Live Discussion - TNA 1/4/2010

Hopefully the rating is good. I know Dixie said that whatever the rating is, it's irrelevant because we are the real winners. But I still want them to get a good rating so that they don't get scared to compete with Vince. Also, if it's good enough, maybe Vince will consider making his shows better...and then we'll really be the winners if both WWE and TNA offer great programming.

You know, I was actually thinking about something earlier today. TNA has a Billboard on Time Square, right? Just imagine how many people saw it...who knows, that Billboard might have helped TNA a ton in the ratings.
Impact was better, but I wouldn't call it as great as people are saying it was.

There were some flaws tonight on Impact that I'll go into detail on later and likly fight with X over.

Definitely. I think you're being way too negative. For a casual wrestling fan, that was three hours of pure awesome KB. The casual fan doesn't give a fuck if the NWO ended the show or if Raven and Stevie got squashed, they just enjoyed seeing great wrestling, a mix of wrestling legends and surprise guests, some T&A, I mean that show had it all.
We'll have to see how the ratings do. I predicted a 1.7 overall rating for iMPACT, but after their effort tonight, it may be a little higher than that. but we'll have to wait and see. I think I am still going to hold for that prediction, although to be frank, it deserves a much MUCH higher rating than that, given the quality of show they put on.

Unfortunately, I doubt anything over a 2.0, but we'll see.
I would honestly be shocked if they got as high as a 1.7. On a normal night, they can barely get a 1.0, and they went head to head with Raw tonight. I get that they brought all these guys in, but the internet fans that they gained were probably countered by those who decided to watch Raw instead, and those who cared more about seeing Bret Hart for the first time in twelve years than watching Hogan make yet another reason. I think their rating may increase slightly, and they might get something in the 1.2, 1.3 range, but that's about it.

With that being said, though, I actually hope that you're right, because more competition is never a bad thing.
I think even though I am a Smark and a part of the IWC, I have always viewed wrestling and derived my entertainment from wrestling AS A CASUAL FAN.

And what I saw tonight as a Casual Fan, given all the surprises and unexpected moments completely owned everything Raw put on tonight. The show TNA put on and the effort they made was incredible. The entire organization just deserves major props.

I am incredibly impressed at their first head to head show against Raw. It gives me a real glimmer of hope that we may see a full time return of the Monday Night Wars and that they may be able to get Impact moved to Monday nights.
There was plenty wrong with TNA tonight KB. I will grant you that, but....

1. It was still an awesome show, and doing so well with room for improvement excited me.

2. The main event and the moment made up for the deficiencies.

AJ needed a clean win over Kurt. You had the draw of Hogan and the name recognition of Kurt Angle. AJ walked in as champ and walked out after an epic with a clean win. The old guys at the end was the perfect cliffhanger ending.

And, by the way, the show ended with Kurt, Flair, and Hogan all putting AJ over. That's what it needed.
I would honestly be shocked if they got as high as a 1.7. On a normal night, they can barely get a 1.0, and they went head to head with Raw tonight. I get that they brought all these guys in, but the internet fans that they gained were probably countered by those who decided to watch Raw instead, and those who cared more about seeing Bret Hart for the first time in twelve years than watching Hogan make yet another reason. I think their rating may increase slightly, and they might get something in the 1.2, 1.3 range, but that's about it.

With that being said, though, I actually hope that you're right, because more competition is never a bad thing.

Where as that is true, but there is no doubt that Impact took viewers away from Raw tonight. TNA had everything to gain and Raw had everything to lose tonight.

So whatever bump WWE would have received from Bret Hart's appearance essentially just went to TNA tonight because there is no way they are doing the rating that they would have done if they had ran unopposed.
We'll have to see how the ratings do. I predicted a 1.7 overall rating for iMPACT, but after their effort tonight, it may be a little higher than that. but we'll have to wait and see. I think I am still going to hold for that prediction, although to be frank, it deserves a much MUCH higher rating than that, given the quality of show they put on.

Unfortunately, I doubt anything over a 2.0, but we'll see.

POST #1700 Yabba Dabba Dooo.

