Live Discussion - TNA 1/4/2010


You are hilarious. Now you are going to try and argue that they could have "wiped the floor" with TNA, but instead put on a subpar show? Do me a favor. Watch tonight's Raw again, then watch any episode from the past few weeks and tell what is so different besides the guest host. I love WWE, but TNA put a great show tonight and Raw gave us the same old shit we've seen before. They aren't invincible, and the fact that Impact did happen tonight and was amazing proves that WWE definitely could not and will not "wipe the floor" with TNA
Um, I admitted that Raw was subpar considering what it should have been.

Are you really telling me that WWE was trying as hard as they could have?
Yeah, so I'm watching Raw right now and Santino has a terrible wig on and Hornswoggle and DX are selling action figures.

Seriously, is there even any fucking debate as to which show was better?

I was watching TNA earlier, and they called a no contest to a cage match.

Seriously, I can take one minuscule segment and blow it way out of proportion to define to show as well.
Champycakes is a "WWE Universe fan" and many of those fans are apologists for anything WWE does wrong, and tries to PR spin it to the masses .... such as what you just saw with him trying to excuse Vince and WWE for putting on a rather subpar show tonight.
I'd like to respectfully ask that you stop using those terms when talking to me. You can get your point across without them.
I was watching TNA earlier, and they called a no contest to a cage match.

Seriously, I can take one minuscule segment and blow it way out of proportion to define to show as well.

That I don't excuse at all. And if Hogan wanted a huge pop, he would have came out and had that match restarted. The fans would have went nuts. Even though Jeff Hardy returned to TNA and did so in that segment, they shouldn't have ended that match like that. That was ridiculous.
I'd like to respectfully ask that you stop using those terms when talking to me. You can get your point across without them.

Do you not consider yourself to be a fan of the WWE Universe? Your actions speak louder than your words do, Champ. I've known you for a long time now.

If you stop making excuses for everything that WWE does, I won't accuse you of trying to spin everything negative that WWE does around.
That I don't excuse at all. And if Hogan wanted a huge pop, he would have came out and had that match restarted. The fans would have went nuts. Even though Jeff Hardy returned to TNA and did so in that segment, they shouldn't have ended that match like that. That was ridiculous.

It wasn't their best, but I think it was to put over Homicide as the psychotic heel he has been playing lately and to plant the seeds of a feud between him and Jeff. Not TNA's best work, but it had a point
I was watching TNA earlier, and they called a no contest to a cage match.

Oh you mean the cage match that saw the debut of Jeff Hardy? That one? Yeah, what the FUCK was TNA thinking there!

Seriously, I can take one minuscule segment and blow it way out of proportion to define to show as well.

It's not miniscule though, we get this shit every single week, without fail, terrible comedy segment after terrible comedy segment mixed with mediocre wrestling and a commentating team that makes me want to blow my brains out.

Show me any Raw match from the last YEAR that was as good as the match Angle and Styles had tonight.
Personally, I don't really see what's wrong with putting the focus on their own product and building their storylines slowly. If they didn't feel that TNA was a real threat to them, then there was no reason to waste everything on one night, as someone alluded to earlier. They did a good job building some long term things tonight. However, you could look at it from what Slyfox said, in that they should've tried to do everything they could to prevent TNA from becoming real competition. I do sort of agree with that, as TNA has the momentum on their side now, and if the show was successful enough, this could be their first and only real opportunity to launch themselves fully into the mainstream wrestling world.
If I ever land in the "WWE Universe" I would rather make a right turn into great wrestling tv then a ******ed midget being involved in a tag team title match.
I'm watching again for the hell of it, Elijah Burke's character is awesome. He was over as fuck too. Another fail by Vince lulz.
Sid, while I'm thinking about it, you were saying you don't like the 6-sided ring? There's a thread on it in the TNA section, I'd love to hear why and debate it with you
Do you not consider yourself to be a fan of the WWE Universe? Your actions speak louder than your words do, Champ. I've known you for a long time now.
I'm not denying that I'm a lifelong, diehard WWE fan, and I probably will be for the foreseeable future, but that does not mean that I'm incapable of forming my own opinion on things. And labels like the ones you use insinuate that I'm simply some kind of mark who does not have the ability to think for himself. I did not once say that I fully agree with WWE's decision to act like this was any other night. It may have been a mistake, but at the same time, I can see where they're coming from with it. But I honestly do not believe that TNA will get a high enough rating to the point where WWE will be seriously worried. I'm not saying it's out of the question, but anything above a 1.3 or 1.4 will be a real surprise for me.
If you stop making excuses for everything that WWE does, I won't accuse you of trying to spin everything negative that WWE does around.
Again, I'm not trying to make excuses here. I think that WWE made a decision to concentrate on themselves rather than on TNA. I'm not sure whether it was the right move or not, but we'll find out soon enough.
Oh you mean the cage match that saw the debut of Jeff Hardy? That one? Yeah, what the FUCK was TNA thinking there!

