Daniel Bryan Injured?


Getting Noticed By Management
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There is a new report by SEScoops.com, who exclusively reported about Daniel Bryan's concussion back in January, claiming WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan has apparently suffered a neck injury and will need a "minimally-invase neck procedure." According to the report, Bryan wll be out of action for several weeks, and his status for WWE Payback is in question.

This may be completely unrelated, but during Bryan's post-WrestleMania feud with Kane, the champ took three Tombstone Piledrivers, including one on the ring steps, and one on the announce table, during an in-ring segment on Monday Night Raw. At this time it's unknown if his injury and the angle are linked – Bryan was put in a neck brace during the feud – but Kane has always been known as one of the most respected and safe workers in the business.

We will likely know more in the near future, as either Bryan or someone within WWE is expected to address the injury on Raw tonight.


So apparently Daniel Bryan is pulling a Dolph Ziggler just a year later? Ill take this with a grain of salt until we see Bryan or WWE address this.......

If this is true though it would be horrible for WWE as a whole not only bryan, of course someone would step up but losing another top star with Batista taking a break soon? Seems like a lack on star power lately and as far as bryan goes where would his remaining momentum go? Maybe he will never get back from this

Update: Its confirmed now after Daniel's Promo on Raw. He will get surgery this thursday and no time table has been announced for his return. Will they take the title? Will he even be at Payback?
According to stories at wrestlinginc.com, it's a legit injury and situation. If all goes well, the report says that Bryan MIGHT return in time for Payback. Based on that, if true, then the injury and procedure could be extremely minor. The indication that the procedure is very minimal and the injury itself, whatever it is, isn't serious is upheld by the fact that Bryan didn't surrender the championship, which is what I thought was gonna happen. If it was expected to be serious and require significant time off, WWE would've written him off television for the foreseeable future and had him surrender the title. Of course, there's always a possibility that the doctors could discover that the issue is more serious than they previously thought once they have him on the table and open him up.

Bryan's life has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride over the course of the past month. He wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania XXX in what was a fantastic WrestleMania moment. Less than a week later, he marries the woman he loves and spends a week long honeymoon basking in newlywed bliss. After he gets back and mere hours before Raw is set to go on the air, he gets the news that his father suddenly passed away and has to deal with the personal ramifications. Now, he's got something wrong with his neck that doesn't SEEM to be very serious but, then again, it could be extremely serious.
I don't think he got injured purely from Kane's tombstones, although it is possible.

The tombstone is a move which has been known to cause injury and was banned at one point during late 1999 and early 2000.

Its highly unlikely that Kane dropped Bryan on his head given Bryan's short stature but just the jolt from a tombstone can cause neck injuries.
This happened to the great Hulk Hogan after getting tombstoned by Undertaker in 1990, apparently the biggest icon in wrestling still can't feel the tips of his fingers to this day as a result.

My opinion is Bryan was injured just because he's smaller and more fragile than most of the other wrestlers and it was just an accumulative injury waiting to happen.

I think if the injury is not that serious Bryan will have a huge pop when he does return and it will be another honeymoon period for him, so this cloud could have a silver lining for the goat face mongrel champion.
They need to strip him off the title just for the sake of his health. Neck injuries are no joke, look at Edge.

Hopefully somebody step up like Big Show/Mark Henry to stand up for Bryan in the meantime.
I don't think he got injured purely from Kane's tombstones, although it is possible.

The tombstone is a move which has been known to cause injury and was banned at one point during late 1999 and early 2000.

Its highly unlikely that Kane dropped Bryan on his head given Bryan's short stature but just the jolt from a tombstone can cause neck injuries.
This happened to the great Hulk Hogan after getting tombstoned by Undertaker in 1990, apparently the biggest icon in wrestling still can't feel the tips of his fingers to this day as a result.

My opinion is Bryan was injured just because he's smaller and more fragile than most of the other wrestlers and it was just an accumulative injury waiting to happen.

I think if the injury is not that serious Bryan will have a huge pop when he does return and it will be another honeymoon period for him, so this cloud could have a silver lining for the goat face mongrel champion.

