Report: Daniel Bryan Suffers Legit Injury On Raw


It's being reported on the main page, with the initial source being the WON, that Bryan really did suffer an injury in his match against Orton last night and the match was stopped as a result. The WON reports that Bryan was scheduled to win his match against Randy Orton last night as part of story in which Bryan builds up a resume of wins over big stars before ultimately going on to challenge for the WWE Championship.

Apparently, Bryan's injury is a shoulder injury that initially began on Sunday night at the Payback ppv. Bryan diving through the ropes, in which Orton was supposed to step out of the way, and hitting the ground may have aggravated the injury. WWE improvised by saying that Bryan suffered a stinger and WWE followed through on the story of Triple H's match being stopped. As a result, WWE had Cole tell viewers that Bryan had a huge babyface blow up with Triple H backstage for stopping the match.

It's being reported that the injury isn't believed to be serious and that WWE simply wanted to ensure Bryan's safety. The ending to the match wasn't the planned ending, according to the WON, and the decision was made by the medic at ringside.
The video of Triple H commenting on the "blow-up" is on, it's pretty well done, they made it look realistic.

I praise WWE for stopping the match, he was hurt, it was real, referee threw up the "X" sign, several people mentioned that "they've done that before, it's a work" but it was very clearly not a work when the cameraman didn't catch a direct picture of the referee throwing up the "X" and the commentators didn't make light of that specific motion, they weren't trying to sell the injury, they were selling the match being stopped due to an actual injury.

If he got hurt they needed to stop the match. What pissed me off a bit about this is the fact I saw people on Twitter and one or two on the LD here complaining about them stopping the match which is really stupid, I hate fans like that. If anyone knows enough about Bryan they know hes had his fairshare of injuries in his career, nothing too serious but they all pile up. Hes had something like three or four concussions and this isn't his first stinger, hes also previously suffered one in a match with KENTA a few years ago. I hope they let him have an event or two off, but who knows, we'll see on Smackdown.
My wife thought something might have happened after Orton went over and gave him a hug and said something to him. Thye due injury angles so much, it's hard to tell what's real and what's not.

Im glad WWE decided to protect him and not keep it going. It's not like it will ruin the storyline or anything, in fact it will help it. Especially with the whole "weak link" tone to it.

I didn't see the video, but it's little things like that video that can help push a storyline. I just wish that they would stop pushing the damn WWE App and air that stuff on TV. I don't want to download the app. I remember the days when stuff like that and interviews would be aired on TV or during another stars entrance.
-I just feel these days WWE is way too PC
-Ironically the groups that WWE wants to change their opinion of their product still don't like any violence on tv
-Instead of stopping the match just do a quick finish
-HHH gained alot of respect from all wrestling fans when he finished a match with a torn quad
-WWE tries to say they are different from UFC but they make ending of matches or decisions to end a match like a actual fight when they say they are entertainment i.e. fake sport
Smart Move. If they have long term plans for Bryan like going into SummerSlam and facing Cena for the title it should be a priority to prevent any type of injury whatsoever. And I'm glad they did just that.
It looked to me like Bryan was hurt on his missile dropkick. That was the point where he just laid on the mat for quite some time (while Randy was also down waiting on Bryan to make the next move). The ref talked to him quite some time and did give the "X" sign. When Bryan finally did get up he went to his patented kicks and his left arm was just hanging. At that point I knew for sure he was legitimately hurt. And although no one has any reason to believe me, I honestly thought at that point that he had probably suffered a stinger. I've seen enough football over the years to know the signs of one.

What was interesting was that after him showing no feeling in that left arm on the kicks, just a minute later he demonstrated the feeling had returned as he held onto the ropes, with just his left arm for a few seconds, before Orton kicked him outside again! I think that's why he was frustrated by the stoppage. He was showing himself, the medic, and HHH that he had regained the use of that arm after the stinger. But it was to know avail. And admittedly, as a fan, I'm still glad HHH called the match. It was the right move. I think Daniel will be fine as long as HHH doesn't hold it against Bryan for getting up in his face in the back. And from what I've read that was legit and not a work.
Yah it sucked they stopped the match but clearly Bryan wasnt in any condition to finish that match. It looked like it hurt when DB dived through the ropes and went headfirst into the barricade.. He landed very awkward.. When he was throwing his trademark kicks he clearly had no use of his left arm and not much of his right... In the end i know DB will be fine,im glad the WWE aired on side of caution.. I never wanna see anyone hurt!

