*OFFICIAL* Daniel Bryan/MITB Briefcase/WrestleMania - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

Obviously, this thread is about Daniel Bryan. Yes, there are threads already talking about his losing streak, but my main point isn't to go on and on about that. Before winning Money In The Bank, he was winning. After MITB, he started losing, so this got me thinking...will Daniel Bryan be the first to cash in money in the bank and lose?

I love Daniel Bryan, he has talent. I was very happy to see him win MITB, and I predicted that after that win, he will be pushed to the main event card. I thought he would become very successful, and that when he cashes in, he will be the New World Heavyweight Champion, guaranteed. Now that he is on the losing streak, I have a feeling that we will see the first unsuccessful cash in. Between Bryan and Del Rio, I thought Rio would be the first, but as we all know, he cashed in sucessfully on Cm Punk, after the assault by Kevin Nash.

What do you see happening?

Honestly, I think that Daniel Bryan will continue losing, and then at the end, when it comes time to cash in, he will shock us all by becoming the new world heavyweight champion. If DB loses, I will be very mad, because Daniel Bryan deserves to be champion, more than Del Rio did. Hell, Rio didn't get any type of reaction, the crowds were DEAD when he shows up.
I'm a huge fan of Daniel Bryan because of his great talent and I believe that if anybody deserves to successfully cash in his Money in the Bank contract it's him but unfortunately I don't think he will and the reason that I feel he won't is because WWE has done a very poor job in setting him up as a future World Heavyweight Champion it seems to me like WWE didn't really know what to do with Bryan after he won the Money in the Bank ladder match.
Well Jack, I have no doubts that WWE will turn it around in time and get Bryan up and running again but I can see why people are concerned - it really wouldn't hurt to start doing this now, would it? I can't really see any negatives. Alright so some other SD midcarder loses their spot for a while. But that would be it.
If it does indeed come to a Daniel Bryan title match at Wrestlemania I expect nothing short of a pure wrestling classic. Not sure whom he would/should face, though (but it sure as hell couldn't be Mark Henry).

I think his losing streak is serving a purpose. The commentators have begun pointing it out every week. That indicates it's part of a greater plan. Likely a heel turn. There is still plenty of time between now and Wrestlemania. More than enough for Bryan to gain relevance again. A lot can happen in that time.

Let's not forget Sheamus losing streak that seemingly sank his career into a downward spiral (wow, did his king gimmick ever fail). He came out of it and is now the biggest babyface on Smackdown (bar Randy Orton) on a course leading undoubtedly to title gold.
I think this losing streak is serving a purpose. It will lead to some sort of attitude change in Bryan, maybe even a heel turn. But I have no doubt this is going somewhere and he will turn that boat around and gain relevance again and by Wrestlemania (if it indeed does come to that) he will be considered a viable contender.

Will he be the first to lose?
If he enters Wrestlemania as a babyface I say yes. He will lose and flip and and turn heel. As a heel I see him leave as champion.
The thing is, it wouldn't make any sense for someone to cash in and not win the title. If the WWE decided it didn't want Bryan to have the title, it would make infinitely more sense to move the case onto someone who they did want to hold the title, and have that person cash in. Why waste the entire MITB match and months of DB holding the case, only for him to lose a title match? It's silly. Now, arguably, they might go through with the WrestleMania cash in (I'm not 100% sure but I'm starting to lean toward DB getting frustrated, and taking the belt off perhaps Big Show in a surprise move after Show and Henry have a total slobberknocker) and have DB lose there, only to get the title later. It wouldn't be awful but I think that a major moment like a built up face winning the title in a big storyline really ought to happen at Mania. If the match boosted him toward a future title then it wouldn't be a total waste, but still not the most effective use of time.
I'm not quite buying this whole losing-streak thing. The guy, as long as he's been with the E, has always been a face. No, I don't count that one-day run with the Nexus. But what I'm getting at, maybe this whole losing thing will frustrate Bryan, eventually turning him into a heel and cashing it in early? I dunno. I don't really want to see Bryan as a heel right now, especially since WWE is really lacking in faces at the moment.

