The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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well i received an infraction for posting who i would want to be champions this summer what did i do wrong this time? so someone tell me and if you are wondering what i am talking about go to that thread about who we want as champion and its on the third page so i dont know it seems like i cant do anything right here on any thread.

Ok frist off this question does not belong in this thread as it belong in the Complain in here thread in the Site Announcement sub forum. But it from what i see is that you just listed champions with with only give about two reason why. Listing champions you want is consider spam as you need to give some information or idea why you wnat "x" as champion not just list
Thanks for the reply i thought that Piper might get used in the future, also i knew Piper was not on full health either.

Maybe i hope to much from the WWE creative team for ECW
He left the WWE on good terms and is currently wrestling for various promotions in Japan.
Hey I might sound completey ******ed asking this but have there been any homo sexual wrestlers??? i know billy and chuck did a gimmick for gay thing but i dont watch smackdown
Hey I might sound completey ******ed asking this but have there been any homo sexual wrestlers??? i know billy and chuck did a gimmick for gay thing but i dont watch smackdown

Well one that any people might know is the frist ever Intercontinental Champion Pat Patterson. Then well Orlando Jordan was Bi, and Kanyon is rumored to be gay though he did finally admit he was. If there any others I dunno. But those are the ones I know
Nah AJ, Kanyon has come out of the closet fully, he did so like last year. He felt that was why he got fired from WWE (wasn't the fact that you're a shit wrestler Kanyon, nah, that couldn't be it).

Taken from Wikipedia...

Wikipedia said:
On February 4, 2006, while wrestling on an independent show for BSE in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Kanyon stated that he was tired of living in "the closet" and announced that he was a homosexual. He went on to say that he was fired from WWE not due to cutbacks, but because of his sexual orientation. Proclaiming himself to be the first ever active openly gay professional wrestler in the wrestling industry, Kanyon told the audience that he chose to be "the real Chris Kanyon", and that they could choose whether they wanted to boo or cheer him, commenting that, "life is about choices".

Kanyon went on to reveal that his February 4, 2006, announcement of homosexuality was strictly about the character, Kanyon, but that his real sexual orientation, that of Christopher Klucsaritis, the person behind the character, was really nobody's business, although he did say that he would probably reveal his real sexual preference "sooner or later." On March 5, 2006, Kanyon revealed that he was legitimately homosexual and that the ambiguity between his February 4, 2006 announcement and his March 5, 2006 announcement was intentional in order to attract mainstream attention, receive bookings on bigger shows and possibly even obtain a long-term contract with WWE or TNA. His homosexuality has been confirmed by a number of sources and has been covered in the top circulated gay news magazine, The Advocate (May 9 issue), as well as the Chicago Tribune and numerous talk radio shows and gay newspapers.

On September 8, 2006 he showed up at a WWE house show in Tampa, Florida and ran up to the rail during DX's intro and held up a sign that said "Triple H, ask Vince why he fired me" on one side and "Shawn, pray for my gay soul" on the other side. DX member Triple H responded by saying "Who invited Kanyon?" and "We Are Better than Kanyon!" in reference to his catch phrase. Security then escorted Kanyon from the arena, even though he paid for his ticket to attend the event.

Kanyon later gave his own account of his appearance on his MySpace page along with a plea to be rehired by WWE, and would also appear on both a radio show to promote his stunt[1] and on Howard Stern's Sirius Satellite Radio Show where he talked openly about his homosexuality. This once again raised speculation that his homosexuality is a work for publicity and employment. Shortly after his appearance on The Howard Stern Show, Kanyon attempted to commit suicide by trying to jump in front of a train, then checked himself in to a mental insitution for severe depression.

In October 2006, Kanyon joined Tha O Show as a regular columnist, and is in the middle of filming a documentary. On one edition of the show, he claimed that Bret Hart told him that Hart, Vince McMahon, and Pat Patterson were all in on the Montreal Screwjob.[2][3]

On April 5, 2007, Kanyon announced on his MySpace page that he was retiring from wrestling.

So he's definately legitly and openly gay now.
I posted a thread a can't find it. It was under WWE and said something like "If you could one star to make a return who would it be?" Little help...
I posted a thread a can't find it. It was under WWE and said something like "If you could one star to make a return who would it be?" Little help...

