to a place that doesn't give a flying damn whether he suffers a career-threatening injury or not, as long as they get a few sell-out crowds for their investment.

Or.....and this is the big one.....maybe he's waiting until the end of his WWE contract so he can leave and work somewhere else......even while he's leaking word to the fans that he wants to wrestle in WWE now.....even though he doesn't.

Get it? Maybe he already knows the answer is no.....and has long since stopped trying to convince WWE to change their minds and let him wrestle .......but wants us to believe otherwise.

Just saying maybe.
Bryan's issue goes beyond the concussion. wwe has let other people back who have had concussions - Ziggler is a great example. The concussion is just a good excuse to keep Bryan off tv because he doesn't fit into wwe's plans. Easy to say "just bring him back and stick him in hte midcard" - wwe tried that and Punk walked because the fans don't want that. This isn't just a wwe thing, anyone who works has seen it - person A is really good at thier job, person B is liked by management but when it comes time for a promotion, person B gets it. Why? Because it is easier and you still have person A around to do the work. The big difference here is that where as person A would eventually quit and find a better job, Bryan can't quit. At the same time, wwe can't bring him back to tv as the fans are so behind Bryan that he would actually be more disruptive than helpful. Solution: let him sit at home. The ultimate proof - how many guys has wwe released who were sitting home with an injury? That is not an uncommon thing for wwe to do - Evan Borne ring any bells? Why hasn't wwe done that? Because he has value to an ROH or TNA. He won't make them equals but he sure would get them some attention.
If that's the case, it could be Daniel himself who's holding up the works, no? If the above poster is correct, we're waiting for WWE to make a decision that's already been made.

They're still paying Danny, right? Maybe he realizes he's got it good right now in terms of the amount of money he banks each week (which is surely more than most of us will ever see in our lifetimes) and all he has to do is show up on TV once in a while and do his 'Yes!' chant to thrill the audience.

Perhaps he's already been told his ring career in WWE is finished.......that there will be no 'clearance' and he's free to either leave things the way they are......or he can get out of his contract and go wherever he wants ......maybe to a place that doesn't give a flying damn whether he suffers a career-threatening injury or not, as long as they get a few sell-out crowds for their investment.

Or.....and this is the big one.....maybe he's waiting until the end of his WWE contract so he can leave and work somewhere else......even while he's leaking word to the fans that he wants to wrestle in WWE now.....even though he doesn't.

Get it? Maybe he already knows the answer is no.....and has long since stopped trying to convince WWE to change their minds and let him wrestle .......but wants us to believe otherwise.

Just saying maybe.

I really don't think Daniel Bryan is like that, nothing he has ever done shows him to be that kind of person. If anything it's the opposite. According to reports he's one of the nicest guys in the locker room, a real team player.

Listen I don't get this almost animosity towards him, he really hasn't done anything wrong here other than go out and do his job, the same way Cena, Orton and others have. I'm not a fan of the way he wrestles to be honest, but he's a good wrestler, one of the best everyone says and that's all he wants to do. So why is he being crapped on for just wanting to do what he's being paid to do.

If fans are pissed with him because they see him as holding back others, then get mad at the people who put him in that position, the WWE. They helped to create this underdog persona, and when fans bought into it they tried to ignore it, but ended up they couldn't.

I can see why people got behind him, he's not your stereo typical wrestler, not big, not cut like others are, and he's kind of gnomish, but he can go in the ring, and people can see themselves in him. In other words they can relate. He appeals to a broad section of the fan base, hardcore, casual, men, women and kids. He puts asses in the seats and sell a lot of merchandise, just like you know a John Cena does.

The WWE is keeping him out of the ring for reasons only known to them. They've allowed Ziggler, Dreamer and countless others to wrestle, all who have a history of concussions, they don't seem to care about them, only Daniel Bryan. So there has to be a another reason that they're not saying. If a guy like Randy Orton can dislocate his shoulder just by picking up a trash bag, and they're allowing him to come back, they really don't have a leg to stand on.

