**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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I personally think they both were good as well. I wouldnt mind seeing Cena and Rock together in the ring but I think Rock would have to step his game up unless Rock comes out and challenges Cena to rap battle like wrestlers did back in the day. That could be a memorable segment.
Rock doesn't need a paycheck. The WWE is home for the Rock. He said that well before he focused on his movies full-time. He thanked us, the millions, the people for sticking with him...and he came back just for us.

The Rock is nowhere near like Hogan who is in it for spotlight consumption and money. Cena came with his chain gang garbage for 15 minutes and yet no one turned on The Great One......as I said before in another post, it's easy to be derogatory and talk trash like Cena did, but it's one thing to verbally slice someone's throat and move on...
Rock doesn't need a paycheck. The WWE is home for the Rock. He said that well before he focused on his movies full-time. He thanked us, the millions, the people for sticking with him...and he came back just for us.

The Rock is nowhere near like Hogan who is in it for spotlight consumption and money. Cena came with his chain gang garbage for 15 minutes and yet no one turned on The Great One......as I said before in another post, it's easy to be derogatory and talk trash like Cena did, but it's one thing to verbally slice someone's throat and move on...

Wtf? you sound like some Rock prodigy. Wonder why your kissing the Rock's ass. The WWE isn't The Rock's home. It's Cena's home. And The Rock DOES need a paycheck. Why is he here then? And he didn't come back for us. He came back because Vince begged, and for the money. Do you know how biased you sound? Chain gang garbage? His promo was gold. Unlike The Rock's, who was kissing ass for 20 min.
I am the so far from being a CeNa mark.But u can call me a mark for the wrestling biz anytime u want.And CeNa did what i didn't think he could do.He cut a PG era style promo that hung in there with the Rock's attitude era promo.I say it was pretty even,but as a fan of the wrestling biz i give my vote to CeNa who has been there week in and week out,comes back from injuries early just to give the fan's there money's worth.And just imagine if Vince would of given CeNa permission to come @ the Rock attitude era style.CeNa would of murdered the Rock on the mic.
But CeNa did have an advantage in going 2nd.As a fan i can't wait to see what's next from these 2
No matter who won Cena or Rock we all know Miz isn't even in the conversation because he did suck in a chance to shine.That's why he should not be wrestling outside of the mid-card

!!just my opinion!!
Eatin alive? I don't think so. IMO, Cena is on par with The Rock. I am no Cena fan, but that's my opinion. Tonight Cena's promo was gold. If they would go 1 on 1, Cena would win. Get your head out of your ass. The Rock may be good, but he's only here for the paycheck. Cena will be here for years to come. Cena > The Rock. Sorry, this isn't 2003.

Yes, it definitely isn't 2003, the PPV buyrates during Super Cena's reign show that.

The fact that you actually believe that Cena's mic work rivals the Rock merits no further response.
Yes, it definitely isn't 2003, the PPV buyrates during Super Cena's reign show that.

The fact that you actually believe that Cena would outdo The Rock on a face to face promo needs no further response. Go to bed kid, don't wanna be late for 4rd grade math class tomorrow.

Yes. MMA's popularity, PG era, Big Stars retiring, and the economy sure isn't a factor in PPV buyrates.
Yes, I believe Cena would outdo The Rock. No comment, it's just an opinion.
Wrestling fans I think Cena hit a few nails on the head but I am a Rock fan since 1997. Waht we have to realize is this. You can love something and it's fan base without being there all the time or often. Lets look at this shall we?

2004-he left and went to hollywood.
2007-titantron promo for wrestlemania
2008-hall of fame
2009-smackdown promo for smackdown 10th
2011-return to ring for promo

all in all when we leave and go to college or out on our own to make a life for ourselves from our family we come back for the holidays or special occassions. It does not mean we love our family any less or where we came from. Sometimes a little time away is a good thing. just trying to bring things into perspective.

On this note they both made great points. They both had a lot of edge. Cena was corny but you know what? He made his points strong and clear. Was it what I hoped? Nope but it was way better than a guy who got bloated making a kids/chick flick/comedy wannabe/ this film has no idea what it is chaperone movie and a 51 year old past his prime gimmick in a staredown with no words that fell short in my opinion.
The Cena that I love was back tonight, that was refreshing to see him not be such a goody goody, but w/that being said I still give the win to The Rock. Cena had to go back to the old gimmick to get his point across which proves that Cena & the WWE as a whole is a joke compared to what it use to be. Also Cena made fun of Rock's movies & talked about him leaving and blah blah blah, but lets be real who should The Rock have come back for, he did it all in the wwe there really is no reason for The Rock to be on WWE programming except for when they need a ratings boost. Don't nobody wont to see a Pg Rock so it's good he left. Its funny how ppl get mad when wrestlers stay to long (Hogan, Flair, Foley) but when one wrestler decides to have the common sense to leave when he has done his part for the company everybody gets pissed & turns on him talking about he has no love for what made him famous in the 1st place. smh In the end it was still good to see Cena cut loose a little again cause this whole pg stuff is just not realistic. Looking forward to round 2 of what could be a epic confrontation between to great mic workers.
I call it a stalemate at this point. Two hard shots from two great promo men. Cena's was a bit more shocking, because of where he went in his promo, the way he did his promo, and the fact that he is Mr. PG. The Rock's promo was great because it was The Rock, we know how well he does that kind of thing, and I doubt anyone expected him to cut a promo on Cena in the first place. Power shots from two power players that have left us all waiting, anticipating the next round on this exchange. I think what will be more interesting than this first exchange is the next response from The Rock, now that Cena has given him some ammunition.
A Rock Concert in response perhaps? Cena had pretty good shots at Rock's movies, but he opened himself for some nasty comebacks given his movie credentials. It should be a great month of build-up leading up to Mania.
Man I liked them both I thought both did well. I do however think that they held Cena back on what they'd let him say. All and all I do think they both did well. I gotta believe that if they would fully take the cover offa Cena he would do a lot better. One thing I do question though I saw a few ppl say that Cena didn't win because he went back to his rapper gimmick, but if we're asking him to turn heel isn't that how he'd do it??

