Live Discussion: Raw 1/4/2010


WrestleMania Main Event
Probably one of the most anticipated Raw in a long time


The pink and black is back

Hell must be frostbitten and winged hogs must have been spotted overhead. On Jan. 4, 2010, Bret Hart returns to WWE.

For years, the world presumed that the day would never come for the almost mythic “Hit Man” to once again step foot on the WWE turf of Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Hell would freeze over and pigs would fly – requisite impossibilities – before the true pink and black would ever again be seen on WWE programming.

As unperceivable as it may be, the new decade kicks off with perhaps the biggest announcement in WWE history: Bret is back.

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I'm going to be there, fourth row back from the commentary booth.

Shit yeah.
Confirmed matches -
Source =

Kofi v Randy, DX v JeriShow
I've noticed it's mainly the Brits and Canadians exited for Bret.
And yet Canadians have a 15 minute delay when watching Raw. Do they want us to watch Impact and get hooked in the first 15 minutes or something?

I'm pumped for Bret though. Can't wait to see if any new-comers get the rub of interacting with him.
Don't worry, I will be here and not with the heathen LD.
I've noticed it's mainly the Brits and Canadians exited for Bret.

I guess that's the case. I'm looking forward to seeing what he does, but I'm not doing backflips and completely marking out over it.

To be honest, I think Impact is going to be the better show tonight. And I am dead serious about that. I think they are going to produce more interesting television and have more genuine "surprises" for everyone.
I think Raw will be a better show than impact and show, once again, why they're on top.

Raw has Bret Hart, which will be exciting to watch and there's a million different ways the angle could go. And if Kofi vs Orton is as good as it was at TLC, then that's definitely a reason to watch. Plus, we could be watching something very special if Kofi goes over Orton clean. DX vs Jerishow will be decent match too.

What are we gonna see on Impact? A Hogan promo.... Yawn. An NWO reunion. Yeah, cause that went so well last time when competent bookers were in control of it. Jeff Hardy won't be on Impact. Nor will RVD. There's the Steel Asylum spot fest and a few knockout matches. Sure there will be "surprises", but if the surprises were big enough to matter, they would've announced it and hyped it.

Raw will be better than Impact.
I was probably going to watch Raw before my hero decided to go on it. Hogan doesn't interest me, the NWO doesn't interest me, not even RVD, Jeff Hardy, or Randy Savage would interest me.
I really hate that RAW is on a 15 minute tape delay here in Canada. I want to take part in the RAW LDs, but they ruin the show because they are ahead of me. Balls.

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