Report: Daniel Bryan Suffers A Concussion

There is nothing I fear more than head trauma - one blow to the head can kill or, as I know all to well, stop you being (well) you. Imagine having the emotional age of a 6 year old and having complete left side paralysis to the extent that your very eyes cannot see anything even the slightest degree off center. One blow to the head can cause that and walking into a physical encounter with a concussion that can leave you slightly off? Bravado is very nice, the consequences? Not so much... just ask Bret Hart!
It's just a concussion. When did the wrestling business turn into a haven for *****es? Wrestle through it, Bryan.

I'm not part of that group that thinks Bryan will win the Rumble. I think he'll be treading water until Elimation Chamber anyway. No biggie.

He needs to get his butt back out there and if anything increase the number of dangerous bumps. I’m looking forward to a few years from now when he murders that skank Bella twin.

I know he was no where near the match but somehow this has to be Rybacks fault.
This is a bunch of cry baby bs..its a freakin concussion!!! Nobody knows why Benoit did what he did so using his mistakes isnt even a valid argument. Yes I know the reports about his brain damage but he may have done this for completely different reasons and this can never be proven. Honestly I don't believe those reports anyway because someone with a brain like the one they described as Benoits wouldn't be able to call spots, remember moves and spots, and have perfect timing in the ring. There is no way a 85 year old with severe brain damage and dementia could put on the matches Benoit was having. To the people bringing up Bret Hart, I say ask him if he would do his career all over again if it meant he suffered the same career ending injury and I bet he'd say HELL YEA. A concussion is a part of being a pro athlete, just live with it. DB will be fine and he'd be dumb to miss Mania.
The most I can say about this is that it would suck if Bryan got taken off of TV at this point because of a bogus accident considering the momentum he has right now. With that said, I think we should relax because WWE has yet to publicly address this when they usually do so immediately with their other wrestlers.
This is a bunch of cry baby bs..its a freakin concussion!!! Nobody knows why Benoit did what he did so using his mistakes isnt even a valid argument. Yes I know the reports about his brain damage but he may have done this for completely different reasons and this can never be proven. Honestly I don't believe those reports anyway because someone with a brain like the one they described as Benoits wouldn't be able to call spots, remember moves and spots, and have perfect timing in the ring. There is no way a 85 year old with severe brain damage and dementia could put on the matches Benoit was having. To the people bringing up Bret Hart, I say ask him if he would do his career all over again if it meant he suffered the same career ending injury and I bet he'd say HELL YEA. A concussion is a part of being a pro athlete, just live with it. DB will be fine and he'd be dumb to miss Mania.
So you know better then medical experts? Good to know so i guess you are a doctor? Also according to your logic is that Edge should still be in the ring. I mean a spinal injury is part of being a athlete he should just deal with it right or do you just pick and choose what medical advice to follow? You are not a doctor nor have you done anything remotely close to what any pro athlete has done yet you are going to ignore what the majority of the medical community thinks and say he should man up and go back? :wtf:
Concussions are weird little things, they can be so insignificant that the next day you're completely fine, or you could be dizzy for weeks. I've had both. Once I fell down a flight of concrete stairs, was in a state where I couldn't see for almost an hour and didn't stop feeling weird until almost two weeks later, and another time I was in a pretty grousome head clash leaving me with an inch wide, 3 inches long, gash in my head (somehow the other guy ended up even worse though haha) - but I was perfectly fine the next day. I'd say both were equally painful as fuck, they both probably had the same level of force, and they both hit the same part of my head, but in one I was fine in a day and in the other I wasn't until a while later. The recovery time for these things is completely random, I don't know how long it will be until Bryan's fine, you don't know how long it will be until he's fine, and he doesn't know how long until he's fine. Point is that until he is fine he shouldn't be wrestling, he may even be completely fine right now but nobody knows except for him and the doctor how he is.
This is a bunch of cry baby bs..its a freakin concussion!!!

"Cry baby bs"? You, sir, are an insensitive ******** - the person I described in my first post is my father (most astute people would work out that I was talking about someone close to me). A&E thought it was just a concussion too!

Nobody knows why Benoit did what he did so using his mistakes isnt even a valid argument. Yes I know the reports about his brain damage but he may have done this for completely different reasons and this can never be proven. Honestly I don't believe those reports anyway because someone with a brain like the one they described as Benoits wouldn't be able to call spots, remember moves and spots, and have perfect timing in the ring. There is no way a 85 year old with severe brain damage and dementia could put on the matches Benoit was having.

Now you sound like an imbecile. The brain specialists are wrong; just because he used his head as a weapon regularly doesn't mean wrestling was to blame; it can't be PROVEN DAMMIT! I'm guessing you definitely ain't Chris Nowinski!

To the people bringing up Bret Hart, I say ask him if he would do his career all over again if it meant he suffered the same career ending injury and I bet he'd say HELL YEA.

So now you're speaking for Bret? Yeah - having your career ended at the age of 42 to PCS and then suffering a major stroke before the age of 45 (not that I'd DARE assert that these two things would be linked). Any logical person would do that over again!

A concussion is a part of being a pro athlete, just live with it. DB will be fine and he'd be dumb to miss Mania.

Protecting yourself and your opponent is part of being a sports entertainer, Bret DOES pride himself on never injuring an opponent. Not even considering the risk DBry places on himself to wrestle with his head not 100%, what about the risk he places on his opponent. That's before you consider the liability that WWe would face should they knowingly allow him into a ring - I can't speak for the US but in the UK such a decision could result in a substantive jail term for the PiC to send him out should a death occur.

Man up to that!

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