Just release Bryan and be done with it. He'll go to another company and make them lots of money. There is only one reason the WWE won't do that either. If Bryan does leave and turns out to be okay, the backlash from his supporters will make the Royal Rumble look tame. The WWE wants to have their cake and eat it as well, keep him on the roster, push their guys, and hope fans will forget about Bryan. That will only last so long because once his contract expires and he doesn't re-sign, we'll find out the what the real story is.
There was a recent article by former ref whatshisface that says he agrees that DB should not wrestle due to his history with concussions. I'm going to agree with a guy that has actual behind the scenes knowledge of everything in the WWE. He said DB would only come back and go at the pace he did when he left, high flying in your face intense wrestling. WWE has to avoid a very high percentage possibility that DB would come back and a serious head injury ruins the remainder of DBs life and creates a PR nightmare for the company.
I really don't think Daniel Bryan is like that, nothing he has ever done shows him to be that kind of person.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not being critical in the least of Daniel. If he's 'playing out his contract' but keeping fans in the mode that he'll be back in the ring....... somewhere..... once it runs out, I have absolutely no problem with that. His advisers might have told him it's good business sense to play it that way. It's also a hell of an easy way to earn a great living. Give it to 'em, Danny.

They've allowed Ziggler, Dreamer and countless others to wrestle, all who have a history of concussions, they don't seem to care about them, only Daniel Bryan.

That's the reason I keep thinking Bryan's real problems are with his neck, not concussions. When he was first hurt, all I read were comments comparing Daniel's situation to Edge.

Dealing with concussion symptoms have a whole multi-sport procedure in place....and a lot more is known about it than before, which is good. Neurological difficulties brought by injuries to the neck and spine might be a whole other topic, and it could be that WWE is right to worry for Daniel Bryan as well as themselves.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being critical in the least of Daniel. If he's 'playing out his contract' but keeping fans in the mode that he'll be back in the ring....... somewhere..... once it runs out, I have absolutely no problem with that.

It wasn't directed at you Sally, but a lot of comments I see around the net are from fans that are galled he even wants to try again. The feeling is, you're injured and you want to get injured again, why? Lot's of wrestler's get injured and you know what, they get treatment, get better and get back to work.

Every WWE, TNA and indy wrestler that's been injured and came back can attest to that. Like I said before seems Daniel Bryan is held to a different standard. How many concussions has Ziggler had? If you read his history it's been several, and yet he's there week in and week out throwing himself around a maniac, every move he does almost guarantees another one. Why aren't they wrapping bubble wrap around him and not letting him back into the ring?

The WWE said it was because of the concussions Bryan isn't being cleared. He's been to concussion specialists that did clear him, so that's why the idea of an ulterior motive is being floated. If they want to put it to bed they will do what any company does when they have an independent contractor that can't work anymore. They pay out his contract and release him. What happens after he leaves the WWE is on him. They can't be held responsible if he goes to NJPW and gets hurt especially when he knows it can happen, it would be his fault.

Do you think they care what happens to Jeff Hardy in TNA, or what happens to any other wrestler that used to be on their payroll? Current active roster members are their concern, and Bryan wouldn't be anymore.
He's been cleared to compete since last summer and he's been actively campaigning to return. I don't think WWE has to worry about Daniel Bryan being used in any concussion lawsuits. This just seems like a cheap cop-out excuse to me. Like I said, there are plenty of wrestlers currently competing who have suffered concussions. If they were really worried about allowing somebody with a past history of concussions to compete , half the roster would be inactive right now.

He has not been cleared by the one doctor that matters, the WWE's doctor. Each concussion is different. It doesn't matter if other wrestlers have had concussions in the past. They cannot be compared. Take Rollins ACL tear. That can be compared because that injury typically does not have variation. You tear it, get surgery, 6 months later it reattaches, then you're good. Concussions don't have that.

You seem to think WWE doctors are the only qualified doctors in the world. Bryan has been cleared by his own doctors for months now, by the neurologist that was used at the SuperBowl last year, and by the UCLA medical staff. Apparently, the only reason Maroon won't clear Bryan is because of his past history with concussions, not because of any symptoms he is showing. There are no giant red flags with Bryan.[

Well that is actually a REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD REASON. It could be that Bryan in the past got concussions at an alarming rate. We also have no idea just how many concussions Bryan has had. There are links between multiple concussions (even if they all heal) and a shitload of brain problems. Even multiple minor healed concussions have been shown to cause problems. Just because a concussion heals doesn't mean it is done. On the flip-side, you could have 20 concussions and be fine. It all matters on how severe, frequency, what part of the brain, etc. Not just well Ziggler had x amount, that doesn't matter.

Considering Taker was almost killed by a Brock Lesnar concussion at 50 years old and WWE let him come back, I'm inclined to disagree with your stance on Cena. Also, considering they've allowed him to come back extremely early from more than one injury, and there is news he'll be back way ahead of time again, I'd say WWE doesn't give a second thought when Cena is cleared. They just put him back in ASAP.

CONCUSSIONS ARE ALL DIFFERENT. STOP COMPARING THEM. Undertaker's concussion and Bryan's cannot be compared.

