**MERGED** Finally.. The Rock... has come back... HOME (KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!)

How many times will we see the Rock?

  • Wrestlemania, the grand-daddy of 'em all. That's it.

  • Maybe one Raw.

  • TWO!!!!!!!

  • I reckon a good deal of appearances on WWE, including Web work and video promo's.

  • All the time, like on Smackdown as well. lol.

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I agree, it would be pretty awsome, but I rather see Y2J and the Rck go at it on the mic. That was and would be again classic.
I have to say deep down that was pretty pathetic what he did on Raw. He suckered all of you in by showing up and cutting that pompous arrogant promo. I understand what he meant to the WWE at one point but I mean 7 years is a long time in the wrestling world. Just break this down for a second and this post isnt for you 'Rocky" marks or even Fame marks , this is for the real guys who know about the biz and the backstage politics. Honestly when hes been looking down on the WWE for 7 years in interviews and in his demeanor like dropping "The Rock" from his name. He said many many times WWE was his past and that he will not wrestle again. He kept dropping hints at a WWE return in some capacity but WHO CARES ABOUT HIM BEING A LAME HOST???? Everybody in that building and watching wants him to WRESTLE. I dont care who you are or what your place in life is , if you say you only wanna see him and dont care if he wrestles you are a LIAR. Then the clincher was when he said he would never leave again. Well guess what , just watch what happens when his little Hosting stint ends. He is a movie guy now and thats the truth. Im not putting down his success but he seemed desperate to me on RAW trying to be the 30 yr old Rock again. He looks buff and hasnt aged badly but hes not the same guy. Havent you seen his image makeover in the last 7 years. Acting all artsy and calm and hollywood in his talk show appearances and awards show gigs and all that. This is the bad thing about society , too many people are followers and will always be puppets to someone like 'The Rock'. This isnt about me being a 'hater' which is what some people will say. I am a guy who views the WWE from a standpoint of truth and logic. Plus WWE made John Cena look pathetic and bad last night on Raw. Dewayne Johnson buried Cena , the guy who has carried the ball for like 6 years. He made the cena era seem gay and weak. Vince caved to Dewayne and allowed him to bury John Cena. Im sure Cena was tickled in the back but deep down he has to understand how bad he got owned in that promo. It unvalidated everything he did in his career. That one promo obliterated cena. Because Vince allowed it.
I have not been this excited about being a wrestling fan for years. It was just so great to see The Rock doing what he does best, and putting most of the current roster to shame.
*Marks Out Big Time*.

After 7 years The PEOPLE CHAMP IS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS the Bit he did about we went from
Austin 3:16

to Do you smell what the rock is cooking ....

to YOU can'T see me JUST KILLED CENA


:worship::worship::worship: "THE ROCK"
I wasn't all that emphatic with The Rock's appearance either. Was I hyped? Sure. Am I hyped for Wrestlemania? Hell yeah. Does it mean I was totally happy with his performance last night? Not by a long shot.

I must preface this, however. I went into watching RAW remembering the shtick that he had when Austin quit on the WWE and Vince brought him back to save RAW. How he cut that promo directed at the roster - talking WWE-this, WWE-that. Saying how the industry meant so much to him, etc, etc. Telling the boys in the back that they had to lift, etc.

IIRC this is the youtube;


What didn't do it for me though was him coming out and rip not only Cena but the current WWE Champion as well. Comparing it to his and Austin's eras, ramming it down our throats that the current era doesn't stack up with it. We know that it doesn't, we don't need to be reminded of it.

I did find him ripping on Miz's "awesome" lines very hypocritical. Was it funny? Hell yeah it was funny - and yes I know that was the point. However, I find that someone that has to tell us a million times that he's the most electrifying man in all of entertainment must completely suck too. What's the difference? One does it as a good guy, the other a heel.

For him to rip on the very likely main event for Wrestlemania did break up my enjoyment of the segment. It also made me think. Why pay for the Wrestlemania pay-per-view if in the words of the guest host both of the main eventers suck? The Rock is meant to promote the main event not put himself over and make both guys look pathetic.

People suggesting that he ripped on Cena to set up a Cena-Rock match.... Why then rip on the champ? It's THE ROCK.... He's got his own catch phrases - he doesn't need a cheap pop at the expense of the champion. There's no way we're getting Cena Vs Rock. What I do say is that he made both main eventers in the likely WWE Championship match look bad.

The Rock has come back to the WWE!...Simply amazing!