Just a thought.
The guy definitely needs a main event feud to get over but recently with Wade Barrett's "Second Coming" I wouldn't be suprised if creative find a way to give him the briefcase
I think the way WWE is using Bryan now is a deliberate attempt to diminish Daniel Bryan as a threat and lower our expectations for him so that he appears as the biggest underdog in history going into Wrestlemania. I don't think he's being punished. I think they're creating a Rocky story for DB, where the long shot will over come the odds and make good on the grandest stage of them all. Or lose in a valient effort that sets up the rematch.
I was in agreement with Headman until watching Smackdown this week. What a dissapointment. Thats how you end his losing streak? A win over Tyson Kidd with no sign of any character development. Oh look, he's grown a beard. Brilliant. When the commentators were freaking out over it, it felt like a really forced way to try and excite the fans.

Back on topic though, I am in agreement with everyone else. There's plenty of time left, and now that his losing streak is apparently over, perhaps the build will start with more victories over Tyson Kidd and Drew McIntyre.

(I apologize for the general negativity of this post.)
Well I didn't think he was going to lose every match on his way to WM lol. I just don't think he's going to win any big matches. After typing that another thought came to mind. What if Bryan cashes in and loses? I'm seeing a Bob Backlund style "Flip out" moment that could be interesting. Either way, I still think the way he's being used now is to make us doubt his chances of winning a world title.
I wouldn't have taken mind to it myself if the commentators hadn't flipped out so much like it was a big deal. I certainly hope it isnt and you are right!
I think everyone is paying too much attention to his losing streak. He'll be winning constantly from January onwards and will get main event TV time.

Daniel Bryan has evolved his gimmick a bit with growing his beard until Wrestlemania. I think this small change will get him more attention on-camera and backstage as well.
I definately care about Daniel Bryan's title match because he's my favorite wrestler in WWE and if WWE really does have him cash in his Money in the Bank contract at WrestleMania XXVIII than that's the WrestleMania match that I'll be most interested in but even though I'm not confident about him cashing in successfully I don't think WWE will let him become irrelevent.
I don't care about Bryan, and I don't think he should have MITB, or get a shot at the title at WM28. He's been a jobber since winning MITB, his match with Tyson Kidd was boring, it reminded me of something Ive seen in ROH, and why I watch the WWE and NOT ROH.

Nothing about Bryan interests me, I think his look is terrible (that beard, really. REALLY?) from what I've seen from him in the WWE (the only place that counts) isn't spectacular, and hes so boring on the mic. He should have remained fired the first time.
What I am getting at is, do you even care about his title match anymore?
Yes, yes I do. Ever since I heard him say he was gonna cash it in at 'Mania I was very happy. DBD has been one of my favorites for years and I'm glad he won MITB and has a chance to win the WHC. He may not have the look of a World Champion in WWE but I know he's good enough to carry the title. I just hope he's not gonna be the first man to lose his MITB title match because of it
Will it be irrelevant at WM28?
Not 1 bit. If there's 1 thing WWE does they make there 'Mania title matches 2 of the most hyped matches of the year. I'm confident around the Royal Rumble he will start winning matches (hopefully as a heel) and come Wrestlemania is will be a reasonable contender for whoever holds the WHC.
do you even care about his title match anymore?

I care. A framed, autographed Bryan Danielson photo along with CHIKARA ticket to show I see him wrestle Eddie Kingston at hang on wall above me as I type this. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are my two favorite wrestlers, regardless of how WWE books them. It's takes a lot more than bad writers to make me lose interest in great wrestlers.

Daniel Bryan will cash in MITB at Mania and it will be huge.
I doubt that Daniel Bryan will be making much of a change between now and WM.
I think he will win more often against Mid carders get a little bit of a run going and then Challenge at WrestleMania only to become the first person to cash in the MITB and not come out the Champion. Thus making him a part of history and maybe THEN turning Heel and getting the Championship about 6 or so months down the line from there.

I dont want him to start turning Heel now like many of you are saying...I want this to be dragged out as much as possible and for a Heel turn to not come until after Mania when he starts to doubt himself for his failure Etc.

