Live Discussion - TNA 1/4/2010

Big picture, Sid. We had a few hundred people here last night. When did you start considering that kind of sample from the IWC to be a legit indication of what the majority of fans think? You sure don't take the majority of the IWC's word for how good Chris Jericho is, for example.
The fuck are you talking about Guy? This most certainly is NOT an anti-WWE forum, the WWE forums are always the most posted in and a large portion of our most well-known posters constantly defend the WWE and it's golden boy John Cena.

How is this an anti-WWE forum? The Indy section is the least posted in on the forum, there's maybe four people on here with a working knowledge of puro, this is the most hardcore Americanized pro-WWE wrestling forum I've ever been on.

I never said it was an anti-WWE forum. I just said there was an anti-WWE bias, which is true of some of the more respected posters around here. A lot of the time, the Raw LDs are filled with people who say they can't stand what they're watching, and don't give credit to matches that are good TV matches. For crying out loud, the WWE Moderator HATES the WWE product, and called Bret and Shawn's face to face meeting "average".

I think KB said it best when he said a lot of people were frothing at the mouth back during the Slammys episode over the short matches, and then he pointed out that with the exception of Angle/Styles, each match was mostly given 6 minutes at the most. Despite this, Impact still got a lot of praise around the forum.
Bret and Shawn's meeting was average. It tickled mid-90s me where I like it, but they fumbled their lines more than enough for me to roll my eyes.
Coco, is this in comparison with the clusterfuck that happened on Nitro... er... Impact during the 9pm hour?
I'd have much rather watched that clusterfuck than 90% of Raw. It was a nice change of pace. Every week can't be that frantic, but last night was fine.
Change of pace? Abso-fucking-lutely. But that's about it. All other aspects of the show were hyped up garbage, except for Flair's appearance which was, for lack of a better term, wasted. Nothing made sense in ANY of TNA's storylines last night.

The WWE, on the other hand, isn't exempt from scrutiny, either. But then again, they weren't even TRYING to compete with TNA. That's a dumb move in itself, but do you really think that WWE wouldn't have brought Smackdown stars over to Raw if they were being serious about competing with TNA? They didn't give two shits. Hence, the lackluster show... besides Bret's segments.

Everyone needs to get off the hype machine. It's warping your feeble minds.
I never said it was an anti-WWE forum. I just said there was an anti-WWE bias, which is true of some of the more respected posters around here. A lot of the time, the Raw LDs are filled with people who say they can't stand what they're watching, and don't give credit to matches that are good TV matches. For crying out loud, the WWE Moderator HATES the WWE product, and called Bret and Shawn's face to face meeting "average".

I think KB said it best when he said a lot of people were frothing at the mouth back during the Slammys episode over the short matches, and then he pointed out that with the exception of Angle/Styles, each match was mostly given 6 minutes at the most. Despite this, Impact still got a lot of praise around the forum.

The Slammys show didn't suck because of short matches, it sucked because of...well everything, from Miller's terrible jokes to the pissed off crowd to the stupid awards to the short wrestling to the world champion being given a grand total of FIVE SECONDS of camera time in a three hour show. Those are the things that pissed me off about the Slammys.

Last night's Impact was a fun one, all of the shocking debuts and surprises were a blast to watch live, but I'm not suggesting that TNA is now going to destroy the WWE or something. Last night's show mixed a perfect balance of wrestling legends, GREAT wrestling, shit even the knockouts had a solid tag team match, and AJ Styles was put over as being the best wrestler on the planet.

See the differences in those two shows now?
Yes, last night's show certainly was fun. I had a blast watching it. TNA did an amazing job of hiding their flaws. Last night's show was an unmitigated success.

However, I'm not sure on the future. That's my issue.
Yes, last night's show certainly was fun. I had a blast watching it. TNA did an amazing job of hiding their flaws. Last night's show was an unmitigated success.

However, I'm not sure on the future. That's my issue.

And that's perfectly fine. But then why are you ripping apart last night's show? I mean obviously if you know the surprises and debuts and watch it at a later date after it's already happened live, yeah no shit it's not going to be as good as the first time you saw it.

For the casual wrestling fan tuning in last night, I really think they probably enjoyed themselves. They saw alot of familiar faces to keep them interested, they saw some great wrestling if that's what they were looking for, and TNA came off great last night all around.

The show wasn't perfect, but it was DAMN good.
Why was I ripping it apart? Because that's what I do in reviews, period. I do that with the best shows I've ever seen. I always rip them apart.

The first hour was AWESOME. If I were giving that a grade, it's easily a B+, and if there had been more wrestling, A- to A or possibly even an A+.

Damn good? No. Damn exciting? Yes.
What was so bad about the second and third hours KB?

Other than the AJ vs. Angle match, nothing of note happened. Hogan and the NWO talked and talked and talked. Did they say anything of note? Nope. Jarrett, a completely over face character, gets run down by Hogan. Yes let's run down the face that's gettting sympathy and say he hasn't done anything. Hogan could have run down Carter who no one cares about.

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