I haven't marked out like that since 2004! In 20 minutes, the great one was more entertaining, more emotional and more over than any other wwe superstar has been for the past 7 years! That 20 minutes took me back to my childhood, when we had heroes such as The Rock and Austin around, and for that I thank Vince and The Rock a lifetimes worth of thanks for making it happen!

I loved the whole promo, he electrified the crowd like only he can, his verbal destruction of Cole, and making Cena look like a little girl was out of this world, it was 4am over here in the UK when his music hit and he returned, I was still awake at half 6 thinking about it and re-watching it, words cannot describe the feeling I got when he came out, amazing.

If Ya Smelllllllllll....
I loved the entire promo with The Rock from the entrance to the very end. I really wish he would have done something with the computer though. Like maybe responded to the email, with "Know your role and shut your mouth" or something like that. Or "It doesn't matter what you say." I mean, it was funny with Cole but it would have been funnier if he actually interacted with the RAW GM.

The disses on Cena were great. Now Cena will come back with some dumb promo next week I'm sure, talking about The Rock's crappy movies or whatever (like John Cena's are Oscar Worthy).
What he did to Michael Cole was... God... I don't know. It was, awesome. No pun intended on Miz's shit catchphrase.

Who the fuck thought it would be Bob Barker?! What is wrong with those people.

The second, I heard the sound of electricity I knew it was him. And I thought they did it brilliantly. If JR was there he'd have marked out himself, but I thought it was clever to not have Cole or Josh say a word. Just let the moment speak for itself.

Any, look at the size of him. I'd see pictures of him prepping for a movie, but he's fucking Rocktista now. He could barely fit through the middle ropes. And the remixed entrance song was pretty cool as well, not as good as his Hollywood one but, sure, take what you can get.

Big props to WWE on this. This is why being a wrestling fan through the bullshit has rewards.

And kids were probably walking out the arena wanting their parents to explain the words bitch, ass and anus to them.

The Bhrama Bull is back baby.
Everything you just said shows why you're a mark all the way to your bone gristle. Everything you said is why the Rock, Cena, and the Miz are millionaires and you're posting on an internet chat board. You just don't get it do you?

You're doing exactly what they want you to do. Marking out. Cuz you think this shit is real somehow.

Everything The Rock said was approved, pre-approved, and re-approved in the back. He gave the fans the one feud they want the most. Cuz just as much as you mark out with resentment over the fact that the Rock moved on, people mark out over John Cena being a halfass, lame, cookie-cutter PG version of what Rock was. So what do a bunch of marks put together equal? Money. Vince McMahon may really be a genius.

If one promo "obliterated" everything John Cena has done, then he hasn't really done much to begin with. Let's be for real though. This is gonna end with a handshake and a passing-of-the-torch between the two. Either that or it's gonna end up with a heel John Cena. Either way, it's gonna be epic and it's gonna be good for everyone. John Cena knows this and he's in the back laughing his ass off at everything Rock says.

In the meantime, keep feeding the machine buddy.
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I hope that you're right - and I agree with you to a certain point.

However, I have to say that most likely this will end with a Rock Bottom and a People's Elbow to end the show at Wrestlemania. Now, if that's to The Miz or to Cena, that's anybody's guess - that to me is the selling point at Mania now when it comes to The Rock's involvement... Somebody's gonna get it. Who?

By the way- you don't have to point out that somebody is a mark. We understand that it's scripted. We understand that it's been approved. Does that make the marks wrong in their feelings? Can a mark believe that it didn't help the WWE product longterm? Sure and he could be right. Labeling somebody a mark is cheap heat on a wrestling forum. It doesn't make you any better than another poster. Besides, I would hope that there is a bit of a mark in all of us - it adds to the enjoyment of the product. Hell, even the majority of the wrestlers (of whom I've met more than a few and spent time with a couple) have a bit of mark inside them.
Look, as a Rock fan I obviously psyched he's back, and it opens the door to some intriguing possibilities. But here's my beef with some of these posts in here:

Why do you think he laid the SD on the PG rating? Did he say anything about the rating or eluded to it? No. He just ripped on the guy who's been mega pushed since 2004. What does a rating have to do with it? You're allowed to "swear" on a PG show you know. Both he and Cena did it when Smackdown was PG, so what's the big deal?
Before you go on and say Cena was buried and everything he did was ruined....give him a chance to respond. He aint a noob with the mic, either. He can bury the Rock and make fun of him with an endless list of insults...starting with Hollywood.