The point being that Jeff Hardy could have come out and done anything and had the same exact reaction, both from the crowd and from the LDs. Instead we get a very, VERY good match that ended in 5 minutes to see Jeff Hardy attack someone for no reason. It's almost like he was pissed that the match ended the way it did too.

It's not miniscule though, we get this shit every single week, without fail, terrible comedy segment after terrible comedy segment mixed with mediocre wrestling and a commentating team that makes me want to blow my brains out.

I'm not excusing the comedy segments. They suck and should be completely scrapped, however, it just so happens that this particular segment tonight didn't make me want to tear my dick off, and it lasted maybe 4 minutes. This wasn't a show-stopping segment. It transitioned the show just fine.

Show me any Raw match from the last YEAR that was as good as the match Angle and Styles had tonight.

Maybe I can't, but the way I see it, the WWE and TNA are on the same level. Week after week, the WWE puts on alright matches, some better than others, some worse than others. In TNA, you get shit match after shit match with a great one shining its head through the rust every so often. I don't see this cycle improving what with the new roster of 180 year old men looking to get back into the ring.
Personally, I'm of the belief that all companies should be minding their own. This "we've got to be number one" mindset that everyone has is such a macho American thing. What happened to simply finding one's niche and making a go of that?


On the other hand, TNA rocked tonight. Why are we talking about Raw in here?
Personally, I'm of the belief that all companies should be minding their own. This "we've got to be number one" mindset that everyone has is such a macho American thing. What happened to simply finding one's niche and making a go of that?

On the other hand, TNA rocked tonight. Why are we talking about Raw in here?

I was saying the same thing in the other thread. All these guys started to cross threads, people coming into this thread with, "TNA SUX, SO BORING LOL," and TNA fans dripping into the WWE thread with, "THIS SHOW SUX, COME TO THE BIG BOYZ TABLE HURR," and it created a clusterfuck of arguing and bitchiness on both sides.
The point being that Jeff Hardy could have come out and done anything and had the same exact reaction, both from the crowd and from the LDs. Instead we get a very, VERY good match that ended in 5 minutes to see Jeff Hardy attack someone for no reason. It's almost like he was pissed that the match ended the way it did too.

No there was a reason for why the match ended and that's because everyone in the ring got clubbed by Homicide. I agree it was stupid to have a DQ finish to a cage match, but the fact that Jeff Hardy came out completely makes up for that and overshadows it. Yeah I wish the X-Division got more time on TV as well, but they certainly weren't being buried.

I'm not excusing the comedy segments. They suck and should be completely scrapped, however, it just so happens that this particular segment tonight didn't make me want to tear my dick off, and it lasted maybe 4 minutes. This wasn't a show-stopping segment. It transitioned the show just fine.

I don't know, I was rather close to the dick-tearing stage during the action figure schill. It just literally disgusts me, they don't even attempt to be subtle and clever or humorous about it, they might as well just start airing fucking infomercials with DX. It just pisses me off to see what was once an edgy and rebellious stable turned into a child-friendly joke with a fucking midget sidekick.

Just the fact that DX has a MIDGET SIDEKICK is something that makes watching Raw unbearable to me sometimes, because I'm not five years old and I don't find midgets very funny.

Maybe I can't, but the way I see it, the WWE and TNA are on the same level. Week after week, the WWE puts on alright matches, some better than others, some worse than others. In TNA, you get shit match after shit match with a great one shining its head through the rust every so often. I don't see this cycle improving what with the new roster of 180 year old men looking to get back into the ring.

Completely and totally disagree with everything you just said. The WWE's last four or so PPVs have been absolute DRIVEL. The summer on Smackdown saw some great wrestling with JoMo, Mysterio, Jericho, Punk, Hardy and others, but every PPV after Summerslam has been lackluster at best and I haven't seen a match I'd rate above three stars out of the WWE in a long time. TLC was a decent show, but TNA's last few PPVs blow the WWE right out of the water. Turning Point and Final Resolution were both fantastic shows from start to finish.

