*OFFICIAL* Daniel Bryan/MITB Briefcase/WrestleMania - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

Completely agree with you on the DB VS Henry match happening at WM28. This is what WWE has obviously been building towards the since the day Bryan won the MITB. They need someone as dominant and over as Mark Henry to make Bryan a star like so many others have to big faces. For example at WM21 the purpose of JBL and his title reign was too make a new star out of John Cena, that succeed to a much extent than even WWE could have hoped for. The same will happen to DB at WM. Remember a heel's purpose is to get over so much that the reaction from them will be transferred on to the face when the face beats them. I am not too sure about how good the match will be but it is WM so expect it to be one hell of a match!
Well, I just can't see Bryan beating Henry at the moment. Although I am a huge amdrag mark, I still can't envision him being able to beat Mark Henry. He has been manhandled by henry the previous weeks and even though he has been courageous by standing up to henry, all I can see is that he's overestimating himself and going on "suicidal missions".

Also, on a side note. Is anyone else thinking that they are teasing a AJ/Bryan romance/angle? I think it would actually work (them both being "nerds" and all.). Personally, I would love it too as AJ is my favourite diva and Bryan is my favourite wrestler.
I wish they didn't have Bryan destroyed by Henry so early. That would have been a great storyline going into Mania. As I am sure others have pointed out in this thread, they could have Bryan become a dominant submission machine and go on to face the man that nobody can put down in Mark Henry at Wrestlemania.

It would be the perfect way to put Daniel Bryan over and not make his cash in at Mania (baring it does happen) not seem like total BS. He needs to get aggressive and start showing the submission specialist side of him. I really want him to have the world title match at Mania, but I feel like it's going to happen less and less every time that I see him. So I would go for the Mark Henry route or even turn DBD heel and face Orton for the title at Mania.
They got me with the cash-in on Smackdown just now. I was marking out like crazy, but it ended up being a fluke. Still, it seemed like they were testing to see how the fans would react to him winning, and it looked like a very good reaction. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that Bryan will be getting a shot at Henry next week. He'll lose, but this shows that big things are in Bryan's future.
It was a great tease and further demonstrates the excitement that the general unpredictable nature of the MITB briefcases can be. The crowd popped huge for Bryan's win and while I was excited, truth is, I liked the fact that Teddy Long declared that it wasn't valid as Henry wasn't medically cleared to participate. It builds heat on Henry and makes Bryan seem all that more sympathetic with fans rallying behind him.

I also have no doubt he'll lose to Henry this Tuesday, but he has a chance to put forth a great performance and further this angle. It does look like, right now, that WWE is on a slow build to Henry vs. Bryan at WrestleMania and, in my opinion, it's working like a charm so far.
I marked the fuck out when Daniel Bryan supposedly won the title. It was great seeing him stick it to Michael Cole. However, I felt that this was too easy. As soon as I heard Teddy's voice, I was all like damn, some good booking here by the WWE writers. But anyway, Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry next week in a cage should be great. Finally a push for him, and rightfully so.
wouldn't be awesome if he wins the championship next tuesday then holds the title till wrestlemania then loses his title. then he snaps and beats the crap out of the new champion then cashes it in. Therefore keeping his promise to cash it in at wrestlemania.
I honestly think mark is going to destroy him.. DB looks so out of place amongst big show orton barrett henry rhodes christian sheamus i just can't take him seriousky as a world champion. Heck he even looked bad as us champ i think he should just get squashed by henry next week then have barrett or rhodes win his breifcase and DB can just wonder around the tag title scene along side william regal.. Thats my opinion on the man
Could it be possible for Bryan to hold the WHC and the MITB Briefcase at the same time?