On a final note I do hope they let them have a few minutes to just go at each other face to face and pull the restraints offa Cena let them both be real and powerful.
Wtf? you sound like some Rock prodigy. Wonder why your kissing the Rock's ass. The WWE isn't The Rock's home. It's Cena's home. And The Rock DOES need a paycheck. Why is he here then? And he didn't come back for us. He came back because Vince begged, and for the money. Do you know how biased you sound? Chain gang garbage? His promo was gold. Unlike The Rock's, who was kissing ass for 20 min.

follow your sir name for once please

everyone who knows anything about wrestling, I have been watching it for 30 years, knows that the Rock would absolutely destroy Cena in an improvised promo. Vince will not allow that to happen until Mania imo.

To add to the list of those who could hang with rock: jericho, austin, flair, piper, henning, HHH, cm punk and probably a few more old schools peeps. With only Flair in his prime being an equal.
Overall promo's I have to go with The Rock. Cena's rap was really good, but the rest of the time he was asking for the Crowds opinion.
The build to Cena's rap was awkward - like he didn't know how to switch characters. But the rap itself was on point!!! PG-13 and he delivered those lines perfectly with smirks like he knew he was crossing that fine line. He also went right after The Rock's absence and his movies which is basically the only thing he can do after he character was tarnished.

The Rock not being there tonight while very disappointing was somewhat expected, and actually played nice into the hands of getting Cena over with cred in his promo. Cena can go right after him again next week with "Where are you?"
I agree w/your comment, & I think the only reason why ppl are saying Cena won the 1st round is because there's still alot of ppl that are bitter for The Rock leaving & that was what Cena talked about in his promo which was a good promo. Like I touched on in my post is that ppl are backwards how can a person not have love for what made him famous just cause he don't show his face every 6 months, that dosen't mean he don't still love the WWE. Hell if he didn't love the company he wouldn't be hosting Wrestlemania, he dosen't need the money Vince is giving him, that Hollywood money got his pockets fat, & his body isn't all beat up either. Ppl need to get over the fact the man left to pursue something else cause there isn't anything left for him to do in wrestling. If he continue to wrestle it dosen't benefit him at all, he will be just like the other legends........all beaten & broken up tryn to relive the good old days & taking up space that should be for the younger up & coming guyz.
They both were good, with the rock bein the rock he never gone let cha down. But cena the thugged street punk really put the rock in his place and set him str8. But the only the about i think the miz came across a whole lot better then cena. Now its really gone get off the hook when they all faceoff. but between the rock and cena, cena won round 1 2me
Wrestling fans I think Cena hit a few nails on the head but I am a Rock fan since 1997. Waht we have to realize is this. You can love something and it's fan base without being there all the time or often. Lets look at this shall we?

2004-he left and went to hollywood.
2007-titantron promo for wrestlemania
2008-hall of fame
2009-smackdown promo for smackdown 10th
2011-return to ring for promo

all in all when we leave and go to college or out on our own to make a life for ourselves from our family we come back for the holidays or special occassions. It does not mean we love our family any less or where we came from. Sometimes a little time away is a good thing. just trying to bring things into perspective.

On this note they both made great points. They both had a lot of edge. Cena was corny but you know what? He made his points strong and clear. Was it what I hoped? Nope but it was way better than a guy who got bloated making a kids/chick flick/comedy wannabe/ this film has no idea what it is chaperone movie and a 51 year old past his prime gimmick in a staredown with no words that fell short in my opinion.

