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hey, i dunno if anyone else has mentioned this, i got a warning about spamming for it but does anyone have info on King Leonidas being a Smackdown! superstar? is it just movie promotion or what?

Yes, it is just a movie promotion for 300. They did the same thing last year with the Nacho(I think that was his name) character played by Jack Black.
I'm a bit hazy on details from the attitude era,
but I remember a stoy-line where Val Venis got his you know what chopped off by a sword.

What I don't remember is,
how did his character bounce back after that?

especially since he's the Male Porn Star?

What happend was when they put him on the table to chop off his penis is the table was real cold so val couldent reach his full potental (if u know what i mean.) Thats how Val got out of being made less of a man.
What happend was when they put him on the table to chop off his penis is the table was real cold so val couldent reach his full potental (if u know what i mean.) Thats how Val got out of being made less of a man.

hahaha, It's hard to believe that Val Venis got such a huge push then,
where as most people don't know or care about who he is now.

I also remember Funaki and Taka being there.

Was Val Venis in any other kindof crazy angles/story-lines back then??
Val was just about in any ordeal with a woman back then. My other favorite one was the Ryan Shamrock ordeal. In which he had a fling with Ken Shamrocks kayfabe sister.

But, I don't believe the table was cold so Val's package would shrink... I think if I remember correctly the camera feed on the incident cut out before you could see what happened, it was later said that the sword indeed missed...
I remember the first match I ever saw but I cant remember who was in it. All I know was that it ended up in a river or it involved the two guys in a river. Can anyone tell me who this was and when it was cos Im confused as to when I started watching wrestling. thanks a lot.
Val was just about in any ordeal with a woman back then. My other favorite one was the Ryan Shamrock ordeal. In which he had a fling with Ken Shamrocks kayfabe sister.

But, I don't believe the table was cold so Val's package would shrink... I think if I remember correctly the camera feed on the incident cut out before you could see what happened, it was later said that the sword indeed missed...

I rember the girl turned out to be tankas sister, and as they put val on the table screaming "chop his pepe (which was funny as hell) they lift the sword up in air then the lights went out as raw went off the air. The next week val came out and told the crowd that the table was cold he couldent rise to the ocation are something like that and he ecsaped.
I remember the first match I ever saw but I cant remember who was in it. All I know was that it ended up in a river or it involved the two guys in a river. Can anyone tell me who this was and when it was cos Im confused as to when I started watching wrestling. thanks a lot.

I think you are talking about the late 90s Austin and Rock feud then the rock threw Austins smoking skull world title of a bridge then proceded to throw Austin off the bridge as well
I remember the first match I ever saw but I cant remember who was in it. All I know was that it ended up in a river or it involved the two guys in a river. Can anyone tell me who this was and when it was cos Im confused as to when I started watching wrestling. thanks a lot.

i think hes talking about a match with i think involving al snow where they end up in the mississippi river? perhaps against hardcore holly?
You're thinking of the Hardcore title match from St. Valentines Day Massacre in February of '99 between Hardcore Holly and Al Snow. Ended up in the Mississippi match.
To any1 knowledge. Has any1 ever won a match for the title when they werent suppose to. Like was some1 suppose to loose the title but won it back bcause they didnt want to lose it?
Its said that the Rock might return for Wrestlemania 24 to make some extra money bcause of his divorce. Do u think it will happnen?
I doubt if anyone did go against the story because they wanted the gold back the other wrestler would lie down for a three count and the ref actually count...

And that other question is a matter of opinion
To any1 knowledge. Has any1 ever won a match for the title when they werent suppose to. Like was some1 suppose to loose the title but won it back bcause they didnt want to lose it?

Its happend twice that i know

1) Of course the world famous Shawn Michaels vs Brett Hart screw job.

2) In the 80s Molia surprised pinned Wendy Richards to win the womans title. This was also a screw job Wendy was told she was gonna win the match but soon as the match started Molia rolled her up and got a fast count to get the title back.
I have a question, a few months back there were these two guys who seem to have disappeared from wwe...

The guy that elijah burke came out with kolov or somethin, and this other russian kinda guy who randomly made comments on smackdown stood next to the commentary table... anyone know what happened to these guys?

I dont watch ECW much so if there was a storyline about burkes mate then I missed it.
I have a question, a few months back there were these two guys who seem to have disappeared from wwe...

The guy that elijah burke came out with kolov or somethin, and this other russian kinda guy who randomly made comments on smackdown stood next to the commentary table... anyone know what happened to these guys?

I dont watch ECW much so if there was a storyline about burkes mate then I missed it.

Elijah Burke use to team up/manage with Sylvester Turkay until creative didn't have any ideas for him.

Vladimer Koslov is the big Russian guy that was going to get a big push but that was nixed due to him having sucky in-ring skills and needed more training.
Hey there weird question, is johnny nitro a triple crown guy yet or is the ecw world title not included? If it is not included, what other titles (if any) are not recognised in creating a triple crown?
Originally I beieve it was the WWE Championship, World Tag & IC. I doubt they will mention Nitro being a triple crown winner though.
That was indeed the only time that an entire five man team was eliminated in a row in history.
BUt not the first time there was a full team clean sweep, that went to the visionaries in 1990 Rick Martel, The Warlord, Power and Glory (Hercules and Paul Roma)
It was the first time for a five person team to survive, at least the WWE will tell you that, I'm not sure.

The Triple Crown stuff, I take it with a grain of salt. For me, A Triple Crown Winner would be someone winning the belts of a certain brand, or had direct history with a certain company.

My Triple Crown:
WWE Championship, IC Championship, World Tag Team Championship. All of these belts are the traditional WWE Championships.

World Heavyweight Championship, US Championship, WWE Tag Team Championship. The First two are WCW lineage titles, and the WWE Tag team titles were introduced after the merger of the WCW titles with the World Titles.

ECW: Well, it would have been the TV, ECW and Tag Team titles, but we got some growing to do for that.

So with my Triple Crown winners, JBL wouldn't be one. The US title doesn't go with the WWE title.
I think the whole triple crown thing has been forgotten. There's so many titles it doesn't mean what it did when HBK was a triple crown champ.
Thanks for that thing abou survivor series. I was wondering before, my dad once told me that the rock had never been pinned or maybe it was never submitted, Im sure that by now he must of, but was there ever a considerable streak he had for never being pinned or submitting??
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