*OFFICIAL* Daniel Bryan Wins the Smackdown MITB/WrestleMania 28- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

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As announced by Bryan himself this week on SD, Daniel Bryan is going to cash in his MITB briefcase at Mania 28. Now, lets just assume he is telling the truth which I am a bit sceptical about to be honest (but I'll get to that later). Is this a good idea?

Kayfabe wise it makes all the sense in the world, DBD is supposed to be a stand up guy so him announcing this in advance makes perfect sense and since his debut in the company he we have heard about it being his dream to main event Mania.

If this is happening though, WWE has a lot of work to do between now and Mania. Here is how I would have it go down. For the next month or so DBD annihilates the likes of Gabriel, Kidd, Trent Barretta, Tatsu etc in a similar fashion to what he did to Slater tonight. The key thing about all this though, he wins each match with a different submission hold to really play up his submission prowess, have him use cattle mutilation, some chokes whatever, they key aspect of his beating these jobbers is that he wins with different submissions. Tonight with the dragon sleeper was a good start to that.

From there he moves off into a feud with Wade Barrett, that writes itself doesn't it? DBD is pissed about what went down in Nexus they have a competitive PPV match, Bryan wins end of story.

DBD will then move off into a feud with Zeke (who is still IC champ), not sure exactly what the feud will be over but I am sure they can figure something out. Anyway, bottom line is DBD wins the IC title from Zeke on PPV.

Over the following weeks DBD proves him self to be a fighting champ defending against Sin Cara, Rhodes, Dibiase and others in TV/PPV matches. His first real challenger emerges in the form of Jinder Mahal meaning he will also be having SD matches against Kahli. DBD bets both of them in competitive matches and moves on.

Next is Kane, this would be Bryans toughest opponent yet and the matches and feud would reflect that. At the end of the day though after Kane getting the upper hand on Bryan during the feud multiple times he does what he does best and puts Bryan over.

(This next part is stolen directly from Paul Heymans plan for Bryan) Now, during all of this Mark Henry has continued to run rampant over the SD roster dominating everyone. These two cross paths and DBD is the one to finally put an end to Henrys run, beating him by submission. All this takes us up to the Rumble, I wont go into specifics as to what should happen from there but the gist of it is DBD loses the IC title in a fluke loss and sets up his feud with whoever his Mania opponent is (Im thinking Orton at this stage but I'm hoping on a returning Jericho).

I know full well this plan seems really far fetched I mean DBD beating Kahli, Henry and Kane? But I feel if the WWE is truly serious about DBD cashing in at Mania then I think the best way of going about it is by building him up as a submission machine and having him beat some credible monster heels. That would give him the credibility and star power he needs to have a realistic chance people taking him seriously in a main event at Mania and people buying him as a threat to the title.

That is more than enough from me, what do you guys think?

Should Bryan cash in at Mania?
Should he win?
Who should his opponent be?
How should he be built in the meantime?
Is this just a ploy by Bryan so the champ wont expect a cash in from him at another time (my theory at the moment)?
Should Bryan cash in at Mania?
Yes, It makes prefect sense since the last couple MITB winners has been all shock value. Its more of a refreshing change then having someone come out after a match to pin a guy in 1-2 minutes.

Should he win?
Yes, If he loses it hurts the MITB concept.

Who should his opponent be?
Randy Orton.

How should he be built in the meantime?
Michael Cole plain and simple. People hate Cole and DB has history with him. Throw a large twist in it and have him team him up with Michael Cole as a manager. You have him go on a submission rampage on everyone.

Is this just a ploy by Bryan so the champ wont expect a cash in from him at another time (my theory at the moment)?
I have a feeling he'll be in WM fighting for the title. I believe right he already cashed it in saying he'll fight in the WM WHC match. I doubt they'd replace him unless he fails a wellness test (This should NEVER happen) or gets hurt.
As I've posted before, does anybody else out there get the vibe that the World Heavyweight Championship feels severely devalued and doesn't mean nearly what it used to mean? I am saying this for a number of reasons.

So Daniel Bryan announced on Smackdown that he will cash in his MITB at Wrestlemania 28 for a World Heavyweight Championship opportunity. A lot of people didn't like it. Saying there is no way he will main event Mania. He is good but not Mania main event material, etc.

People, the World Heavyweight Championship doesn't FEEL like a main event title. It feels, at best, like an upper midcard title. The IC title is the midcard and upper midcard for the World Heavyweight Title. Orton is a maineventer but he does take time off from the main event and into the midcard from time to time.

The LAST TIME, if I recall correctly, where the WHC match was THE main event of a PPV was Hell in A Cell 2010. In other words, it closed the show. It changes hands and in different ways too.

I mean I am a fan of Jack Swagger but he goes from jobbing to Santino to holding the Big Gold Belt for the next 82 days. After pinning Orton clean, he gets RKO'ed and gets booked like a total joke after that despite being one of the best wrestlers and being highly entertaining during a ....ty reign.