If anything, those tombstones probably just aggravated the injury. Kane is frequently regarded as one of the safest super starts to work with.
I just got to thinking. When CM Punk had to have knee surgery in December of 2012, he got pulled from the TLC PPV less than a week before it was to go on. Between the time he next defended his title at the first Raw of 2013 against Ryback, and the SS match against Cena/Ryback, almost 6 weeks had went by. So it's totally plausible that Bryan could skip one PPV, and be at the next one to defend at the en of June, effectively giving him 6-7 weeks to recover if needed.

The biggest difference was that WWE had Punk vs Rock set in stone for the Rumble so they couldn't strip him of the title, however if Bryan is only going to be out a few weeks then I don't think they'll take it off him, mainly because at this moment I can't see anyone for them to put it on bar Cena or Orton.
I was a little taken aback when I heard this. I had thought it was part of the "storyline", though a weird one I would add. He looks well, and has been performing well, there's little indication of a injury... Then, there's a segment afterwards where Kane dragged an unconscious Daniel Bryan out to be put onto a stretcher and then eventually sent out in an ambulance. This led me to believe if his neck injury was in fact legit, it is likely not a serious one. Let's just hope he would return soon.
The biggest difference was that WWE had Punk vs Rock set in stone for the Rumble so they couldn't strip him of the title, however if Bryan is only going to be out a few weeks then I don't think they'll take it off him, mainly because at this moment I can't see anyone for them to put it on bar Cena or Orton.

True. As I said in my first post, I'm guessing that the doctors believe that the issue isn't very serious as they've obviously held off stripping the title from him. With the way they had Kane dragging him out "unconscious" last night, I'm thinking that was done as a means of writing Bryan off television for an extended period of time IF the issue turns out to be more serious than expected. If it is more serious than previously expected, I'd say they'll officially vacate the title this Monday.

This is a bit of a wild idea but it's one that popped into my head. If it turns out that Bryan will be out for an extended period of time, maybe WWE could keep the title vacant until Money in the Bank. During the ppv, perhaps they could have a multiple man ladder match to crown a new champion while also having the traditional MITB match in addition. If Cena wound up winning the title in said match, perhaps whomever Mr. MITB could cash in right then and there. It could be a bit risky elevating someone else into that spot so suddenly, but MAYBE it's a gamble that could pay off IF it's the right person. Also, to be frank, it's not exactly as if throngs of people are clamoring for yet another John Cena or Randy Orton title run.
Question is, if it a bad injury and he does have to take time off...do they take the title off him? If they do take it off of him, who do they give it to? Maybe Batista gets a run after all, cutting short the Evolution reunion, maybe...Stick someone completely new into the Title scene(which makes no sense at this point, unless it is a placeholder type to do a short storyline)...

Obviously, when he returns, he will still have to vanquish the Monster Kane first in any case.

Personally, I like this new development of him possibly being stripped, and am looking forward to seeing how it is handled going forward.
According to the latest report from F4WOnline.com, talk backstage last night indicated that Bryan will be out of action for 1 to 2 months at the most. Other reports suggest that it could be even less than that, depending upon how severe the issue with his neck is and the prognosis after undergoing surgery on Thursday. Furthermore, the report states that the backstage feeling is that if he's out for 1 to 2 months maximum, WWE won't strip him of the title.
Daniel Bryan sells tickets for the WWE because he's Daniel Bryan and he works for the WWE.

This is a win-win situation for the WWE if there ever was one.

I imagine that since they're playing this out on tv the way they are, everyone is confident that Daniel Bryan will compete at Payback. The neck injury is getting legit press, so I believe that the event will sell more tickets as I think Daniel Bryan draws better when booked as an underdog.

Let's imagine that something unfortunate happens and there's no way that Daniel can compete at Payback. This sets up a storyline where Stephanie strips Daniel Bryan of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, thus he never actually had to be pinned to lose the belt(s). Daniel Bryan comes back to a joyously raucous reception from the crowd, and has to push the limits of his potential to once again become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It'll add to his world championship count and give the WWE a years worth of big buy-rates on another Rocky story.
Shockingly, this may be the best thing for Bryan. Most people already anticipated and it's rapidly become clear that Bryan is best as a challenger, and not as a champion. The WWE could obviously be booking him a lot better than what they're doing, but at the same time, let's be honest - the WWE ran this exact same storyline with Kane and Cena, and it was way better, because Cena is a better actor. Bryan's got more or less one story in him, and it's underdog fighting against the odds. That's not a problem, since it's one of the best stories you can tell in wrestling, but nonetheless - put him into a drama fueled program with the Devil's favorite demon where we have to buy into these emotions of terror and his wife being stalked and whatever, it's going to fall flat. If Bryan had to live out the rest of this reign fighting Kane and probably coming to an end against someone in Evolution (or maybe Lesnar) it'd be remembered as the mediocre post-WrestleMania reign. They'd find another blood feud for Bryan and he probably wouldn't see gold for some time.