TNA is clearly the superior product right now.
We'll have to see how the ratings do. I predicted a 1.7 overall rating for iMPACT, but after their effort tonight, it may be a little higher than that. but we'll have to wait and see. I think I am still going to hold for that prediction, although to be frank, it deserves a much MUCH higher rating than that, given the quality of show they put on.

Unfortunately, I doubt anything over a 2.0, but we'll see.

POST #1700 Yabba Dabba Dooo.

(That was very un-Sidious like)

They should be happy with anything 1.five (my five key is broke) and above. Their marketing is still shitty.
I was saying the same thing in the other thread. All these guys started to cross threads, people coming into this thread with, "TNA SUX, SO BORING LOL," and TNA fans dripping into the WWE thread with, "THIS SHOW SUX, COME TO THE BIG BOYZ TABLE HURR," and it created a clusterfuck of arguing and bitchiness on both sides.

I made ONE post in the Raw LD. You act like I spit in your mother's face.
X, would multiple midgets be more amusing? Because I'm sure that can be arranged. I'll bring it up at the next shareholder meeting. How much do midgets go for these days? Do they sell by the pallet?
X, would multiple midgets be more amusing? Because I'm sure that can be arranged. I'll bring it up at the next shareholder meeting. How much do midgets go for these days? Do they sell by the pallet?

I'll need atleast a dozen, preferably amputees. I'm the premier connoisseur of amputee pornography in case you were curious.
No there was a reason for why the match ended and that's because everyone in the ring got clubbed by Homicide. I agree it was stupid to have a DQ finish to a cage match, but the fact that Jeff Hardy came out completely makes up for that and overshadows it. Yeah I wish the X-Division got more time on TV as well, but they certainly weren't being buried.

Sure they weren't, but they could have at least finished the match, or had Jeff Hardy cause the finish of the match. I just don't understand the point of Hardy coming out after the match was finished, and it made for a lame ending to a match, regardless of the fact that a Hardy debut was pretty epic in itself. Getting up to the top of the cage took a little bit of time, but he beat the shit out of the one guy, and just sat there. Then he started singing his theme song. It was bizarre. I digress, it would have been no matter what he did, so why not write something a little more climactic?

I don't know, I was rather close to the dick-tearing stage during the action figure schill. It just literally disgusts me, they don't even attempt to be subtle and clever or humorous about it, they might as well just start airing fucking infomercials with DX. It just pisses me off to see what was once an edgy and rebellious stable turned into a child-friendly joke with a fucking midget sidekick.

If it's bothering you that they're not being subtle, then the joke is going over your head. The joke is SUPPOSED to be the fact that they're not being subtle. I agree, the joke has gone on long enough, but it's not like they're inconsistent with their characters.

Just the fact that DX has a MIDGET SIDEKICK is something that makes watching Raw unbearable to me sometimes, because I'm not five years old and I don't find midgets very funny.

I agree. However, there's not much edginess to explore with a PG product. I don't even think DX should even exist right now.

Completely and totally disagree with everything you just said. The WWE's last four or so PPVs have been absolute DRIVEL. The summer on Smackdown saw some great wrestling with JoMo, Mysterio, Jericho, Punk, Hardy and others, but every PPV after Summerslam has been lackluster at best and I haven't seen a match I'd rate above three stars out of the WWE in a long time. TLC was a decent show, but TNA's last few PPVs blow the WWE right out of the water. Turning Point and Final Resolution were both fantastic shows from start to finish.

I wouldn't know, I haven't seen any TNA PPVs. I could defend the WWE to say that they're putting out a profitable product with what they're doing now, and any further effort would be wasted effort at this point (diminishing returns, maybe? I don't know) because they didn't have any competition until tonight. But I know that's absolute crap, and they should always be putting on an A+ product despite whether or not they have competition.

Anyway, I meant strictly the matches between Raw and Impact. Impact has always been shit, not that I regularly watch it, but when I try to (and believe me, sometimes I really try), it's just dull.

Tonight was great, I'll give you that. But usually it's just :banghead:

TNA is clearly the superior product right now.

I disagree with you, as does the ratings and the profit.

I made ONE post in the Raw LD. You act like I spit in your mother's face.

Er, no, I'm acting like you were intentionally being a cock just to be a cock, only to imply that you were merely politely suggesting people join you in the alternate LD. I really don't think the tone in which I wrote that post implied that I was as angry as I would be if you spat in my mother's face.

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