WWE Royal Rumble 2015 **Official** General Discussion Aftermath Thread

Lets say under every circumstance you had to have Roman Reigns as the rumble winner this year. In some ways I'm glad things happened as they did because that means Reigns is gonna have to step up his game and they'll probably give him better promos and lines like they did this raw.

But lets say u had control over the rumble. How would you have had him win it. And HE has to win it. What possible way could wwe have made this rumble look good with reigns coming out on top.

MY opinion is that we have bryan and reigns final two. A little bit of a staredown. Then they put on about 5-10 minutes of a very good wrestling match before reigns tosses bryan over the top rope. But bryan hangs on and while hes standing on the apron, Reigns spears him through the second rope. Hence he doesnt get eliminated but bryan does. And a cool spot like that wouldve gotten a pretty good reaction from the fans.

What about u guys. And again, Reigns has to win so no answers like 'I wouldnt have had him win in the first place'.

I'd do something similar to that. Make Bryan the runner-up so his absence wouldn't have affected the match, fans would only react as they're leaving/Reigns celebrating.
I love the WWE which is why I want the WWE to succeed and I want all the talents who deserve to be on top succeed as well. What the crowd reaction the WWE got at the Rumble was anything but successful.

But by your logic you are saying fans mad because Bryan didn't win. That is partly true but there were other factors it's how he lost and how the WWE is so stubborn by making Reigns their guy when it's obvious he isn't ready.

I actually question that you love WWE.

You say that you want everyone who deserves to be on top to be on top. Okay then, what about John Cena? He deserves to be on top, yet most of you say that he doesn't. You all didn't want Batista on top last year, yet did back at WM21, when he got the match at WM instead of Randy Orton, who was more deserving (see, I am actually disagreeing with WWE booking there. Am I still drinking Kool-Aid).

If you love someone or something, you have faith in it. You give the benefit of the doubt. You don't publicly criticise them yourself, and will defend them to anyone else who criticises them. You don't bitch about them all the time, and invite others to as well.You may not like everything you do, but you forgive them. You also pay credit to them when they do something right. Have you done any of this with WWE? If not, then you don't love them.
I actually question that you love WWE.

You say that you want everyone who deserves to be on top to be on top. Okay then, what about John Cena? He deserves to be on top, yet most of you say that he doesn't. You all didn't want Batista on top last year, yet did back at WM21, when he got the match at WM instead of Randy Orton, who was more deserving (see, I am actually disagreeing with WWE booking there. Am I still drinking Kool-Aid).

If you love someone or something, you have faith in it. You give the benefit of the doubt. You don't publicly criticise them yourself, and will defend them to anyone else who criticises them. You don't bitch about them all the time, and invite others to as well.You may not like everything you do, but you forgive them. You also pay credit to them when they do something right. Have you done any of this with WWE? If not, then you don't love them.

This right here is some of the most ridiculous shit I've ever read. Is this the same way you view someone in an abusive relationship, that they should just grin and bear the taste of the shit sandwich they're forced to eat? Or maybe how you would handle things if you had a loved one with a serious, destructive substance addiction? You'd just shut up and let them die because you think it's wrong to criticize them? Ever heard of tough love? Just because you like/love something doesn't mean you shut your mouth and hold back your criticisms. That doesn't accomplish a damn thing. Oh, and I guess you probably think anyone who considered themselves a Shia LeBeouf fan should have not criticized him when he got called out for plagarism?

I'll give credit to WWE for the things they do right, no doubt. NXT is done right. Rusev's booking is done right. Lesnar's booking lately is done right. Giving Seth Rollins a high-profile spot is done right. De-pushing Cesaro was stupid. Jobbing out Intercontinental champion Wade Barrett to Sin Cara and R-Truth, that's bullshit. Pushing Reigns to a Mania main event... also a bad decision. I know you have a hate hard-on for Daniel Bryan, but you can't possibly think there is more money in Reigns/Lesnar than there would be in Bryan/Lesnar. That's delusional.