Either way this plays out, though, Bryan looks like a winner to me, in story terms at least. Obviously the physical damage is awful and doesn't help anyone, but certainly, he now returns to one of two scenarios: he recovers from surgery to defend his title, a huge underdog story because they can sell lingering injuries and his opponent looks like a dick preying on him, or he gets stripped (wouldn't the Authority just love to do that?) and returns to claim his title and pretty much gets to do WM30 all over again with that story.

So while it sucks to have to stop seeing Bryan, who is still to my mind the #1 wrestler on the planet and who is quickly proving he has a Cena like ability to drag a good match out of anyone, and the physical damage is very unfortunate (neck injuries obviously remind one of Edge), the story possibilities offer nothing but upside to Bryan. My hope is he rests up well with no long term damage and gets to come back to a hot storyline.
Daniel Bryan deserves a long run as champion.. He has busted his ass,worked the Indy scene for over a decade.. Having the authority just screw him time and time again,to not even being an entrant in the Royal Rumble,to having his moment finally at WM..

Then his dad dies very very unfortunate and now his neck needs surgery.. This past 9 months or so,have definitely taken its toll on him.. I would say he is just as good as champion as he is a challenger.. We us the IWC in general love Daniel Bryan,the audience loves him..

He said part of the reason why we love him is because he sacrificed his body for us. Part of that is true,the other part is because we all see ourselves in him. He is not carved out of stone,he is not arrogant,nor is he phony. When people like Daniel Bryan is champion it gives hope to everyone that maybe "Hey why not me? OF course though,Daniel Bryan is extremely gifted in the ring and can wrestle circles around the Roster! That part helps a little.

I dont think his neck surgery will be a big deal,i expect him back in time for payback
By all accounts, it seems like the guy isn't going to be out of action that long. But if you look at this from a storyline perspective, there is no logical reason for Bryan to not be stripped of the World Title. The Authority hates Daniel Bryan, they don't want him as the Champion. Now with this injury they have an excuse to take the Title away from him, without anyone even beating him for it. It puts even more heat on them if it's only a minor injury. If the Authority doesn't move to strip Brayn from the Title it doesn't really make sense from a storyline-perspective, why would they not want to accomplish their primary motive given the opportunity?

So yeah, take the belt off Bryan, award it to whoever (no tournament, no battle royal, the Authority just hand picks a Champion), and then Bryan has someone to work with when he comes back. Bryan getting screwed out of the Title and having to chase it again is something that had to happen eventually anyways. The money is in the chase.
By all accounts, it seems like the guy isn't going to be out of action that long. But if you look at this from a storyline perspective, there is no logical reason for Bryan to not be stripped of the World Title. The Authority hates Daniel Bryan, they don't want him as the Champion. Now with this injury they have an excuse to take the Title away from him, without anyone even beating him for it. It puts even more heat on them if it's only a minor injury. If the Authority doesn't move to strip Brayn from the Title it doesn't really make sense from a storyline-perspective, why would they not want to accomplish their primary motive given the opportunity?

So yeah, take the belt off Bryan, award it to whoever (no tournament, no battle royal, the Authority just hand picks a Champion), and then Bryan has someone to work with when he comes back. Bryan getting screwed out of the Title and having to chase it again is something that had to happen eventually anyways. The money is in the chase.

The WWE may want to consider stripping Bryan of the title whether he will come back in time for Payback, or shortly thereafter. As SoS mentioned, it makes the most sense from a storyline perspective, and it works on the underdog level. Bryan is a natural underdog, and this is a perfect logical progression.

Let's face it: The WWE has hedged on having a strong challenger that they want to throw at Bryan right now. Lesnar, Cesaro, Wyatt -- there's no one that the WWE wants to derail by having them face (and likely lose) to Bryan right now. That's why Kane was served up. Kane can take the loss, propel Bryan forward, and not suffer any bad effects. Now, I don't personally buy into the idea that any loss is an automatic depush/derail, but it seems apparent that the WWE does.

