**Merged** Cena & Rock Discussion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!

Do you support The Rock or John Cena?

  • The Rock

  • John Cena

  • The Miz!!!!!

  • I'm just going to enjoy the show

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I said in this in a different thread... but... Cena stopped the crowd after his promo, they were torn over who to chant for.

Thats real talk.

LOL are you kidding? Cena left the ring to boo's, middle fingers and someone threw something at him. He delivered a good promo but there was no way he was turning that crowd around.
Basically Cena sneaking up behind the Rock tonight and FUing him set up the fact that the Rock is going to cost Cena the title at mania. It just sucks that they so predictably set up what is apparently going to be the MAIN EVENT of the show.

I know it has been widely speculated that this was going to happen, but after Raw tonight it is 100% evident.
Cena's Reply to the Rock was very good, it brought the argument out of the catch phrases and to the reality, that Cena has been there busting his ass week in and week out for the company and for the people, be it their fans or not. He summed up the disappointment that all Rock fans had when Rock took his powder and stopped wrestling.
LOL are you kidding? Cena left the ring to boo's, middle fingers and someone threw something at him. He delivered a good promo but there was no way he was turning that crowd around.

This. He got a lot of heat and was boo'd out of his mind after he hit the AA's afterwards. If you want to see this resounding effect just listen to the boos Cena gets at Wrestlemania. The Rock really didn't have much time to cut a promo so it wasn't a Pown. Cena cut a great promo but to think the fans liked it? They liked the fact he was talking about Rock.
LOL are you kidding? Cena left the ring to boo's, middle fingers and someone threw something at him. He delivered a good promo but there was no way he was turning that crowd around.

Dude.. did you not hear that?

Rock came out they were going crazy.

Cena came out they were booing.

Cena finished his heart to heart promo... and the crowd was not chanting anything. You could hear people both trying to chant Cena... and trying to chant Rocky... but Cena's speech silenced most of the Cena Haters.

Even in the IWC right now... you can tell... Cena has silenced or at least got the approval of the IWC for tonight... and believe it or not.. the IWC is in the arena too..
This segment needed like 5 to 10 more minutes for The Rock to respond after Cena delivered a pretty damn good promo, lots of raw emotion. But Rock's response afterwards wasn't what we should have gotten - but its what we got because of the no reason interruption by Miz giving Rock literally 15 seconds to respond to that.
Cena didnt pown him. Is it because cena was talking the whole time? I think what he said overall was solid and great to hear. However, i really dont like his mic work where he talks like a child and then speak in dull tone in serious manner. It never appeals sto me. I find it average.

Miz on the other hand was being a heel telling like it is.
I gotta go with John Cena delivering the better promo, he spoke from the heart while the Rock continues to bounce around with monkey ass catch phrases.

The crowd was chanting Rocky for the majority of the segment, but after Cena finished his entire promo, the crowd like stopped... they were buzzing... but it almost sounded like it was a battle for a Cena chant or a Rock chant between the crowd...

Anyone else notice that?

Not really. It was all Rocky chants and Cena sucks chants the entire time. Even after Cena poured his heart out with his promo and Rocky said he wanted to kick his ass the fans went nuts. With the exception of the kids the rest of the demographic are absolutely SICK of Cena and want to see Rocky destroy Cena. There tired of all his silly lame PG junk and his whole thuganomics I am who I am crap. Hell he even flat out admitted he caters to children and apparently is proud of it.

The fans want Cena to get his ass handed to him in the worst way.
Man that was a great ending to Raw wish it was longer so Rock could say more to Cena but hell this is just the beginning I guess. I haven't been this hype in a long time. Now that was the Cena I liked, he hasn't sound that good on the mic in like forever, he damn near looked like he was about to cry he was so into his words. The Rock has really added that energy that was lacking from The WWE.
I have to agree with what mostly everyone has been saying, Cena put out a great promo but it didn't "pown" the Rock, had Rocky been given time to get out more than he wanted to whoop Cena's ass all over Chicago you would have heard one of the greatest mic workers of all time actually "pown" John Cena.

Also a tiny bit off topic, did Rock seem either nervous or was he just really hyped up that he needed to keep pouring water on himself?
I think if you look at it cut and dry, it ends up like this:

Cena cut a very heartwarming promo stating facts about who he is and that's how it is going to be. It was respectful and informative, but Cena was clearly stalling. He knew why Rock was calling him out. At the end, Cena pulled a VERY heel move in attacking Rock when he was vulnerable after defeating Miz.

Rock also spoke from the heart and had no time for rebuttal. If Cena "PWN'd" Rocky, then they would have had some kind of battle, but it never took place in order to even guess at who would have "won." In the end, it was a good setup for Mania with what looked like Cena turning heel at the end.

Personally, I can't wait for Cena's heel turn. Just six more days to go. :)
I wouldn't say Cena completely "POWN'D" The Rock but I would say he got the better of him. Cena spoke with true passion and heart. Rock was gone for so long its as if he forgot what its been like and I think even Rock had to admire and fully respect Cena's words as he seemed almost speechless after Cena finished his promo.

A lot of people were doubtful that Cena was even capable of hanging with the Rock on the Mic, I think tonight he not only proved that but even set the bar. Rock I think just didn't receive a lot of time to cut a promo because they had to fit Miz in there still. I would of loved to just have seen a one on one face to face encounter between Rock and Cena without Miz in the Mix as he just seems like the odd man out. Overall it was a powerful segment that people will not soon forget.
the rocks promo = cena you homeless power ranger ima whip your ass

cena promo = rock we miss you, we need you, i like wearing green, and i like rap and i like lil kids (but from his heart)

the miz promo = typical miz promo but still funny..

without the rock this mainevent at mania would of bin one of the weakest.. but now it seems like one of the best in a long long time
while Cena did cut a great promo tonight i think it made him look like a massive COWARD what he did as a-ry and miz attack rock cena LEAVES THE RING and AFTER rock takes care of miz & a-ry then WHILE THE ROCKS BACK WAS TURNED cena enters the ring and picks up rock and nails the AA! :wtf: :disappointed: i really hope this leads to either........

