Daniel Bryan Announces Retirement - Keep It All Here!

WHat should WWE do with Daniel Bryan?

  • WWE should Clear Daniel Bryan to wrestle

  • WWE should grant Bryan his release

  • WWE should stay the course for theirs, and his, own good.

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Bryan is under a 5 year contract with 2 more years to go meaning that for the last 3 years he has made $700,000 per year..

Presuming those figures are accurate, I wonder whether his yearly compensation is $700K......or just his salary. If the latter, he might be getting large periodic checks for all the merchandise he still sells.

By retiring, it would be interesting to know what kind of deal he made with WWE. When AJ Lee retired, she (presumably) avoided a lot of the garbage her husband went through as far as additional compensation and services contracted for. However, if Daniel didn't really want to retire but was forced out with two years to go on his contract, the performer and company must have worked out something.....and it all might have required a slew of attorneys to pound out.

Of course, if he's really retired (unlike the way Ric Flair really retired before scooting off to TNA), WWE is already assured Daniel won't be appearing with another wrestling company.....and working out a deal was likely easier between employer & employee.

All we've heard about is his retirement. Wonder what he'll be doing with himself besides making little goat babies (When he calls them kids, that will be an accurate description).
Here is a fun fact that should blow your mind....
Daniel Bryan salary for 2016 $700,000
Big Show salary for 2016 $1,200,000
John Cena salary for 2016 $2,700,000
Randy Orton $1,600,000
Sheamus $1,300,000
Jericho $974,000
Mark Henry $877,000

Yep thats right even though Bryan has become the second face of the company after John Cena he gets paid less than Big Show. Bryan is under a 5 year contract with 2 more years to go meaning that for the last 3 years he has made $700,000 per year. Plus Bryan was completely milked by forcing him to do all the appearances, interviews, and media events such as being in Total Divas for the last 3 years while Big Show gets paid HALF A MILLION more for staying at home and sporadically appearing. Total Divas doesn't pay a separate salary Bryan gets paid the same 700k whether he was on it or not and of course you know that the "E" made him be on it in order to exploit him and get the most bang for their buck.

Wwe expected Daniel Bryan to do all the work that John Cena does outside of the ring for alot more than half the pay. In fact for $2 million less. Of course Daniel Bryan was seeking to renegotiate his contract and get paid better for all the work he was doing. And Vince in his cheapness manipulated the company doctors to stop Bryan from receiving "John Cena" or even "Big Show money".

Vince is a stubborn old man who would rather ruin and destroy someone than pay them their just money. He thinks that he has to do it because its best for the business because if Bryan demands and gets more money while under contract than all the other talent could do the same. So Vince would rather sacrifice a little in order to save his kingdom and make an example in order to send a warning to the others. The concussion issue was just an excuse for Vince to get what he wanted.

Despite the fact that these wrestlers are famous and on TV they are grossly underpaid by Wwe. This is because out of all the sports Wwe talent have no union. Vince gets around this by saying that Wwe is not a sport and just "Entertainment", additionally most of the wrestlers are no employees of the company but independent contractors an as such cannot get a union.

Good luck to Daniel Bryan hopefully he will now seek a legal way out and take the "E" to court so that he could go to TNA in the future. Hopefully we won't have to wait two years. But in the meantime i would caution him to never leave his drinks and food unattended (that a heart attack or stroke inducing agents can be slipped in ie Ultimate Warrior) and check his car brakes or for any little suspicious boxes(that allow for a car to be hacked and driven by remote control ie Michael Hastings) under the hood every single time he gets behind the wheel because "Vince is Vince" and he never ever loses.

this are thhe type of comments I hate to read at a moment like that. Who cares about how much he was paid since he was probably making alot of money on merchandise sale anyway. Bryan took this decision by himself because of something he saw when he got the results on some test he pass last week. Bryan was a great wrestler and lived for wrestling and while some fans are still hoping that he will go to another company like tna or roh, they got to face the fact that he's retired and will never wrestled again. So I'm glad he took his retirement before he became another tragedy like chris benoit. So I wish that the fans would give him praise for what he did and don't force him to come back and put his health at risk just to please his fans.
Heartbroken doesn't begin to cover how I feel. There weren't any tears, likely because this had seemingly been on the cards for nearly two years now, but it's still incredibly sad that a man who I would list as among professional wrestling's elite has to walk away from it in his early thirties.

For the last half dozen years, I've taken "What is so-and-so's best match?" as shorthand for "When did they face Daniel Bryan?": Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Bray Wyatt, The Miz - there are so few who stepped into a ring with Daniel Bryan who can't say their best match was with him. Even on John Cena's long list of classics, SummerSlam 2013 stands out as one of the very best. It's a huge pity that there are still those who never got to work with Bryan; a match with Brock Lesnar, surely the original plan for SummerSlam 2014's main event, is now just another dream match that we'll never see.

At the same time, we should be glad that we've got to the point that concussions are treated seriously, though still not as seriously as they probably should be. A recent study shows that even one concussion can drastically increase the likelihood of suicide. One can't help but wonder how many wrestlers of the past, as well as those still performing today, might have been encouraged to hang it up if they benefited from the same medical science that Daniel Bryan has. There's the obvious counterargument that Bryan should immediately go and get dumped on his head by Kurt Angle until the contents of his skull look like a particularly thick bolognese sauce - and I respect that.