Cena has come back from injuries early before but I think there is a reason. The doctor he got surgery from (James Andrew) sometimes uses stem cells. I'm going to guess stem cells were used to aid in his recovery. Another theory, a better one, is that WWE said he was more injured than he actually is. Made it seem like he was going to be gone a long time and then shock everyone by coming back "early."

Cena's injuries are generally more about when does x reattach to x. So he couldn't have come back early from his injuries because that injury would reoccur near immediately. So he either used stem cells or WWE lied about the severity.

Corey Graves had a decades worth of successive concussions before coming to WWE. They also let him return after he suffered his first one in NXT, but when he was concussed almost immediately upon his return, they knew he couldn't wrestle without an extremely high risk of suffering another one. They had no choice.

How many has Bryan had? The answer is not one. We don't know how many but it is not one. But the history and pattern of them must have given the doctor a reason to throw up a red flag.

Throughout my life, I've probably seen 20 people suffer concussions in front of me.

Then how do you not get this?

Seems like a pretty severe concussion and yet he recovered. I'm not debating the fact that concussions are dangerous and must be treated with caution, I just want to know what makes Daniel Bryan so special.

CONCUSSIONS ARE ALL SPECIAL. Christian, Graves and Bryan all have had to retire. Bret Hart had to. In the future, this will probably happen more often. Bryan is not special.
He has not been cleared by the one doctor that matters, the WWE's doctor. Each concussion is different. It doesn't matter if other wrestlers have had concussions in the past. They cannot be compared. Take Rollins ACL tear. That can be compared because that injury typically does not have variation. You tear it, get surgery, 6 months later it reattaches, then you're good. Concussions don't have that.

This is bullshit, I'm sorry. Your argument holds no ground. You're not answering why the fuck he hasn't been cleared by WWE doctors, you're only saying, "all concussions are different". He's been cleared by many concussion specialists who have all said, he's 100%, he's good to go, and he's been good to go for months. So OBVIOUSLY, his concussion wasn't THAT bad right? So why isn't he being cleared? Seems to me it's strictly because it's Daniel Bryan.


No it's not. As I mentioned they have always let their wrestlers come back after their first concussion with the company. They did it with Christian, Graves, Ziggler, Miz, Punk etc. no matter their past history. So again, why is Daniel Bryan so special? You're telling me that they actually believe he'll die or get brain damage if he steps into the ring again? Seriously?

It could be that Bryan in the past got concussions at an alarming rate. We also have no idea just how many concussions Bryan has had.

Exactly, neither of us do.

There are links between multiple concussions (even if they all heal) and a shitload of brain problems. Even multiple minor healed concussions have been shown to cause problems. Just because a concussion heals doesn't mean it is done. On the flip-side, you could have 20 concussions and be fine. It all matters on how severe, frequency, what part of the brain, etc. Not just well Ziggler had x amount, that doesn't matter.

Ok, but he's been cleared by everybody he's gone to... What aren't you getting about this? If the concussion Bryan suffered was severe, or frequent, or affected an integral part of the brain, he never would have been cleared by any doctors. Not any that are adamant on keeping their damn licenses anyway. You're acting like this one concussion from Bryan will affect him more than the 50 that others have suffered like Tommy Dreamer. Again, I'm finding no basis in your argument. Where are the signs that Bryan's brain is degenerating? Where are the signs that he's not healthy? I see 0.

CONCUSSIONS ARE ALL DIFFERENT. STOP COMPARING THEM. Undertaker's concussion and Bryan's cannot be compared.

Why not? Taker's looked ten times worse than Bryan's. Taker nearly passed out during his match and than did collapse backstage. He was apparently suffering from severe migraines throughout the year. And they let him come back again. Not only that, they put him in the ring with Brock again. I'm not comparing concussions guy. I'm comparing WWE's reaction to them.

Cena has come back from injuries early before but I think there is a reason. The doctor he got surgery from (James Andrew) sometimes uses stem cells. I'm going to guess stem cells were used to aid in his recovery. Another theory, a better one, is that WWE said he was more injured than he actually is. Made it seem like he was going to be gone a long time and then shock everyone by coming back "early."

Mhm, theories. Or they let him back ASAP because they want to make money. That's the truth.

How many has Bryan had? The answer is not one. We don't know how many but it is not one. But the history and pattern of them must have given the doctor a reason to throw up a red flag.

But they cleared Graves after a decades worth. They cleared Tommy Dreamer after suffering like 35 concussions throughout his career. Again, I'm seeing a clear divide here with this Bryan situation. Can you give me an example similar to Bryan's? Where WWE kept somebody out of the ring after one concussion with the company?