(That was very un-Sidious like)

Tonight's rating will be based on pure hype. I think next week's first two quarter hour rankings will be the ultimate judge of tonight's success.
I understand and respect that, Sidious, but ultimately there are a ton of WWE fans who don't even know about TNA, and while the billboards and commercials may have swayed some of them, I think that the majority probably stuck with their regular show. The head-to-head thing also took away many of TNA's regular fans who wanted to watch Raw instead, because of everything that was going on with Bret, and the way that he was having shoot-like segments with Michaels and Vince, which I'm sure nobody wanted to miss. While the things in between might have been filler, I don't believe that TNA gained enough fans with their limited advertising to make any real dent in this ratings war.
No Anderson or Angelina mad me sad but still awesome. I believe they have tapings tomorrow night so hopefully they will both be there. AJ/Angle was awesome but not as good as their match the Impact before B4G a few months ago.
I understand and respect that, Sidious, but ultimately there are a ton of WWE fans who don't even know about TNA, and while the billboards and commercials may have swayed some of them, I think that the majority probably stuck with their regular show. The head-to-head thing also took away many of TNA's regular fans who wanted to watch Raw instead, because of everything that was going on with Bret, and the way that he was having shoot-like segments with Michaels and Vince, which I'm sure nobody wanted to miss. While the things in between might have been filler, I don't believe that TNA gained enough fans with their limited advertising to make any real dent in this ratings war.

:lmao: They've had commercials on during Raw for a couple weeks, and I saw in another thread that there was a commercial during Raw tonight with Hogan telling people to switch it to Spike to watch TNA. You can say more people know about Raw and stuff like that, but saying TNA had "limited advertising" is just dumb.
The advertising for TNA has been great recently if you compare to the lack of advertising they had before.

Not only were they airing commercials during Raw in the big markets but they also had the billboard on Time Square that I mentioned earlier. Seriously, just imagine how many people saw that. And then there are the several interviews that Hogan, Dixie, and others have done with IGN for example and many others.
:lmao: They've had commercials on during Raw for a couple weeks, and I saw in another thread that there was a commercial during Raw tonight with Hogan telling people to switch it to Spike to watch TNA. You can say more people know about Raw and stuff like that, but saying TNA had "limited advertising" is just dumb.
Limited meaning I'm not sure if they did enough to cause a drastic increase in their rating. The commercials on Raw have been big, but they can still do more, and they need to get the word out more often if they want to continue any success that they might achieve from tonight. It's certainly a big improvement over what they had before, though.
The average age of the guys coming into TNA tonight was probably 75, and the company still managed to put on a better show than WWE...shame on you, WWE:disappointed:.

I didn't even realize you WATCHED wrestling anymore TDigs!
1) This is the first time I have watched a full episode of TNA, as it was too 'boring' beforehand. Also, these past few months I didn't really give a damn about wrestling and hadn't watched a wrestling match for a long while, and was more anticipating UFC events on occasion.

2) Throughout the whole night I only payed attention to Raw for the Bret Hart segments. TNA had a weak first hour but the rest of the night was so epic, with a little bit of sloppiness, but that didn't matter. I marked out for every return, smarked out for the last match, and actually became a fan of this new TNA in the process.

3) I don't think this high road is going to be taken by TNA for very long, but I am sure as hell going to enjoy it while it lasts. TNA's going to be making history, and a statement, in these next few months. The company deserves a standing ovation from all the viewers.

3.5) I remembered how hot Christy Hemme's body was today. Every time I saw her backstage I could only picture her nude (playboy nostalgia).

Great way to actually start off the New Year for me, as I invited a bunch of friends over to watch on my new insanely large HD TV.
Limited meaning I'm not sure if they did enough to cause a drastic increase in their rating. The commercials on Raw have been big, but they can still do more, and they need to get the word out more often if they want to continue any success that they might achieve from tonight. It's certainly a big improvement over what they had before, though.