The thread was closed and is now in the archievs as that current thread has been done numerous times with different thread names. S we closed it as it has been discussed multiple times already.

Before posting try doing a search of the threads and see if that thread has been done before. I hope that helps.
oh yeah and luther have some respect for you elders
ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma you little bastard talkin 2 me like that im not that far from hull u know only bout 60mile watch who the fuck u talkin to
My Question is. What was the Finisher that Johnny Nitro Used on ECW? It was really impressive and it is one of the best I have seen in the WWE? (It was so cool I thought it would be banned lol)
According to wikipedia, it is a flipping variation of a neckbreaker (Snapping front flip neckbreaker slam). I thought it was sort of like an overdrive type of move with him flipping over the opponent like that, and it was certainly an athletic manouevre. I don't think it would be banned as it wouldn't hurt the opponent too much.
Does Anyone remember the Team 3 Count in WCW? I know that it was Sugar Shane (Gregory) Helms, and Shannon Moore but who was the 3rd member? I can't remember

Also the Japaneese team that they fueded with - I think Jamie noble was one of them.. Does anyone remember who they were?
Does Anyone remember the Team 3 Count in WCW? I know that it was Sugar Shane (Gregory) Helms, and Shannon Moore but who was the 3rd member? I can't remember

Also the Japaneese team that they fueded with - I think Jamie noble was one of them.. Does anyone remember who they were?

3 Count was Helms, Moore, and Evan Karagias. The other team was the Yung Dragons of Jamie Noble, James Yun(Jimmy Yang Wang or w/e), and Kaz Hayashi
Does Anyone remember the Team 3 Count in WCW? I know that it was Sugar Shane (Gregory) Helms, and Shannon Moore but who was the 3rd member? I can't remember

Also the Japaneese team that they fueded with - I think Jamie noble was one of them.. Does anyone remember who they were?

The third member of 3 count was Evan Karagias who with WWE after WCW went out but was eventually released after 8-9 months and now doenst wrestle much anymore

Jamie Noble was a tag team partnr with Kaz Hayashi and they were known as the Jung Dragons. And Kaz is now in Japan

And i was beaten lol
The third member of 3 count was Evan Karagias who with WWE after WCW went out but was eventually released after 8-9 months and now doenst wrestle much anymore

Jamie Noble was a tag team partnr with Kaz Hayashi and they were known as the Jung Dragons. And Kaz is now in Japan

And i was beaten lol

Isn't Wikipedia the shiznit?
Does Anyone what ever happened to these wrestlers Rikishi , Billy Kidman, D'Lo Brown, and Perry Saturn and also is The Rock ever gonna come back to the WWE
The Rock is doubtful for ever returning to wrestling as a wrestler. Rikishi is a booker in Italy and goes by the name Kishi now. Billy Kidman is working in the Indies. Perry Saturn is in Partial retirement after getting shot in the neck three times foiling a rape attempt, D'Lo is wrestling in Pro Wrestling NOAH under the name D'Lo Brown.

I actually have a question Why does Sean Waltman get hate heat named after him(X-Pac Heat)? I don't know the story about why everyone hates him?
The phrase "X-Pac heat" comes from the reaction that X-Pac's character received in WWF/WWE during his tenure with that company. Booing and loudly chanting "X-Pac sucks!" when X-Pac wrestled became something of a running joke for audiences who had no interest in seeing him in action.

According to wikipedia...

My first memory was when Helms as the Hurricane was heel and Waltman as X-Pac was face during the Invasion. The crowd already bored of X-Pac booed his entrance and went mental for the Hurricane setting the eventual downfall of X-Pac and the Hurricanes role as one of a very few face alliance characters.
This is just my guessing but I'm pretty sure people were sick of the gimmick. X-Pac was still going some 3 years AFTER DX died his attempts at X-Factor with Albert didn't help and they just got bored of him.
hey, i dunno if anyone else has mentioned this, i got a warning about spamming for it but does anyone have info on King Leonidas being a Smackdown! superstar? is it just movie promotion or what?
I'm a bit hazy on details from the attitude era,
but I remember a stoy-line where Val Venis got his you know what chopped off by a sword.

What I don't remember is,
how did his character bounce back after that?

especially since he's the Male Porn Star?
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