I certainly hope that after a decent amount of Television time, by the time Bryan gets the belt in say.... Summerslam 2012? He will be recognised and loved/Hated as a heel by Wrestling fans and the IWC alike.

The video above is from Smackdown two weeks ago when Daniel Bryan took on Wade Barrett. As we all know, Daniel Bryan was on a huge televised losing streak(aside from beating Slater on Superstars last month) until he beat Tyson Kidd on the past episode on Smackdown. In the video above, at the 1:17 mark, Daniel Bryan comes out an looks at his briefcase, shaking his head as if the case is cursed or maybe he just hasn't had any luck since winning.

Maybe I'm looking a bit far into it, but could all the losing and the fact that it's been going on since he's won the briefcase be used to create an interesting storyline for Daniel Bryan leading into WM28? Maybe a character change into a tweener or something?
What I think WWE should do is promote him as the great submissions wrestler that he is, have him win most (Not all) of his matches to build up credibility and give him the mic every once in awhile where he can talk about how much winning the World Heavyweight title at WrestleMania XXVIII would mean to him in my opinion this approach would work because it would make him look more credible as a title challenger and the promos would be more effective because they would have some realism in them thus maybe rallying some fan support for him going into WrestleMania XXVIII.
Well, at least the losing streak is over. Hopefully they'll start the build up toward Wrestlemania. He needs to win most of his matches from now until then, and should be given a few pay-per-view matches along the way. Maybe one big, personal feud with someone like Christian could happen, which I feel would put him over big. A heel turn is always a possibility, but I think they should try and build him into a crowd favorite, and a huge underdog on the level of Mysterio. If they let him cut a promo every few weeks, even just a backstage interview, I think the crowd will have a much easier time connecting with Bryan. He definitely represents the everyman well, so they need to take advantage of that.
personally ever since i heard of the barrett barrage, i always thought it would build up to a rivalry with daniel bryan for his MITB briefcase, and barrett winning it off him. i think that is why they have started to make daniel bryan win again so the rivalry can build up to a climax, possibly at royal rumble or maybe sooner. then wade barrett can cash it in. he is deserving of a title run by now.
I know there's been talks about him losing the briefcase to someone, and I thought this was a dumb idea. Now I feel like they could work it out if they did it right. They could have him drop it to Barrett, like pharrison said, and go into the Rumble match. Shock everyone and win that, or at least have a strong showing that shows he should have a ME match.

I don't think that's the best way to do it. I think the following would be better:

What's the main angle going on right now? Oh yeah! Conspiracies! What better conspiracy than keeping the little man down from reaching his dreams?! I know the Conspiracies are happening on Raw and not SD! but it could still merge over. Have Laurinaitus screw him over. Have him schedule a match for Bryan at WM against someone who should beat him down to a pulp. After the match, he won't have the energy to fight someone else, especially the World Champ. Being loyal to his fans, he still cashes in the briefcase later that night. He then becomes the first to lose the coveted cash in. Next SD! he claims that being loyal to the fans have cost him. Although its been done time and time again, I feel like it could work for Bryan
First post in a loooong while so bear with me.....

Is it just me or is Smackdown leaps and bounds better than RAW?To me the answer is obviously yes.But why is that?Well I have a theory.It,IMO, is directly the result of one man's resurgence and ultimately his "rebirth".I am talking about Mark Henry.For years he was the "ex-sexual chocolate" superstar that no one really cared about,including management;as seen by his up/down pushes and lukewarm character.But over the last couple months his character has taken a quantum leap into the upper echelon of the WWE main event scene.In my opinion he is the BEST thing the WWE has going for them.And this has not only led to an increase in interst in the product but also increased viewership and ppv buys.The steady increase in ratings has solidified the notion to most of the IWC that fresh and new faces in the main event picture will ultimately increase business.And increases in business olny strengthens our arguements that the creative team presiding over the WWE (RAw in particular) could stand to try and get more than just 2 people over (Cena/Orton) if they want to please the "WWE Universe".

But there is also a back page story brewing that will hopefully end up being front page news in the not so distant future (April 1,2012????).And there is one man who stands to gain tremendously from Henry's recent dominance.That man is Daniel Bryan.