I agree w/your comment, & I think the only reason why ppl are saying Cena won the 1st round is because there's still alot of ppl that are bitter for The Rock leaving & that was what Cena talked about in his promo which was a good promo. Like I touched on in my post is that ppl are backwards how can a person not have love for what made him famous just cause he don't show his face every 6 months, that dosen't mean he don't still love the WWE. Hell if he didn't love the company he wouldn't be hosting Wrestlemania, he dosen't need the money Vince is giving him, that Hollywood money got his pockets fat, & his body isn't all beat up either. Ppl need to get over the fact the man left to pursue something else cause there isn't anything left for him to do in wrestling. If he continue to wrestle it dosen't benefit him at all, he will be just like the other legends........all beaten & broken up tryn to relive the good old days & taking up space that should be for the younger up & coming guyz.
Its hard to choose.The Rock was simply flawless as he always is.It would be a bit unfair to Cena, because The Rock is easily the best promo cutter of all time and don't forget that it was his return after 7 years.Also the fact that despite Cena doing a good job, he still had to be PG bound.But Cena, contrary to many people's opinions he did a fantastic job.
I dont think it was even close. The Rock's promo was on another level. That was one of the best promo's ever on raw.

The fact that Cena had to revert to his old gimmick just shows you the damage the rock did to him. Cena promo was awkward in the beginning. He had a couple of funny lines in his freestyle. It was an alright response but it wasn't touching the rock.

I dont think Cena should be talking about crappy movies. The Rock's movies have been pretty successful unlike Cena's straight to dvd movies.
Here's my opinion, and all of it has been said in the thread already, but I have to say what I feel.

1. Yes, The Rock would kill Cena in an in-ring promo.

2. Cena killed it tonight. I laughed out loud at almost everything he said. It was crazy, because I don't usually have out loud reactions to WWE programming.

2a. With the exception of the Ziggler spot on Mysterio at what I think was the first title match between the two at a PPV (the top rope gut buster thing, I'm not sure).

3. I simply CAN NOT wait until Round 2. The Rock did his thing, Cena just tore it up, and now there are 5 more RAW's before Mania, so it should be VERY entertaining.

RAW isn't a great show, but with CM Punk and Cena/Rock, I have to watch. And I'm hoping Ziggler goes to RAW now.
one thing ppl fail to understand

arguably (very arguably) cena may have won the first round although i disagree. but he doesnt have anythng else to say abt the rock. he cant talk abt the rocks career losses. he mentioned game plan, tooth fairy, be cool and leaving the fans.

what else does he have to say


now hes gonna have second rate jokes tht make no sense. so i can easily expect the rock to destroy cena now tht cena used up off of his artillery
one thing ppl fail to understand

arguably (very arguably) cena may have won the first round although i disagree. but he doesnt have anythng else to say abt the rock. he cant talk abt the rocks career losses. he mentioned game plan, tooth fairy, be cool and leaving the fans.

what else does he have to say


now hes gonna have second rate jokes tht make no sense. so i can easily expect the rock to destroy cena now tht cena used up off of his artillery

Same could be said the other way around. WWE still has over a month to build this up. I guarantee both Cena and Rock have much more in store. If we knew everything that would be said it wouldn't be much fun.
I enjoyed both promos, a great deal. While it's really irrelevant towards who was better, I'll throw my two cents in.

Cena's promo worked on so many levels. After The Rock trashed him, I think it really hurt Cena's character as a babyface. He was starting to get boo'd a bit more, and I think his promo was not only a great shot at The Rock, but a tool to help establish himself back as a predominant babyface.

His promo truly resonated with me because it felt genuine, and played off a topic that was actual reality. Cena reminded the fans of his dedication, and how The Rock left the fans. I think Cena won over a lot of fans tonight, with that rap. It was more poetic, but great nonetheless.
In all honesty as much as Mister Cena would love to rip on The Rock for his silly movie roles, hes been successful. So to me that is not a leg to stand on.

The Marine certainly was no box office success and being in a fred movie didn't boost his film career resume either. (i hate fred. he needs to be punched. really.) Try as he might Cena can talk dedication all he wants but the flip side to that is while Rock only had a 6-7 year career he kept things fresh and changed his character, music, voice, everything. John has not done any of that since 2005.

Try as Vince might he won't be competing with Rocky on movies or trying to follow in his footsteps. I saw The Chaperone and that movie is a bad indicator of things. Had that been a Disney run or controlled film it would been leaps and bounds better.
In all honesty as much as Mister Cena would love to rip on The Rock for his silly movie roles, hes been successful. So to me that is not a leg to stand on.

The Marine certainly was no box office success and being in a fred movie didn't boost his film career resume either. (i hate fred. he needs to be punched. really.) Try as he might Cena can talk dedication all he wants but the flip side to that is while Rock only had a 6-7 year career he kept things fresh and changed his character, music, voice, everything. John has not done any of that since 2005.

Try as Vince might he won't be competing with Rocky on movies or trying to follow in his footsteps. I saw The Chaperone and that movie is a bad indicator of things. Had that been a Disney run or controlled film it would been leaps and bounds better.

Cena doesn't control his character, music, voice or anything else. Vince does. The reason Rock could keep his character fresh was because he wasn't the ONLY top guy. WWE still had Austin, Taker, HHH, Angle, Foley, Hogan, Lesnar and Goldberg all throughout Rock's WWE run as other guys who could be a top guy.

WWE doesn't have anybody else as Cena's equal other than Taker and HHH now. That's why they don't like to take chances with his character.

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