*OFFICIAL* Daniel Bryan/MITB Briefcase/WrestleMania - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

Personally I'm a HUGE fan of Jack Swagger and I think he could have been THE biggest heel in the company if they had handled his World title run better. Just my opinion, but I think if they had given him a 6 or 8 month title reign and had him beat most or all of his opponents clean, I think he'd be one of the biggest and most successful heels in the history of WWE.
I hope Bryan cashes in soon. Big fan. His promo on Raw last night has me convinced he's going to want to cash in very soon. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great Mark Henry got a world title run, but I really think it's time Bryan cashed in. Remember this time last year? The Miz was a week into his WWE Championship reign. Everyone was complaining that it was taking forever for him to cash in. That's how I feel now. Really hope he cashes in soon!
I think that he will do well with a Benoit style kind of role..Let's face it his intesity and submission type of wrestling is what bought him to the dance..That is where he can and will shine in my opinion...
they should do what happened with the kennedy,edge story line have cody rhodes turn around and start insulting bryan saying he is useless,weak,and a all round joke and his mitb win was a fluke and if he has the balls to face him and put both the i.c title and briefcase on the line and have him drop the case to cody so cody can go on and win it at some point on smackdown b4 mania
Although it says anytime, anyplace the idea was to test the waters. It's called build. You give someone a taste of something and they want more of it. And on the rules, WWE rules also state the opponent has to be medically cleared to compete, Bryan would be using a contract to cash in for a match, if you're not supposed to be in that match then really one cancels out the other.

So, are you saying that after every championship match someone wants to cash in the MITB the WWE should have a doctor on hand to make certain that the champ is clear to compete? IMO the champ is in the ring he should be ready for any challenge!

Anytime anywhere means just that! If the champ can't compete then he should be stripped of the title!
I'm just sort of interjecting something into this conversation that doesn't fit, but it's an idea that I just had:

As of December 14th, I'm going to say that The Big Show could win the WHC at TLC.

In that same night, Barrett could beat Orton clean.
If this is the case then I'll predict this scenario:
Barrett takes on Big Show and wins the WHC, maybe on Smackdown or at the Royal Rumble. At the same show, a Smackdown guy like Orton will win the battle royal to rematch Barrett for the title at 28.

This leaves us with Barrett v Orton at WrestleMania 28. However, DBD cashes in the briefcase to make it a triple threat, since the WWE still doesn't like him to carry the load solo. However, I predict that DBD will submit Barrett to win the WHC at WrestleMania 28.

I get the feeling that this is where we'll end up in April. I think DBD will get the chance to be the top babyface on Smackdown, and I think that if they're smart about it, they'll use guys like Orton and Ryder to help him get over. It's the age old tactic that if a guy can't get the big pop as a babyface, then you put him next to the ones who do. You could even have Orton raise DBD's hand at the end of the match to get the casual fans to love him. I suppose I'm just saying that I think DBD can do it. He needs a personality boost, but I think he has enough sympathy to pull off the big babyface character.
I'm enjoying how their handling Daniel Bryan's MITB briefcase. It's different than what we've seen from Edge, Punk, and the like. Bryan may have announced his intentions, but you never know. He could cash in at any time, but as a viewer, you're not really going to expect it -- at all. Yeah, his attempted cash in on Mark Henry may change that, but you still want to take Bryan's word.

I'm not buying into the talk of Bryan losing his cash-in match or, to be more specific, not winning the title as an extension of the briefcase. Bryan's been getting better crowd reaction, putting in good work, he's gone through a good build with the US Title and his current path -- when the time comes, he'll be ready. I mean, people forget about Bryan's extensive experience outside WWE, he's no Jack Swagger, Bryan has the makings of a great World Heavyweight Champion, if his skill-set is applied properly.

I feel like there may be an outside shot of a cash-in this Sunday at TLC, but I'm unsure. Henry could retain, try to assault Big Show, get hammered, and BAM -- cash-in, but that's obviously a long shot.

I'm excited to see what comes of this whole situation.
So, are you saying that after every championship match someone wants to cash in the MITB the WWE should have a doctor on hand to make certain that the champ is clear to compete? IMO the champ is in the ring he should be ready for any challenge!

Anytime anywhere means just that! If the champ can't compete then he should be stripped of the title!

Jesus you are dense. The reason previous MITB cash ins have worked is because the superstar was unable to be seen by a doctor and have that doctor determine whether or not he can defend his title. Put it this way, if it were in real life, the contract would be deemed invalid since it would essentially force competitors into working with an injury and anyone with a fucking brain knows you can't do that, it's illegal. They didn't come up with an elaborate story like this to cover it up, but even if they did you would have been in here bitching about it anyway so it's a no win situation when it comes to you.

The second part is just stupid. The rule is supposed to be that a superstar has 30 days to defend his title. An injury doesn't force a champion to be stripped unless he/she is unable to compete for the next 30 days or the doctor gives a timeline showing that the injury will take more than 30 days to heal.

Daniel Bryan. IWC darling and current WHC. Now, he says himself he is bland, boring and has no charisma. But, on SD! last week, the backstage segment with the Big Show showed me something different. He seems to be turning into this, innocent, childish guy, who makes comments that just piss people off. For instance, the comment he made: "Well, whatever happens next week, at least my title reign will be longer than your 45 second one." Then he shrugs and smiles like a child and walks off. He seems to be changing his gimmick, which can only be a good thing. The one he had about being the hardworking, never-say-die guy.

What do you guys think about him changing gimmick? Will this one work? What do you think to the gimmick?
Daniel Bryan. IWC darling and current WHC. Now, he says himself he is bland, boring and has no charisma. But, on SD! last week, the backstage segment with the Big Show showed me something different. He seems to be turning into this, innocent, childish guy, who makes comments that just piss people off. For instance, the comment he made: "Well, whatever happens next week, at least my title reign will be longer than your 45 second one." Then he shrugs and smiles like a child and walks off. He seems to be changing his gimmick, which can only be a good thing. The one he had about being the hardworking, never-say-die guy.

What do you guys think about him changing gimmick? Will this one work? What do you think to the gimmick?
I'm not sure what direction he will go now winning the WHC out of the blue! If he turns heel then good he'll get aggressive and go on the attack! I still thought him winning it at mania was the way to go, but hey he got it anyway and good for him, now for the heel turn!!:)
Just saw Bryan's match with Cody Rhodes... I'm a big fan Of Daniel Bryan and I saddened to see that they are booking him so poorly... Cody just beat the crap out of him until he got an "out of nowhere" win.
I would like to know your thoughts about Daniel Bryan just 24 hours before his WHC match against the Big Show.
Will DB drop the belt to the Big Show and serve just to turn him heel? Will he be booked for another fluke win? Will this be the start of a DB character revamp?

Bryan is turning heel, at the moment, he is riding this euphoria of being Champion of the World and he has been quite the immatre smart ass little brat to Big Show. The fact that he didn't cash on Henry, but the very over (with the crowds any way) Big Show shows what direction the WWE are going with him... It's going to be an interesting transition.. one which I'm not sure why they are going this way as Smackdown needs faces now that Randy is out of action for a while...

But Bryan as a heel was awesome in RoH so let's see how they play this out, as a heel is always a better way to let someone's personality shine through more. The haters on this board just might see what Bryan is capable of.
I agree with you GrandSword.
A Daniel Bryan heel turn is in the works... liked to see Daniel Bryan wrestle and the crowd reaction afterwards.
Thought they were going that way with the Big Show... but I hope to see the best of Daniel Bryan / Bryan Danielson from now on.
Like you, I also hope he can prove his haters wrong from now on.

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