*OFFICIAL* Daniel Bryan Wins the Smackdown MITB/WrestleMania 28- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

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Speaking of "Daniel Bryan" can someone please explain him to me. I dont get it at all. Yes I know his backstory , he was in the INDYS for years and putting on good matches in crappy little arenas and paying his dues. And yes I know Shawn Michaels trained him but I still dont get it. He is sooooooooo boring and bland its not even funny at this point, his little sarcastic personality doesnt make him a star. Look I understand he is respected for his in ring ability in terms of his submissions and grappling based style which the crowd seems to enjoy. But this is WWE , this is 2011 , this is the era of twitter and facebook and this guy lacks any charisma at all. Just try to really see him for what he is , a very ordinary man in a BIG world of entertainment and excitement.

The WWE experience is loud and big and full of energy and he doesnt fit that realm. His matches are good when your judging by PPV standards and throwing 2 guys out there for a 20 minute match. But he lacks in so many ways , and I dont wanna hear the argument that he is the 'underdog' and ppl want him to do well because he is so ordinary , that doesnt solve the issue here. The big picture is that he is not capable of being a huge star and I am telling you he will never be a major player in the WWE. AJ Styles is way better than him and I dont even like TNA. I just dont understand why Bryan is so over with people. Its like people are so sad about their own lives they just live through him. I just need someone to really dig down deep and explain to me this guy and why hes so loved and whats so great about him. Please give details like which moves he does in the ring that are so great and what he says on the mic thats so good. I am seriously wanting to know. I want a detailed explanation. And dont just say hes a good wrestler. Give details.
I've been saying this ever since he debuted. People told me to give him time, I gave him a damn year and I'm still not impressed.

And thats the problem with Daniel Bryan, he doesnt have the "it" factor. The regular fans wont be into him. Yes I know he gets pops, but hes no Orton or Cena. I think giving him the MITB was a waste of time. They could've used it to revive Wade Barrett's career, or give Cody a world title push (Orton/Cody rivalry anyone? (yes I know Christian is WHC but Orton will probably win it back soon)). But instead they used it on Daniel Bryan. WWE has always looked at guys they want to push and seen marketability, something Daniel Bryan lacks, unless they're going to make SD the IWC brand.
I picked him to win, but i never thought he would...you ever mark out so hard you pop a blood vessel and shit your pants at the same time? That happened to me when he pulled down the briefcase...i love D-Bry and i have since his dragon days in ROH...so this is like a dream come true for his fans, especially since this has been his dream for a long time. I hope WWE allows him to win it an innovative way, and not just lose it to gain heat for another heel.
I've been waiting for this since he debuted in the WWE. His in ring work is second to none, in fact he's almost magical in the ring. Smackdown is in need to new emerging stars as the whole Orton and Christian story is getting a tad boring to me, and I'm not overly excited to see Sheamus feud with either of the two. Daniel Bryan will bring something fresh to the main event scene over on Smackdown and I'm 100% looking forward to it.
All i can say is the sky is looking up for Mr. Daniel Bryan. And to think in about just 1 year he has come from indie worker to NXT superstar to fired to hired to us champ to finally MITB winner. He is phenomenal in the ring and will keep on getting better in my opinion. 1 thing that did surprise me was that he did not cash in on Christian when he was pretty much getting carried out of the ring. Hopefully this main event push means new music because I can't stand his theme music I still don't know why they changed his first theme he had at last years Summerslam to his one now.
Definitely a surprise win here, but it does make sense. Bryan NEEDS the MITB in order to get over unlike everybody else that took part in the match. Honestly, the guy bores me, great technician, but he has no flare like Bret Hart or intensity like Chris Benoit. Hopefully this elevates his career and maybe we will see a side of Daniel Bryan that we never saw before. My prediction is not a good one, I think he will win the World title, but it will be along the same lines as Jack Swagger, where he will lose it within a month and be forever in the midcard division.
I've been saying this ever since he debuted. People told me to give him time, I gave him a damn year and I'm still not impressed.

And thats the problem with Daniel Bryan, he doesnt have the "it" factor. The regular fans wont be into him. Yes I know he gets pops, but hes no Orton or Cena. I think giving him the MITB was a waste of time. They could've used it to revive Wade Barrett's career, or give Cody a world title push (Orton/Cody rivalry anyone? (yes I know Christian is WHC but Orton will probably win it back soon)). But instead they used it on Daniel Bryan. WWE has always looked at guys they want to push and seen marketability, something Daniel Bryan lacks, unless they're going to make SD the IWC brand.