My question is where are they headed with this? It's obvious a Rock-Cena match isn't going to happen....Rock is the guest host, and Cena will be main eventing for the title...that much is almost certain.

But are they playing up this semi-real life feud to do something they may have wanted to do for a long time, and turn Cena heel? What better way than attacking the Rock. I think this Wrestlemania will be one to remember...I see some changes coming.
Dwayne Johnson owes us as fans ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! He entertained us with his matches and promos and his legacy. However, when he chose to leave, I did not hold it against him. It's his life, his career, and he can do what he wants. We shouldn't act like whining little babies acting like he "owed" us something or that he couldn't leave for Hollywood or that he "disrespected" the business or us. He served his purpose. He entertained us. The Rock comes from a legendary wrestling lineage so he has NOT disrespected the business in any way. He is one of the greatest superstars of all time.

The fans were chanting for him last night when RAW opened (during Cena's promo I might add). Fans in general (not just marks) love him.

He has earned the right to cut a promo about anyone he wants in the WWE. Vince knows that. That's why he let him do what he did.

I like Dwayne Johnson and I like the Rock. I don't need to "forgive" him for anything because he never did anything to me or you or anyone else.

I can't fault a man for doing what he wants to do with his life and living his dream.
Just break this down for a second and this post isnt for you 'Rocky" marks or even Fame marks , this is for the real guys who know about the biz and the backstage politics.
And this is the sentence where I stopped reading.

You do not know shit about "the biz" and "the backstage politics". You are a pretender, like so many other people around here. You take what you see on TV, you decide whether you like it or not, and then you concoct your little fantasy reasoning to make you feel like you're not just another schmuck in the seats.

You aren't some insider, you aren't writing to educate the great unwashed masses, you aren't "a real guy who knows about the biz". The closest you've come to the biz is a second-tier seat for a Smackdown taping. Please, don't even pretend you "know about the biz".
Nope. Wasn't disgusted one bit. He did the same thing to Cena that he did to other top superstars back in the day: Triple H, Stone Cold, Taker, The Big Show. It's been seven years so you guys simply aren't used to it.

On another note, Cena didnt get buried. You did hear some people boo the Rock when he insulted John. The kids especially were upset (Good. Little bastards). But the Rock spoke for guys my age during that entire promo who have been largely ignored by the WWE for the past 4 years or so with this cornball PG shit.
You're fucking idiots. He hardly "looked down on the WWE" by dropping The Rock from his name. It's simply distancing yourself from a character. Does Gandolfini walk around as James "Tony Soprano" Gandolfini? No, why should Dwayne Johnson have to? And so what if he comes back for only two nights? He doesn't owe you anything to have to come back full time to something he outgrew seven years ago. But calling him a waste of time? He was more entertaining in those twenty minutes than the rest of Raw combined last night. And if he does the same at Mania? Great, atleast we're promised an entertaining night out of the ring regardless of what's given to us inside of it. Saying him coming back for two nights is a bad thing is like saying you just heard a great song but it was only three minutes long. Just shut up and enjoy it.
Some people just don't get it, many think hes back for good or to wrestle- WRONG!

We probably won't even see him on Raw that much, if not at all....sure he will make some Raw appearances as April 3rd gets closer....

Sure, it was great seeing him come back last night...but im not holding my breath....he is HOSTING wrestlemania! After april 3rd, he will be GONE! Yes, GONE!!!! With a hefty paycheck of course!

-I'm excited to see what he will do at WM, but not all that exciting.....of course he will give someone the elbow/rock bottom.....get a huge ovation and it will be done with....

- Vince just wants those 1 million buy rates for his event......not saying its a bad thing, but again, its all about Money! The Rock is back, yes for the people and yes for the money portion...
By the way- you don't have to point out that somebody is a mark. We understand that it's scripted. We understand that it's been approved. Does that make the marks wrong in their feelings? Can a mark believe that it didn't help the WWE product longterm? Sure and he could be right. Labeling somebody a mark is cheap heat on a wrestling forum. It doesn't make you any better than another poster. Besides, I would hope that there is a bit of a mark in all of us - it adds to the enjoyment of the product. Hell, even the majority of the wrestlers (of whom I've met more than a few and spent time with a couple) have a bit of mark inside them.[/QUOTE}

I simply said the way I felt about the situation, just like he spoke on his feelings.