CONCUSSIONS ARE ALL SPECIAL. Christian, Graves and Bryan all have had to retire. Bret Hart had to. In the future, this will probably happen more often. Bryan is not special.

I've given reasons for why Graves and Christian situations are separate from Bryan's. They're not the same. You keep going back to CONCUSSIONS ARE ALL SPECIAL, and it's really starting to annoy me. Throughout this whole meaningless post, you have yet to give me one hard shred of evidence that Bryan's concussion is severe enough to end his career. That it is "special". All you've done is take WWE's word for it unquestioningly, and considering the reputation that WWE's "word" has, it means nothing. I'll say it again, this argument is baseless.
I've been reading alot of conspiration theory on this subject and how wwe let others guys like ziggler return a concussion and that the reason bryan hasn't being cleared was because he doesn't fit in wwe's plans. That makes no sense at all because wwe is al about money and bryan is money for them. The ziggler exemple is a completly different situation because firs of all, ziggler didn't hide the fact he was injured for months and he could have done it to save his world title reign and econdly, when he came back, he change his wrestling style and he more save in the ring which is something bryan isn't ready to do.

bryan's situation is more like what christian had to go through 2 years ago. Christian's career was force to end his career because he suffer concussion after concussion and they we're major ones not a small one like ziggler had and with major concussion problem, wwe should take that seriously and as much as I'm a big fan of daniel bryan. I don't want to see him make a mistake that could ruin the rest of his life and just because other doctors cleared him that doesn't mean anything because they don't have the full story that the wwe doctors has.

bryan really should go and talk with other wrestlers that when through the same thing he's going through. Guys like, edge, christian, mick foley and bret hart have all gone through this type of situation and would be a great help for him to maybe understand the consequences of a return to the ring.
According to PWInsider.com, Daniel Bryan is expected to be on tonight's episode of Raw in Seattle, Washington. Bryan was seen and photographed yesterday in an airport on a flight from Phoenix, Arizona to Seattle; the pictures show that Bryan has trimmed his beard and has gotten a haircut. Seattle is just about 100 miles from Bryan's hometown of Aberdeen, so expect a massive pop when his music hits.

I have a feeling we'll find out what's what concerning Bryan's career as to whether he's going to be cleared or if his in-ring career in WWE is over. While it's always possible Bryan could say that he's leaving the WWE altogether to pursue his in-ring career elsewhere, it's an extraordinarily slim possibility. I'm leaning more towards Bryan announcing his retirement from in-ring competition; it's unfortunate that he was sidelined by head & neck trauma during a time when his popularity was unmatched by anyone on the roster, but it's understandable if he does call it quits. He's not yet 35, so he's still a young man and if he & Brie Bella are serious about having a family, then, ideally, he should be as healthy as he can be so he can be part of his family's life for as long as he can be. Then again, he could also announce that he's been fully cleared, which in & of itself will generate a pretty huge pop, but I'm leaning more towards retirement from the ring.
Or, it could be the only reason he's showing up tonight is to take advantage of appearing before the hometown crowd you mention. That's the thing about WWE; we never know, whether the subject is a storyline or a program.....or a factor based in reality, such as the Daniel Bryan saga.

There's a topic in the WWE section about the 'predictability' of WWE. After following this form of sports entertainment for years, most of us can make good guesses as to what they're going to do with certain characters at specified times, yet the company still manages to surprise me with what they come up with.....and it happens a lot. I swear I know what's coming, only to find out I don't. I think that's great.

With Daniel Bryan, we feel as if it's 'put up or shut up time' already, right? Is he ever going to wrestle again? If so, is he going to be doing it for WWE? Does he already know he's finished and just playing out his contract so he can start to enjoy blissful retirement? Or is he actually at odds with his employer, with Daniel claiming he can still go in the ring while WWE management says no?

All this has seemingly been going on forever, don't you agree?

I'm with OP; I hope we get some sort of definitive news tonight......positive or negative.....it would be great to know for sure.

Or will the next item of interest come when Brie's gynecologist informs Danny that his little goat-boy seed has taken root, causing the prospective Pappy to jump around the waiting room, thrusting his arms repeatedly in the air and yelling.........

......well, you know what he'll be yelling.
Here we go again. Let the speculation begin. I remember when he was scheduled to return last year before the Rumble and everybody was assuming he was going to retire. I correctly called (cheap pop) that he was likely going to announce his return and entry into the Rumble. At that time, I was almost adamant that he wasn't going to be retiring, but I don't have that same feeling today. While it's probable that Bryan won't legitimately call it quits, I think that will be the direction in which this appearance goes.