Why should Cody or Barrett have gotten the briefcase when Daniel Bryan is more over than they are? Not just by so-called Smarks or the IWC, but by the average WWE Fan. And no, he's not more over than they are because the 2 of them are heels, either.

That arena Sunday Night went ballistic when Daniel took down that briefcase. He got the 2nd biggest positive reaction next to the hometown hero C.M. Punk.

I know folks will try to make excuses saying that reaction took place in a "Smark City", but you know what? Those were paying customers at a WWE Event that wild because of what Daniel Bryan did. Which means that he's over and a potential draw.

Any company should to market a guy that gets that kind of reaction.

Wade Barrett is not worthy of the briefcase because he does not invoke that kind of reaction from paying customers.

Cody Rhodes damn sure isn't worthy of the briefcase.

With Sin Cara's future in jeopardy, Daniel Bryan is the clear 2nd most over face on Smackdown. Meanwhile, Wade Barrett and Cody Rhodes are struggling within the middle of the pack!
This was a huge surprise for me. I had Cody Rhodes, Sheamus and Wade Barrett as the front runners for the winner of this match as those three were the guys that WWE was pushing currently. Bryan was floundering in the middle of the card but then perhaps he needed it more than the other three did.

Sheamus is probably going to be Orton's next challenger while Cody has been impressive but he hasn't even won the IC title as of yet. Maybe they are going with the old school way of pushing him. Barrett has crashed and burned at the main event level and maybe needs more time in the midcard to brush up his skills.

The interesting thing to see would be how WWE pushes Bryan. Turning him heel would be the easy way out and would hamper him in the longer run as there are too many heels on SD already. The best option would be to keep him as a face and for him to set his cash-in date in advance. I'd actually have a lot of heels questioning that logic of his and claim that this is the reason why Bryan will never be a main eventer, because he is too idealistic to become one. Then I'd have him win the WHC and prove that the MITB can be used in this way as well, to write his own dreams on his own terms. And at the end of it all nobody can question your actions either making the win all the more sweeter.
i wouldn'T be surprise if Daniel Bryan decided to keep the Briefcase for a while and then get challenge for the briefcase and lose it to somebody like Wade Barrett or Cody Rhodes who's in a feud with him right now.

I was really surprise to see it happen, especially since they haven'T done anything with him since he lost the U.S. title to Sheamus and i really hope that he'S going to get a big push out of this but i really doubt it. They might try to build him up as a world title contender but at some point, they will abandon it and he will go back in the spot he was before winning the briefcase.
I think its great that Bryan won the case. It was totally surprising at caught me completely off guard, which was great.

Everyone knows that Bryan is a hell of a wrestler, and having the case for up to a year gives plenty of time for him to establish a personality on WWE tv, which he has not really had the opportunity to do so far. It seems that the company must have some confidence in him as someone who can step up to the next level and be a future main-eventer.

Perhaps we could see Bryan cash in on CM Punk if and when he returns (I know they are preparing to crown a new champion but I reckon Punk will be involved with his WWE title before that storyline is over), and Bryan v Punk would be a A+ wrestling match, thats for sure. If anyone doesnt believe me just look at how good they were in ROH when they had no restrictions. It would be a match of the year candidate for sure.

I am loving the direction of Raw over the last few weeks, its one surprise after another and all of them have been great so far. Long may it continue.
I'm not as big of fan as a lot of people are, but he was still my favorite guy in the match and I was pulling for him to win. I honestly didn't think he had a snowball's chance in hell at doing it. Especially when Barrett went up and stopped him that last time. But those elbows to the head and that sick ass kick... Just wow. What an awesome end to a Ladder Match and what an awesome victory for DB. The whole match was seriously one of the best MITB matches ever.

As for how it goes down from here, who knows? Some will say that he'll be the first to lose his cash in and while it's certainly possible, I hope it's not. It may not be the best move to put the title on him but from my marky perspective, I would fucking love to see it. Some say that it would be against his character to cash in on a damaged opponent and yes, I suspect that to be the case. But Punk was the same way and he still cashed in early.