I don't know the threadstarter any more than he knows the Rock, or either of us know John Cena. Which just goes back to my earlier point. Getting emotional. I could preface everything I say with "well in IMO" and "well it kinda seems a bit mark-ish..." just to make sure I don't hurt anybody's feelings, but come on. We're all adults here. If not, then we need better parental supervision.
Everything you just said shows why you're a mark all the way to your bone gristle. Everything you said is why the Rock, Cena, and the Miz are millionaires and you're posting on an internet chat board. You just don't get it do you?

You're doing exactly what they want you to do. Marking out. Cuz you think this shit is real somehow.

Everything The Rock said was approved, pre-approved, and re-approved in the back. He gave the fans the one feud they want the most. Cuz just as much as you mark out with resentment over the fact that the Rock moved on, people mark out over John Cena being a halfass, lame, cookie-cutter PG version of what Rock was. So what do a bunch of marks put together equal? Money. Vince McMahon may really be a genius.

If one promo "obliterated" everything John Cena has done, then he hasn't really done much to begin with. Let's be for real though. This is gonna end with a handshake and a passing-of-the-torch between the two. Either that or it's gonna end up with a heel John Cena. Either way, it's gonna be epic and it's gonna be good for everyone. John Cena knows this and he's in the back laughing his ass off at everything Rock says.

In the meantime, keep feeding the machine buddy.[/QUOTE

You just proved you dont know alot about the industry. The Rock and the top stars are given free reign to say what they want in their promos. Vince gives them bulletin points to hit and they can ad lib. The point is his promo was all about himself. Hes been gone for 7 years and why should he just get to come in and steal the show. Your the one whos marking out by caving into the so called 'machine' knowledge you quoted. Bottom line if you watch pro wrestling your a mark so dont even call me a mark. I know they are grown men making money and they are friends backstage , only a hick wouldnt know that. Im saying hes a glory hound human and regardless of the money and career Im not gonna suck up to Dewayne Johnson. And John Cena is a loser if he doesnt understand how weak he got made in that promo.
The Miz will get the biggest rub from this...him being in the same sentence as the Rock will promote him as a legit WWE Champ. By the time the Rock is done with this run, The Miz will be molded as the new biggest name in sports entertainment. Is called a rub. Vince has played this very well. Cena doesn't need a rub, he has been the man for all these years. If anything, he needs to turn heel after all this time as being the face of WWE and there is only 2 men that can effectively turn in heel after all this time - The Rock and Stone Cold. We got one of them last night.
I have to say deep down that was pretty pathetic what he did on Raw. He suckered all of you in by showing up and cutting that pompous arrogant promo. I understand what he meant to the WWE at one point but I mean 7 years is a long time in the wrestling world. Just break this down for a second and this post isnt for you 'Rocky" marks or even Fame marks , this is for the real guys who know about the biz and the backstage politics. Honestly when hes been looking down on the WWE for 7 years in interviews and in his demeanor like dropping "The Rock" from his name. He said many many times WWE was his past and that he will not wrestle again. He kept dropping hints at a WWE return in some capacity but WHO CARES ABOUT HIM BEING A LAME HOST???? Everybody in that building and watching wants him to WRESTLE. I dont care who you are or what your place in life is , if you say you only wanna see him and dont care if he wrestles you are a LIAR. Then the clincher was when he said he would never leave again. Well guess what , just watch what happens when his little Hosting stint ends. He is a movie guy now and thats the truth. Im not putting down his success but he seemed desperate to me on RAW trying to be the 30 yr old Rock again. He looks buff and hasnt aged badly but hes not the same guy. Havent you seen his image makeover in the last 7 years. Acting all artsy and calm and hollywood in his talk show appearances and awards show gigs and all that. This is the bad thing about society , too many people are followers and will always be puppets to someone like 'The Rock'. This isnt about me being a 'hater' which is what some people will say. I am a guy who views the WWE from a standpoint of truth and logic. Plus WWE made John Cena look pathetic and bad last night on Raw. Dewayne Johnson buried Cena , the guy who has carried the ball for like 6 years. He made the cena era seem gay and weak. Vince caved to Dewayne and allowed him to bury John Cena. Im sure Cena was tickled in the back but deep down he has to understand how bad he got owned in that promo. It unvalidated everything he did in his career. That one promo obliterated cena. Because Vince allowed it.
Get a life.

This is one of the best things done in the last 5 years.....Imagine at WM....Face to Face with Stone Cold Steve Austin for the first time in 8 years.......

And this is the sentence where I stopped reading.

You do not know shit about "the biz" and "the backstage politics". You are a pretender, like so many other people around here. You take what you see on TV, you decide whether you like it or not, and then you concoct your little fantasy reasoning to make you feel like you're not just another schmuck in the seats.

