The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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mr. mojo risin said:
I have a lot of.:

I have a doubt,, who plays bret hart music ?

What happen with ultimate warrior and why everybody hate them ?

What was the "clic" ? i know that it's something with shawn michaels

why ecw dissappear ?

What happen to Essa Rios, and if he it's going to back to wwe?

As far as I know Bret's music was played by Jim Johnston.

The Ultimate Warrior retired in 1999, and on the DVD about him he is described as thinking he knows everything when he didn't know nothing.He was described as only being in the business for money and nothing else.There's a few reasons.

The Clique/Kliq was a backstage group led by Shawn Michaels, it was HBK, HHH, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman(X-Pac).

ECW Went Bankrupt in 2001
1789 said:
Not yet "the bass"

Has mickie james done any porn?
Before gaining fame in WWE, Mickie posed nude for photographer R.B. Kane. One set of these explicit photos was featured in the May 2000 issue of Leg Show magazine, and all of the photo sets are now on R.B. Kane's website.
eddieuk said:
Whats up with wrestlezone its not working is the server down or something.
eddieuk, just for future reference go here if you have that type of question

I wouldn't worry about it being down. The website and Forums are down sometimes, due to maintence and sometimes even the server is down. I would wait a little while and just try to go back later. It should be up soon.
.JoeY said:
Out of curiosity....who is Masahiko Kimura? :blink:
He is considered by some to be the greatest judoka (Judo practitioner) of all time.

They also named a move after him called "Kimura Lock". The kimura (in various forms of wrestling also known as a chicken wing) is a term used in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to specify a medial keylock. The application is similar to the americana, except that it is reversed. It needs some space behind the opponent to be effective, and can be applied from the side mount or guard. Contrary to the americana, the opponent's wrist is grabbed with the hand on the same side, and the opposite arm is put on the back side the opponent's arm, and again grabbing the attacker's wrist and forming a figure-four. By controlling the opponent's body and cranking the arm away from the attacker, pressure is put on the shoulder joint, and depending on the angle, also the elbow joint (in some variations the opponent's arm is brought behind his back, resulting in a finishing position resembling that of the "hammerlock" outlined below). The kimura was named after the judoka Masahiko Kimura, who used it to defeat one of the founders of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Hélio Gracie.
who fought in the tripple threat match late in 2004 i think that got the world title vacated and was put on the line in an elimination chamber at new years revolution in 2005 which hhh won?
ek2222 said:
who fought in the tripple threat match late in 2004 i think that got the world title vacated and was put on the line in an elimination chamber at new years revolution in 2005 which hhh won?
November 29, 2004 - RAW: Chris Benoit and Edge were co-winners in a World title 3-WAY with Triple H (TITLE HELD UP)
December 13, 2004 - RAW: Eric Bischoff books an Elimination Chamber match for New Years Revolution for the vacant World title!
i've heared a rumor that angle/taker was suppose to be at wrestlemania before batista was injured. can anyone clarify that? also has anyone heared any big rumors on who will face undertaker at wrestlemania 23?
cmiller9291 said:
i've heared a rumor that angle/taker was suppose to be at wrestlemania before batista was injured. can anyone clarify that? also has anyone heared any big rumors on who will face undertaker at wrestlemania 23?
It's only a rumor, so its just people speculating that it might happen. No one can really give you an answer, because Wrestlemania 23 is 8 months away. WWE can change there mind two minutes before there show if they wanted to, and no one would know until either the beginning of the show or whenever they announce the match. Right now nothing has been confirmed on what matches are going to take place. The only thing that has been confirmed is the date the tickets will go on sale.
heres a question-
since ecw foiled, and was brought back a few years later, do you think that vince could kill ecw and put in a wcw division and have a bunch of former wcw wrestlers in it to boost up the old wcw ratings?
DK999 said:
heres a question-
since ecw foiled, and was brought back a few years later, do you think that vince could kill ecw and put in a wcw division and have a bunch of former wcw wrestlers in it to boost up the old wcw ratings?
If there is no reason to "kill" ECW, why would he? I highly doubt McMahon out of no where will end ECW. He brought it back for a reason. Due to the success of pay per view sales, DVD and VHS sales, tv ratings, etc... As of right now ECW is here to stay whether you like it or not. I don't know about ECW's future for example 5 years from now, but it has been successful, so far, so Vince McMahon isn't going to end ECW right now.

I highly doubt he'll bring back WCW unless its highly in demand to do so. With the three brands now he has to focus on, so WCW is probably is the last thing on his mind.
DK999 said:
heres a question-
since ecw foiled, and was brought back a few years later, do you think that vince could kill ecw and put in a wcw division and have a bunch of former wcw wrestlers in it to boost up the old wcw ratings?

the reason it would be very hard to bring back wcw, is because so many of the wcw stars are very old now, or are in tna. i do understand how u think that ecw foiled, it has become somewhat of a joke seeing how they display one of their former stars sandman, as a guy who just hits a guy with kindo sticks and shows no wrestling skills. also, the story lines aren't very good.
Do wrestlers practice during the week?(kinda like NBA/NFL)

Do wrestlers practice before matches? for instance have HBK and Umaga been practicing/choreographing their match this week?

Do wrestlers really care about winning championships belts, since that's really decided by writers and people backstage and not necessarily wrestling skill?

Do you think wrestlers hate jobbing? or do they not care b/c it's just their character and their just acting and they still get to wrestle?

When was the nWo's first appearance after Bash at the Beach '96?

When did Hogan officially come out and say he was HOLLYWOOD Hogan?

Is there a difference b/w Hollywood Hogan and Hollywood Hulk Hogan?
Hulkamaniac22 said:
Do wrestlers practice during the week?(kinda like NBA/NFL)

Do wrestlers practice before matches? for instance have HBK and Umaga been practicing/choreographing their match this week?

Do wrestlers really care about winning championships belts, since that's really decided by writers and people backstage and not necessarily wrestling skill?

Do you think wrestlers hate jobbing? or do they not care b/c it's just their character and their just acting and they still get to wrestle?

When was the nWo's first appearance after Bash at the Beach '96?

When did Hogan officially come out and say he was HOLLYWOOD Hogan?

Is there a difference b/w Hollywood Hogan and Hollywood Hulk Hogan?
1.Some do some don't. Ric Flair talks in his book how he and Randy Savage rehearsed thier match at mania 8 but said it was the first time he'd done and thought it was silly.Looking at Flairs matches I'd have to disagree with him.
2.Yes. It may not be "won" in the sporting sense but it is a sign of reconigtion.Also it pays more.
3.It depends. If that's what they were bought into do then I'm sure they understand and are happy with the nice pay check.If they are supposed to be a superstar I would imagine it's quite frustating if it happens too often. But if they believe it's in the best intrests of the business to lose a match to someone I'm sure they don't mind. Anyway to take a look at two greats the matches that really launched them into headlining WWE,Stone Cold and Bret Hart, they lost! You can lose and still get put over.I wouls say they are more worried about the qualitity of the match then winning/loseing.
4. Think it was on the next nitro when Hogan cut an awesome promo.
5. I would guess at just after the NWO formed but I'm not really sure to be honest.
6.No.Not apart from the word Hulk is dropped from "hollywood Hogan"
Hope this helped dude.:wwf:
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