The 'Ask A Question' Thread

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This kindof a question of opinion, but I'll ask it anyway.
When's the next time the IC title will be defended at Wrestlemania?
For all the recent Mania's a superstar has held the title and been in other match-ups, where-as back in time there were serious fueds and story lines that led to the IC title being defended at Wrestlemania. Do you think there will be an IC title match anytime soon at Wrestlemania over the next few years?
This really isn't the place for opinion questions BlackHole, this is for questions with answers. Start a new thread if you want to discuss that question.
What happened to Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco's on-screen characters? How were they written off? Or did they just fall off the face of the earth?
Runjin Singh is his character's name, but his real name is Dave Kapoor.
Is the McMahon death storyline over now that he appeared on ECW? I'm assuming it is because of how insensitive it would be considered now that not only Sheri Martel is dead but there was the Benoit situation, and the Glasgow Airport car bombing.
Now, why is it that Monty Brown isn't using the name Monty Brown (his name) in the WWE?

Is it maybe because he couldn't use "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown without violating a TNA Trademark?

IMO, Marcus Cor Von sounds too made up (Thanks WWE Creative team).
He's using the Alpha Male name. The reason he has changed his name is because Vince wants to put his mark on everything.
I know he's using The alpha male name, I was just wondering if "The Alpha Male Monty Brown" Was trademarked.

But like I said Marcus Cor Von sounds too made up.
It is done so McMahon can own him. Since Monty Brown is his real name, McMahon can't own the rights, so if he makes him go by a different name in WWE, then McMahon owns him in a sense, and whenever he leaves the company, McMahon will still own the name and be able to continue to make money off of him.
since the McMahon death storyline is over and everything..does that mean that the character is going t come back to the WWE? i kinda liked that strut....
Since the McMahon death storyline is over, I doubt he will make his return to TV. I think the point of the "death angle" was to completely separate Vince from TV. Passing the torch in kayfabe to his daughter, son, and widow. However, due to circumstances ranging from Sherri Martel, Chris Benoit, and the Glasgow bombings the plan was scrapped. I believe now that its been made public that he is indeed not dead (as if you didn't already know that) I think he will still step aside and let Shane and Steph run the show in kayfabe. I honestly think Vince didn't want to do the TV spots anymore. I don't think he ever wanted to come back and wanted to enjoy working behind the scenes. He has had a good run in storylines, but it was starting to become a bore. With that said, I think he just wanted out, and decided the bombing would be a good "shocker", which it was, just bad timing.

The above is just my two cents. If you would like to further discuss this angle, please, do so in other threads. This may cause some opinions to be brought up, and this is just a to ask questions, not discussions.
With all the backlash WWE' sgoing to get due to the Benoit/steriod scandal (that keeps on getting bigger and bigger), is anyone aware of what if any kind of policy TNA has for their wrestlers? It's a shame that WWE will bear the brunt meanwhile TNA/ROH and countless other indies has to have a few juicers.
There is no denying the fact that roids play a huge part in wrestling, no matter what kind of policy the company has. I cannot find any details outlining TNA's stand point on Roids. However I believe like any other sport, or sports entertainment league/federation, they do have a drug policy.
Before the Royal Rumble 2000 who played the Faked Foley during the whole Foley being fired and Triple H had the fake foley he made fun of. So who played the fake foley?
LMFAO about the WZ article from Maxim about wrestlers who shouldn't be alive. It says to look on his webpage for more. Can someone please give me that URL? Thanks. :D
now ive seen it a couple of times and idk if its a mistake or it actually means something, but wat does "Wrestlemania 21's main event: Brock Lesnar v HHH" mean if it never happened
now ive seen it a couple of times and idk if its a mistake or it actually means something, but wat does "Wrestlemania 21's main event: Brock Lesnar v HHH" mean if it never happened

I could be wrong but I believe that that was the original plan for the Main Event of WM21
You know, I've been wondering lately. What ever happened to Big Guido. I mean I saw him at the ECW battle ryoal, but beyond that, he's been MIA. And I never saw anything about him being released.
I think he was just employed for a week or so. They didn't mention his release, so it was probably just a two show deal.
A.J. I can't find anything on the Mick Foley Clone... sorry.

wnarun I can't find anything for the sunglasses either... I don't think they're designer glasses or anything like that.

Spawn I actually found something on Big Guido, and he was officially released from the WWE, and is currently working in "other projects" and the independent circle.
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