**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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I was pleasantly surprised. Cena brought up a good point on how the Rock left for seven years to make crappy movies.
Comparing Cena's rapping gimmick to Jarrett's Milli Vanilli "singing" act is ludicrous. Jarrett had no talent for singing (the gimmick involved him LIP SYNCHING for Christ's sake), and Cena can actually rap. Plus the crowd pops whenever Cena does it. No one's popped for anything Jarrett has every done except those people who buy tickets to see soundstage wrestling at the MGM. That's not a fair argument IMO.
The Cena marks really crack me up. The Rock gave what was probably the best/most exciting promo in the last seven years (that's right, since he left), and somehow John Cena rapping was better?

The Rock only talked about Cena for a grand total of one minute, and totally wrecked him. Cena's rap had some funny moments ("Blow me" especially), but Rock tore the house down. I think a lot of you want to see Cena on the same level as The Rock was when he was on top, and you will stop at nothing to make that known. One of the better promos from Cena as of late, but it wasn't special. Not at all.
I don't think it was even remotely close. The Rock's promo felt more natural, more off the cuff. Cena's came off as the same usual scripted crap as always. Only change was they let Cena have a bit of his past back again. I was far more entertained by The Rock's surprising verbal assault, than the one Cena and the WWE had a week to come up with.

I will give Cena credit tho, the thug character, lame as it may be, was far better than his SuperCena gimmick. It had more depth, more ways to go with it.
I think it's a tie. Cena and Rock both had truths to their arguments, but Rock had a bigger crowd reaction while Cena's on was more surprising for the simple fact that I'm pretty sure we all forgot Cena had it in him. It took The Rock's return for us to remember why Cena is at where he's at today and that he still has it.

But in other news we can all agree that the Miz lost. He had a chance to shine and really let us see what he could do on the mic, but he epically failed, and did the same old thing he does every week.

The Rock = +1
John Cena = +1
The Miz = -2
No one said Cena rapping was better than The Rock's promo AS A WHOLE. We were isolating the shots both took at each other. I would rate the Rock's promo right up there with the Toronto promo from a few years back, but looking JUST AT THE SHOTS the two took at each other I think Cena pulled it. I'm not even a fan of John Cena as a wrestler, actor or rapper so I'm not a "mark" and I still think Cena bested Rock. Rock's gonna take round two though, believe that.
Cena wins for one reason. He was at RAW. Where was The Rock? Sitting at home sipping lattes. That made Cenas promo mean that much more. He doesn't give a damn about The WWE. He's in it for the pay check. When The Rock is gone after Wrestlemania Cena will still be there. The Rock is nothing but a cheap pop. Cena is a mainstay that will main event many manias to come.

I'm not a big fan of either wrestler so my comments aren't biased. The fact that The Rock wasn't even there took away from his return to me.
To add to my earlier comments John Cena came to the ring with massive boos. He left them cheering and got everyone back on his side. That was talent. I didn't think Cena could pull it off. My vote stays with Cena.
One of the better promos from Cena in the last few years, but it wasn't special. Not at all.

I'm not a Cena mark AT ALL but if you don't think that promo was special you need your head examined. That was by far the best promo he's given in years (if not ever) and credit to the Rock for making him up his game.
you fucking fail epically if you didnt find cenas promo tonight awesome. enough with the "i cant like john cena" stuff. its ******ed and you look like homos with secret crushes. hes always been good on the mic, probably the most diverse in the business, and tonight was just classic.

the rocks promo was in a different league due to the face he hasnt been on raw in 7 years, while cena is there every monday.

i think its a complete draw. i cant pick one or the other. i think people should be focusing on the collective awesomeness instead of trying to choose who was better.
funny how Cena attacks Rock's movies given his movies actually did far better than his straight to Wal-Mart discount video bin after 2 weeks in theaters.

Anyway, Rd. 1 to the Rock. Cena did well unleashing a spray of insults to put a dent on the Rock, but all Rock needed was a few lines to wreck him.
the fact that cena had to go back to his old gimmick after the rock tore his current one to shreds tells you right there the rock won. sure cena gave it his best shot actually taking it past pg with the "gay" references and swearing probably his best promo in quite some time. but no question rock won this "matchup" rock destroyed cena's catchphrase in a matter of seconds and "you cant see me" will never be looked at the same way again.
I don't like Cena, The Rock or Miz, But The MIZ beat both of them tonight on the mic and in the ring. I have to admit tonight was The Miz best over all performance since becoming wwe champ. For the 1st time ever The Miz was Awesome. I think Miz will be the biggest winner out of this Cena vs Rock verbal promos.
the fact that cena had to go back to his old gimmick after the rock tore his current one to shreds tells you right there the rock won. sure cena gave it his best shot actually taking it past pg with the "gay" references and swearing probably his best promo in quite some time. but no question rock won this "matchup" rock destroyed cena's catchphrase in a matter of seconds and "you cant see me" will never be looked at the same way again.