Dolph Ziggler, man did I want to mark out for Ziggler's World Title win. Guess what? He never won it. He was champion for one segment where Vickie basically handed him the belt on a silver platter only to lose it minutes later. I wasn't expecting Ziggler to actually beat Edge but they really messed up the storyline. Have Edge beat Ziggler at the Rumble. Give Ziggler the bye to the Chamber, keep these two away from each other and have them be the final two with Edge retaining and going to Wrestlemania. Instead it's Clay Matthews, Kelly Kelly, a stupid segment with him as champ and then he loses and is fired.

Christian- do you know how badly I marked out when he won at Extreme Rules? I cried with tears flowing down my eyes. I was so happy. Two days later he loses it then he wins it again in a dirty fashion.

The WWE title dates back to the 1960s when Buddy Rogers won it. Even though the Big Gold belt was used in NWA and WCW, the current WHC dates back to 2002. Including CM Punk there have been 42 official reigns. In nine years, we have had 44 WHC's. Not just that but how they were won in some cases and lost/booked. If it wasn't for WCW 2000 I would say the these last couple years the WHC has lost more value than it has in history.

The WHC used to MAIN EVENT Mania with 20 and 24. Instead this year the WHC OPENED Mania. A WORLD TITLE MATCH SHOULDN'T OPEN MANIA!!! Yet so many times this year it has either opened a PPV or stuck early to the middle of the card. Does THAT feel like a World Title to you?

It used to mean so much when the likes of HHH, Benoit, Batista and Taker had it. I would say so for Kane and Edge too. But I mean really this belt has taken a HUGE dip. So if Daniel Bryan announced at Wrestlemania he was cashing in for the WWE Championship, I would think he needs to be built up badly and with the final Monday of Mysterio/Miz, it feels like a World Title with two top names in the company competing. With the Big Gold Belt, it feels less than a World Title and thus Bryan will be "main eventing" Mania but a lower tier main event.

So should he cash in? Definitely. This is his dream come true to "main event" Wrestlemania, even though it isn't a true main event. MrBrownStone was right that kayfabe wise there is no reason for him not to.

Should he win? I have to ask why not? Like I said the WHC doesn't feel like a World Title like it used to. More like an upper midcard belt. I love Bryan anyway so it would be great. Plus we could see a great match.

Who should his opponent be?
Christian- Given enough time we could see a freaking AMAZING match.
I actually feel a little worried for Bryan now. As much as I'd love to see it, I find it hard to believe that WWE seriously plan on letting him main-event Mania. Now, if they build him well in the next year, then it would make perfect sense, but if he's struggling to get as big a reaction as they're expecting further into his push, I could see them forcing him to drop the case to someone. It would suck, but it definitely wouldn't surprise me.

If they do go forward with this, then something very similar to brownstone's plan is the way to go here. He needs to be built into an absolute submission machine. Announcers often refer to him as such, but he's rarely given the opportunity to show it. Just have him destroy any low to mid mid-carders, have fairly competitive contests with upper mid-carders, and (in time) have hard-fought victories over main-eventers. Oh, and he needs to be given the mic more. The reason his connection with the crowd is lacking right now is that they don't really know who Daniel Bryan, the man, is. His promo with Cole tonight was good, and he'll only get better with more practice. Soon enough, proper rhythm and pitch should become second-nature to him.
I actually feel a little worried for Bryan now. As much as I'd love to see it, I find it hard to believe that WWE seriously plan on letting him main-event Mania.

I agree with what you're saying, but I think CelticCorey's post made a lot of sense. The case is that the WHC match is on the same card as Cena vs Rock, Undertaker vs anyone, and maybe even a separate WWE title match of Punk vs someone; this match is going to be pretty low on the card, I think. Therefore, it might not be totally out of the question for the WWE to let Bryan have this match. Which I totally hope they do, by the way, because DBD as a main-eventer, even a "devalued" main-eventer is pretty cool in my book.
Should be interesting to see if D-Bryan holds true to his announcement that he'll cash in his mitb at mania 28. I personally was shocked when Bryan won the briefcase. Not because I dislike Daniel Bryan but because I honestly thought he would never be anything more than a midcarder. Who knows maybe Bryan does win the world title at mania 28. But for that to happen wwe really needs to build his character strong. They need to have Bryan take down the monster that is Mark Henry. Mark Henry is as hot as hes ever been in his career destroying Big Show and Kane and if Bryan can take him down force Henry to tap that gives Bryan huge credibility.
I agree with what you're saying, but I think CelticCorey's post made a lot of sense. The case is that the WHC match is on the same card as Cena vs Rock, Undertaker vs anyone, and maybe even a separate WWE title match of Punk vs someone; this match is going to be pretty low on the card, I think. Therefore, it might not be totally out of the question for the WWE to let Bryan have this match. Which I totally hope they do, by the way, because DBD as a main-eventer, even a "devalued" main-eventer is pretty cool in my book.

