Daniel Bryan Announces Retirement - Keep It All Here!

WHat should WWE do with Daniel Bryan?

  • WWE should Clear Daniel Bryan to wrestle

  • WWE should grant Bryan his release

  • WWE should stay the course for theirs, and his, own good.

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I guess in a way it's sad that I can't believe anything that happens in Pro Wrestling anymore, but I like many are wondering if this is a work.

I just don't know what to believe. Some say recent photos of Bryan show that he has cut his hair and looks like a "regular" guy again, leading them to believe that he is well and truly done.

But others suggest that this might be a "Mark Henry retirement". The whole DB scenario has been so bizzare, how every doctor including world class sports physicians are clearing him, with the exception of the WWE doctor, who sometimes I really wonder about because there are all those stories of how they botched diagnosis according to CM Punk....
if E is so worried about medic ligations I don't wanna hear bout Cena returning early.. How will it look when he gets injured again :/ #hypocrite
well, HHH's tweet basically confirms this is not a work.

really sad, but at the same time, they guy had one of the biggest WM nights in history. great career, and he has the entire life in front of him
Can people really not understand WWE's position here? A spotlight is on the concussion issue right now. He has neck issues stemming from years of working. It would be a PR nightmare if anything happened to him in a WWE ring. It's a tough business decision, but one that needed to be made. The problem here is too many people are such fans they'd rather him risk his life for their own amusement. Going even so far as to make up stories. Grow up.

Though I will say, if it ends up a work, it's a good one.
In a cruel irony, Daniel Bryan cuts his most believable and best promo of his career on the night if his retirement. I think that everyone agrees, in the end, pro wrestling is certainly lower in overall quality after tonight.
I don't get it... Didn't a UCLA doctor clear him 2 weeks ago... What they didn't see the brain problems? Also kind of weird how he goes to 2 professional doctors since October and both say he is fine then Goes to a doctor in New York that says brain damage... Um someone needs to lose their medical degree
I don't get it... Didn't a UCLA doctor clear him 2 weeks ago... What they didn't see the brain problems? Also kind of weird how he goes to 2 professional doctors since October and both say he is fine then Goes to a doctor in New York that says brain damage... Um someone needs to lose their medical degree

He said it was a completely different test. Why it wasn't run sooner is anyone's guess.
With Daniel Bryan's history of injuries and the media spotlight back on WWE regarding concussions, not to mention the string of injuries overall on the roster this past year, I can understand the WWE's reluctance to clear him. One wrong bump and he's stroking out in the ring on live TV, or worst dead. If its as serious as the drs that WWE uses says it is, hopefully he is smart enough to listen, because I'm sure Daniel Bryan could still be of use to the WWE in a non-wrestling capacity. Set him up down in Orlando as a trainer or something. There's plenty of ways to give back to wrestling after you've called it quits in the ring.

On the other hand, if it winds up being a work, its a really shitty way to go about bringing back a talent. I've never been a fan of the retirement storylines. Retiring from the ring shouldnt be made into a storyline, it should be handled with respect and be a proud moment. As far as I know WWE has never run a false retirement storyline and they've always treated those moments like they should have been, historic moments. I still tear up watching Ric Flair's goodbye, and Shawn Michaels was done well too. Granted they both got to go out at Wrestlemania, but still I would hope it doesn't turn into a big joke down like Arn Anderson's turned into back in '97.
Seeing multiple doctors is standard procedure for anything beyond what a GP could take care of (provided you can pay for it), so hearing that Daniel Bryan has seen multiple doctors who have different opinions shouldn't come as a shock to people. This is the origin of the phrase, "seeking a second opinion".

Because medical science isn't a perfect one, different doctors can look at the same statistics and information and come to different conclusions. This is why you seek multiple opinions (if you can afford it- for most of us, insurance will cover one doctor, weasel out of paying anything, and leave you to handle bankruptcy proceedings while you try to survive cancer.) You get as much information as you can, so that you can make what you feel is the best decision for your medical care.

In Bryan's case, some doctors said he was fine; others said that by continuing, he'd be quite literally risking his life. Put yourself in his shoes; now, watch Jimmy Snuka try to form a sentence. Watch Bret Hart try to walk. The choice couldn't have been easy, but it's easy to see why he made the choice.

Daniel Bryan touched on his legacy of concussions during his retirement speech; and while it was surprising enough that that particular wall was breeched on WWE TV, it does bring up a point- the guys you see, from John Cena to Adam Rose, are all out there killing themselves just to entertain you. Respect that.
To the people who say release him, let him make his own decisions. Remember, should Daniel Bryan go elsewhere, suffer a concussion, or worse pass away. The media will blame WWE and raise a point about concussions in sports and it will only garner negative publicity for WWE which isn't good for business. It will hurt them on every possible way. We don't know what the WWE doctors know about his brain. I have reason to suspect that he is a stubborn person as he was reluctant to have surgery on his neck and chose natural methods which stalled his career.