What else do you want them to do? They are advertising during their main rival's flagship show and had a billboard up in Times Square on New Year's Eve when millions of people were there. Please tell me what else they can do that would be more effective than that
TNA may have put on an overall better show, but WWE clearly wasn't trying as hard as they could. I think they realized that they could've probably wiped the floor with TNA, figured it wasn't worth it, and instead used the time to build on the storylines that will likely be in place for WrestleMania. Whether their sitting idly by was a good decision or not will be judged when we find out the ratings for each, but I don't think anyone is disputing that they definitely could have done better.
Yeah, so I'm watching Raw right now and Santino has a terrible wig on and Hornswoggle and DX are selling action figures.

Seriously, is there even any fucking debate as to which show was better?
What else do you want them to do? They are advertising during their main rival's flagship show and had a billboard up in Times Square on New Year's Eve when millions of people were there. Please tell me what else they can do that would be more effective than that
They had a billboard in Times Square?

I wasn't aware of that, but that's certainly a step in the right direction.
TNA may have put on an overall better show, but WWE clearly wasn't trying as hard as they could. I think they realized that they could've probably wiped the floor with TNA, figured it wasn't worth it, and instead used the time to build on the storylines that will likely be in place for WrestleMania. Whether their sitting idly by was a good decision or not will be judged when we find out the ratings for each, but I don't think anyone is disputing that they definitely could have done better.


You are hilarious. Now you are going to try and argue that they could have "wiped the floor" with TNA, but instead put on a subpar show? Do me a favor. Watch tonight's Raw again, then watch any episode from the past few weeks and tell what is so different besides the guest host. I love WWE, but TNA put a great show tonight and Raw gave us the same old shit we've seen before. They aren't invincible, and the fact that Impact did happen tonight and was amazing proves that WWE definitely could not and will not "wipe the floor" with TNA
If I had my wish list, I would have wished for just two more things out of tonight:

Don West back in the Broadcast Booth as a Heel Commentator


Shane McMahon be one of the people in the two limos
I cannot consider Imact the better show tonight although their main Event was better. However you bring in this huge red friking cage and then you finish the match by DQ or No contest, ataway to start it off. You fix it by bringing in Jeff Hardy. I look foward to Punks new promo after this. Rick blew me away n tough 2 ignore. I knew hed be there, seeing him there blew me away. The gut on Raven was ridiculous. NWO is passe, they don't draw anymore. Sting watching from the rafters was cool, seeing Hogan in the ring was as well. The Bishoff Hogan dialogue reminded me of WCW and not in a good way. Don't know how I feel about Hogan/Jarret. Hogans buddies the Nasty Boys come in, are you kidding, they aren't relevant, theyve been outta big time whether WWE TNA or even WCW for a long time. Bring back Demoition and the Steiners why don't you, how about the Quebeckers. AJ vs Angle reminded me of Angle/Benoit great match. Then you end the show with NWO jumping Foley, I don't know how to feel about that. NWO "Nomore Wrestling 4 Old people" Hall and Waltman and Nash aren't too sweet anymore. All in all Brets open and close were not average, the matches in between might have been. I think that pening the show with Bret took TNA fans off of the elite NWO, and they definately could have ended the show differently. They tried to do too much tonight. RAW was a better show in IMO, I think TNA tried but Hall, Nash, and Waltman don't entertain me. Watching Hogan, and Flair on the competition was epic. Dissapointed in Jeff Hardy "but what you gonna do" hope he's used correctly. Brett on RAW was epic too.

You are hilarious. Now you are going to try and argue that they could have "wiped the floor" with TNA, but instead put on a subpar show? Do me a favor. Watch tonight's Raw again, then watch any episode from the past few weeks and tell what is so different besides the guest host. I love WWE, but TNA put a great show tonight and Raw gave us the same old shit we've seen before. They aren't invincible, and the fact that Impact did happen tonight and was amazing proves that WWE definitely could not and will not "wipe the floor" with TNA

Champycakes is a "WWE Universe fan" and many of those fans are apologists for anything WWE does wrong, and tries to PR spin it to the masses .... such as what you just saw with him trying to excuse Vince and WWE for putting on a rather subpar show tonight.

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