Report: Big Push Planned For Daniel Bryan

I want to first say that I've been a D-Bry fan since his debut. I was rooting for him to take the title off Punk last year. Bryan went into what should have been mid-card hell, but he made the best of it, almost legitimizing the Tag Team belts by himself. In my opinion, Bryan overshadowed KANE. I hope Bryan takes the push and runs with it all the way to the WWE Championship! And for those of you who say Bryan is the new Benoit, I disagree. Bryan is the first Bryan.
so b4 this it was REPORT. Zak Ryder to recieve a massive push then he deined it.

Bryan recieving a push in't really news, just watching the show it's pretty obvious he's moving on from Tag Teams again and is going for the Punk type, i need respect.
I want to first say that I've been a D-Bry fan since his debut. I was rooting for him to take the title off Punk last year. Bryan went into what should have been mid-card hell, but he made the best of it, almost legitimizing the Tag Team belts by himself. In my opinion, Bryan overshadowed KANE. I hope Bryan takes the push and runs with it all the way to the WWE Championship! And for those of you who say Bryan is the new Benoit, I disagree. Bryan is the first Bryan.

Very true, it would be impossible to have someone who didn't have some sort of resemblance to a past performer, however his style is very much reminiscant of Chris Benoit, they both can and could fly, both are/were tough, great overalll skills and both use the flying headbutt and a crossface variation as signature/finisher, but the biggest difference is Bryan can work the mike and the crowd, Benoit wasn't great at that.

Both of them could be seen as remakes of The Dynamite Kid which is who Benoit was a big fan of when he was starting out and no doubt Bryan Danielson loved both there styles and incorporated his own moves into it.
Bryan if anything does deserve a big push and if any superstar deserves it, it is definitely Bryan because he has paid his dues and not to mention he is a former World Heavyweight Champion former Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner former WWE United States Champion former WWE Tag Team Champion the only things Bryan hasn't accomplished as of yet are winning the WWE Intercontinental Championship, the WWE Championship and or then there's winning a Royal Rumble Match, the only things Bryan has yet to accomplish as of yet but with the push he's getting and knowing how over he is with the crowd then definitely he needs a main event push once again but this time to actually keep him as a main event guy
In recent weeks/months Bryan has really impressed me. Beforehand, I believed he was just another guy who would simply drift between the main-event and mid-card having meaningless feuds.

He has been very good as a face but a feud with Cena works because Bryan is not acting in the traditional manner. While I don't think he would win the WWE championship, I do think it would be a great feud whilst providing some entertaining promos. I think these two would be a great fit.

If Bryan is to be given a world title it would/should be the WHC that Dolph Ziggler currently holds. This is another feud with great potential and there is the obvious history from Wrestlemania and with AJ.
Yes a Bryan/Ziggler feud over the World Heavyweight Championship would have the potential for a great feud considering these 2 faced off against one another if I am not mistaken at Bragging Rights 2010 in what I thought was a classic match but at the time both of these men were on the rise back then and fast forward 3 years later in 2013 both of these men as main-event calibre guys, this feud could have all the makings of a classic too especially if they have Bryan become #1 Contender for Ziggler's World Heavyweight Championship and then add in the factor of AJ considering she is Bryan's ex and she is now with Ziggler

But a Cena/Bryan feud over the WWE Championship at least to me anyway has more potential because Cena as the current face of the WWE feuding with a future face of the WWE in Bryan, this would be a great match-up on paper all the makings of a wrestling clinic that these 2 could put on
I would love to see a Cena/Daniel Bryan feud. Bryan has been gaining momentum week in and week out, and I think he deserves a true main event feud. I think Bryan should just stay how he is kind of lingering between face and heel. I think he would get more cheers than Cena, and I would actually like to see DB take the title off of Cena at some point. I think Vince finally realized that Bryan is a true main eventer, and what better way to start that run than by beating Cena. I like the direction WWE has taken as of late, and promoting true wrestlers like Bryan is another step in the right direction.
Man ROH Daniel Bryan is sick. He is an awesome performer and definitely reminds me of Kurt Angle in his WWE days personality wise, I wonder if that's his angle (no pun intended) :P but yeah i'm sick of Cena & Ryback. WWE is starting to spark my interest again though even being in kiddy era lol.
Honestly I never really liked Daniel Bryan and quite frankly when he was first around and even when he became world heavyweight champion I found him embarrassing and lacking in character.

However when he joined team hell no I found him to be pretty funny and entertaining.

Having said that I hope they don't make him a solid main eventer, he just doesn't have enough going for him apart from comic relief. I think he'd make a more serious member of the cast of the Hobbit than a serious wrestler

Having said that comic relief wrestlers are the best kind.

If he was going to wrestle Cena, I don't see it going much beyond a belt vs beard match.
Guy is a great in-ring worker and good on the mic. I don't love his current angle but the people go bonkers for it. His match with Rollins on Raw was very impressive.
what's the difference he will never go over on Cena. WWE will not let Cena lose for a very very long time. The reason? KIDS....Kids love Cena, Kids buy toys. They ruined Rybacks career because of this. Ryback will lose tonight that is a fact. Ryback will be a mid carder after tonight. As long as Linda McMahon wants to spends Vince's money to pretend to be a politician wrestling fans will get a crappy product for kids. The problem is these 6 or 7 year olds are going to grow up soon and turn 13 or 14 in 5 years and want the attitude era. They are not going to want to watch a kids show. They will be 14 years old stealing dads playboy. Linda McMahon is the reason I have not watched wrestling since 2004. I just started up again when CM Punk came into the scene. Other than Punk and Bryant WWE is full of kid wrestlers. Goofy gimmick "safe" guys

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