I think the only way WWE will get credit for their refusal to clear Daniel Bryan to return to the ring is if in the future he talks openly about his concussions and just how harmful it really would have been had he risked his health returning to the ring. The only other way, is if something medically happens to him in the future related to his concussion history. That would be a shame and hopefully that never happens.
Unless you've done it night in and night out, nobody knows what these guys go through to entertain us, its an unforgiving business. For every one guy that walks away from the business healthy and able to adjust to retirement, it seems like there's two that wind up dead from suicide or an overdose of some sort. Even though it's WWE covering its own ass, it also keeps these guys from killing themselves in the ring. Nobody wants to see another incident like Benoit, or Droz or godforbid Owen Hart happen. When it all comes down to it though, if Bryan feels he's healthy enough to go wrestle elsewhere, he will. Its his life, his call, but I think he can look back and know he accomplished his dream. 15 years in this business is an eternity. Its a milestone few make and even fewer surpass. Sometimes one more run just isn't in the cards.
The retirement ceremony from start to finish was the single best thing/segment WWE has done in a long time.

I thought it was extremely classy of them to not only give him as much time as he needed (I believe start to finish it was 24 minutes plus the addition 7 on Network).

I also thought it was awesome to see the entire roster, including Steph/Triple H and Vince all out on the stage doing the "Yes" chant at the end. I don't recall a single other time that happened besides when they ring the bell 10 times to pay respect to a former star who passed away.

All in all, while it's sad Daniel Bryan had to retire, it's best for him, especially now that we know the long-term effects of concussions and CTE. Selfishly, we all wanted him to return to action, but we'd feel really bad about it if, like so many former NFL players, he were to suffer from dementia or worse kill himself at a young age while being a great father and husband.
Brilliant segment, went way over time but was definitely worth it.

Will the section of people that believe the wwe were holding him back now stfu? This whole time those of us that have common sense said that concussions are something not to be mucked around with and it isnt weird to get different results because they are an unknown variable. The guy had 3 when he just started out, there is going to be a fair chance Daniel Bryan ends up a vegetable in old age
Smart move by Daniel. Best retire now on your own terms then retire 3 years from now. Three years from now his tiny brain would turn to mush and he'd be pissing all over himself every morning. CTE is real for football players and wrestlers. Maybe all the retired wrestlers walking around cripple and half dead should hire the doctor who put the CTE lawsuit on the NFL?

Regardless, thanks for the memories Danny Boy! If you ever get in a financial bind, TNA will let you back in the ring!
I had no idea that Bryan had suffered 3 concussions within the first 5 months of his career. Seeing as how the indie scene, or wrestling as a whole outside of WWE for most of the past decade, isn't exactly known for providing quality medical screenings, it makes me wonder if Bryan has suffered concussions over the course of his career that weren't even diagnosed. Counting those and the ones we know for a face he's had in WWE, that's a minimum of 5 concussions and that's a whole lot of head trauma. Once I heard about the first 3, it locked in my opinion that he should definitely retire rather than risk it getting worse. Once you've had a concussion, it's supposed to be easier to sustain others and continues to get easier so, all in all, hanging it up before having the choice possibly taken away due to trauma is the way to go.

As for the segment, there's nothing to say that hasn't already been said. It was a helluva segment and what should've been a totally somber thing was made a bit lighter with Bryan joking around a bit. It's such a shame that his career was cut short, especially at a time when he was hands down the most popular wrestler WWE had seen in many, many years and had fans hanging on every single thing he did. It was an emotional speech and it's certainly easy to see how he could get choked up at times because wrestling was his passion, it's all he ever wanted to be and not only was he able to live out his dream, but he made himself a good living at the same time.

I'd say he'll have some sort of role within the company. I could honestly see him being happy being a trainer in NXT as it'd keep him right in the smack of things, passing on knowledge, helping out young talent, etc. Bryan also just seems like the sort of person who would help out a talent struggling to master some element, such as move, a particular set of moves, his/her timing, etc. for as long as it took without getting angry or frustrated. As far as his finances go, if what I've read is true, then he doesn't have much to worry about; celebritynetworth.com listed his net worth at $5 million and I've read some reports stating that he had a downside guarantee for $900,000 per year with WWE. Bryan isn't the type to splurge or blow his money on a lot of needless material things, so if all I've read regarding his finances are true, he doesn't have much to worry about.
It was a wonderful segment and I`m glad they let it run as long as it did. He needed and the fans needed to see him go out the way he wanted too.