Exactly. The one thing that will stick after rd. 1 of their verbal attacks is that the "You Can't See Me" Cena trademark has been forever wrecked. None of Cena's attacks tonight-though they were pretty damn good-I saw as one that will stick to the Rock going forward.
The Rock by a landslide. The Rock had a Cenation mutiny by the time he was done. The Rock left to make movies, but didn't disappear completely. He did make appearances whether they were on Titantron or not makes no difference. His face was on WWE programming in some form and fashion. John Cena is just pissed off because he's suffered the "Straight to DVD syndrome" with one of his movies. Rock's movies too............only AFTER they hit that silver screen. :worship:

Although people's opinions about The Rock's acting/movies differ, John Cena is talking out of his Fruit of the Loom elite member, card carrying candy ass. Rock was the most marketable superstar to date. He's been sought after by big time directors and he has received the highest pay for a new actor in history. John Cena rags on The Rock's movies, WOOOW, that takes creativity. Plus Cena was inaccurate. Rock never wore lipstick in Get Shorty, because he was never IN Get Shorty :wtf:, it was Be Cool. Check the reference to your rhymes Cena. :banghead: Cena's movies haven't grossed nearly what The Rock's has. I smell jealousy.

The Rock pretty much was the spokesperson for every single person who can't stand Cena, and said what was wrong with the business as well by using Cena as the poster child for the problem. Yeah, The Rock donned the wings for a tooth, but this giant fairy was flapping the wings all of the way to the bank.
Exactly. The one thing that will stick after rd. 1 of their verbal attacks is that the "You Can't See Me" Cena trademark has been forever wrecked. None of Cena's attacks tonight-though they were pretty damn good-I saw as one that will stick to the Rock going forward.

When your catchprase is ripped from the lyrics of a 15 year old Tupac album, ya got problems.

Cena's entire character needs new direction. The guy's beyond stale...
"Just dont go racing to witch mountain rock, cuz your mountain is broke back" -John Cena

hahah wow priceless. You will never ever see me rooting for cena ever but this time (and this time only) cena wins over the great one, the rock. We have to look at it as if the fight was even, because dwayne had the advantage because he was coming back after 7 years so he would obviously get more pop...but if we muted the crowds for both and just listened you'd see that cena was better. Rock just used 7 year old catch phrases. Don't be the stuborn "cena-haters" like i once was and admit cena actually pulled this one off.
but P.S. I still hate Cena
Cena wins for one reason. He was at RAW. Where was The Rock? Sitting at home sipping lattes. That made Cenas promo mean that much more. He doesn't give a damn about The WWE. He's in it for the pay check. When The Rock is gone after Wrestlemania Cena will still be there. The Rock is nothing but a cheap pop. Cena is a mainstay that will main event many manias to come.I'm not a big fan of either wrestler so my comments aren't biased. The fact that The Rock wasn't even there took away from his return to me.

That is why Cena will win in the end, because The Rock will be gone after WM and Cena will still be there.
I think this will be what we'll see. Both taking turns taking shots at the other.

It would be suicide for Cena if WWE creative sets up an in-ring face to face promo between the 2. Rock would bury him in every way imaginable. Only Jericho and few others can stand toe to toe with the Rock in a face to face verbal exchange.
I'm baffled that anyone thinks Rock won this one. Cena obliterated Rock thoroughly. I've never seen The Rock look so terrible. I can't even think of any way where Rock could come back to this. He got called out on everything he has done since he left, and he has no other material to go on to even touch Cena in the future.

Cena completely owned The Rock in every fucking sense of the word.
I despise Cena and I STILL think he won that. Rock tore apart Cena but Cena ripped apart Rock and made it personal. Definitely hit Rocky hard tonight and reminded the fans that he's been there for them since Rocky left. Granted, Cena is annoying as fuck sometimes, but he made some really good points and the entire rap left me in awe after every phrase. Cena ripped Rocky a new ass with that promo.
Right now, Cena is winning in the promo battle (Never thought I would say that), but it's not over by any means.
I have to go with The Great One. He proved after seven years away from the ring, he can still have the crowd in the palm of his hand. It took The Rock maybe... 10 seconds to destroy the leader of the chain gang, John Cena.

All Cena did was talk about how The Rock left for Hollywood and how he made stupid movies (lets be real almost all The Rock's movies were dumb)

The Rock made Cena's character look weak, dumb, and boring...... Just brutal :)

Round 1 goes to The Rock

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