The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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Hulkamaniac22 said:
What is the Darkside of Hulkamania?
It was Hulk Hogan's Promo to become heel, but pretty much everyone didn't know at the time in 1995 when the promo took place that Hulk Hogan would turn heel. Hulk Hogan as a face wore red and yellow. The Darkside of Hulkamania you see him wearing Black and White "hence him turning heel" and forming nWo. He wanted to get back at everyone, so he did by turning heel and nWo destroying everyone. Ted Turner wanted to see something different in Hulk Hogan, and so they came up with the idea of turning him heel. Alot of the fans turned against Hogan, but it drew the ratings up and it worked.

Hulkamaniac22 said:
When did they "steal" Hogan's mustache?
At Fall Brawl on September 17, 1995, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Lex Luger, and Sting defeated The Dungeon of Doom (Kamala, Zodiac, Shark, and Meng) 18:47) in a "wargames" match when Hogan forced Zodiac to submit. Then the following night on Monday Nitro September 18, 1995, The Giant destroyed one of Hogan's Harleys with a monster truck. And then Sullivan, a.k.a The Taskmaster, shaved off Hogan's mustache.

Hulkamaniac22 said:
When did Scott Hall stop using the Cuban-American accent?
In 1992 when Scott Hall came to the WWE his gimmick was Razor Ramon, a Cuban-American from Miami, who was modeled after Tony Montana, Al Pacino's character from the movie Scarface. After Hall left the WWE in 1996 he dropped the Razor Ramon Gimmick.

Hulkamaniac22 said:
When was it announced in WCW that his name was Scott Hall? Wasn't that kind of weird since he supposed to be Cuban?
May 27, 1996, when he first appeared on Monday Nitro. They didn't give him a "wrestling name". He just went by his real name "Scott Hall".

newsboy_88 said:
what is the macho man randy savage doing lately? i know he did a rap cd, which i just heard about 10 seconds of and thought was crap just by that clip. but i mean, you see hulk hogan making all these returns to wrestling and really i would think that the macho man would want that spotlight as well. so what is he doing and could a return possibly be going through his mind, in your own opinion?
After Randy Savage's last WCW stinct he returned to wrestlingat TNA Victory Road 2004 and feuded against Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall. At Turning Point 2004 he teamed up with Jeff Hardy and A.J. Styles to defeat the Kings of Wrestling (Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall). In 2005, Savage told a Missouri newspaper that he can’t wrestle right now because of "health concerns," as he had apparently injured his back. In 2005, he provided the voice of Sasquatch in the Nickelodeon show The X's. In 2005, he provided the voice of himself for an episode of Family Guy, where he was performing at a wrestling event that Peter and Cleveland attended and called the crowd hicks, which caused Peter to attack a small boy. He's also appeared on The Jeff Foxworthy Show as himself. I also heard that he was suppose to be on VH1's Surreal Life.

the bass said:
do you think that ECW will air for two hours like raw and smackdown anytime soon
When ECW first came back Sci Fi gave WWE a "trial" of 13 episodes, which ends August 29, 2006, but if you check out Sci Fi's schedule for September ECW is scheduled for the whole month with the same 1 hour show on Tuesdays. As of right now, I don't think Sci Fi made a press release yet for ECW being picked up after the trial ends. Right now I wouldn't worry about a 2-hour ECW show. ECW on Sci Fi is still fairly new and I'm sure if they keep the ratings up ECW will eventually get a 2-hour timeslot on either Sci Fi or another channel.

Jaycobo said:
two questions; first one, i cant create a poll, can someone help me. and i want to apply to be a moderator, how do i do this.
1. To create a poll when you post a new thread, simply click the 'Yes! post a poll' checkbox at the bottom of the page, and set the number of possible responses you want to include. When you click the submit button, you will be taken to the poll creation page, where you can specify the question and the list of responses you want to include. You may also want to specify a time limit for the poll, so that (for example) it only stays open for voting for a week.
2. Super Moderator of WrestleZone's Forum:Protoman wrote this:
There's no application process. Just post regularly and well, and you'll be noticed when the need is there. Being a mod is a big responsibility, and we need to have someone who can handle it. Just saying you can do it isn't enough. Just keep posting and you may just get the nod. But remember, patience is a virtue. Requesting a mod spot is an easy way to lose nomination for the spot.