This is exactly what I would love to see, take the angle somewhere completely different and have him hold both, making him seem indestructible because he has the back up of the MITB! Although I think it would have to lead to some kind of slow heel turn whilst he's champion which would be interesting to do.
D-Bry having the title shot next week seems very similar in possibility to a storyline I once wrote for a Book This! style thread on a different forum, and I certainly hope it plays out in the same way, because it was one of my proudest pieces of writing :p in that position, Kurt Angle, Mr. Money In The Bank, was challenging World Champ Batista for the title, and he lost the match, but then his "Team Angle" cohorts of Hass & Benjamin (shows how long ago I wrote this...) came out, beat down Batista, then Angle cashed in and won anyway. I see Bryan losing the cage match on SmackDown next week, then just as Henry holds the championship high, Big Show's music hits, and Henry can't escape the ring because the cage is there. Show climbs in through the door, knocks Mark Henry the fuck out, walks away as the cage is raised... and Bryan wakes up just enough to cash in the briefcase.

The second alternative I see to this is Bryan winning the cage match. I know it seems unlikely, Bryan beating a guy like Henry inside a steel cage, but if he did somehow, it would make for absolutely compelling viewing. As others have stated, we've NEVER seen anybody hold the title and the briefcase at the same time, and he'd constantly have the advantage of "Hey, if you beat me for the belt, I'm still coming for you" which could create an awesome story.

The Outside Option The most unlikely choice, but this could be a fucking superb way to pan the storyline out: Bryan leaves the cage as the World Champion next week. Then, the following week on Raw Supershow, CM Punk's in the ring cutting a promo when Bryan's music interrupts him. Bryan walks out, title over his shoulder, briefcase in hand, and tells Punk straight: I'm still cashing in at WrestleMania. When Mania comes, I'm challenging the WWE Champion. Then WWE could either go with a title unification storyline, OR, they have Punk win, keep the WWE title but not win the WHC (after all, why should Bryan have to defend his title if it's his MITB shot? He picks the match, so he doesn't have to defend) and they have managed to create the first ever losing MITB cash in, but Bryan's still the champion.
Being a huge fan of Danielson,this 2 minutes i mark out hard...He has work his butt off,he is the best in the world in that ring and he deserves it.

Being i wrestling fan though i can not accept from the people who claim that today in WWE has only talk and no wrestling,say to us that Danielson is not a championship material because he "don't" have mic skills and he only have ring skills...

You want wrestling and when a person who can WRESTLE comes in the scene you cry again....

Come on just admit it...Anything that happens you will find something to bitch about it..
This past Friday, Daniel Bryan attempted or did cash in his MITB briefcase on a weakened and injured Mark Henry and was succesful. However Teddy Long came out and explained Henry hadn't been cleared to compete so the cash-in did not count. I didn't understand this at all because the whole idea of a Cash in is when a superstar is at his weakest and we've seen many superstars kayfabe injured cashed in on. Anyhow, looking at the current SmackDown roster, I pose the question who would you personally like to see Daniel Bryan cash in on possibly at Mania. or beforehand if you'd like to see it done before Mania?

I'd like to see him cash in on a vulnerable Randy Orton at WrestleMania after Orton goes one-on-one with the then-current champion Wade Barrett for the title. Bryan could possibly turn heel in the process I wouldn't mind.
I actually see Daniel Bryan being the first MITB, if I'm not mistaken, to lose his match even after cashing it in. I think they will build him as a hard worker who always come up short time after time. Then, eventually win the title making it a big deal.
I wasn't very happy with what happened on Smackdown this Friday. Daniel Bryan made a very inspiring speech when he won the briefcase. In that speech he mentioned how he would be using the briefcase to fulfill his dream, that of main eventing WrestleMania. What he did this Friday basically puts all that and the very reason for his push into the trashcan. He does not look like a revolutionary which is what he was planning to be, he looks to be a cheap opportunist just like any other MITB winner.

I hope WWE explains Bryan's actions well because without that, the romance behind his character has been killed at least for me. It also does not explain his actions well. He is, by all means, an honorable babyface. I also hope that Bryan does not turn heel somewhere down the line because that is a move that will set his character back rather than move it forward. He will need to start from square one and will have to establish his heel character from scratch. In comparison his face character is well developed as well as easy to connect to. Why spoil what's working?