You aren't some insider, you aren't writing to educate the great unwashed masses, you aren't "a real guy who knows about the biz". The closest you've come to the biz is a second-tier seat for a Smackdown taping. Please, don't even pretend you "know about the biz".

Are you kidding me man? Anybody with a computer knows the backstage and the biz at this point. This is 2011 man. Your a mark who is on The Rocks jock and cant handle when someone points out something reasonable. Who cares about the biz anyway? Im saying its freaking obvious what the hell was going on last night in that promo. Cant you rationalize the reasoning of what I said. I dont need to be a 'real industry' guy because the real guys behind the scenes have screwed the biz up anyway. The Miz is the freaking WWE champion. Enough Said. Mike Mizanin is the top guy now..... Next up is The Situation will be the WWE champ in another 4 years.
A mouthy idiot you are. I was just waiting for this thread. You watch Raw week in week out and it's nothing but crap compared to what they brought you last night and OMG THE ROCK WAS PATHETIC ON RAW LAST NIGHT. Blah blah blah I know about this business, I know about backstage politics. Dude...I don't care if he wrestles...and that doesn't make me a liar. You want to see what made the WWE what was? You want to experience the meaning of the term electrifying? You want to hear what a real hot crowd sounds like? Re-watch The Rock on Raw. Or you can just bitch about it. Jesus, it's like a guy complaining that the steak made his mcdouble look bad.
That was incredble. Nostalgic. And it gives me one particular (perhaps false) hope... The Rock vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania..
I, only a few weeks ago, watched youtube video of The Rock at Hall of Fame teasing a showdown with John Cena, and this was from years ago. But they planted the seed back then.
.. And now, John Cena is the 'face' of the company. Much like The Rock had been prior to WMX8. I feel like this is all too poetic, all too epic, and now since this promo and the Rock calling out Cena it's all too close to being real without it being a let down to settle for a few stare downs and a Rock Bottom at Mania or guest referee. This is Vince's chance to deliver on that huge match he's been wanting to promote for WM. The circumstance are right right now, and he'll never get this opportunity again. Ever. It has to be now. Vince should beg, and the Rock should concede, and Cena should be fired up. But he shouldn't go heel.
I believe is should be a parallel of the Rock/Hogan WM18 showdown. Yes they will chant for the Rock over Cena, but Cena, since turning super-face hasn't given up on the fans. And he didn't do it when his back was against the wall with Nexus (even though I wanted to see it), and he shouldn't do it here. I think the Rock has this one match in him, if not more. And I think he can take what he dished out in the past. Hogan, previously the biggest superstar in WWE history and face of the company, jobbed to the Rock on the grandest stage. The Rock should job to Cena, for the sake of the WWE.
Who would take Cena's place at top face once Cena's heel and Rock is gone? Morrison isn't ready, and Orton is evil. WWE needs a child favorite... a take your vitamins/ eat your vegetables/ "I can't be pinned cleanly" superhero, and The Rock will graciously except defeat, because Cena, unlike the Austin or Hogan, will somehow kick out of the 3rd Rock Bottom, (we all know it) but The Rock won't kick out of that last AA, or maybe he will, but he will tap to the surprise reversal into the 3rd STF.
I think this would be the way to optimize the return of The Rock... to, at least at Wrestlemania, prove The Rock wrong... for The Rock to job to Cena and "prove" the new WWE lockerroom has it. What's better for WWE's product right now? That, or Cena heel, Rock dominated, end the PG Era, let the kids down new-new WWE? (Won't happen)
This is the opportunity that only comes around once an era, and has to be what Vince is pushing for. An opportunity for John Cena to do the best angle he's ever done, and to come out on top in order to sell more tickets and more merchandise than ever before, and establish a future legend (though not Rock calibur)... but it's not about Cena being better or worse, it's about credibility for Cena, and the product as a whole. The Rock is the utility. The best.
And judging from his return last night, it could also be [some of] the best stuff he's ever done. The Rock... What a great year and great WrestleMANIA this is shaping up to be.

I like this way of thinking. Yes, bringing the Rock back is huge, great, monumental. I was laughing and saying "Holy shit" throughout the entire promo. But why destroy what you have built if the new addition is only going to be temporary?

Let's fact it, Cena might not be everybody's favorite, but he is a work horse and has been loyal to the bone to the WWE. Will Vince shit on that and the legacy he's built for so long? I highly doubt it.