I just have to say that I'm very happy for DB and I'm very excited to see what comes of this. I really hope he gets a World Title out of this.
1. he worked for over a decade all over the world
2. he wrestled on heat for years for WWE as a jobber
3. He had the chance to go the main roster and he chose FCW to "get rid of ring rust"
4. He went on NXT and put up with all the jobbing and tormenting they put him through
5. he proved he's GREAT on the microphone when he's not "scripted" in his NXT shoot
6. He got screwed again by being fired when NXT was given no rules or limits when they invaded raw
7. He returned at summerslam and was flawless in the ring
8. He feuded with Miz for the US Champion
9. He dropped the title to Sheamus and made Sheamus look extremely credible
10. He's putting over Cody Rhodes, he is a young veteran ya know.
11. He's been with WWE for a decade going from Heat to FCW to NXT to Raw to Smackdown

I'm ready to debate but I will respect all opinions
There's only one reason really. That being him cashing in an losing completely devalues the Money In The Bank concept. Maybe do it if they decided they no longer have any use for the gimmick, but until then every MITB winner should cash in and win a title. Otherwise it becomes a NXT titles short, or worse, a Feast Or Fired titles opportunity.
I agree, and I think he will cash in successfully sooner rather than later. Smackdown needs another main event face. Edge and Christian left a void there that Orton can't fill by himself.

I think DB will cash in on Christian real soon.

If he does loose, I think it will be because he pulls a Rob Van Damn and actually uses it for a scheduled match against Orton. A match in which he gains Orton's respect and looks real good.
I agree with most of your points, however, I don't agree that he's been with the WWE for over 10 years.

1) He's been on Heat, sure, but only a couple of times. Heat was used primarily as a "proving grounds" for talent that wasn't currently signed on the roster and was a way for Talent Relations (at the time, Jim Ross) to scout new talent.

2) Daniel Bryan aka Bryan Danielson was an indy legend. He spent his time primarily in feds such as ROH, Dragon Gate, and Chikara Pro. He also spent some time in Japan.

3) It wasn't until recently that he was offered a contract (the time period when he went to FCW to work off ring rust).

4) I don't think that him successfully cashing in his MITB contract entirely has something to do with his talent, but more the general landscape of the WWE's current direction. This is a whole other thread discussion all together, but to sum it up, the WWE's direction has been subtly changing away from the PG Era to a more "Smark" heavy product. Think about it - CM Punk just became champ and they've been dancing around the reality around the situation to the point where nobody's certain whether or not he's truly signed. Daniel Bryan getting his moment is also part of this, due to him being an indy phenom. The Rock and Cena online Twitter/FB/Social Networking battles they're having currently is another sign that they're looking to change the way we perceive the product. The WWE is starting to cater more to what's going on in social networking and the IWC. So to answer your question, Bryan Danielson got his chance because the WWE as a whole is trying something new.
1. he worked for over a decade all over the world

I could probably name about 50 people that fit this description. I highly doubt you would argue that say Chavo Guerrero deserves to be world champion and he's wrestled all over the world. What about Konnan? Vampiro? Mark Jindrak perhaps?

2. he wrestled on heat for years for WWE as a jobber

Steve Gatorwolf wrestled as a jobber on SNME. What's your point here? A guy used to be a jobber so he should be world champion? I guess we'll need to get started on those Brooklyn Brawler name plates for the big gold belt won't we?

3. He had the chance to go the main roster and he chose FCW to "get rid of ring rust"

So.........because he didn't think he was ready for TV he deserves a world title? Being able to identify your own limitations is commendable but it's not something you give a guy the world title for.

4. He went on NXT and put up with all the jobbing and tormenting they put him through

So did:

Wade Barrett
David Otunga
Justin Gabriel
Heath Slater
Darren Young
Michael Tarver
Skip Sheffield

And that's just season 1. Where are their MITB cases? Actually they should get titles before Bryan because other than Tarver, they were all gone from NXT after Bryan.

5. he proved he's GREAT on the microphone when he's not "scripted" in his NXT shoot

You honestly believe that was a shoot? This is starting to make more sense now.
6. He got screwed again by being fired when NXT was given no rules or limits when they invaded raw

He also got rehired, got the US Title and a midcard push. Now he deserves the world title because he broke a rule? That's something that sounds like it came from the backstage politics of the evil mind of WCW.

7. He returned at summerslam and was flawless in the ring

He was in the match what, 5 minutes? So because of a five minute performance from almost a year ago when he didn't even survive until the end, he should be champion?