He definitely touched many people, and proved that a small guy can make it in a world not really crafted for them. This should give hope to all the wrestlers out there that aren`t as big as a Hogan, or as cut as a Cena that they can make it in the WWE. I don`t know if we will see another wrestler come along that was as popular as he was, and the WWE has definitely lost a huge asset.

That being said, hopefully he`ll stick around with the WWE in some capacity. With his experience and knowledge, he would be a great trainer down at NXT. It would keep him in touch with the business at the grassroots level, and after watching him on Tough Enough, he would be the kind of person that would encourage not hinder wrestlers coming into the business.

Shame to see him go, but at least he went out the way he wanted.
They give him the edge treatment last night and it was the right thing to do. The segment was great and it help him and the fans get closure. If I was wwe, I would induct him into the wwe hall of fame either this year or next year because he deserve a spot in the hof and it would be a great way to reward him for everything for everything he did for the company.
It was a wonderful segment and I`m glad they let it run as long as it did. He needed and the fans needed to see him go out the way he wanted too.

Very true, and the sense of closure it provided will help immensely. Now we can stop debating whether he's coming back, and trying to predict future cards with his name added, even though there was absolutely no word from WWE of any change in his status. He needed the closure.....and so did we.

Still, during last night's segment, I found myself not anticipating someone coming to the ring and belting him, assuring us it was all a work and that he'd be right in the middle of the ring wars by Fastlane, as predicted by a number of folks on this forum. You could tell as soon as he came out that this was not a work.

Of course, in many respects, we really don't know any more about what's forcing him to retire than before. I still have the feeling it has less to do with concussions than the ticking time-bomb of neurological damage to his neck. After all, if he had 3 concussions in his first 5 months as a pro wrestler .....and many more after that.....it appears no one tried to stop him before because of them, right? More than that, it's obvious that previous concussions weren't enough to dissuade him from continuing to perform. So, why now?

As to the timing, I rather doubt the decision to retire was made after having a test a few days ago that convinced him his brain wasn't in as good shape as he had believed. Isn't the timing for that rather convenient, given that it came just as he was due to appear in front of his home crowd?

Still, even if the timing is strictly show business, here's to Bryan Danielson and his touching retirement speech.......and hopefully, the permanence of his decision to stop wrestling forever. Better he should live to be there for his wife & kids-to-be.
It was bitter-sweet for me. Some part of me was hoping that there would be a chance that it was all a ruse, but I'm very glad that the WWE allowed itself to be serious for a brief moment.

We identify with certain people and allow ourselves to live through them. I think a big part of Daniel Bryan's appeal was in that he wasn't difficult to relate to, and he seemed to be that rare example of a person who has all of his priorities in check. He was an underdog who could humble physically imposing opponents, and he never lost his "regular guy" persona.

He started performing in 2000, that was when I started my career as well. I've got four years left until retirement, it's insane when you're winding down the final years of what has been your lifestyle. I hope that he's always present in some manner, and I hope that he has a long life ahead of him to reflect on the positive changes he made to a business that truly needed a spiritual paragon for guidance.
Had anyone on this forum knew about his earlier concussions, 90% of the stuff posted about it would not have been posted. His speech was a memorable one, and if anyone did interrupt, WWE would have gotten lynched royally for it

I was one of those who believed that WWE should have just cut DBry his downside, and let him go. Reason for that is purely financial. Nobody should be sitting around collecting $900K and NOT do what he is supposed to be doing. If he cannot wrestle, and refuses to do anything else, there is ZERO reasons to keep him employed. The stuff being said that if DBry got hurt working a show for TNA/RoH/XYZ that WWE would get blamed is pure bullshit. The reason why WWE got lynched for Benoit was that it happened under WWE's watch.

I was also one of those people that believed DBry was being held out for the protection of one Roman Reigns. Again, NOBODY knew how bad DBry was. This goes to the matter of a simple five-letter word: Trust. If the promoter we were talking about was Don Owen, whose integrity was beyond reproach, DBry probably would have retired around Thanksgiving, because all of his fans would have known how f-ed up DBry really was and would be urging DBry to hang them up for his own sake. Problem is that we are dealing with VKM. A man routinely compared to P.T. Barnum. It is a known fact that VKM loves his muscle-bound behemoths. He loves his cartoony characters. And, he will push them to the moon. Remember Lex Luger over Bret Hart. No matter how much he pushed Luger, Luger fell flat. Pushed Kevin Nash to the moon as Diesel. He fell flat. Again, he bypassed Bret Hart until he could no longer do so. Had we as fans been able to trust VKM with doing the right things by fans, NOBODY would have challenged WWE's attempt to protect DBry from himself.