Every fan has a right to be critical of the product or the elements of the product if it sucks. Doesn't matter if it's wrestling, movies, books or music.
Being critical is different than the petulant cry fest since Royal Rumble. Steve Austin was critical and he's exactly right. But saying that Daniel Bryan can outsell Roman Reigns is basically wrong. The WWE is a corporation, trying to make money. They would not, under any circumstance, intentionally compromise that arbitrarily.

Also, in your analogy, the Daniel Bryan smarks are the abusers, and the WWE is the victim that continues to put makeup over the black eyes their shitty abusive "fans" give them
Being critical is different than the petulant cry fest since Royal Rumble. Steve Austin was critical and he's exactly right. But saying that Daniel Bryan can outsell Roman Reigns is basically wrong. The WWE is a corporation, trying to make money. They would not, under any circumstance, intentionally compromise that arbitrarily.

Also, in your analogy, the Daniel Bryan smarks are the abusers, and the WWE is the victim that continues to put makeup over the black eyes their shitty abusive "fans" give them

All due respect but... Naw, never mind. You're fucking stupid.

You missed my points on both counts. And you're just one more chode-stick confusing smarks with a vast majority of actual WWE fans. I'm sorry for you that you have a hard time digesting statistics.
What's interesting is that while yes it's bizzare to see fan boo Reigns like that let's face it. He wouldn't have been boo'ed if WWE just gave the Rumble win to the most over guy in the roster. That's Daniel Bryan.

I mean we are talking about the Wrestling business it's always been traditionally that the most over guy in the company that get's the top spot (or one of the top spots). This is probably one of the first times that Vince didn't listen to the reaction of the crowd.

I am sure if Vince refused to push The Rock or Austin in the Attitude Era, fans would have been pissed too.
Simple. How do you book the royal rumble 2015? You all complain so tell me how you would book it? Also, how would you book it and still have Reigns win? Also, how do you book next years rumble? Answer all my questions please!
Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan both come in later and last until the Final 4. Either Boogeyman comes out after Bray Wyatt's little speech or lights go out and we hear a gong like in 2004 and someone else comes out instead. Big Show and Kane nowhere near Final 4. Make it Rusev, Reigns, Ziggler and Bryan. Rusev eliminates both Ziggler and Bryan who are trying to eliminate each other and then Reigns eliminates Rusev. I'm not sure how to book next year, though.
I am fine with the way the Rumble ended, they just might have made Roman more destructive and tossed out 10-12 people. I believe most people wanted Daniel to win and he got thrown out early. I would have let Daniel last til the final four and then he could have been thrown out by Big Show or Kane. The way the Rumble went was fine just let Roman be more destructive and dominate and than knock out Kane and Big Show just like he did for the win, Rusev would have been eliminated earlier. Next years Rumble winner will be Rusev or Dean.
WWE knew the heat was coming. They tried to build up 2 monster heels in the match. They had to have hoped that Kane and Big Show would draw major heart from easily disposing of Ambrose, Wyatt, Barrett, Ziggler, Ryback, etc...Then our hero, Roman Reigns would save us, then get Threatened by the most over heel left in the rumble, Rusev, and we would cheer the conquering hero. It wasnt the worst idea, they just didn't know the fans would reject Reigns at all cost. No matter how you booked the Rumble and had Reigns win, people would be disappointed. Who cares, WWE did fine. If WWE is concerned with getting the face reaction to end the Rumble, they have to have Bryan win next year. I don't see any other way around it. They shouldn't care though and they should book whoever they want. Back to back years of Reigns could cement his dominance that everyone is worried he cant live up to.
I didn't see anything wrong with how the Rumble was booked....

It's Reigns time! That being said I would gave had Bully Ray and not Bubba in the Rumble. Would have had Wyatt and Boogeyman fight longer. Would have reunited the Wyatt Family. It's silly now that they are separate they all SUCK!!!

Everything else I would have left alone.

I keep saying that half of the upset fans don't even HONESTLY know why they were booing or were mad!!!

Just following the cool crowd!!!!

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