Report: News On Daniel Bryan's Future


According to Dave Meltzer via, Daniel Bryan is still scheduled to be in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship picture upon his return. Meltzer's report states that the idea for Bryan right now is that
"the long term destination is still what the old destination was."

Meltzer goes onto state that the long term plan is still for Daniel Bryan to be champion later this year and that those were the plans as of this time yesterday. Meltzer's report also states that Bryan is being groomed for a program with Brock Lesnar, though when this program will take place and whether or not the title will be involved wasn't mentioned. One thing that was mentioned, however, is that there'll be a lot of changes in whatever plans WWE's had cooking for a while if Bryan isn't able to return by SummerSlam.

So, if what Meltzer's claiming is legit, the bit regarding plans being changed MIGHT indicate that Bryan's push will be ended or possibly postponed later down the line if he's not able to return within the next couple of months. More than likely, Bryan's push will come to an end if he's not on the mend by that time. It wouldn't be the first time that someone was in the midst of a big push or was about to get a big push only to be sidelined by injury and only for his career to never really recover. Wade Barrett springs to mind as he was, allegedly, penciled to win a planned WHC MITB ladder match at WrestleMania a few years back, but an elbow injury put him on the shelf for a good 6 months and it's only now that it LOOKS as though things are starting to get back on track with Barrett having a strong mid-card title run.
There are so many more natural feuds for both Brock and Bryan that I think it's a dumb move to force them into a program together. Rollins/Bryan? Bray/Bryan? Barrett/Bryan? Bo Dallas/Bryan (which I think *will* be an awesome feud in the future)...

If Brock's coming back full-time, put him in the title picture with Cesaro for a bit while Bryan fights his way back. Does anyone buy Bryan, coming off of a neck injury, stepping into a ring with Brock? Even Rusev would be a better choice.
Hard to consider anything that Meltzer has to say, but I'll play along.

I'd imagine they'll close the loop with the whole "Demon Kane/Stephanie McMahon" angle. Have him come back when healthy and put a beating on the big red machine. No need to draw it out, just a few episodes of Raw and one PPV to send a message to the authority. As much as I disliked this angle to begin with, I would like to see it closed the proper way.

If DB is in fact going to reclaim the title, they can't do it by rehashing another storyeline with Randy Orton, can they? I think we're all kind of tired of that. It looks like Randy is about to get into a program with Roman Reigns, so depending on how long it is till DB's return, Randy is out. Rollins will be feuding with Ambrose and I imagine that one will run awhile. So maybe a SummerSlam match with HHH, to keep with the authority angle.

The potential Cessaro/Lesnar feud may not be too far away. They've been keeping Brock off of TV, and as I recall, in large part because they want to save as many appearances for the road to WM as possible. Are they looking at DB main eventing WM again? If so, they could do the Brock/Bryan angle starting around Royal Rumble. Perhaps Bryan wins the rumble, while Brock wins the belt at the same time? Or vise versa.

So maybe it'll start with a PPV against Kane, followed by a run against HHH, then maybe Rollins is freed up for a program between SS and RR, then enters Brock lesnar? Something I could see happening and would make for a great series of opponents for Bryan.
As far as Bryan goes, i don't see him losing any steam. He never lost the title and the Brie Bella firing angle is still unresolved. Anytime a major star like Bryan returns, they get an immediate bump in popularity. I don't believe that Bryan can be more popular than he is now, but this being out of actiuon isn't really a bad thing. Except of course for the injured neck.
WWE have spent a lot of time and money on the Daniel Bryan push, they built Mania around him and had him win the title at the show of shows, I don't think he'll fade into obscurity when he comes back, this is not like a mid card guy with potential, he is currently in phase two of a main event push.

I mean even last night they seemed more concerned with King and Cole pushing how unfair the stripping of Bryan was even though logically it wasn't, but Cena explained last week logically why Bryan was reluctant to give up the title he had struggled to win for so long, and with a heel champion likely in place when he returns I don't think WWE will have too much trouble getting fans invested in Bryan trying to get back the title he never lost.

Whether Bryan does get the title back is anyone's guess, many things could happen including whoever they make Champion at the PPV getting over like gangbusters, if that happens Bryan will have to get back in line which is unfortunate for him but fair enough. However I feel he'll be back for Summerslam and the winner of the title at MITB will probably be Orton who he can win it back off one year on from the cash in at Summerslam.

Many here feel Bryan is at his best in a sympathetic role and this injury has actually given WWE a chance to put him back in that role and redo the chase that worked out pretty well for them before, although I doubt they could sustain it for 8 months this time.
If the WWE are serious about putting Daniel Bryan back in the World title scene (and subsequently, the main event) then keeping Bryan out as long as possible is their best move. This ensures that Bryan has ample time (and then some) to recover from his surgery, as well as any nagging injuries he may be carrying over the years as a professional wrestler, and be ready to wrestle the hectic schedule of the WWE with very little problems. Even though he wasn't on a match during the Payback PPV, he still received one of the biggest pops so he won't fade into obscurity if they keep him away a little longer. As long as they don't screw up Bryan's return, he'll be white hot once more and the Yes! Movement will continue and be stronger than ever.

Going back to the Payback PPV, the WWE showed they could put on a very good show without him so he isn't exactly needed right now (especially with all the talent and interesting storylines they've got going). You could even reach further into the argument about the Kane vs. Daniel Bryan feud being the only thing creative had for Bryan... so if there was any optimal time for Bryan to be injured, right now is the best time.
I think the future will be okay for Daniel Bryan, as long as he recovers well and is fully healthy. As I mentioned in another thread, it's such a shame that this injury has occurred at the worst possible time. These next few months were supposed to be the best moments for him, and although nothing will ever top WM30 as one single moment, I was anticipating a long, and successful title run for him. Say what you want, the guy is still over, even though though he's reached the peak of the mountain so to speak. I'm assuming they'll get the belt back on him again for a lengthy title run, and while he'll still be more over than anyone in the company and they'll be able to portray him as the underdog again, I'm really sad he didn't get a real chance to bask in the glory of his Wrestlemania moment and carry the belt through the summer.

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