As for last night, no words need to be said. He came home to "die". What the future holds for him? Who knows. But, I highly doubt that he will be an active participant in a match ever again. He can ride into the sunset proud of his career.
This is a sad situation for wrestling fans who appreciate more than just the entertainment aspect of the business and more than just the WWE. I believe we're called the IWC (Internet Wrestling Community), and Bryan Danielson was definitely an internet darling before hitting it big in the WWE. My all time favorite wrestler ever is The Undertaker, however, Danielson has been my favorite to watch for the last few years. His ability in the ring was second to none and I am definitely going to miss being able to watch him.

As a wrestling fan I'm selfish and really really want him to continue wrestling, but as a person I'm happy for him and I know he's doing what's best for him and his family.

I'm going to miss you Bryan Danielson.
I get the feeling that Bryan's story is much more common than we think. I would bet money on the fact that guys like Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, etc. have had just as many, or more concussions throughout their careers, than Daniel Bryan. It just seems like that's the common thread in wrestling. Get a concussion, come back, repeat. I wouldn't be shocked to learn that others are up there in the double digit range as well.

As for the speech, I was surprised by how calm and accepting he seemed of his situation. There didn't seem to be a bit of animosity or bitterness there but that could just be because Bryan's a class act. I'm not sure if HE truly believes he's retired like he says, but time will tell I guess.

You guys ever think he'll have another match 5-10 years down the line if he sticks to it?
Here is a fun fact that should blow your mind....
Daniel Bryan salary for 2016 $700,000
Big Show salary for 2016 $1,200,000
John Cena salary for 2016 $2,700,000
Randy Orton $1,600,000
Sheamus $1,300,000
Jericho $974,000
Mark Henry $877,000

Yep thats right even though Bryan has become the second face of the company after John Cena he gets paid less than Big Show. Bryan is under a 5 year contract with 2 more years to go meaning that for the last 3 years he has made $700,000 per year. Plus Bryan was completely milked by forcing him to do all the appearances, interviews, and media events such as being in Total Divas for the last 3 years while Big Show gets paid HALF A MILLION more for staying at home and sporadically appearing. Total Divas doesn't pay a separate salary Bryan gets paid the same 700k whether he was on it or not and of course you know that the "E" made him be on it in order to exploit him and get the most bang for their buck.

Wwe expected Daniel Bryan to do all the work that John Cena does outside of the ring for alot more than half the pay. In fact for $2 million less. Of course Daniel Bryan was seeking to renegotiate his contract and get paid better for all the work he was doing. And Vince in his cheapness manipulated the company doctors to stop Bryan from receiving "John Cena" or even "Big Show money".

Vince is a stubborn old man who would rather ruin and destroy someone than pay them their just money. He thinks that he has to do it because its best for the business because if Bryan demands and gets more money while under contract than all the other talent could do the same. So Vince would rather sacrifice a little in order to save his kingdom and make an example in order to send a warning to the others. The concussion issue was just an excuse for Vince to get what he wanted.

Despite the fact that these wrestlers are famous and on TV they are grossly underpaid by Wwe. This is because out of all the sports Wwe talent have no union. Vince gets around this by saying that Wwe is not a sport and just "Entertainment", additionally most of the wrestlers are no employees of the company but independent contractors an as such cannot get a union.

Good luck to Daniel Bryan hopefully he will now seek a legal way out and take the "E" to court so that he could go to TNA in the future. Hopefully we won't have to wait two years. But in the meantime i would caution him to never leave his drinks and food unattended (that a heart attack or stroke inducing agents can be slipped in ie Ultimate Warrior) and check his car brakes or for any little suspicious boxes(that allow for a car to be hacked and driven by remote control ie Michael Hastings) under the hood every single time he gets behind the wheel because "Vince is Vince" and he never ever loses.
Good luck to Daniel Bryan hopefully he will now seek a legal way out and take the "E" to court so that he could go to TNA in the future. Hopefully we won't have to wait two years. But in the meantime i would caution him to never leave his drinks and food unattended (that a heart attack or stroke inducing agents can be slipped in ie Ultimate Warrior) and check his car brakes or for any little suspicious boxes(that allow for a car to be hacked and driven by remote control ie Michael Hastings) under the hood every single time he gets behind the wheel because "Vince is Vince" and he never ever loses.
Emphasis mine.

Because we've gotten used to the standard grade "concussions aren't really a serious thing" insanity, someone had to go and step it up by accusing Vince of having a team of ninja assassins to kill anyone he disapproves of.

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