8. He feuded with Miz for the US Champion

......Really? That's your logic for this? So where are Kofi and MVP's MITB cash-ins? They feuded with Miz over the title. Bret Hart beat him for it and I don't see a thread about him winning the world title soon.

9. He dropped the title to Sheamus and made Sheamus look extremely credible

Strange, I thought the two times Sheamus beat Cena prior to that for the WWE Championship made him extremely credible.

10. He's putting over Cody Rhodes, he is a young veteran ya know.

He had like three matches with him with Cody having been in more big time matches than Bryan has. How is Bryan putting Cody over?

11. He's been with WWE for a decade going from Heat to FCW to NXT to Raw to Smackdown

Just to clear up some confusion here, Bryan wrestled a few matches on Heat in 2001 and 2002. he then left WWE for SEVEN YEARS before coming back on NXT. To say he was there for a decade is flat out not true. Also this means nothing as far as him deserving anything.

I'm ready to debate but I will respect all opinions

Uh no you're not. You're not ready to argue with anyone because you come off as a total fan boy that hasn't put more than about 8 seconds worth of thought into this. Bryan may deserve to cash in for the world title, but not for any of these individual reasons.
I could probably name about 50 people that fit this description. I highly doubt you would argue that say Chavo Guerrero deserves to be world champion and he's wrestled all over the world. What about Konnan? Vampiro? Mark Jindrak perhaps?

Steve Gatorwolf wrestled as a jobber on SNME. What's your point here? A guy used to be a jobber so he should be world champion? I guess we'll need to get started on those Brooklyn Brawler name plates for the big gold belt won't we?

So.........because he didn't think he was ready for TV he deserves a world title? Being able to identify your own limitations is commendable but it's not something you give a guy the world title for.

So did:

Wade Barrett
David Otunga
Justin Gabriel
Heath Slater
Darren Young
Michael Tarver
Skip Sheffield

And that's just season 1. Where are their MITB cases? Actually they should get titles before Bryan because other than Tarver, they were all gone from NXT after Bryan.

You honestly believe that was a shoot? This is starting to make more sense now.

He also got rehired, got the US Title and a midcard push. Now he deserves the world title because he broke a rule? That's something that sounds like it came from the backstage politics of the evil mind of WCW.

He was in the match what, 5 minutes? So because of a five minute performance from almost a year ago when he didn't even survive until the end, he should be champion?

......Really? That's your logic for this? So where are Kofi and MVP's MITB cash-ins? They feuded with Miz over the title. Bret Hart beat him for it and I don't see a thread about him winning the world title soon.

Strange, I thought the two times Sheamus beat Cena prior to that for the WWE Championship made him extremely credible.

He had like three matches with him with Cody having been in more big time matches than Bryan has. How is Bryan putting Cody over?

Just to clear up some confusion here, Bryan wrestled a few matches on Heat in 2001 and 2002. he then left WWE for SEVEN YEARS before coming back on NXT. To say he was there for a decade is flat out not true. Also this means nothing as far as him deserving anything.

Uh no you're not. You're not ready to argue with anyone because you come off as a total fan boy that hasn't put more than about 8 seconds worth of thought into this. Bryan may deserve to cash in for the world title, but not for any of these individual reasons.

I totally agree with you. Great way to slam the door shut on all of his points.

I believe that Daniel Bryan won the case because WWE wanted to "fool" us when we all thought Sheamus would win the case. They gave it to Bryan to hold on to but as someone mentioned below, he'll drop it to either Sheamus or Barrett. Of all the people that have ever won MITB, he's the least believable as a champion and would be, IMO, the most shocking if he actually cashed in and won. Hell, Swagger's cash in was more believable than Bryan cashing it in and winning the belt.
Mr Kennedy Lost his MITB title match to edge a week or two after he won the MITB and I don't believe that hurt it at all. having two in one night can a lot worse issue
Sorry, but you are mistaken. Kennedy lost the MITB briefcase to Edge on Raw. Edge then used it to cash in on the Undertaker on Smackdown. No one has ever lost their title match when cashing in the briefcase.
There's only one real reason he should win. He's over enough. Let's face it, with standards like Jack Swagger before him, it's hard to see why WWE would just skip him in order to mark out a lousy statistic. They're willing to throw their money on who they can in hopes of the person breaking through. They've seen Daniel garner lots of attention on many occasions, so what wrong could it do?
Mr Kennedy Lost his MITB title match to edge a week or two after he won the MITB and I don't believe that hurt it at all. having two in one night can a lot worse issue

I fail to see the resemblance to cashing in and losing.
You can apply practically all of those "reasons" why he deserves, to some degree or another, to a couple of dozen other guys that have come and gone through the WWE over the years. I can tell you're a fan of Daniel Bryan and that's cool, I like the guy a lot myself. I think he's got the potential to use the MITB briefcase to elevate himself to another level. However, you only "deserve" to be champion if you're able to show that you can get the job done with the fans.