I actually hope they don't. Love him or hate him, it is about the kids, the "future long time fans", so to speak. In the 80's was Hogan. Geared towards kids w/the positive role model image, saying prayers and eating vitamins, but still appealing to the adults at the same time.

I don't care for Hulk, never really did even back then. Actually, I had a teen's attitude toward him (much as a lot of the IWC has towards Cena) and even cheered for a heel Undertaker fresh on the scene because he seemed like he could be the one to take it to Hogan.

But I didn't mind the message he had, the positive influence over the kids. Hell, I got an old Hulk Hogan's Rock and Wrestling VHS for my kid and even now Hogan has that factor of kid appeal. When he references wrestling, or growing up, he says he wants to be big like Hulk Hogan.

And Cena today is the same. I like him a lot more than Hogan, a lot more. But I also think that his message is great for the kids. ESPECIALLY in this day and age where so much emphasis is placed on greed, anger, selfishness, and inconsiderate actions. He's a don't give up, never say die, stand up for the little guy, always fight towards your objective and keep a positive attitude, never compromise your principles character (and I'd wager IRL too), and I find that very commendable.

That being said, would a kid focused face be able to occupy the "E" at the same time as an "attitude era" face? It'd be tricky.

But one thing Vince doesn't want to do here is pull a WCW. That is, forsake the talent that has been built up over time for a temporary fix. It would be crazy for him to just toss Cena (or any of the other up and comers, for that matter) on the scrap heap. How long will Rock be here? How long does he have? He can't carry the place by himself without having solid workers around him.

Everybody seems to forget the fact that more than one element is needed to be great. If they put all the focus on the Rock and him only, then you're in the same boat as before. Talent not getting built, and when time comes that Rock either leaves, can't go anymore, or is maybe injured, the IWC will be complaining again because there is a lack of ME stars to fill the gap.

People can bitch and moan all they want about guys like Cena and Miz, but the fact of the matter is, you need to change and evolve and re-build a foundation. You have to take the time for other talent to get on that higher level. Will this affect Morrison's push and astounding work rate as of late? Will he be pushed back down the card? All these things need to be considered.

I liked seeing and hearing the Rock again. I will say that. But I am also looking at the bigger picture. Do we get a resurgence of guys like Rock, Booker, and Nash? Will we have WCW/TNA happening in the WWE? It's funny that probably most of the people that bitched about Booker and Nash while in TNA lauded their arrival in the "E". I could have done w/out Nash at all (and don't say it's because he's giving me "good heel heat") and Booker was a welcome addition to be sure but he's not taking over Smackdown. Will they put Rock on the announce table? That would be nice. Or will they have him underscore everything everybody else has done to keep things going?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I liked seeing Rock for what it was, a spot as WM host. I just don't think, no matter how many IWC members squeal like pre-pubescent girls at a Justin Bieber concert, that we should be relishing the return of the attitude era. Much like ECW hardcore, it's in the past, we have moved on, and we definitely don't need Attitude 2.0.
You just proved you dont know alot about the industry. The Rock and the top stars are given free reign to say what they want in their promos. Vince gives them bulletin points to hit and they can ad lib. The point is his promo was all about himself. Hes been gone for 7 years and why should he just get to come in and steal the show. Your the one whos marking out by caving into the so called 'machine' knowledge you quoted. Bottom line if you watch pro wrestling your a mark so dont even call me a mark. I know they are grown men making money and they are friends backstage , only a hick wouldnt know that. Im saying hes a glory hound human and regardless of the money and career Im not gonna suck up to Dewayne Johnson. And John Cena is a loser if he doesnt understand how weak he got made in that promo.

I'm a total mark and sometimes I don't know when I'm being manipulated. That's when entertainment is at its best. You didn't see it either so I'm letting you know what they did. If you disagree, cool.

The reason Rock's promo was so good was because it had elements of truth to it and it bothered you. People my age DO think Cena's routine is lame and boring. Kids 10-17 hated what he said. When John Cena cuts his promo next week on The Rock and how he started acting and left wrestling, and shits all over his G-rated movies, it's gonna be magic too. I'm gonna be pissed at it. He's gonna build all his heat back and we're gonna mark out over that too.

They didn't just let him go out there and say whatever he felt like saying. They gave him talking points. They told him "milk the crowd, thank the fans, bust on Miz and bust on Cena". You really think Vince didn't know what he was gonna say what he said? I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

When all is said and done and the two either shake hands or smack one another, John Cena will look HUGE. Bet on it.

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