**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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(Maybe) we have witnessed the biggest pop ever, and one of the greatest promos ever.

If Vince could somehow convince Rock to wrestle Cena, it could possibly be the biggest matchup since Starrcade '97 and one of the biggest WWE matchups along with Hogan VS Andre, Bret VS Shawn or Austin VS Rock. And that would be worth a lot of millions for Rock in my opinion.

This promo showed how profanity - used right - can enhance a promo and the overall feeling. And it is funny how just the presence of the pre-PG-icon can get the face of the company booed out of the building.

Just the presence of the Rock in the ring demonstrated how awfully predictable and restrained this business has become. This felt like a milestone, and I can just hope it will become a stepping stone.
Without a doubt that was the best promo work Ive seen on WWE tv in a long time.
After 7 years away he comes back and doesn't miss a beat.
I was never one of his biggest fans, but you could never doubt his charisma, and how he controls a crowd. I noticed they censored him once or twice, then it looks like they just gave up and let him go which was pretty cool. It was great being reminded how just how good the Attitude Era really was sometimes.
Is it the end of PG?
Sadly no, don't see that happening.
I also don't see The Rock being with WWE much past Wrestlemania, no matter what he said in his promo.
His rant on Cena was surprising to say the least, he ripped Cena apart much in the same way Cena does to his "hated rivals".
I'd love to see them both in the ring together, mic vs mic and see what they could come up with.
(thought i'd move it here to keep it with the rest of them)
I marked out completely and I never really liked the rock. He just shat all over the PG rating and might have inadvertantly turned Cena tweener/heel. Best moment in wrestling in 7 years. Better than Bret's return and thats saying something! Can't wait for WM27
Damn, it is good to see him back. I can't believe it has been 7 years. I can't wait to see where this takes us. Everyone that wanted a Cena heel turn is gonna be so happy. I see it coming really soon.
I was marking out like hell. I wasn't even myself anymore! I was screaming like a little girl. The Rock was acting as if WWE WAS TV 14 AGAIN!!! His INSULTS IN JOHN CENA AND MIZ WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!! He is officially the most over guy ever, in WWE history! I marked out at that lovable CENA SUCKS chants! And he will be back for WM 27 which automatically makes me want to buy the PPV! That was the best promo I have ever seen, 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000X better than anything Miz, Orton or even Cena can do. The whole thing was perfect, and I thank WWE for giving me that huge mark out moment. I think I'm going to cry.

And don't tell me to chill out because this is a deserving MAKR OUT MOMENT!!!
If you guys noticed the Rock started going off after 11:05 in the White Collar timeslot, So I believe the Rock and WWE knew this and that is why the Rock went Attitude era on Raw.
I felt like a kid again. Any one who has compared anyone in the current WWE to the Rock has to see how wrong they were. Imagine if the Miz or Cena try to do a promo with the Rock. They couldn't keep up.
WOW! ! !

I COMPLETELY agree with ALL of the posts. This was f$$$$$$ amAzing! ! !

I saw Rock at NWO 2003, but I never considered myself a mark until that promo tonight!

Funny, I told myself that he had to knock it out of the ballpark before he started, but I would have settled for a double. Is it possible to hit a double-grand slam?!? ... Uh, because he did! ! !

Never been a big Rock guy, but I'll mark out for any shit they throw at us, safe Bieber gaylord crap.

Wow, thank the wrestling gods for The Rock ! ! !

uh, p.s.: good work tonight, Dwayne. (and thank you)
The last time I saw The Rock live was at the HOF in 2008. I am going to Mania and I'm almost in tears (of excitement). No one on this board is as happy as I am over the great one back!!!!!!!!
OMG OMG OMFG I haven't marked out like this since... well the last time The Rock returned to the wwe in 2004, and I'm still marking the fuck out. The way he trashed John Cena, The Miz and Michale Cole had me ROTFL my ass off, seriously I don't think I've ever laughed this much or this hard and I can't wait for next week where we might get to see a prelude to WrestleMania with a Cena Rock stared down and the possibility of a Rock vs Cena match @ Mania has me drooling in anticapation for what could be the biggest match in wrestling history. This is hands down the best ending to RAW since the Nexus invasion and I can't wait to see what happens in the next few weeks and months leading up to Wrestlemania.
This like everyone else said was the best promo we have seen in the WWE in a long long time. From beginning to end he basically went ape on everything that everyone has been saying about the PG era. He even got into the fans for not being loud enough. This is what the WWE needed, and I wouldn't be surprised if this Wrestlemania surpasses any as far as PPV buys are concerned. Any seats that are left, will be sold out, if they havent been within the last 40 minutes. He crapped on the Miz, whoever the GM is, Cole, and then his promo on Cena was the total absolute truth. From "Fruity Pebbles" to the "You cant see me/peekaboo reference. To at the end when he compared him to Barney. Note to WWE: You have no choice but to turn Cena HEEL. No excuse, and no choice whatsoever. The Rock just made every kid, or teenager or adult who does that You cant see me thing, look totally stupid. Best 20 minutes I have seen in a WWE ring in a long time
I may now have to buy the EC PPV just to see what kind of reaction Cena has!