Something like, "Hey guys, I'm not feeling any better, you won't see me for a long long time, etc, etc." Or he could shock the hell out of people again, including me this time, and come back out of the blue just like last year. Considering he chopped off the hair and beard though, it's possible that Bryan has finally accepted the fact that WWE isn't going to clear him. I think we'll see some interaction at least with Bryan and somebody. Possibly KO or AJ.

If he does indeed retire, I'll be eating some crow.

Edit: Fuck, I'm hoping this isn't just a rando appearance.
I read somewhere (the name of the source escapes me) that Vince wants Bryan to commit to series of appearances through Mania. The source also states that the people close to Bryan have been saying he's not ready to commit unless he is cleared to compete in the ring.

At this time my guess is as good as anyone's. There's no guarantee of what's going to happen. I just hope Bryan returns, but not at the expense of his health.
As much as I love Daniel Bryan, I would hope to hear a decision about his whereabouts in future. Whether I should expect him to return in future or he retires. Being mean, I do want him to not to retire at this time. But being logical, the decision should totally be based on his physical condition. If he is healthy, let him compete. If he is not, stick to something else.

By the way, You can also give him a lighter schedule than the previous thus keeping his wish to wrestle and also decreasing the chances of injury.

If he is gonna return, AJ VS Bryan at Wrestlemania 32 would be phenomenal!

I've read so many possible outcomes for tonight that it is hard to even begin to guess what is going to happen.

I read a couple of reports that Bryan giving notice was recently blocked by the WWE. Now I'm not sure how you can block someone from quitting their job, but I don't work in the wrestling world.

As much as I enjoy Bryan, for his long term health, he probably needs to hang up his boots if his health issues are as bad as WWE make them out to be. He is still relatively young and has many many years ahead of him with his wife. He should think about that.He has also stated(I think in his book) that he would retire before he wanted to settle down to start a family, and Brie has been noted in recent interviews that she wants to try to start as early as this summer.

If Bryan wants to go out and keep wrestling, even if it is back in high school gyms and end up a potato, that is his business. Like I said though, if his health issues are as bad as what the E are making them out to be, then he needs to retire.
I am a huge Bryan fan. Love his style of wrestling, and always knew he had it in him to be a top star.
I just at this point want to know whats going on. Is he coming back or not...... the not knowing or just making an appearance to say someday I'll be back is not going to do anything but drag it out longer with people wondering.
Just say YES or NO I am wrestling again
The Bryan contract/quitting situation is murky to say the least. WWE can on paper block an exit cos of injury, however it would be up for debate how long that has been if other outside docs have cleared him (months ago). Also WWE and Vince are DESPERATE not to have their contracts actually tested in court, partly because a judge might rule guys are employees but also because the Screen Actors Guild, if they got a proper look at those deals could argue that their guys are covered by them, as in reality they are actors (WWE's own position), just like the guys and gals on Gotham, Walking Dead or any other TV show, even if they were technically stunt performers.

Would Bryan be in his right to say "clear me or release me"? Absolutely, if he has medical clearance from a non-WWE doctor (he has 2) then WWE cannot say "our doctor takes precedence", if he is unable to fulfil his contract in THEIR eyes, then they have to either pay it up in full and not allow him to make any appearances or allow his release. WWE is classic at wanting it's cake and eating it with injuries... "can't work, we'll make you an announcer, or a manager, or show up for silly segments with Divas and guest hosts..." rather than just do the decent thing and release people or pay them to recuperate at home. While the days of Curt Hennig claiming on a career ending insurance and still technically working are long gone, what Bryan is trying to do is no different than they've allowed in the past. There is more scrutiny now but if they'd be happy to take Austin for one match then Bryan should be allowed to work. WWE never come out and say "Stone Cold is done cos we say he is" do they?

As for tonight, I really don't know... I wouldn't be shocked if we got somewhat of a shoot from Bryan, which would easily feed into the current Reigns/Triple H/Vince stuff. Bryan can sympathise with Reigns, that it's a poisoned chalice trying to please the McMahons and perhaps announcing he is the guess referee for the Fast Lane match to Trips and Vince's chagrin.

What I don't see is an in ring return... WWE are digging their heels in for whatever reason, they COULD be right on this... but ultimately Bryan has the right to make unwise decisions, and if they're not prepared to let him work fully, then they have to either pay him in full for no work or let him go... if it ends up in court, they lose and lose BIG.

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