**MERGED** Kane's Future- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

Very disappointed. He could have rampaged through everyone. But all they did was get people to buy masks for wrestle mania and ruin his return by feuding him with super cena and stupid woo woo woo moron and no wrestling talent eve. :banghead:

Kane could've done some great things and put several people over in the process. It just made cena get bood so much more. Kane was a heel. Got cheered. Cena was a face. Got bood. Go figure
nah it's about time they restored the mystery and monsternous of the Big Red Monster.

He wrestles just about the same with the mask on, just comes across a little more menacing.. it defiantly is a help over hurt thing for him right now.

If Jericho wasn't around I might have booked a Masked Kane Vs CM Punk feud heading into Wrestlemania

I think the IWC stretches the truth a bit..

It just made cena get bood so much more. Kane was a heel. Got cheered. Cena was a face. Got bood. Go figure

1. I never heard a Kane chant since he's returned.

2. I was in Milwaukee... I heard Cena chants...

Your wrong... I just needed to point that out.
nah it's about time they restored the mystery and monsternous of the Big Red Monster.

He wrestles just about the same with the mask on, just comes across a little more menacing.. it defiantly is a help over hurt thing for him right now.

If Jericho wasn't around I might have booked a Masked Kane Vs CM Punk feud heading into Wrestlemania

I think the IWC stretches the truth a bit..

1. I never heard a Kane chant since he's returned.

2. I was in Milwaukee... I heard Cena chants...

Your wrong... I just needed to point that out.

Maybe not over last night but on RAW you hear Cena get booed non-stop. I think maybe he was talking about during the whole feud.
Okay, so we saw Kane come back and take on the tog dog John Cena. He had probably his last main event level feud, and pretty much crammed and personified his career into one feud - He was the devils favourite demon, who terrorised and made people's life a living hell. He took the best of career and did the best that he could to put it into one last feud with Cena. When the feud began Kane had just returned. Now Kane has been taken out again and it seems like John Cena has 'overcome the hate' once and for all. All of the major stars are already in matches for WM28, so if Kane came back he'd have to rush into a feud with a lesser known star, which wouldn't make sense unless it was Zack Ryder (Although there's no point in continuing that story) because why would Kane go from the top face to someone not nearly at that level? We've seen that it took the top face, John Cena, at his best to bring down Kane. Any other feud with a pg era star just wouldn't be believable.

Kane could come back after Mania', but to feud with who? He's already had John Cena, who could he take on? Going from Cena to Punk or Orton maybe, but I just don't see that happening because he would doesn't need to fight them - Do Orton and Punk need to embrace the hate too? There's the possibility of HHH and Undertaker, but I'm guessing that HIAC will be their last match.

What is there for Kane to come back for? IMO he's gotten the send off he needed. The match wasn't the best, but the finish and the ending pretty much told the story of how the evil power of the hate of Kane was finally defeated. Much like how Taker' and HHH's in-ring careers will most likely end in the cell at WM28 in a match that defined their careers, I think that it's fitting that we saw the last of Kane being taken away in an ambulance match. If Kane couldn't have an inferno match (No way that will happen again) or a match with Undertaker, then I see it being fit that Kane finally loses in a match that contributed to defining his career against the companies top guy. Kane is in his mid-40's now, he has nothing left to be there for except to put younger guys over, which he has spent the last 10 years doing - plus with his new 'indestructible' monster persona, it would be impossible to realistically put over alot of guys nowadays, unless, as I said, he continued to put over top guys which would be pointless. If he retired now, I think I would be happy looking back at his career and saying that he's reached the ultimate honour of becoming perhaps the greatest monster in the history of pro-wrestling. Not everyone needs a Wrestlemania send off, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was it for Kane.

Is this the last we will see of Kane? Your thoughts?
I live in Portland, where raw is this week. They have been advertising him and Cena. I don't know if it's out dated or not, but my guess is we see him Monday. I think he will return and feud with Ryder, with eve on his side
I think Kane could go either way, this could be it for him, or he very well could go for another 2 or 3 years and maybe work a more limited schedule. If he did continue, he could have a lengthy feud with Ryder and allow him to eventually go over him, elevating Ryder in the process. But there will definitely always be a spot for Kane, he's one of the WWE's most credible talent elevators, and a formidable opponent. He'll have a spot for as long as he wants. I agree that Kane doesn't need a Mania send-off, and probably won't get one, which is fine.