As for his match next week on Smackdown, I think Mark will retain the title somehow. I expect Mark and Big Show to have a chairs match at TLC where Show wins but Bryan cashes in on Show. Yes, I may not want him to turn heel but that is where I feel that this thing is going.
I could see something of an underdog role too, where he just comes up short. He doesn't have that look of a champion, so when it finally happens, hopefully it would be huge. But then again cashing it at Wrestlemania, and winning, how could you get any bigger than that???
so OP you want Barrett to beat henry for title, then orton beat barrett at wrestlemania so bryan can cash in and win... personally i'd love henry to hold the title past WM and love the idea of the MITB not working for D bri and the underdog worker...

though i fear they will go more along your route, which is fine if you like that idea, but i think henry should hold onto the title for a LONG reign
MY MAN D.BRY!!! TOP OF THE FAVE 5!!!! AWWWWWW MAN!!! HE SHOULD CASH IN ON WADE...........(Wait for it).........(Wait for it).......TONIGHT!!!

in all seriousness though, he should do it on Wade. Their history dates back to NXT season 1. Original Nexsus members. Wade 1st place on NXT. D.Bry last. loads of build with all that history.

D.Bry cashed in on Mark and got the biggest pop of his life or a teddy would say "In the history of Smackdown"

To turn D.Bry heel wouldn't make sense to me, He is well over with the fans, once he hits WHC he can be face of SD and help carry it. best TEC. wrestler there is right now in the WWE (Not that they care) and hes fresh.

I say D.Bry cashes in on Wade Barret.
The whole point of Bryan trying to cash in on Smackdown was to remind everyone A) That Bryan has the case (which they've been doing over the last couple of weeks), B) Create the possibility that, depsite what he said, Bryan may cash in prior to Wrestlemania, and C) To test the waters and gauge the reaction to Bryan as champ.

Now that he is the #1 contender, they can have him face a weakend Henry next week on Smackdown to get the crowd behind him as a contender. He'll lose, but look good in defeat. Then they'll focus on a program of Bryan vs. Barrett where Bryan continually loses to the "Barrage". Barrett is on a roll, setting up a triple threat of Barrett vs. Henry vs. Orton at WM. If Barrett wins, Bryan cashes in and continues to fued Barrett as a face. Or Orton could win and Bryan can cash in and turn heel. Whadayathink?
I dont get that since Mark henry was injured, the call was reversed? Thats the f***in point of mitb! I will admit, I totally was freakin out when bryan cashed in. Now he's in a world championship match on the live smackdown? :wtf:
I dont get that since Mark henry was injured, the call was reversed? Thats the f***in point of mitb! I will admit, I totally was freakin out when bryan cashed in. Now he's in a world championship match on the live smackdown? :wtf:

The point was Mark Henry was not medically cleared to compete. He was injured at Survivor Series, and entered SD! as inactive. It's not like when the Champion gets beat down and immediately after the MITB briefcase holder runs down and cashes in.

Also, another point worth mentioning, is the WWE was probably testing the waters on the reaction people would give to a Bryan title victory. Additionally, they want to put even more heat on Henry than just being a monster; but, they want Henry to feature classic heel tendencies such as "miraculously escaping" with the World Title.
I hope WWE explains Bryan's actions well because without that, the romance behind his character has been killed at least for me. It also does not explain his actions well. He is, by all means, an honorable babyface.

WWE do attempt to explain, though only in a post SD interview/video on WWE.com; Bryan states that after the severe beating he received at the hands of Henry last week on SD, it's was more important to him to strip Henry of what he covets most, the World Heavyweight Championship, than headlining the biggest event of the year.

While I don’t feel this notion is really expressed by Bryan with much conviction, I can still buy into the overall premise - a man can only be pushed so far before his need for action overshadows his virtue, so to speak.
Okay, I get it. People are hating on the fact that WWE messed up the Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry thing. The briefcase is meant to be anytime, any place.

