**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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If they take the chains off of Cena and gave him the same freedom as The Rock had last week, Then it would be great. The Rock is probably in a class all his own on the mic, but Cena can get it done quite well too if given the proper forum, a PG Cena wouldn't have a chance, but basic thuganomics Cena could at least hold his own and not get demolished like last week on RAW. The key to the whole thing is going to be how much freedom Cena gets, because if he's allowed to let loose I think he could be VERY good, but is the WWE willing to take that risk? Mommy and Daddy might not buy Jimmy that brand new purple Cena shirt if he goes out there and starts cussing out The Rock. It is a business after all and that stuff comes into play. So unfortunately I think the Basic Thuganomics gimmick will make an appearance tonight, but end up being a dissapointment because they are going to scale Cena back.
I thought is was bullshit how the rock got to go out there and be just like he was before. And no one else can. So if let Cena do it Oh hell yeah!!!!
I just don't see Cena ever coming out on top in a war of the words with his current gimmick, it's just corny. I'm not bashing HIM, just his current character. They need to let Cena be Cena. Now if I turn on Raw and hear the Untouchable theme and he comes out with the chain around his neck, I'm gonna mark the fuck out. As it's been mentioned a billion times on a daily basis here, he's just stale and needs a reboot. I miss the old theme, his Price is Right ripoff theme was lame when he debuted it and its even lamer now.
Come on, guys! Cena can't let loose like The Rock! He has tons of promotional deals, he's the hero of children and the super babyface of the WWE. It was a shocker when he said ass on television. He's a role model for kids and the Hulk Hogan of this generation. He never gives up, he works hard and the kids eat the shit up. If they tweek his character to be more edgy, he could lose his role model status and thus his entire baby face image. There is no way Cena will become more edgy. He's going to, as The Rock so graciously put, be shot out of Barney the dinosaur's anus. He's a goody-goody through and through now. If they are planning to turn him, they better find someone to fill his shoes!
I think Cena is doing well playing off of the Rock. Him eating the Fruity Pebbles last night had me laughing my ass off. Of course the Rock can get away with what he says...It's The Rock...He's not going to be on-air that long. Through SummerSlam I say TOPS. They'll just push his open mic to after the 10 o'clock hour.
I think we're taking this one a little overboard. Twitter fighting has become, for some people, more interesting than what happens in the bloody ring. Cena's constant retorts and responses to the Rock just express how effective 35 minutes on the mic for the people's champ can be. Cena, probably in reality, has been a little rocked by what was said, and hopefully it's all kicking off. lol.
I'm gonna repeat what I said in another thread:

Maybe I'm reading too much into a bowl of Fruity Pebbles but I liked the promo.

It basically showed that Cena is not letting anything the Rock says get under his skin. It also shows that he doesn't take the Rock seriously.

If Cena did what everyone here thinks he should do, then he is giving creedance to what the Rock said. He's giving the Rock a leg to stand on.

Instead he's making light of the Rock. He's basically saying, "The Rock has had 7 years to come at me yet he did nothing. I even tried to bait him 2 or 3 years ago and he still did nothing. Why should I worry now?"

Then again, I could be reading too much into a bowl of Fruity Pebbles.
Word Life!!! It is basic Thuganomics.

Cena is smart and witty. The Fruity Pebbles spot last night. Saying in another tweet that he has a big peek a boo contest before raw. He has no problem poking fun at himself, and the kids get off on it.

But he's not going against the Miz in these word battles. This isn't the same back and forth that Cena is used to where I say something, then you say something, and then I say something. You have to be able to interrupt the Rock on the fly. You have to come over the top of him and make a statement. If he says "just bring it," your tired rehash of "you want some, come get some" isn't going to work. I hope they are both there tonight and I hope they are without a script. Cena is a guy who can hang the longest on the mic with the Rock in the WWE today. It should be a good battle.
I just cant believe that people thought Cena did anything to the Rock lol. Go back to last weeks video and watch the reactions from the crowd. I agree though, this cena was alot better.
Cena jst fully owned The Rock i think cena owns the mic in the wwe

Cena Jst layed the verbal smackdown on the rock's candy ass haha

I agree BUT if that was the only time Cena will do his Thug raps then will it matter? If he goes back to the lame jokes and kid friendly Cena then nothing will change. I hope this thing with the Rock leads to Cena becoming more Thugish then Childish.
Glad WWE allowed Cena to use a rap to respond to The Rock. Cena is best on the mic when doing his raps...and some of his content within the rap wasn't very PG...If WWE continues to let Cena do this, this could get pretty entertaining. However, even with Cena using his rapping abilities, he still doesn't compare to The Rock on the mic.
WOW cena clearly just bent the rock over and raped him.

however lets see him do that without pre written lines and live in the same ring as the great one.
Cena owned The Rock tonight. And, he was right. Rock continued to say he loved WWE but never showed up. Cena was there every night for the last 7 years.
Nah, this is great. Cena went back to his rap gimmick to diss The Rock, which is great. He can't do the super Cena against him.