If this is it for Kane, he's had a hall of fame career that he can be proud of. If he's going to continue, that's great too, because the WWE could use as many veterans as possible right now. I personally hope he does continue because, as I said, the WWE really could use him with so much young talent around, but we'll have to wait and see.
Kane can still bring it despite his age and how long he's been wrestling for. Hell, he's been doing it almost as long as Taker and Taker can barely walk at times. That goes to show you the longevity of the guy. IMO he doesn't get enough credit for just how long he's been able to stay at that high level still. I don't think he's done yet. I'm sure he'll help put over a bunch of other wrestlers before he calls it a career and focuses more on politics and all that stuff.
You know...I'd like to see Kane against Undertaker for Taker's last match. I know it's been done to death, but I think that it would be good to kind of bring closure to the Undertaker's legacy...you know, since Paul Bearer was never a wrestler.....
Well its true, the character has reached its end storyline wise. I think it was a great sendoff just that Cena shouldnt have been the one to do it. We all know he has history with Undertaker and that would've been the more likable choice but I wish it would've ended in a more concrete way with Cena. How is an ambulance match going to end someone's career? It should've been a buried alive match imo. That has some sense of finality. Anyway, I think they might bring Kane back to work with other already established guys that have nowhere to go character wise like Randy Orton. He could keep pushing people to embrace the hate and when its all said and done WWE can find a guy worthy enough of putting the final nail in Kane's coffin. My pick is Sheamus. Hes one of the top faces and we all know hes going to win the heavyweight title so facing an established heel would really take things to the next level for him.
Ideally have a match between Kane and Taker to end both of their careers. At the end of the match have Taker tombstone Kane, go for the cover, then have Kane's ring pyro go off while they both get 'swallowed' by the ring. Then Taker's lightning bolt hits the ring and the lights go out.

Then when they come back on the ring looks like nothing happened but Kane and Taker are gone never to be seen again.

THAT would be memorable and fit both of their characters.
He just had his second biggest feud in years (lasts years feud with taker was bigger imo) and he was not carried. It was a pretty good feud, and Kane even managed to draw heat against cena (and not just the 5 year olds that like cena). He was revived with the mask, and I think he will decide to spread terror to others. And I could very much see Zack Ryder vs Kane with Eve in his corner. It would be a good personal feud to end their story, and help continue to get Zach over.
Well its true, the character has reached its end storyline wise. I think it was a great sendoff just that Cena shouldnt have been the one to do it. We all know he has history with Undertaker and that would've been the more likable choice but I wish it would've ended in a more concrete way with Cena. How is an ambulance match going to end someone's career? It should've been a buried alive match imo. That has some sense of finality. Anyway, I think they might bring Kane back to work with other already established guys that have nowhere to go character wise like Randy Orton. He could keep pushing people to embrace the hate and when its all said and done WWE can find a guy worthy enough of putting the final nail in Kane's coffin. My pick is Sheamus. Hes one of the top faces and we all know hes going to win the heavyweight title so facing an established heel would really take things to the next level for him.

Well the answer to your concerns is that this simply and surely isn't the end of Kane's career. In no way has Kane's character been "ended" storyline wise. I mean...what do you even mean? The whole "embracing the hate" thing was just a motive for why he was feuding with Cena. The end. Furthermore, Kane is more relevant now than he's been in years. He'll be back.
No this isn't his "send off" he'll be back on Raw when Randy Orton comes back,which is tommorow,Orton is cleared to come back on 2/27 & if you really paid attention the only three wrestlers shown in the Resurrected promo before he returned on that very same night was John Cena,Randy Orton,& CM Punk.

It all makes logical sense for Kane to set his sights on the three top babyfaces of the company & I would really love if WWE had him finish off his career by feuding with Orton to 'Mania & then putting his sights on CM Punk's title,to have him win it & have a long & great 4-6 month reign,that would be the icing on the cake for Kane's Career. They gave him a one-day reign with the WWF Championship,what the hell is that,he's given WWE 15 long years he deserves a long WWE Title reign.
He just had his second biggest feud in years (lasts years feud with taker was bigger imo) and he was not carried. It was a pretty good feud, and Kane even managed to draw heat against cena (and not just the 5 year olds that like cena). He was revived with the mask, and I think he will decide to spread terror to others. And I could very much see Zack Ryder vs Kane with Eve in his corner. It would be a good personal feud to end their story, and help continue to get Zach over.

I think Kane Vs Ryder would be ok as long as it is done RIGHT. Just having him beat Kane upon his return from "injury" is not going to work. That would kill the whole evil resurrection deal. If they did that, they may as well take the mask right back off and be unimportant again. My idea is have Zack go after Kane upon return and seek revenge, obviously. But match 1 ends when Ryder mounts the typical face comeback after being beaten down for a while and Kane intentionally gets DQ'ed. Afterward, he keeps attacking the injury mercilessly. This puts Ryder over more than he was. Next match sees Kane win pretty easily due to said attack. Ryder challenges him again and the next match goes the same way as the previous match does, except this time Kane doesn't go for the win, he toys with him for a few minutes and in his overconfidence, Ryder rolls him up for the win. Following night on RAW, Zack wins cleanly and quickly. Next Mon. Kane cuts a promo on how he was caught off guard which made him angry. Thus in his anger, he wasn't focused and thinking clearly so he lost his edge. This leads to the final match - NO HOLDS BARRED. This match goes about 25 mins. or so with Ryder legitimately holding his own, nearly winning on a few occasions. But in the end, Kane is too big, too strong, too evil, too much on this day. A chokeslam followed by a tombstone and this is finally over. After this, Kane goes on to fued with Sheamus or somebody and Ryder goes on to bigger, main event storylines. That is how Kane yet again puts over a young up and coming talent, only this time not compromising his characters status.
Okay, i want to say this is probobly one of the stupidest threads i have ever created. but when kane attacked the tag team participants, the only reason i could think of for it would be to do things to rosa mendes, or vickie guerrero(after all he is a freak LOL jks). Another reason would be for tag team tittles, what i thought of who would he team with in this world of 7 billion people. Obviously not undertaker, but what i thought of was the man who is my favorite wrestler of all time, and im talking about the ''WHOLE F'N SHOW'' Rob Van Dam. When i was about 6 years old, RVD and Kane were my favorite tag team. ever since they broke up, i have missed them and thought they were a great combination of heavyweight monster, too funny, laid-back high flyer.
There has been speculation that RVD is done with TNA and has wanted to make a return to WWE. RVD had to leave WWE to help out his wife who was battling cancer.