From the outset of his start in the WWE,we in the IWC have clamored and complained about the "push" he has gotten.From the Miz's "student" (whatever happened to A-Ry btw?),to a "chick magnet",to a float around jobber,to just another body on superstars.Then came along Money in The Bank 2011.I,along with probably every other IWC member, were taken back and COMPLETELY SUPRISED (show me someone who says they called it from the beginning and I will show you a liar)!!!!!!Since then unfortunately Daniel Bryan has done little to nothing of note.And for most of us that was a disappointment.

Then out of nowhere Mark Henry starts absolutely DOMINTAING the WWE.He promises to be champion for a very loooooong time.And honestly,who thinks he can't credibly accomplish it.But there is news that had surfaced prior to this streak or "Hall of Pain".Bryan promises to hold onto the briefcase until WRESTLEMANIA....GASP...."He said what?".....Thats right he promised to hold it until Wrestlemania.That is one heck of a statement to make months in advance and one heck of a way to keep yourself relevent in the title picture.

SO we have now come to a crossroad.On one end we have Mark Henry,the most dominant and IMO legitamate champion in years,claiming that he will indeed be champion for years to come.And to this point proving himself a man of his word.On the other you have Daniel Bryan,the submisson specialist and one time widey considered greatest wrestler in the world.

If everything goes as it seems to be,we have get to see one of the greatest,IMO, confrontations of all time come to a head at Wrestlemania.Because of Mark Henry's current progression,mixed with the potential ond overall skill Bryan possesses,we could be watching a "Dream Match" scenario play out right in front of us.Picture it,Henry vs Bryan.David vs Goliath.Speed vs Strength.Power vs Technique.How long will the match last?Can David stand against Goliath and win?Can he overcome the massive giant in front of him?Is it possible he can lose to a man that small?Will he be just another victim in the Hall of Pain?Will he make him TAP?.......Tell me that doesn't get you pumped up just thinking about it?.....goosebumps.I for one hope the WWE gets this one right.Because this match could and in my opinion WILL steal the show if they are allowed the time to tell the already built in story.

Is anybody else thanking their lucky stars for the smackdown creative team like I am?IMO they should just let them do both shows!

Thoughts?(Sorry if it was long)
No need to apologize for the length. It was a great read.

I agree with a few points, but disagree with others. First, I do enjoy Smackdown more than Raw. I'm a man still living in 1992, so I can say I prefer my wrestling without 25 minute promos and guest appearances that have nothing to do with the product. Smackdown focuses on superstars, and more importantly, more than just a few. As many have said, Awesome Truth is an afterthought in a PPV MAIN EVENT! Bad look. They took all of Punk's momemtum & gave it to H3, and he fizzled it away. Bad look. While Smackdown took the belt off its face superstar, and has a better show for it. Good look. Put two people who no one clamored about this time last year in the title match, and its the best rivalry in WWE now. Good look. Then they took a man who seemed to be a creative afterthought for months, inserte him in this rivalry, and he has added new life to it. Great look.

But DBD/Henry at the Granddaddy? Doesnt excite me. Now if you threw Sheamus, who's my favorite character right now, in the mix I may be more intrigued. But just like boxing, styles make matches, and Henry's style needs another intimidating persona to get me pumped about him at WM.

I feel that a slow build for Henry/DBD wouldnt have the payoff the E wants. I think you're missing the true slow build Smackdown has been brewing anyway, which is Sheamus/Henry. Every since Summerslam, I knew Henry would capture the belt and I predicted Sheamus would be the man to take it away. He hasnt lost clean in I dont know how long, and the last time I remember him losing was to Del Rio thanks to Christian's influence. While Henry is adding names to his Hall of Pain, Sheamus has been on just as strong a streak ever since he put Sin Cara through that ladder in MITB. Sheamus will take the belt from Henry either at TLC or RR, and kick off 2012 as the new face of Smackdown. Then we will get the TRUE match of the night at WM when he defends his title against the MITB Winner, Daniel Bryan Danielsson

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