Farewell, Daniel Bryan. You were one of the very best.
this are thhe type of comments I hate to read at a moment like that. Who cares about how much he was paid since he was probably making alot of money on merchandise sale anyway. Bryan took this decision by himself because of something he saw when he got the results on some test he pass last week. Bryan was a great wrestler and lived for wrestling and while some fans are still hoping that he will go to another company like tna or roh, they got to face the fact that he's retired and will never wrestled again. So I'm glad he took his retirement before he became another tragedy like chris benoit. So I wish that the fans would give him praise for what he did and don't force him to come back and put his health at risk just to please his fans.

How can you really believe what you just wrote? Are you not aware that earlier in the same day Bryan formerly asked Wwe to let him go from his contract? That obviously means that he wants to wrestle. But Wwe informed him that they would not let him go out of his contract. So his "retirement" is just a legal ploy. Unfortunately even though he had a mic and was live he had a chance to speak the truth and expose Vince but instead chose to remain the good company boy. Don't believe everything you hear even when it comes out of the horses mouth, people lie for business Bryan lied.
How can you really believe what you just wrote? Are you not aware that earlier in the same day Bryan formerly asked Wwe to let him go from his contract? That obviously means that he wants to wrestle. But Wwe informed him that they would not let him go out of his contract. So his "retirement" is just a legal ploy. Unfortunately even though he had a mic and was live he had a chance to speak the truth and expose Vince but instead chose to remain the good company boy. Don't believe everything you hear even when it comes out of the horses mouth, people lie for business Bryan lied.

Just because it was written on the internet, it doesn't make it true either. The only peoples that knew what really happens that day are bryan and vince. Maybe he asked for his release like it was reported maybe he didn't and it was just a rumor, we will never know. But something that's true is if this retirement was just to get out of his contract, it won't work since even if he's retired, he still have to sit out the reminder of his contract so he won't be able to go wrestle for another company until his contract his done.

Anyway even if he was dumb enough to come back, I don't see any big promotion like roh, tna or new japan taken a risk on bringing him in since he would be a big risk for any company

the last thing wrestling need is another chris benoit incident, so I really hope for his family and his sake, that this was a legit retirement and not just a ploy to go back in the ring later on and if you we're a true daniel bryan fan, you would hope the same thing for him and his family instead of hoping he would come back and wrestles. Sometimes, a wrestler health is more important then what the fans wants, so let just reflect on how great his career was and just let it be.
How can you really believe what you just wrote? Are you not aware that earlier in the same day Bryan formerly asked Wwe to let him go from his contract? That obviously means that he wants to wrestle. But Wwe informed him that they would not let him go out of his contract. So his "retirement" is just a legal ploy. Unfortunately even though he had a mic and was live he had a chance to speak the truth and expose Vince but instead chose to remain the good company boy. Don't believe everything you hear even when it comes out of the horses mouth, people lie for business Bryan lied.
With all the stuff that he has said over the last 36 hours or so, only a very stupid promoter would even dream of taking a chance on him. Granted, he could start his own promotion in Arizona a la Tommy Dreamer. However, I think DBry is not as stupid as Dreamer is, for he will probably stay out of the ring, unlike Dreamer who is far more fucked up than DBry is.
Good luck to Daniel Bryan hopefully he will now seek a legal way out and take the "E" to court so that he could go to TNA in the future. Hopefully we won't have to wait two years. But in the meantime i would caution him to never leave his drinks and food unattended (that a heart attack or stroke inducing agents can be slipped in ie Ultimate Warrior) and check his car brakes or for any little suspicious boxes(that allow for a car to be hacked and driven by remote control ie Michael Hastings) under the hood every single time he gets behind the wheel because "Vince is Vince" and he never ever loses.

Are you suggesting seriously that now Vince is after Daniel Bryan to in some way kill or harm him? What proof do you have of that happening?

And are you also suggesting that the WWE killed the Ultimate Warrior by slipping something into his food causing a heart attack, and that they remote controlled a car to kill Michael Hastings? These are people that can't book a match between two people correctly, but they can plan out an intricate murder plot.

I thought the reports of Bryan being kept out to continue the push or Reigns were a bit far fetched, but could be believable, these accusations just go over the top. You have no proof of any of this happening, but are basically calling the WWE and Vince murderer's, and planning a hit on Bryan? Good God man you have serious issues.
On Tuesday morning, I got to know at WrestleZone that Daniel Bryan has tweeted about his retirement. I was in utter shock. I really felt through the tweet that it couldnot be any type of work. Its genuine enough. At evening, I saw his retirement speech which brought me to tears.

Because this guy recreated my interest as well as my mom-dad's interest. The whole strory from Summerslam 2013 to Wrestlemania 30 was real for us. I had no access to internet that time though I had heard that WWE had booked matches. Thats why whenever Bryan was screwed during this period, it legit hurt us and made whole the story realistic in our hearts. I have seen some people saying it as predictable but actually we were doubtful that Bryan would get screwed again. Therefore when Daniel Bryan defeated 3/4 of the Evolution to win the ultimate title at Wrestlemania, we were too happy and celebrated it. This storyline and most importantly Bryan was an inspiration to us to "Never Give Up". Fortunately I was involved in an accident soon after Wrestlemania and I had bruises and ACL Tear due to it but what made me to survive amongst all odds was Bryan's inspiration. I could survive without any surgery and some more positive things happened with one of them being no harm to the girl child. I am really grateful of Bryan for making me learn survival at all times.

Atlast in one line:

I am too sad for Daniel Bryan but too happy for Bryan Danielson

GOD bless you. Thanks a lot

I'm surprised he retired. Good thing he values his health and WWE does too. WWE being selfless. They could have cleared him and let him wrestle further hurting himself.

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