So could you guys see RVD return as Kanes partner to reunite where they left off, or im just being stupid because it wouldnt make sence since kane is a heel.

EDIT; i wrote this on my IPOD, so please be nice to my writing.
well i'm glad i hung in there to read this, its crazy and far fetched, but your idea could work. i mean, they could reform their tag team and they could win the titles, they could make the titles relevant, they have great chemistry, i mean, Kane is the monster and RVD is a awesome hardcore high flyer. it could work, but there's one problem, they need more tag teams before they could do it! we used to have so many great tag teams, the titles were relevant, Kane and RVD are a great combo, but i'm afraid it wouldn't work cause no one else is there to actually give them a real fight.
As much as that would be fun to see again its not gonna happen. I think Kane will come out and attack random people for another week or two until Ryder comes out and and they set up a WM match.
Why would RVD return and then team up with Kane based on a tag team from how many years ago? It doesn't make any sense at all and on that basis you might as well have Kane and Kofi team up or better yet have Helms back and reform Hurri-Kane.

Considering Truth, Kofi, Swagger and Dolph are MITB type contenders, it wouldn't surprise me if the Kane attack has nothing to do with the tag team belts at all.
I hardly think Kane will go after the Tag Titles.

I think this was just Kane's way of saying, "I'm Back!"
I wish it meant Kane was going to come up with a partner (other than the BIG SHOW) maybe someone from FCW and join the tag division...Check out the REPAIR the Tag Division Thread for a killer idea to totaly revamp the division!
Isnt that what you guys want? Masked Kane destroying all wrestlers.

I doubt RVD will come back, i dont know. Plus Kane isnt the guy you want to 'safe' the tag team division.
Anyone else laugh when Kane kicked one of the Primo's in the face before entering the ring? I thought it was awesome. Kane looked really good tonight...for the first time in awhile.

The first thing I thought of was the TLC main event on RAW years back (Jeff Hardy and RVD vs. Dudley's vs. Christian? and Jericho vs. Kane) where Kane won the tag titles by himself because I believe it was Hurricane injured.

Kane needs something to be relevant, and honestly, the mediocre mid-carders won't interest me. He needs an "upper-card/main-eventer" and I use that term loosely to ensure my hatred for the lack of star talent in WWE right now.
Theres a number of ways this whole thing could go.

1. Random attack- Well find out next week if it was random or not but they could just have him destroy random guys to set up a match with someone likely Ryder for WM. The only problem is Ryder shouldn't return for WM, with the beatings he's been taking in the past month it makes no sense for him to be able to wrestle someone, especially a monster like Kane.

2. Tag Belts- This is my favorite option. I would love to see a four way tag ladder match for the belts. It holds what ppl want, a tag match and a ladder match. MITB needs a break there have been to many failures in the past with it and I just feel like it can ruin careers. Its pretty 50/50 so far. But as for who Kane teams with I think the most logical would be to have a debut of someone being Kane's "disciple"(sp?) and wanting to help his causes. Id like to have Kane say he wants to bring meaning back to the tag division.

3. MITB- This is the other possible option. Ziggler, Truth, Kingston & Swagger are all definite possibilities for MITB if it happens and this could be the beginning of it. Though the fact that they had Kane attack Primo (or Epico) as well doesn't make sense. Epico & Primo definitely don't belong in MITB as they have zero chance of winning. If it was MITB i would have just had Kane attack Ziggler, Truth, Kingston & Swagger and have the tag champs just bail which is very common.
At first I thought it was the same thing; was Kane coming out to save/destroy the Tag division? Then I thought, with what they are doing with Eve and how they are pushing her to the moon as a heel, it's obvious now they are setting up a match between Ryder/Kelly Kelly vs Kane/Eve at Mania. Nothing else makes sense.
You may be right about the Kane/Eve vs Ryder/Kelly mix tag match at Mania. AND THAT WOULD BE AWFUL!....Ryder should get his rematch against Swagger at Mania and Kane should be a part of a MIB of former champions!

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