Daniel Bryan came out of nowhere to win MITB. Like a lot of others, I was pleasantly surprised to see this happen and I'm hoping that this is a good opportunity to elevate Bryan. He's got the goods inside the ring, we all know that and it's what he's primarily used to get himself over throughout his career. I think that Stone Cold Steve Austin said it best on Touch Enough when he said that there are a million mechanics in wrestling. Fans have rallied behind Bryan and that's great but he still needs more. If he can bring his personality up to speck, then he might come out of this thing a major star.

With Jack Swagger, WWE tried to go the route of shock value. Shock value tends to only work out for the short term. Before winning MITB at WrestleMania 26, Swagger had been on a losing streak and wasn't a particularly hot item. The result, generally speaking, was a lackluster title run. If anything, the WWE can look at mistakes they made with Swagger and learn from them.
Really pleased for my boy D. Bryan, there is no doubt that he deserved to win mitb 2011, one of the best workers out there atm. Fingers crossed that he will actually cash it in at WM28, there is no reason why he shouldn't if they continue to move away from the 'vegan nerd' references and expand on this submission/technical specialist beniot/angle-esque gimmick, as it actually runs close to home to his style of wrestling.

Hats off to my boy D. Bryan!
I could probably name about 50 people that fit this description. I highly doubt you would argue that say Chavo Guerrero deserves to be world champion and he's wrestled all over the world. What about Konnan? Vampiro? Mark Jindrak perhaps?

Steve Gatorwolf wrestled as a jobber on SNME. What's your point here? A guy used to be a jobber so he should be world champion? I guess we'll need to get started on those Brooklyn Brawler name plates for the big gold belt won't we?

So.........because he didn't think he was ready for TV he deserves a world title? Being able to identify your own limitations is commendable but it's not something you give a guy the world title for.

So did:

Wade Barrett
David Otunga
Justin Gabriel
Heath Slater
Darren Young
Michael Tarver
Skip Sheffield

And that's just season 1. Where are their MITB cases? Actually they should get titles before Bryan because other than Tarver, they were all gone from NXT after Bryan.

You honestly believe that was a shoot? This is starting to make more sense now.

He also got rehired, got the US Title and a midcard push. Now he deserves the world title because he broke a rule? That's something that sounds like it came from the backstage politics of the evil mind of WCW.

He was in the match what, 5 minutes? So because of a five minute performance from almost a year ago when he didn't even survive until the end, he should be champion?

......Really? That's your logic for this? So where are Kofi and MVP's MITB cash-ins? They feuded with Miz over the title. Bret Hart beat him for it and I don't see a thread about him winning the world title soon.

Strange, I thought the two times Sheamus beat Cena prior to that for the WWE Championship made him extremely credible.

He had like three matches with him with Cody having been in more big time matches than Bryan has. How is Bryan putting Cody over?

Just to clear up some confusion here, Bryan wrestled a few matches on Heat in 2001 and 2002. he then left WWE for SEVEN YEARS before coming back on NXT. To say he was there for a decade is flat out not true. Also this means nothing as far as him deserving anything.

Uh no you're not. You're not ready to argue with anyone because you come off as a total fan boy that hasn't put more than about 8 seconds worth of thought into this. Bryan may deserve to cash in for the world title, but not for any of these individual reasons.

You are tottally right, except for why thing I am not a total fanboy for Bryan Danielson I commend the hell out of him and he's in the top 5 of my 120 favorite wrestlers but I'm not an insane mark for him. You are tottally right about all other things, thanks for sharing your opinion but you really don't need to be snooty about it. I'm just gonna bs these couple sentences so it doesn't seem like I'm spamming, this should be good

You can apply practically all of those "reasons" why he deserves, to some degree or another, to a couple of dozen other guys that have come and gone through the WWE over the years. I can tell you're a fan of Daniel Bryan and that's cool, I like the guy a lot myself. I think he's got the potential to use the MITB briefcase to elevate himself to another level. However, you only "deserve" to be champion if you're able to show that you can get the job done with the fans.