Question: Who cares?

Compare what happened to Jack Swagger. Swagger was a transitional champion, messed up due to the fact he wasn't ready. Yeah, Bryan has had some time, but he could do so much more before becoming a champion!

I still think that Bryan has a bit further to go to become a worthwhile champion. So, what do you think? Should he have more time, or gain it now.
I think D-Bry is more ready than Swagger ever was while he was still in ROH. Bryan was a champion before so he knows how to hold onto a belt and be able to run as a champ. The only thing that he may not be ready for is the larger crowds but I am sure he would be able to make it work.

Now this is where I'll seem to contradict myself on saying D-Bry isn't "ready" to be champ. Why? Well, simply put, he hasn't been shown on TV, he was on a massive losing streak which doesn't allow him to have any credibility to be a champion. If he was shoved down our throats, was a heel, and he was actually winning he would be champion by now. The thing is that he is a face and wants to win it at WM 28 which I believe is when he will be "ready" to step up to the plate to become champion.

Like I said he is ready as an actually superstar/wrestler since he has been a world champion before but in the world of the E he needs more time and a good build. I also hope he does get his push and he cashes in at WM 28. It would be fresh and a new change of pace.

Now for the briefcase and the denying of the cash in was pretty damn lame. But, I do remember when the MITB started the announcers would be saying that the winner couldn't cash in on a superstar who was unable to compete. It happened on an episode of RAW but I don't want to search for it. Then the rules kept changing and the WWE thinks we have senile disorders so we forget everything that has happened in the past.

I really don't care if they did this or not because it would truly make Henry look like a joke after he has beating Big Show 2 times I believe. So for the cash in and the boring opportunist story is well over played. So what I think is going to happen is Henry is going to dominate Bryan come the cage match to show him up to make this feud drag out to maybe the RR.

Well, in all I think Bryan needs more time and I don't think the WWE messed up since they change rules more than a women changes her mind.
Okay, I get it. People are hating on the fact that WWE messed up the Daniel Bryan and Mark Henry thing. The briefcase is meant to be anytime, any place.

Nobody has complained, don't know where you're getting this supposed "hating" from. Although it says anytime, anyplace the idea was to test the waters. It's called build. You give someone a taste of something and they want more of it. And on the rules, WWE rules also state the opponent has to be medically cleared to compete, Bryan would be using a contract to cash in for a match, if you're not supposed to be in that match then really one cancels out the other. It's called being smart.

Question: Who cares?

Nobody. Hence why you shouldn't have made this thread.

Compare what happened to Jack Swagger. Swagger was a transitional champion, messed up due to the fact he wasn't ready. Yeah, Bryan has had some time, but he could do so much more before becoming a champion!

No, Jack Swagger couldn't get over or be taken seriously. You may want to take notice of how Bryan has a good 3x the amount of fans that Swagger has or probably will ever have. Bryan has held the US Championship, hes had feuds, put people over, won Money in The Bank and the next step is becoming World Heavyweight Champion.

I still think that Bryan has a bit further to go to become a worthwhile champion. So, what do you think? Should he have more time, or gain it now.

He should cash it in when the time is right. WWE have had DBD say he'll cash in at Wrestlemania, but by giving them the scare on Smackdown it's built him up again. They put him over Cody Rhodes who could be labeled their current rising golden boy on Smackdown, Danielson made him tap and gets another main event with the World Heavyweight Champion for the World Heavyweight Championship. This isn't like Jack Swagger, Bryan is an underdog, nobody expects him to beat someone like Mark Henry in a normal match due to his size but Bryan could beat him by cashing in.

It was a smart move by WWE. People freaked out and went insane for him and the thing is, when he does it again and it's legitimate, It'll be even bigger and better. Hes done, he's over, he has a fanbase - he's ready, just depends when they want to pull the proverbial trigger.

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