**MERGED** Daniel Bryan Heel Turn Discussion- Keep It All In Here!

I do like how the feud is playing out! I think some very interesting stuff is coming from this!

I don't follow any behind the scenes sort of news...but it does look like Daniel Bryan will be holding the title into WM I think. Very good characterization of him.

I like how they have involved another character, in AJ ...it good to see utilization of the staff of the talent.

And its a nice twist to the plot for Show.

So how it looks to me -

*I think DB is going to start a crusade witch-hunt against the Big Show.
*I still don't see DB not being a heel, it is in stone as far as I am concerned.
*I think he is going to be beating the giants in non-clean victories all the way up to WM.
*I also feel this could be a fertile period to start a stable. We can only hope if a stable is started, that they do it right.

How does it look to you?
*How do you think this storyline will progress?
*Do you think DB is holding the belt until Wrestlemania?
*Do you think DB will acquire a heel stable?
*Who would be the right talent, if DB did start a stable?
I really smell a swerve here. I think Big Show is going to just reach a breaking point and beat Bryan senseless after everything that's happened. Big Show is rumored to be facing Shaq at Mania as well which normally the celebrities play the face, giving more reasoning to go that route.

DB doesn't need to be a heel at all. He was finally starting to connect with the audience and get real pops. The DB character has far more to gain by gaining a lot of aggression in the ring but staying face, ala Chris Benoit. Everytime DB goes on one of his aggressive rampages in the ring, the crowd explodes. Keep that momentum rolling.

Even if they do turn him heel, they need to stop the cowardly schtick (I get it that makes sense vs Show and Henry) and again play up that aggression. The WWE has a horrible tendency to make every heel a cowardly pathetic lowlife and not have any of the aggressive badass heels that you really love to hate. Or you end up with the formulaic monster who loses all steam in 2 months. It gets extremely boring and repetitive after you've seen every heel for the last few years do the same crap.
I really smell a swerve here.

I don't...they have already turned a lot of the crowd against him...you can't tease heel behaviour and then all of sudden have him 'actually' be the good guy.

What Big Show did was an error...but Daniel Bryan is going to use this ammo...quite possibly use it to stall a rematch with Show for quite a while.

Of course I could be wrong!
Was just in Prince George for the House Show there and can confirm that for the event Daniel Bryan as of now is a fully fledged heel after the promo he cut as to whether this goes into full swing on TV is anyones guess. But tonight he cut an amazing heel promo and had bigtime heat from the crowd for doing so especially when asking the crowd if they could please be quiet as he would like to speak. Also played Big Shows music ala HBK style when he teased us with Bret in 2005.

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