If you would of read the rules of WrestleZone you would of been able to get that answer to your question before you asked it.

Soky said:
Where is steve Blackman now?
Blackman opened a self-defense school in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania called "Blackman's Self Defense and Street-Fighting School" in mid-2003, and as of August 2003, Blackman & MMA/wrestler star Ken Shamrock are creating a clothing line for professional fighters. Blackman is married to Rachel Kennedy and has 4 children.
now that they have taken Khali off because he cant wrestle, how long b4 they do the same to Cena?
ill keep my fingers crossed!
quick question, tonight, on the west coast, theres a football game going(New England v.s Atlanta) and after that it has i think malcom in the middle scheduled at 8, does that mean there not showing friday night smackdown on the west coast specifically east bay area
ek2222 said:
quick question, tonight, on the west coast, theres a football game going(New England v.s Atlanta) and after that it has i think malcom in the middle scheduled at 8, does that mean there not showing friday night smackdown on the west coast specifically east bay area

I suppose they should be airing SmackDown! because, since they recently added SmackDown! to Friday Nights now on The Score, and they also have it on Friday Nights in the U.S, I would assume the East Bay area, would also receive SmackDown! on Friday Night, if not. The find the schedule to whichever channel SmackDown! would usually be on.
Does anyone know when there will be another draft lottery?
And does anyone know if there will be any new mebers of DX sometime soon?
DxFreak said:
Does anyone know when there will be another draft lottery?
And does anyone know if there will be any new mebers of DX sometime soon?

The only one I can answer for you is, from what I have read from various sources, there are no plans to add any new members of D-Generation X, only to keep it running alittle longer, possibly through the fall season.
ek2222 said:
How long was shawn michaels comishiner
On November 23rd, 1998 Shawn Michaels became WWE Commissioner. In June 2000 he gave up his role as WWE Commissioner. His role as Commissioner lasted 19 months, but very close to making it to 20 months, which is (1 year and 7 months).
is it true Cena's cheers are pumped in through the PA system? when he comes out you seem to hear boos then all of a sudden cheers come, it also looks like the images of fans standing up are recorded, either that or everyone sits down quickly
I was just looking on the WWE IC Title History and i noticed someone called Dean Douglous he held the title for less then a day afta HBK gave it up, can you tell me who he is please
That is The Frachise Shane Douglas, Former Ecw World Heavyweight Champion, You may also know him From WCW where he was a Member of Revolution in there dying days
I'm collecting the wwe classic figures and have a good collection, does anyone know what figure you get for having all the tickets?
Did anyone see on raw, When edge was running from cena through the crowds, it looked like he gave some fat guy in a polo a hard shove, or was he like goign back at cena
Originally Posted by tinyt12489
why is the taker/khali match not at summerslam? i forgot

Its only because khali cant wrestle and it will be his last match, khali made vince scared for live shows cuz he cant wrestle.
can anyone remember the names of the wrestlers in the oddities. Also how tall was the big dude.
the bass said:
can anyone remember the names of the wrestlers in the oddities.
The Jackal (Don Callis) created the original "The Parade of Human Oddities", but he eventually left the group and managed "The Truth Commission". Sable (Rena Mero) brought "The Oddities" back and the group consisted of Insane Clown Posse of Violent J (Joseph Bruce) and Shaggy 2 Dope (Joseph Utsler), Kurrgan (Robert Maillet), Giant Silva (Paulo César da Silva), Golga (John Tenta), Luna Vachon (Gertrude Vachon),George "The Animal" Steele (George Steele).

the bass said:
Also how tall was the big dude.
Your probably thinking of Kurrgan (Robert Maillet) and he is 7 ft 0, but Giant Silva (Paulo César da Silva) is 7 ft 2.
are the tag team of Kronic around now, last time i seen them was against taker and kane
what exactly was hogans physical condition last year for his match against michaels. were there any problems or was he fine?
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