This is a perfect time to have Bryan forfeit the belt, and bring in Lesnar for a trumped up win over some challenger in a mini tournament format, and continue his massive heat from WrestleMania 30. This gives the WWE a perfect option: Lesnar Vs. Bryan for Summer Slam, or Lesnar Vs. Cesaro for Summer Slam (if they stick to the early buzz). Bryan will still be "the People's champ" in that he never really lost the belt.
According to a report from PWInsider.com, it's being said that Bryan actually has a broken neck though the break is extremely minor and that the procedure Bryan will be undergoing Thursday will be very simple rather than something extensive requiring any degree of neck fusion. The report mentions that Bryan's recovery time is in the 6 to 8 week range and that officials are currently looking at a SummerSlam return.

The report further states that the break has come about as a result of Bryan's highly physical style over the years rather than one instance. Some talk backstage indicate that this could have been further aggravated by the diving headbutt he delivered from the forklift and pallet at Extreme Rules, but there's been no confirmation of that; it could be nothing more than water cooler talk/speculation.

As far as the title is concerned, the report mentions that WWE officials are waiting to see what's revealed during the surgery. If it's nothing too bad, which I'm guessing is the position of Bryan's doctors have taken at this point in time, the feeling is they'll most likely keep the title on Bryan. If a bad report is given after the surgery is over, Bryan will likely be stripped.
True. As I said in my first post, I'm guessing that the doctors believe that the issue isn't very serious as they've obviously held off stripping the title from him. With the way they had Kane dragging him out "unconscious" last night, I'm thinking that was done as a means of writing Bryan off television for an extended period of time IF the issue turns out to be more serious than expected. If it is more serious than previously expected, I'd say they'll officially vacate the title this Monday.

This is a bit of a wild idea but it's one that popped into my head. If it turns out that Bryan will be out for an extended period of time, maybe WWE could keep the title vacant until Money in the Bank. During the ppv, perhaps they could have a multiple man ladder match to crown a new champion while also having the traditional MITB match in addition. If Cena wound up winning the title in said match, perhaps whomever Mr. MITB could cash in right then and there. It could be a bit risky elevating someone else into that spot so suddenly, but MAYBE it's a gamble that could pay off IF it's the right person. Also, to be frank, it's not exactly as if throngs of people are clamoring for yet another John Cena or Randy Orton title run.

I like this idea. Not sure who I would have win the title match but I would have Cesaro win the "normal" money in the bank match. Then put the case on the line against Lesner in some sort of Heymen guys match and lose it to Lesner. Then we can have months of Heymen coming out and everyone believably thinking he is going to cash it in even if he is not there.
According to a report at PWTorch.com, Bryan underwent surgery earlier today and the procedure was described as "successful", which WWE has also mentioned on its website.

The report at WWE.com states that the issue with Bryan's neck involved nerve tissue and the procedure used to correct it is called cervical foraminotomy which is done to "decompress the nerve root." Post surgery, WWE is reporting that Bryan's strength is returning to his hands. This might sound overly simplified, or totally wrong, but it sounds a lot like Bryan had Radiculopathy, aka a pinched nerve. WWE's mention that Bryan regaining strength in his hands, which means he had to have been experiencing a loss of strength, which is a very common effect of Radiculopathy.

He's wearing a soft neck brace and is already up and moving about and is expected to be released from the hospital in 1 to 2 days. A timetable for Bryan's return hasn't been revealed as of yet, but the usual recovery time before most people can engage in heavy physical activity is 2-3 months. That doesn't mean that Bryan can't participate in some ways in continuing his storyline with Kane. For instance, Bryan could use various hit & run/guerrilla tactics against Kane so that Kane isn't able to get his hands on him, appear at TV tapings, etc. WWE will have a few days to evaluate the situation and I'm guessing they'll purposely wait until Monday's Raw from London, England to reveal what's what concerning Bryan, how long he'll be out and the future of the title. People are obviously curious to know if Bryan will be stripped, so that could be used as a little bit of a draw for this Monday's show.

WWE posted a picture of Bryan after the surgery. http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2014/0515/576093/daniel-bryan-undergoes-successful-neck-surgery/ He normally always seems to have a laid back, easy going demeanor but, for some reason, I get the impression that he's stoned outta his gourd. :p

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