Daniel Bryan came out of nowhere to win MITB. Like a lot of others, I was pleasantly surprised to see this happen and I'm hoping that this is a good opportunity to elevate Bryan. He's got the goods inside the ring, we all know that and it's what he's primarily used to get himself over throughout his career. I think that Stone Cold Steve Austin said it best on Touch Enough when he said that there are a million mechanics in wrestling. Fans have rallied behind Bryan and that's great but he still needs more. If he can bring his personality up to speck, then he might come out of this thing a major star.

With Jack Swagger, WWE tried to go the route of shock value. Shock value tends to only work out for the short term. Before winning MITB at WrestleMania 26, Swagger had been on a losing streak and wasn't a particularly hot item. The result, generally speaking, was a lackluster title run. If anything, the WWE can look at mistakes they made with Swagger and learn from them.

I am a fan of him for sure, he's me top of 5 out of the 120 favorite performers I have. I support all the former independent wrestler guys in WWE and I'm sorry if I want to seem them treated equally even if they're aren't WWE's "creation". Bryan has proved in ROH that he is great on the mic if they give him freedom like they do with Punk and Miz. I just don't want them to make him the first guy to lose it.
You are tottally right, except for why thing I am not a total fanboy for Bryan Danielson I commend the hell out of him and he's in the top 5 of my 120 favorite wrestlers but I'm not an insane mark for him. You are tottally right about all other things, thanks for sharing your opinion but you really don't need to be snooty about it. I'm just gonna bs these couple sentences so it doesn't seem like I'm spamming, this should be good

Well from what I could read in that post which was not very much in all honesty is that Daniel Bryan deserves to successfully cash in Money in the Bank is becaue he is in your top 5 wrestlers? that really does not make any sense?

But I could give you 11 reasons why Daniel Bryan should unsuccesfully cash in Money in the Bank and the main reasons are, he's not over and he's not a draw

And how the hell was KB "snooty" about it, he was only giving you reasons why your reasons were invalid

Really pleased for my boy D. Bryan, there is no doubt that he deserved to win mitb 2011, one of the best workers out there atm. Fingers crossed that he will actually cash it in at WM28, there is no reason why he shouldn't if they continue to move away from the 'vegan nerd' references and expand on this submission/technical specialist beniot/angle-esque gimmick, as it actually runs close to home to his style of wrestling.

Hats off to my boy D. Bryan!

Are you Booker T?
Well from what I could read in that post which was not very much in all honesty is that Daniel Bryan deserves to successfully cash in Money in the Bank is becaue he is in your top 5 wrestlers? that really does not make any sense?

But I could give you 11 reasons why Daniel Bryan should unsuccesfully cash in Money in the Bank and the main reasons are, he's not over and he's not a draw

And how the hell was KB "snooty" about it, he was only giving you reasons why your reasons were invalid

Are you Booker T?

Daniel Bryan IS over, I hear Daniel Bryan chants all the time when watching Smackdown, the crowd is rarely dead during his matches.
The crowd chanted his name A LOT during MITB. I know his NXT promo was a scripted shoot BUT he has shown on the independent scene that he's great on the mic but he's just uncomfortable with scripted promos. Now I don't really check shirt sales on WWE.com and compare and contrast them with how they affect a wrestler's career so he may not "draw" but he has a following and the WWE Universe has pretty much welcomed him with open arms. You nullified my arguements, I just nullified yours, that's called a debate, look it up.
I think when it comes to wwe the word "deserve" doesn't really exist. If they think you are the right person to carry the title you get it. Now Daniel(son) I think he can be a legit champion once Cole stops calling him a nerd every chance he gets. I think he could be what wwe lost when C**** B***** flipped out
KB absolutely nailed it. I'm Daniel Bryan's biggest fan. I love everything about the guy. I was over the moon when he won. But your reasons, well... they suck.

Why should Daniel Bryan successfully cash in his contract and become World Heavyweight Champion? Well, he's capable of performing in the ring at a world championship level. He's a good talker. He's versatile in terms of being a face or a heel. He can be a nice addition to the main event scene on Smackdown, which is really lacking faces. But most importantly, he's really rather over.

I don't subscribe to the whole "deserving of a world championship" shtick. You deserve it, if you're good enough to hold it. Daniel Bryan is good enough to hold it.
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