The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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hahaha i mean dark matches liek secret matches ppl alwasy talk bout them where i find them
How come everyone said Tatanka was out for a month, and then he wrestled in the Supershow?
Do you think we will ever see Stone Cold and Rock in a match or a part time bases again
Foley_Fan said:
hahaha i mean dark matches liek secret matches ppl alwasy talk bout them where i find them
Are you talking about videos of dark matches or just lists of dark matches that occured? If your talking about lists of dark matches you can find them searching on search engine.

DK999 said:
How come everyone said Tatanka was out for a month, and then he wrestled in the Supershow?
You have to take rumors for what there worth. Not everything you hear over the Internet is true. He may as taken a few weeks off to attend to other business besides wrestling. Don't believe everything you hear unless its a proven fact.

texfan200 said:
Do you think we will ever see Stone Cold and Rock in a match or a part time bases again
As for Stone Cold, I doubt we'll see him in a match anytime soon unless he agrees to it. Because of injuries he hasn't fought in many matches, but he may come around once and awhile for an appearance and promos, but I doubt you'll see him in a match. Plus he has been focusing on his acting career now. He's currently filming 1 of 3 movies being released by WWE with him starring in it.

As for The Rock, he's not going to be around too much either, because of his acting career. He may come around for a few Raw's or Pay Per Views, but other than that I don't think you can consider it even part time. The Rock explains that he will appear back on Monday Night RAW on November 27, 2006.
In a tag team steel cage match, is there pinfall? Or do you have to win by having both members escape? If theres pinfall, Lets say the match is The Hardys v.s dudleys in a steel cage, and jeff pins d von, would jeff be able to go out of the cage, or d von, or would the match be over? If the match wouldnt be over, then wouldnt jeff leave the cage becuase you want to get out of the cage and he pinned d von so if d von got taken out then that would be unfair, Am i right?
ek2222 said:
In a tag team steel cage match, is there pinfall? Or do you have to win by having both members escape? If theres pinfall, Lets say the match is The Hardys v.s dudleys in a steel cage, and jeff pins d von, would jeff be able to go out of the cage, or d von, or would the match be over? If the match wouldnt be over, then wouldnt jeff leave the cage becuase you want to get out of the cage and he pinned d von so if d von got taken out then that would be unfair, Am i right?
ek2222, it all depends on the stupilations of that much. They have tag team Steel Cage Matches that involves "Pinfall and Give Up" while you can still climb over the cage, some are whichever tag team climbs over the steel cage and touchs the floor first is the winners, but no if jeff hardy pinned Dvon, then Jeff Hardy wouldn't be out of the match Dvon would be. That kind of Steel Cage Match would have to either be an Elimination Steel Cage Match or have "Pin Fall and Give Up" rules apart of the match.

beavisnbutthead said:
is survior series in philly
It will be held on November 26, 2006 at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
most of the wrestlers use razor blades taped to their wrists, but wouldn't that be dangerous? what if they hit a nerve by accident? I know theyre professionals, but accidents do happen. im amazed they dont happen more often.

Also, was the blood in the original ECW actually caused by the weapons they were hitting each other with, or did they ALSO use razor blades?
kapp said:
ek2222, it all depends on the stupilations of that much. They have tag team Steel Cage Matches that involves "Pinfall and Give Up" while you can still climb over the cage, some are whichever tag team climbs over the steel cage and touchs the floor first is the winners, but no if jeff hardy pinned Dvon, then Jeff Hardy wouldn't be out of the match Dvon would be. That kind of Steel Cage Match would have to either be an Elimination Steel Cage Match or have "Pin Fall and Give Up" rules apart of the match.QUOTE]

Thanks for clearing this up
Noooo he isn't released!!! They took the picture down on the rooster because they are giving him a new gimmick!!!
Yep. I heard about it somewhere, he is definately coming back though!
Kane has been off RAW for like the last 5 of them, i mean, i know he was on ECW but when is he coming back to raw or smackdown?:farttorch:

Anyone know anything plez tell me hes my 2nd favorite wrestleerrrr!!
He was in a house show on the 5th in August, but he just hasn't been show on television. I know that becuase on you see Randy Orton fighting Kane and it tells you the date aswell... :)
the bass said:
does anyone know what has happened to paul birchill

He's injured at the moment I think, but when he recovers he's going back to OVW. He'll get a new gimmick when he returns to WWE.
.JoeY said:
Does anyone know if ECW is gonna have any Single PPV's this year or perhaps next year?

WWE added a new PPV for December, which I remember reading is going to be used for the ECW brand. I think that's the only one this year though, although plans could change.
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