Instead of making a thread about this, I would much rather just say it to you guys since you are pretty much my WZ family. In a short while I will no longer be the MMA moderator. I truly appreciate all of your support over the last 18 months of so. Words cannot express how much fun it has been talking, and debating with you all. I will still be around, but in a much smaller position. Again, JMT, Guy, Fizzy, JWG, Yazloz, and Crock it's been a lot of fun and I really do appreciate the support you have shown me and the MMA section. I'd like to acknowledge you all individually.
JMT, as I said before, I see you as a mentor and someone who has not only shaped the moderator and poster I am, but also someone who has shown me the sport in a whole nother aspect. Thank you so much for talking to me and getting me engaged in WZ. Without you I would have quit a long time ago. I can only hope that I was only a fraction of the poster you are.
Guy, you showed me support in getting the job in the first place and I really do appreciate that. You were also someone who talked and debated with me in the dark days of the MMA section. You, JMT and myself were all the section had three years ago, and you and JMT are really the two people who shaped the section. I will always have a great admiration for you on this forum.
JWG, I am so glad you came into the forum under my regime. I don't take any credit in your evolution as a poster, but it has been a pleasure watching you grow. You are truly one of my favorite posters to read, and I see big things in your future on here if you stick around.
Fizzy, we haven't always agreed but your loyalty to the section isn't even comparable. Without you this section would have died a long time ago because of your knack for creating debate. Thank you.
Yazloz, you are the newest edition to the section, in regards to regulars, but you are fantastic. Much like JWG, I see big things in your future if you stick around. Thank you for contributing when you did.
Crock, you are one of my favorite people to read in the forum as a whole, but I am so glad to see you entering the MMA section on a more regular basis. I can't wait to talk to you about the sport from a purely fans perspective in the near future.
The MMA section has been my favorite section for a long time, and while it is JMT's baby, I like to view it as my grand baby and it truly makes me proud to see how it is now compared to how it was years ago. Thank you all so much for your contribution and I will see you around.