I liked the Miz commented on The Rock too.

I do want The Rock to respond. I'm thinking The Rock is going to say two things about Cena.

1. That his tooth fairy movie made more money than any of the John Cena movies.

2. The fans kept booing Cena when he was champion for years when The Rock was gone.

Either way, I think this is going to be very entertaining if they keep doing this. Cena vs Rock going back and forward. The Miz is easy prey though, but I liked that Miz commented on the Rock. Very fun.
I gotta give credit to Cena. I mean, who would've taught that the doctor of thuganomics will make his return. Remember his first night in the E. Two words: Ruthless Agression. I'm glad we got a little bit of Cena unplugged instead of Super Fruity Pebbles Cena.

Course it'd be interesting to see both Rock AND Cena in the same ring, but I think we know what's gonna happen lol
I'm a Rocky fan to the end, let's get that straight. But........ Rocky just got MURDERED! God dayum!

Listening to Cena's response though reminded me of the great microphone battles that The Rock used to get into with Stone Cold. Both of them would own the other, but they always left a weakness for their opponent to capitalize on. Last week, Rock owned Cena, but didn't go for the throat. This week Cena owned Rock, but left himself wide open for a counter attack. That give and take makes for good TV.
When I seen Cena get his chain out and imply that he was going to freestyle, I was thinking ''this is going to be cringeworthy, he's going to be fighting a losing battle'', but then he started and wow, he had some pretty good stuff. I don't know how much of the lyrics is Cena's stuff and how much is already written for him, either way it was quite effective by any 'rappers' standards.

I still think The Rock's was better in terms of crowd-reaction, and buzz, but I'd say this was probably more than helped by the fact it was his 'return'. Cena gave it one hell of a shot though, and I hope there's even better promo's to come from these two. Hopefully face to face.
That's a tough one. Rock attacked Cena's overall gimmick, Cena attacked Rock for leaving WWE for Hollywood. Both were very, very poignant and relevant.

I think it was a tie. Both hit the same amount of points and neither one just seemed like they were attacking for the sake of attacking. Good stuff, I have to say.
It was a close one, and both men delivered 5 star promos, but when the dust settled and all was said and done... twas John Cena who stood victorious.

John Cena had the distinct advantage of going second and was able to play off of Rocky's original material including his references to Fruity Pebbles and Barney's anus. Furthermore, he called out Rock on his bad movies, and while Cena is in no position to criticize The Rock's acting ability he certainly was in the right to make fun of him for playing a tooth fairy and wearing a skirt in The Game Plan.

The best part, though, was Cena calling The Rock out on abandoning the WWE fans, because it's true. I still don't blame The Rock for doing what he did and I am certainly not angry about it, but I do accept the fact that he moved onto bigger and better things. Still, he ditched the WWE to become an actor, and if you're a wrestling fan you need to accept the fact that he cares more about himself and his acting career than pleasing you as a wrestling fan. Once again, I don't blame him in the least, but John Cena makes a valid point. John Cena has been busting his ass for 8 years to entertain the WWE audiences anyway he can. The Rock, the guy who broke kayfabe to tell the WWE audience how much he loved them and how he would never leave, has been MIA for almost that entire time. Cena really hit the bullseye with those comments, and I can't wait to see how The Rock responds to that, as he'll certainly have his work cut out for him.
In term's crowd reaction and buzz, The Rock, bar none.

In term's of personal truth and obvious owned! Cena. Serious, Cena said Rock can blow him. Really. Cena upped his game tonight with that rap.

Their just hopefully planting the seed's for a match between the two.

Cena/Rock would be epic. Maybe Summerslam, or maybe Wrestlemania 28 in Rock's hometown.

This promo Cena did just make's me wanna see these two in the ring together.
Actually re-watching Cena's promo on youtube I think I'm gonna change me vote to Cena. He hit way below the belt more than once.

Ok, yeah, vote changes to Cena.
how can anyone get on someone that betters their career??? the rock deff wins b/c it took him 8 seconds to "destroy" cena, which was the best raw moment in years(atleast 2005 when cena was starting to be shoved down our throats). john cena replied with....going back to his rapping gimmick (which is the worst thing since jeff jarrett....no certain gimmicks i just really hate jeff jarrett and not in the way they want me to hate him b/c im obviously not buying t.n.a tickets). you can and will not beat a legend buy going back to your horrible gimmick that people hated more than they loved. (see jeff jarrett from 94-2011)

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