A.) Cena turning heel (because the crowd HATED him tonight and id love to see him turn heel)


B.) The Rock screwing cena out of winning the title this sunday! i can picture it now cena hits his 4 moves on miz then just as he locks in the 1 submission hold he knws tht doesnt even look like it hurts The Rock's music hits as he walks down to the ring and hits the rock bottom on cena! :lol: id love to see this happen and further build to them having a match at Summerslam (which i see happening this year!)
Cena pown, The Rock :lmao::lmao: NEVER, but John did cut a great promo tonight. This is how he should be all the time instead of being so damn kid friendly always saying nonsense like he is a host on sesame street or something.
I don't really care much about whether the fans cheer or boo Cena. I look at things from a more analytical standpoint. Cena's promo got a reaction, and it added to (or re-enforced) the depth of his face vs. face feud with Rock.

The Rock's comeback was disposable, and I was disappointed with it.
How the hell did Cena own The Rock? all he said was that he loves kids, he loves the rock, blah blah blah and then hit him with a sneak AA.

Please tell how did he pown or own or w/e it is?
Cena absolutely laid the verbal beatdown on the Rock tonight. Not only did he mock Rock for his redundant catch phrases, he mocked Rock's biggest beefs with him. And the best part? Everything Cena said was damn true.

Cena > Rock, and it wasn't even close. Randy Orton was right, Cena is just better than the Rock.
I don't really care much about whether the fans cheer or boo Cena. I look at things from a more analytical standpoint. Cena's promo got a reaction, and it added to (or re-enforced) the depth of his face vs. face feud with Rock.

The Rock's comeback was disposable, and I was disappointed with it.

Ok. Just look at the crowd, media, and buyrates for Wrestlemania. Many people will tune in just to see the Rock. How was it disposible? It made a decent Wrestlemania Main Event become talked about and alot more interesting. The Rock has gotten my friends back into wrestling and old AE fans that miss the Rock. Sure in your mind it is a failure but just look at the hype for Wrestlemania.
Pwned? FAR FROM IT. Cena bored a lot of people to sleep tonight with 5 minutes of him kissing the Rocks ass. My girlfriend is a huge Cena fan and she was like "God if he kisses his ass any more, he might as well move up into it!"

The Rock started the promo off good. Cena stunk it up to the point where Miz couldnt save him. Miz and Riley start to fight with Rock. Rock kicks them out. And Cena attacks Rock from behind? Im pretty sure that most of us wanted to see Cena and Rock fight face to face the first time.

Cena dropped the ball about as bad as The Situation did at Trump's comedy roast.
I personally think Cena and the Rock bounced off each other very well. Cena saying the kids are his crowd got the audience to shut up quickly because no one saw that coming I believe. I dont like how The Miz got buried but I think Cena leaving the ring for The Miz to have his moment was legit, who have liked no see the Miz alone without Riley tonight.
Seems like most of the people here share my same sentiments with this segment.

Cena delivered a really raw, emotional, powerful speech. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed listening to it. But the only reason it looked that way is because Rock really didn't get a chance to respond to it. He knew he had about 15 seconds before Miz came out and said something to get a quick response out of the crowd.

Also, the whole reason this thing started was because Cena judged The Rock for leaving the business and following his dream.. so.. whats the difference.
Im a fan of the Rock but have respect for Cena and in all honesty nobody Pownd anybody, it went as scripted and how it should have gone, Cena will never have the crowd against the Rock, nobody does but he played to it perfectly calling out his known haters.
Miz part was great too even though it would have been better if the Rock did the who are you/it doesn't matter who you are bit.

I think some people dont known what it is to own someone on the mic, The Rock owns the crowd when he speaks, even when you dont like him or if he is heel you still want to hear what he is saying.
Cena will never bethe same because its not him, I put Cena up there with Hogan they are the same to me.

P.S I love that Cena got The AA at the end, it just makes for more anticipation and excitement that a match between the two could happen.
It does not mean he is turning heel, lets just take tonight like it was a road game for Cena
Very interesting confrontation between Cena & Rock. For once, Rock appeared lost for words as Cena basically spilled his guts and laid at all out on the line. Clearly now, these 2 goliaths *have* to have a match at some point. I like the fact that Cena shoots it straight, no BS and no fancy catchphrases. Cena has never faced anyone like Rock and in fairness, Rock has never faced anyone like Cena. Cena in particular will benefit most from this feud. Like Negrodamus said, the AA Cena hit on Rock spices up Wrestlemania and sets the stage for the feud, which could go on for months.

Who do I support? Fuck knows! Ultimately, it'd probably be Cena, because he has been the #1 guy for so long now, busting his ass and earning his corn. I'm not exactly a fan of his, but I respect the hell out of the guy (and Orton). Like him or not, Cena's passion for the business is unrivaled. He never pissed off to make movies, unless they were shitty WWE movies :)
Despite my sig and my avatar my support currently goes to Cena. Not only was he audacious enough to actually go through with his brilliance today, he did one thing that I haven't seen Cena do in a long while is seem to enjoy the heat he was getting. I like this because it shows Cena as a wrestler who has the versatility to become whatever he wants to be. His mic worked was to quote the Miz "Awesome" and for once he was extremely unpredicable. The epicness of the promo that was delivered today clearly sufficed those watching this episode of Raw more than any Raw in a long time. I truly believe that Cena made Raw worth watching today and through his amazingness really elevated my overall opinion of Cena.

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