On a side note though if Orton messed up isnt it funny that Orton verbally abused Kofi for the very same thing and Orton messes up and no one is saying anything to him about it??
after seeing the spoilers, you can tell that it was all a work. It fits right into their weakest link storyline for daniel bryan. I was a little weary of it being real before, because has had way worse injurys and finished the match. If he can wrestle the next day than its obviously a work.
after seeing the spoilers, you can tell that it was all a work. It fits right into their weakest link storyline for daniel bryan. I was a little weary of it being real before, because has had way worse injurys and finished the match. If he can wrestle the next day than its obviously a work.

That's good news, but isn't this a spoiler itself in a way?

Just to echo what many have already said, if real, then it's right for WWE to take precautions. If it means a loss of momentum and delayed push for Danielson then so be it. We all loved watching Dynamite Kid and Chris Benoit wrestle with reckless abandon and look where it landed them.
I thought he looked dazed so it wouldn't surprise me if Bryan was legit hurt, but if I'm being worked then great, it's nice to know an old jaded fan like me can still get sucked in.
There's not a shred of doubt in my mind that the injury was real. Frankly, I can't understand how anyone watching could think otherwise. It wasn't a work. Neither was Bryan going to Triple H and giving him a piece of his mind. All of that was legit stuff. They have since used the injury and what transpired after it as a work in the Smackdown tapings. That's clear. But the initial Raw match saw DB sustain a stinger. No question at all on that point.
There's not a shred of doubt in my mind that the injury was real. Frankly, I can't understand how anyone watching could think otherwise. It wasn't a work. Neither was Bryan going to Triple H and giving him a piece of his mind. All of that was legit stuff. They have since used the injury and what transpired after it as a work in the Smackdown tapings. That's clear. But the initial Raw match saw DB sustain a stinger. No question at all on that point.

what about the fact that triple h said on a number of occasions that when your injured in a match you finish it.


Or what about the fact that it just so happens to fit with both triple h's and daniel bryan's storylines. Im not saying that its a for sure thing but it just doesn't seem legit.
I'm wondering tho since so many people are all suddenly getting concussions and other injuries not that it can't happen and in the past most of it was probably masked, but could it partly be a work to try and get across to the audience that what they do has consequences and people get injured, cause certainly just putting up the Dont Do This At Home doesn't get through some people's head.

or maybe concussions and injuries are just the flavor of the month storylines for the current batch of writers.

Anyone think it was concidental that on the PPV a Smackdown title match Alberto punished an obviously hurt Ziggler and the following night on RAW Orton more or less does the same thing to Bryan?
I thought it was real when Orton came over and hugged the guy (Was waiting for a surprise RKO). That was weird seeing that, especially from Orton's character.
What pissed me off a bit about this is the fact I saw people on Twitter and one or two on the LD here complaining about them stopping the match which is really stupid, I hate fans like that.

Yes, well, keep in mind that when a wrestler is injured, the fans aren't hurt a bit. This is so in all sports contests in which it's easy for fans to tell the performers to "suck it up" and continue. No skin off their asses.

As it is, I've always found it amazing how pro wrestlers live up to the concept "the show must go on." In the match being discussed, I thought I sensed a break in the rhythm, but didn't realize it was being stopped due to a real injury. These guys spend so much time writhing on the ground during matches that it's usually impossible for the fan to tell when something bad happens for real. Pro wrestlers have to be the most dedicated workers anywhere; if they stop performing, there must be something serious wrong.
It looked like a legit stinger to me from the very second I saw it as DBD was having trouble raising his arms.

Despite the anger/disappointment that DBD is reported to have shown towards HHH, I think this accident plays rather well into his on-going "weak link" angle. Byran could easily say that had it been anyone else, Orton would not have backed off. The only problem I have with that though is that it is a path that leads more directly to a Bryan heel turn, which is not needed at all.

It should actually be used to turn Orton and if Bryan is not going to get his run at Cena (perhaps by winning MitB again and cashing in for a match at Summerslam), I see no reason not to play out an extended feud between heel Orton and face Bryan.
There is no point in risking serious, long-term injury so this is a good move. Orton hugging him was also a nice touch - it was patronising/ degrading which continues the thought of him being the weak link. They managed to get something very good out of an injury so well done Orton.
its a work.from someone who has suffered a legit doesnt suffer one then do anything real physical within 24 hours.its just to prolong the weak link story.
I think he got hurt after Orton side stepped his dive to the outside i remember when he got into the ring the ref gave the x sign, don't think orton should have side stepped it, its to much of a dangerous move to side step it, tbh I don't know why db doesn't just do it near the ramp way, so that there isn't a possibility of him hitting any crowd members.

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