The Daniel Bryan Heel Turn...

In my opinion they will never turn bryan heel as he will go down the same path as rey did win his first world title at the wrestlemania lose at say the 2nd ppv after that then go back to holding the i.c title then a year later he will win the rumble get back in the main event place win again at mania to get his 2nd world title then he will stay around the main event picture and maybe win the title 1 or 2 more times after that but DANIEL BRYAN WILL NEVER TURN HEEL THAT I PROMISE YOU
DBryan has been losing, but they still keep him on tv, it's not like he's on Superstars or something like that...he's even helping in the 2 Sin Caras one has given a great less botchy match to the Caras other than DBryan! There's still time to build him up to WM, if that's the real plan...

Turning heel? mmm...the last MITB winner who cashed in being a face and staying a face was Punk in 2008 with a bad run...but then again, against who he'll cash in? Henry?? (Don't think so, too much hype) Christian?? (I wish)...the possible and best one is Orton and it would mean turning him heel...
Yeah but Randy Orton would make more sense as a heel rather than D Bryan as Orton can pull it off where as Bryan cant he is to much of a baby face in the eyes of the wwe universe
Yeah but Randy Orton would make more sense as a heel rather than D Bryan as Orton can pull it off where as Bryan cant he is to much of a baby face in the eyes of the wwe universe

That is precisely why I want to see DB turn heel. Most can't conceive DB as a heel, thus making a turn all the more unexpected. Orton being heel has been done to death, with Bryan it's something original we haven't seen time and again.
Bryan's smaller style and underdog character are tailor-made for a babyface. I can't see them turning him anytime soon if they want him to successfully cash in the MitB case. The only scenarios I can see him turning heel in are:

-He becomes the first Money in the Bank winner to lose his title shot. He goes apeshit on the defending Babyface Champion, beating the hell out of him after the match and simply becoming a Machine thereafter. He arrives, dismantles his opponent with an array of headlocks, counters, and a submission finish, and leaves. There's nothing fans hate more than a heel countering a cool offensive move into a headlock. Trust me, people hate headlocks. He could essentially fill the role of Chris Jericho. Not that he's the same as Jericho, but I could see him playing that same type of role.

-The other scenario involves him winning the match against a heel champion, prefferedly Christian. He would come out the following Tuesday (hopefully live) and absolutely bash the commentators, people in the back, and finally the fans for not believing in him. He would bad-mouth the fans for turning on Christian and claim that he's turning on them.
Bryan's smaller style and underdog character are tailor-made for a babyface. I can't see them turning him anytime soon if they want him to successfully cash in the MitB case. The only scenarios I can see him turning heel in are:

-He becomes the first Money in the Bank winner to lose his title shot. He goes apeshit on the defending Babyface Champion, beating the hell out of him after the match and simply becoming a Machine thereafter. He arrives, dismantles his opponent with an array of headlocks, counters, and a submission finish, and leaves. There's nothing fans hate more than a heel countering a cool offensive move into a headlock. Trust me, people hate headlocks. He could essentially fill the role of Chris Jericho. Not that he's the same as Jericho, but I could see him playing that same type of role.

-The other scenario involves him winning the match against a heel champion, prefferedly Christian. He would come out the following Tuesday (hopefully live) and absolutely bash the commentators, people in the back, and finally the fans for not believing in him. He would bad-mouth the fans for turning on Christian and claim that he's turning on them.

The first scenario is the perfect way to bury DB. Although with the pattern WWE has been using with him, I could easily see that happening. If that's the case though, he'll be released at the first chance and WWE will have lost another potential breakout star. Which does nothing to establish new, fresh faces on SD in the ME's. With DB, he could have great matches with the top guys. SD has always been the great wrestling show, so it seems natural to have DB as the champion of the show. Especially if they wanna ensure the future of WWE is based on talented and not big, steroided, untalented guys.

The second scenario is more preferrable IMO, with WWE benefiting and getting a wrestler that has alot of years left(barring any unforseeable acts).
The only way he will ever truly be successful in WWE is if he has a heel turn and if it fails, then turn him back face but if not and his heel turn is a success, keep him as a heel
Face, heel, whatever Bryan should be main-eventing. He's loaded with talent and can be a nice addition to the show he is champion of. I guess time will tell on this topic.

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