All I know is this, he'd damn well better dig deep to try to match the intensity of the Rock's promo!
This was one of the greatest promos ever. It sure did get me hyped for WM. He killed Cena I honestly dont know how Cena can reply to that without everybody mocking him. :lmao:
Well, going off his promo, it looks as though Rock is here to stay for awhile. I would imagine it being difficult for Rock to stick around while being censored on what he can and can't say. The Rock is by no means a PG era wrestler.

To me, I agree that it seems as though the last 7 years of WWE have come to a screeching halt and a new era began tonight.

The way he made the crowd pop until they got it right, almost like he was snapping us out of our stale, comatose, haziness.

Can't wait to see Cena's response.

Welcome back, Rock!
355 viewers reading this thread alone tells me just how this was the greatest thing to happen in the last few years. Everybody has been wanting the rock to return and the Rock finally listened. I loved his promo, but the best part of his return would of had to of been where they had a girl in high heels exit the limo. (I'm not going to lie, I still want to know who that was) It had everybody in the ld, and the chat site I was watching say, "whelp, it isn't the rock" The WWE and the rock showed us tonight that they can still manage to keep us in suspense.

This road to wrestlemania just got a whole lot more interesting. And it will be interesting to see if the Rock stays put in the WWE for a while like he said.
i loved how he bitch slap Cole Cena and Miz all in one night, thats how you cut a real fuckin promo it is about time wwe got some back bone, man i wonder if Vince said fuck it to the pg crap and said this is wrestling lets go back to our roots
HUGE mark-out moment, I think for everyone who saw Raw. I can't help but wonder if we're going to get at least one more match from the Great One? ...I hope he wasn't just blowing smoke when he said he'd "never go away" (or something to that effect). He might have just meant never leave the entertainment business (that's far more likely).

I can't help thinking about those legs/high heels, and the GM interruption. Was it Stephanie? Also, is she the anonymous GM? ...if I had to guess, I'd say those legs are owned by the Raw GM for sure.

The last time we saw Stephanie on Raw was during that "dream sequence", right? When she woke up in bed with Hunter, and breathed a sigh of relief when Hunter told her that Vince was still in a coma? ...Well, now that Daddy has brought back one of the most notorious Steph-bashers of the Attitude Era, I can't help but think that Steph won't like it one bit. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

100 times better than Undertaker's return, and a much better "surprise" than the Sting-speculation. Bravo, WWE...Bravo.
Thank God! When they showed the woman in high heels I instantly got pissed and thought 'Well, if its Stephanie that won't be so bad. Not as good as I hoped but not so bad" Then when they came back on the air and it was a long drawn out deal I thought "Oh God! What if its Lady Gaga?! I will never watch this shit again"

The Rocks music hits and I just threw my hands up in victory. I don't even think I meant to, it just happened. My fiancee was in the other room so I went back to it on DVR and let her watch it. She is a huge John Cena fan but she was laughing her ass off at the promo. Then we had this conversation.

Me: What a mismatch
Her: What?

Me: The Rock and John Cena
Her: Why?

Me: Because, John Cena has no chance to talk trash back to him because he is a ****** on a promo and The Rock will constantly destroy him

Thank you WWE for bringing back The Rock and, even if it is only for a one time thing, taking me back in time to when I truly was captivated by WWE and eagerly looked forward to what was gonna happen next
By Geno McGahee

The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) returned to the WWE on a special edition of RAW and began speaking poorly of fan favorite, John Cena, heading into Wrestlemania, and the word now is that the two will tangle inside of the ring in one of the headlining bouts set for the pro wrestling event.

Expect this bout to materialize in the weeks to come. The word is that Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson got paid a great deal of money, more than the typical Wrestlemania celebrity rate, to come back and a collision with Cena as an attraction should bounce back the ratings of the show and be well worth the investment.

HOPE ITS TRUE .. and btw , if cena loses on sunday, u bet ur ass its gunna be rock vs cena
It was definitely one of better moments/segments on ANY wrestling show in a long time. He truly did the usual and electrified us all. He also showed us and all the boys in the back, how it should be done.

He had everyone by the balls, even those who don't have any. Only The Rock could do that. He looked awesome and sounded even better. The Great One is back!!!

Who else has been ELECTRIFIED!!!!???
This also makes it even more obvious how weak the top stars are on their promos nowadays. No one is as good as The Rock but with the top stars nowadays its like The Rock is Michael Jordan and is playing basketball with a bunch of crippled kids. At least back in the day, there were other stars that could at hold their own. Austin, Jericho, even HHH did alright. Everything seems forced from the top dogs now
Rock for WWE Champion 2011! Lol, I can dream, can't I? And he had a sweet new remake of his entrance theme. I can't imagine they'd do that JUST for a one time deal. Let's hope we see more of The Rock this year!
I have NEVER heard a pop like that for someone and that includes Hogan, Austin, anyone!! I got goosebumps. The Rock was The Rock and he absolutely OWNED Michael Cole...know your damn role and shut your damn mouth!! About time someone told Cole to piss off. Cena-Rock on the mic will be epic!

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