That's the thing that keeps me optimistic about Bryan's chances, that the World Heavyweight Championship is clearly a lesser title than the WWE Title. It's something that Bryan could feasibly carry. Not only that, but the card could be massively stacked with talent, so the PPV is already sold to the casual fan. But still, it is a world title, and though I love the guy's work, Bryan might not be a guy WWE wants in the main-event. They did give him the briefcase, but that might just be a temporary thing. He could just as easily lose it at any time they want because that's how they want to book it. I'm just a little concerned that this new-found confidence in Bryan may not last until Mania. I don't expect that much patience out of everyone in Stamford.

On another note, something else about this claim to cash in at Mania occurred to me: he could end up cashing in early. I can see two clear scenarios in which this happens.

1. He lied. He said he'd cash in at Mania to psych-out the current champ, whoever it may at the time, so they'd be more vulnerable when he does cash in. This would, most likely, lead to a heel turn.

2. He's pissed. If he gets into a feud with the champ, or someone who's about to be, his anger could get the best of him, and he cashes in to spite his current rival. This is less likely, but I could still see it happening.

I do hope he gets to do what he said on Smackdown, because a DB-headlined Mania would be awesome.
It's a smart idea on WWE's part. They have given Bryan plenty of time to make an impact and build himself up to main event status, if he doesn't get a reaction that gives him credibility as a main eventer at Wrestlemania then WWE could easily do something to take the MITB off of Bryan before Wrestlemania comes about. However, I really do hope Bryan makes the impact we all want him to make, his in ring skills are second to none but his charisma is what will be questioned the most. Does he have the charisma and promo skills to match the best in the WWE.
You guys honestly believe that WWE would let Daniel Bryan fight one of the Main Events at WM? We are talking about a card that includes one of, if not THE, biggest matches in WWE history as the overall Main Event. Undertaker's match will be the #2 Main Event and WWE title match will be #3 main event. You're telling me that WWE can sell at CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH at Wrestlemania that is going to feature Daniel Bryan?? I cannot buy that whatsoever. I am not a believer in the guy but I know many people are and that is fine. He will get a push and may even win the belt, it's just not going to be at WWE's biggest event of the year. It would make the World title look like a joke. IF Bryan can get really over with the crowd as a whole, not a small niche of fans that actually like technical wrestling, then MAYBE I'd be more a believer that he'll cash it in at WM, otherwise, I'm sticking to my story that he is just holding the case right now for someone else, likely Sheamus to win it.
As much as I'd love to see it, I find it hard to believe that WWE seriously plan on letting him main-event Mania.

Me too, and there are many it can be prevented from happening, so I don't think there's any concern he'll actually be doing what he thinks he will.

It raises a point I've never considered, though: So far, the MITB winner has always chosen to attack a depleted champion after he's had a grueling match; there was no warning it would happen......and that made it exciting. But what's to stop a MITB guy from booking his own championship match in advance; and making it a main event match at the biggest PPV? I had never even considered this before, yet here comes Daniel Bryan (of all people) with the idea. It's certainly more honorable than a sneak attack, but how would WWE contractually be able to stop it from happening (kayfabe, of course)? Food for thought.

A side note: I love watching Daniel work a match, but the one last night against The One Man Rock Band was pretty poor, I thought. The action didn't flow; they just didn't seem to be working well together. This was surprising because Slater is pretty good at selling.....and so is Daniel. Yet, there seemed to be hesitation between some of the moves.
Personally I hope, and I know im gonna get jumped on here.... but I hope its Miz he faces for the WHC at mania. One, because we've already seen them fued over the US title and still put on great matches. I see a plausible way of it coming about...

Miz loses on Monday to Rey. He then loses at SS in a fatal four way with cena, rey and AdR who is champ after cashing in. Maybe Riley screws him or something and they continue their fued.

He then takes it out on everybody, beating the holy hell out of anyone he can get his hands on, Riley, Cena, Rey and finally he goes for the GM saying that the GM has made one incompetent decision after another and DEMANDS to go back to Smackdown. The GM refuses and says that Miz is too valuable to RAW and he will stay on RAW. This takes us up to the EC qualifiers, where Miz takes out, i dunno Sin Cara or something and wins a SD! elimination chamber spot. He goes on to winning the elimination chamber and is the WHC.

This way you get Miz ripping through RAW and building himself more and more heat then ditching it for SD! This makes the WHC more valuable cos lets face it, the last year has been Miz's year and he is the hottest property (apart from CM Punk) that WWE has right now.

Have Danielson go on a concurrent rampage on SD! Just making him tap everyone out, wrestlezone have said recently that he's gonna be introducing more submissions, if he brings back cattle mutilation i swear to god ill start marking the hell out. Anyway, you can really have a story behind this match and really build 2 main eventers out of it.

Plus it'll be an awesome match, Danielson and Miz know to to work together and I think it would be a brilliant match.
I like the idea of doing it at WM. But since he is cashing in the MITB briefcase in a different way. It opens up a greater possibility that he would actually lose the match at WM.
I hope he doesn't become the first MITB winner to lose his match. He's doing it the right way and waiting til WM28 is good because it gives him time to connect with the fans and jprove that he is worthy enough to carry the WHC and be a main event type talent. whoever his opponent is, I hope it's a great wrestling match which I think it will be.
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